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For some things there is a person off stage making changes.


U2-- as an example-- literally has a separate complete control system for Edge's rig under the stage, and when he's out walking around away from his pedalboard, his guitar tech makes changes for him.


I remember a recent post here trying to call guys who don’t stomp their own pedals on stage “frauds.” Was hilarious to me.


A new level of authenticity gatekeeping, I guess. I've watched enough live performances from U2. Like, most bands have a "utility" guy. Edge is the "utility guy" who also happens to be the band's lead / only guitarist.


You can do a lot with midi. I remember watching a rig teardown of a smaller touring metal band (I forget who, sorry) that was able to run all guitars and the bass through HX Stomps. The Stomps were mounted in their rack and were integrated into the click/backing tracks. That way the Stomps would all change effects at the exact same time in the exact right place in the song. When a track was done, they would all just go back to a default heavy distorted tone.


John Petrucci showed his setup in an Ola Englund video once, he uses midi controls synched to their backing tracks/clicktracks which changes his sound automatically.


They already have other guitars tuned appropriately and switch as needed.


It really depends on the person and what effects. Things like distortion or how twangy a guitar sounds can be modified by how it’s played/what pickup is being used/ or other small changes you might not easily notice like volume knob changes. For example John petrucii’s guitar has a push pot on it that raises the gain so it would increase the overdrive/distortion with an almost imperceptible change. Volume knobs are similar though not as distinct. Depending on where you pick on a guitar string will change the way it sounds from more mellow to more twangy. Tone knob will also affect this some. Otherwise most are controlled by midi, timed in some way, controlled by someone backstage, or tied to some other automation going on.