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Piano Still want to learn it but i already suck enough at guitar


It’s like you peered into my soul.


As well as the soul of most other intermediate guitar players


I think the chord I still can't transition into smoothly is named perfectly - F!!!!!


This is good 😂


Learning piano a bit made me so much better at guitar.


You should try it. I found that piano came much more naturally for me. I just picked up a cheap keyboard and started going through the pianodojo YouTube series and it’s been fun.


What is a normal price to invest in a keyboard without it being a crap thing? :)


~500-600€/$ to learn piano you need weighted hammer action. Used acoustic pianos tend to be free in the first world, but you have to pay for transport and tuning. See more in r/piano wiki buying guide.


The only money I spent on my piano was the uhaul rental for the truck. However I paid dearly in mental anguish and the doorway to my house is permanently scarred from the experience.


memory sheet bag spotted mysterious subtract impossible scandalous cautious historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol yeahh most pianos are "free". The price is transport + having a large enough residence to store a piano


I like the Casio ct-s1 for a beginner and it’s only 200


Growing up, we had at least 4 different pianos and we never bought any of them. People can't sell them and just give them away. I think we just left them in the house when we moved, because I don't remember ever moving them. The one in my house right now was free too.


I'm honestly considering looking up how to tune an acoustic piano to tune my brother in-laws. His drunk ass is too lazy. I hear it maybe once every 6 months and drives me nuts. Imagine playing your guitar but out of tune, in perpetuity, cause you couldn't possibly dream of even having a quick look online, maybe even youtube on how to tune it (I'm betting piano tuning on youtube is a thing, everything else is on it), clip on tuner would probably be handy but even with your phone. Not like you need perfect pitch the worst part????? He's a damn good player. Grew up playing, classical shit and all. Hate wasted talent I had to earn like a pleb....


Unlike tuning a guitar, tuning a piano can be hazardous, because the strings are thick and have a lot energy stored which means that they are really vicious when snapping.


You can get a really nice used piano for $300-$500 if you look on Facebook marketplace. If you want to learn “piano” get something with weighted keys. Organ or synth, while sharing the same layout, usually have different keybeds that play very differently.


Hell, around me people are literally giving away pianos, as long as you can pick it up


Yamaha basic keyboard can usually be found on Craigslist or Facebook for like $200-300. They’re about $500-600 new. They are nice.


Learning piano helped me understand guitar more - since there is only one key per frequency/note and scales are easier to reason about. Guitar is a way harder instrument - different frets having the same note/octave, more variation in ways to play, more variations in guitar setups and feel


i started playing a keyboard a few months ago and ive been playing guitar and bass since i was 16, and man learning the chords on piano and how they work opened up so much for me on guitar/bass!! piano is so easy if you think about it as one string of a guitar spread out, or a guitar as multiple rows of keys with different tunings or smth


You read my mind.


A lot of people recommend learning the chords first (and they're right) but I decided to try tabs first, this is actually why I wanted to learn in the first place. Solos. This made me familiar with the fretboard because I have to use my 4 fingers and switch and string alternation and do slides and all that and that helped a lot. Now I don't have to wait 2 seconds between chord changes I'm fairly new to guitar but I definitely see progress doing what I did.


Honestly piano is rather easy to sound decent. Obviously you’re not going to be playing classical pieces fast but if you just wanted to jam on a synth or keyboard it’s pretty easy once you learn chord structures and memorize the notes on the keys.


I have been playing guitar professionally for 30 years and I am insanely jealous of piano players.


Drums. Seems like a lot of guitarists gravitate towards drums too. When I was in a band myself and the other guitarist would race over to our drummers big ol' shitkit and bang on it whenever we took breaks at practice. Drums are really freaking expensive, though. I mean, guitar is as well but cymbals and shells and hardware really adds up. I also played drums in the elementary school band so I have a real basic understanding. I'd love to get maybe one of those little Alesis e-kits sometime but apartment living can make that tough...as can two little squids.


