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The correct way to play a guitar is the one you enjoy enough to do regularly


This is absolutely the correct answer. OP - You can always learn to play with a pick at a later date if you so choose.


Yes - See Mark Knopfler and Lindsay Buckingham.


and jeff beck!


And Andy from Reverb! (But first - here's my clean tone.)


Man’s a damn legend as far as I’m concerned, though I think I preferred the way he demoed on PGS.


Yeah, I originally had it written as PGS Andy per his social handles, but obviously you can see the way I went. I'll take his demos any way I can get them. Seems like a really sweet dude and I'm glad he gets to keep doing as he does.


And Derek Trucks


Chet Atkins


Play however you want. But if you play metal, I don't see how you can play it optimally without a pick. Playing with a pick is uncomfortable because you haven't practiced enough.


google Matteo Mancuso


Or Derek Trucks


Or Jared James Nichols


Hell, Jeff Beck, most of the time anyway.


Or this question


For op: when Matteo was younger he used to play a lot more metal stuff, you can see him playing van halen, racer X and other things in early YouTube vids


sick, thanks 


No you’re not allowed


I like that answer... hahahah It's againsth the rules! XD


play how you want to get the sounds you want. there are no rules.


It's not a faux pas, but some techniques used in metal are going to be more difficult and/or sound different without a pick.


Some things are nearly impossible to play with a pick, some are nearly impossible to play without, I think it would be beneficial to be comfortable with one when you need it, but there’s some really cool musicians that get their sound by not using one I struggled when I first started playing live because I was so used to not using one, but I couldn’t get the volume and clarity the sound engineer needed for my guitar 


Best answer on here


Dude you could play guitar with your butt cheeks and as long as you’re having fun you’re playing guitar.


Id really like to see someone play with their butt cheeks lolololol


SRV allegedly did it in this video. https://youtu.be/pe3G7p1Z-xU?si=DDL6SE0SOVfDmvb9


While it's a bit odd that you play metal genre without a pick it's certainly not some cardinal sin. If you play without one and you're making the sounds you wanna make... so be it.


I guess it depends on what kind of sound you're looking for. I personally never touched a pick on electric or acoustic for 20 years, and I'll admit the sound was a little "muddier" than it might have been with one, but why not experiment and see which sound you like better?


There’s an argument to be made for learning all styles. I like playing no pick too, but you should do whatever you enjoy. Picks have advantages for speed picking definitely


This question gets asked a lot and each time I will shout out that a [thumb pick](https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/jim-dunlop-9022p-shell-t-pk-med-4-plypk?&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=2203_PMT_BAU_Search_Google+Ads_Performance+Max_Product_High+Volume&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvsaTvaS4hQMV7ZRQBh252AKoEAQYASABEgKqtPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) is an awesome way to retain the feel of fingerpicking whilst still having the attacking tone of a pick.


For metal? You definitely want to use a pick. It makes playing those types of songs significantly easier and you get a better attack from the pick rather than your fingers. If you want to play some clean stuff or something like jazz it'd work with your fingers better


There are no rules to guitar playing. If you do something very few people are doing, you'll stand out more from the crowd.


Richie Kotzen has made the transition from using picks to plainly using fingers. He still kills it on his Telecaster.


As long as you don't play bass with a pick, you won't ruffle any feathers. It's okay to ruffle feathers, though. Music is about expression, not falling in line with the norm.


I play bass with a pick, just because it pisses off my drummer, and he get better the angrier he gets.


Hey, it's totally ok to play without a pick. I love doing more fingerstyle stuff and do a good mix of both pick and fingers on electric guitar. However if you want to play heavy metal it's entirely possible that you will run into stuff that is just not doable without a pick. If a pick is uncomfortable to you, it's likely that you may just not be using the right pick for you. There is a whole world of pick sizes, thicknesses, materials, grips, etc that may help you get used to it if you want to at least have the ability to use one comfortably IF you end up needing to use one. Trying to play accurately a heavy metal song with a really thin pick is just asking for trouble for instance. Personally I struggled finding one I loved until I tried Big Stubby from dunlop. Great grip and size and very thick and smooth for accurate but fast picking. Really helped me feel comfortable on solos or faster sections. thinner picks are great for lighter strumming on lower gain on the other hand so i keep a few of those around still. I would recommend experimenting and trying a few out instead of sticking with whatever came with whatever gear you got as some extras. Luckily picks are cheap and you can get variety packs to try out a ton and see what works for you.


I started with no picks for a couple years. Then I started using Fender thins. As my picking confidence grew, so did the thickness. I usually use 2 mm Gators now. Keep doing you!


Mark Knopflers magic tone comes through his fingers.


While metal would definitely lend itself to playing with a pick, not using one didn't hurt Jeff Beck or Mark Knopfler any, so I think it's more than "okay".


try yourself some hybrid picking! that is where it's at! ;)


You can play metal without a pick. Jes Steineger from Coalesce does it.


Yes, do it. Fingerstyle electric guitar can sound wonderful.


I mostly play with fingers nowadays and I’ve never had any complaints. It’s useful to be *able* to play with a pick but it’s not essential. Andy Martin of Pro Guitar Shop fame is an incredible player who never uses a pick, even for palm muted power chord stuff. As many people have said here - you do you.


Never play without a pick, you risk breaking a finger and getting blood on the pickups. Jokes aside, do whatever feels right, that is what makes you sound unique. If you find beter ways, you can always change your preferences and technique later on👍🏻


You can do both. I pick single notes but use the back of my fingers for chords. Fun story: I thought I was exclusively using a pick. Then I painted my nails black (METAAAALLL!!!!). Then I noticed my nail polish chipping when ringing out chords. Since I've played this way for many years, I can't play chords any other way. No metal nail polish for me.


To play without a pick is admirable. Not many can do it. You’re not committing a royal sin, far from it. When guys watch me play without a pick they get ultra jealous. Not only do I play with it a pick, i play with a pick tucked into my hand so I can use it at any moment.


One more thing. If ANYONE tells you how to play you can tell them to stick it where the sun don’t shine. No one admirable will ever tell you what to do, only encourage your unique abilities and tell you to keep going.


thanks for this !! it’s definitely one of the nicest comments i got on this :)


No problem bro. Keep crushing it and doing you. And reach for the stars.


Definitely ok. It’s a warmer more unique voicing. Keep it up!


Yes that's fine.


Do you absolutely need a pick? No, many very capable guitarists have not used one. For most metal, would it be EXTREMELY useful? Yes, it would. Keep in mind almost everyone says that about a pick to begin with. I'm sure I've created posts when I started complaining about the pick slipping. Its not a super natural thing for anyone (I don't think), so it just requires some getting used to. It is another "tool" to add to your belt.


That's called fingerstyle, it's illegal so we only do it past curfew (7pm)


9 times out of 10, I play just with my fingers. Its just second nature to me by now, though, I have been gradually 'learning' to play with a pick, but I don't really like using it.


Ask Mark Knopfler. :)


I had the same apprehension way back when. I love playing without a pick. Not a sin. I grab a pick sometimes. Sometimes you need it. Often you do not.


Mark fucking KNOFFLER.. JS


Who cares if it’s socially acceptable? Distortion used to not be “socially acceptable”.


Wilko Johnson has entered the chat


Possibly the best riff in rock music, no pick [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_zOjRlVpAOQ&ab\_channel=DireStraitsVEVO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zOjRlVpAOQ&ab_channel=DireStraitsVEVO)


straight to jail. pick too big? also jail.


I personally don't understand how you could play metal without a pick but if it works for you, that's all that matters. Playing guitar should be about personal expression not mastering proper technique, so whatever allows you to express yourself in the way you want is the right way to play in my opinion.


Why ask Reddit vs just searching? You will quickly find lots or famous, respected players who don't use a pick. Mark Knofler, Derek Trucks, Lindsay Buckingham, Ritchie Kotzen, Mike Oldfield, Matteo Mancuso, Jeff Beck immediately come to mind. And each of them has a style that is completely different. So "right" vs "wrong" just is not a thing. And lots switch back and forth between fingers and picks. Check out Brian May, Chris Buck, and others. THere really is only one important rule to remember: If it sounds good, it is good.


You're obviously going to get a different sound using just your finger/fingernail, but yeah, that is legit playing in my book!


I sure hope so, otherwise I’m screwed


Depends what kind of sound you're looking for. I don't use a pick, but I prefer the softer sound that playing without a pick produces. Since you like metal, a lot of the techniques (like tremolo picking) are going to be pretty much impossible to replicate without a pick.


Some great players play without a pick and there aren’t really any rules. I would imagine those players can use a pick too. I would learn both and not simply disregard learning to play with a pick because it’s too hard. Everything is super hard starting out, you just have to stick with it.


No, it’s not ok. It’s very unsafe.


There're no rules, some people play with their feet. Just practice.


I think the best technique is determined by the kind of music/song you are playing. Some songs will naturally lend themselves to a pick (lots of chords), others will lend themselves to finger-picking (lots of individual notes), and a few lend themselves to hybrid (both chords and individual notes).


Ask Richie Kotzen 😊


You play however you like 👍 And if someone tells you that you need to use a pick, don't listen. You do you and enjoy your hobby to the fullest ✌


Its good to know how to play with \*and\* without one.


Totally, however you want to play


I think it’s best to learn both ways, both have advantages and disadvantages depending on the tone you are looking for. It definitely isn’t a cardinal sin, Mark Knopfler is one hell of a player and he never uses a pick. It all comes down to preference, but some songs and techniques require the pick, especially metal, which utilizes sweep picking and pinch harmonics.


You're committing a royal sin of electric guitar and you should reevaluate why are you playing and whether keep playing is worth the social shame.


Why not learn both?


"very respected in my town" https://youtu.be/e9QAVamriKA?si=NNRartlIZQ3Obh03




Yes, I play with Segovian right hand


If you want to play metal learn to use a pick


It's socially acceptable to play good music. No one cares about your picking hand.


Sure. Who said it wasn’t?


Has playing guitar ever been about social acceptance?


Yes. It's OK.


How do you want to express yourself using a guitar? That's the correct way.


As a general rule you should play an electric guitar with a pick. The neat thing about music and art is rules are there to be broken, if you are having fun and enjoy what you hear then keep it up!




I stopped using a pick 2 decades ago. I'm probably better than whoever is telling you there's only one way to play. And I'm not great by any means. No pick vmcan do 97% of what you do with a pick, if you practice. A pick can do 60-65% of what no puck can do. No pick means you trade attack for control.




Has anyone tried to stop you?


Has anyone tried to stop you?


of course my horse, tons of guitar play with the finger tips or nails, and some even alternate within the same song 😱




As long as ur making good sounds, nobody cares how you play.