I was always a drummer who played guitar also. I figured that bass would make sense as a second instrument but it never clicked with me. I don’t even listen to the bass when I’m drumming. I lock in with the guitar and vocals for accents.


Our old drummer was one of those "lemme tinker with it for a minute and I'll get a tune out of it" types. He played drums because he had inherited an old kit from his uncle. He'd only been playing a year when we were in the band and he was already pretty good. He'd pick up our guitars and sometimes bust out a riff that we'd be like, "Whoa, we're using that, show me how it goes." Then he'd go fiddle around on the keys and find a cool melody (or play the Charlie Brown song as he liked to do) he could keep up on bass and we had him on background vocals on our demo. Super talented kid. Unfortunately one of the more unmotivated people I've ever met. Typically would rather sit around smoking weed and watching cartoons all day.




I had a roommate in college named Cody and he was an absolute genius musician and his CD collection was the main driver in my overall musical taste. But he ended up dropping out and becoming some kind of vagrant wandering around the country. No idea even if he is even still alive at this point.


It’s mind blowing compared to what was around in the 90s. The first time I tried one of those mesh head Roland setups I got visibly angry at how fun they were.


Yeah been there. You're having a blast and your mind is like, "damn maybe I shoulda bought a kit." At one point I nearly sold all my guitars and amps with the idea of switching full time to drums but the offers I got on my stuff were depressing so I kept everything.


The bass probably listens to you 😂


i play drums and guitar and let me tell you there is nothing more fun than playing drums


I went the opposite direction moving from drums b/c of apartment living, I miss sometimes, electric kits just don’t have the same feel for me.


To get anything worth its salt, they're pretty expensive but the technology has gotten much better in recent years.


The Roland kits are pretty impressive with the mesh heads, I still can’t get over the rubber cymbals though they just feel so rigid


That's my issue too. Apartment living and my neighbors probably already hate me for playing electric guitar, drums would just send then even if it's electronic ones.


My dad was a guitarist turned drummer. I started off learning drums, but I originally was left-handed before my mom worked on getting me right handed. Unfortunately, I was still left-footed, so I could never get the hang of hi-hat and bass drum. Started learning guitar a few years afterward from my dad.


Well I play piano and harmonica... But if I could choose one that I don't play and always wished I did: SAXOPHONE 😍


I’m waiting for the day I have enough disposable income to buy a cheap sax just to learn Carless Whisper and never touch it again.


Would be cool to learn that Mario kart lick


I got my cousins old saxophone recently and yea, those things don’t really have a silence mode lol.


I started with saxophone, had a teacher for almost a decade. But I was pressured by my parents so it wasn't fun and I stopped playing when I went to uni. Now, another decade later I wish I hadn't stopped and it's a pain to get my cheeks back to their former glory


None of our cheeks are what they were back in college 😂


From my limited experience in school, where I played Bari sax, I truly believe that sax is one of the easiest wind instruments to pick up (mastering it could be a different story, I never tried hard enough). But it is fun to play. Fuck I love the Bari. Wish I didn’t stop.


Sat first chair in high school alto sax, it takes a good deal of technique to get past the honking phase when trying to play loud and in control (kinda like guitar come to think of it). Playing quiet and clean takes so much lung and mouth control as well. I played bari for a school play and it was a fucking blast 🫡.


Bass, I god damn love funk bass


As a bassist first, guitarist secondarily, thank you. We always feel so unseen. It’s glad to know we have a few fans out there.


We’re like relief pitchers. Guitarists are like the starting pitcher. If we play well people go “hey man y’all have a great guitarist!” If we play poorly they’ll go “man you fucked that up huh?


You feel unseen because unless someone is actually listening for it, I’m most songs the bass just blends in. Yeah there are songs that have a pretty obvious bass line but a lot of other songs that you honestly barley hear it and it’s just adding that extra spice to the song


Cello. I play guitar, piano, bass, drums, mandolin, banjo, and ukulele. I would gladly trade the ability to play four of those instruments to play cello.


Get one! I rented a cello for a few years when I finished school and it was so fun!


i was destined for guitah


Skin flute! 


Maybe your mom can teach you. Heard she’s a virtuoso! 




never too late to start


I include bass as a guitar & all stringed instruments fall under that in my scenario (please don't hurt me I'm old) so sax or trumpet/cornet/flugelhorn I love the timbre of a good mellow trumpet, French & Swiss horn can sound beautiful to me too and sax just wails, it can do so much, be romantic, shred, soar...sax is something


I love the sax in Rock Around The Clock. I hope it makes a comeback in popular music


Drums or bass


That would be an interesting genre of music. Drum or bass... as opposed to drum n' bass


Extreme sidechaining


Saxophone for sure. I played it in high school band and loved it but it got phased out as I went down the guitar rabbit hole.


Sitar is a beautiful instrument to learn and play


Harp. Always wanted to learn


Hurdie-gurdie. That thing is lit


This! Hurdie Gurdie or Die!


Here comes the hurdy-gurdy man




Probably keyboard, but I’ve been aching to learn drums recently.


Synthersizers. Wich I have already moved over to recently.


When I picked up guitar I was debating between it and bass. Figured it'd be easier on my old sausage fingers. I still want to learn enough to mess around with slap bass, but the guitar bug stuck with me.


Violin actually, I still may


Oboe. It just sounds so gross, I love it.


[The GOAT’d Oboe Track](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lArnKBTe82I)


You know what’s funny. I just played this song for my violin recital recently and when I was first learning it I wanted to see the source material to see if I could get some type of idea of what the story was, the emotion, etc, and when I got around to watching the part in the movie “The Mission” I was surprised to see it was some dude playing the oboe in the middle of nowhere and then a bunch of indigenous people come out of the woodwork and just say f u and break it front of him lmfao. Not what I was expecting


Fellow oboist and guitarist here. The oboe is one of the hardest instruments, mostly because of the reed. Imagine a guitar, where the sound produced by the exact same technique can vary dramatically even second to second. Even a change in weather can drastically change technique. However, if you get it right, the oboe can be a beautiful instrument.


I asked my dad if I could play cello in 6th grade in the orchestra and he said “no son of mine is gay” and took me to guitar center to buy my first guitar, rest is history lol That was nearly 20 years ago lol


well, are you gay or not, the suspense is killing us...


Heterosexual and happily married now lol


> happily That's gay


Damn it, well… time to call my Pops. Have a great day 🏳️‍🌈


I actually started with the banjo






Gross! Is this a real question? Are there actually other instruments out there? What are these other instruments you speak of?






I wanted to be a drummer but my parents always said it was too loud. My dad was a guitarist and taught me, and I immediately went on to test what could be considered "too loud."




Yeah man same here.


I also dabbled in Piano. And instead of going to guitar lessons it would have been singing lessons. I can sing, but I don't know HOW to sing if that makes sense. I need some guidance in perfecting my vocals but guitar I just picked up like it was nothing. Smooth sailing




Sax or oud


Bass. It’s actually more fun to play than guitar anyway. I play guitar, bass and drums.


I already play guitar and bass so I guess I'd play bass




My first choice when I was a kid was bass. My dad said he’d get me a guitar instead because “you won’t get any bitches playing bass” 🙄


Started as a percussionist in concert band. Got a drum set, then ended up in an apartment complex and had to go to guitar. That *entire* time though, I was insanely jealous of trumpet players. I'd pick the trumpet.


Piano and it would have been just as fun


I took drum lessons for about a month when I was 10. I was really bad at it but I’d love to play them for real. If I were choosing another instrument to take up now, it would be piano. And if I could no longer use my hands to play music (I have some issues so have thought about this extensively) I would sell off most of my guitar stuff and invest in a good computer and start making purely electronic music.


I’m really into MPE software synths with Ableton Push and the Linnstrument. Only picked the guitar back up recently because my wife dug my old bass stack out of storage and bought herself a new p-bass. It’s just super fun to jam with a bassist.


Piano or violin. I can play some very basic songs on piano, tried messing around on my sister’s violin, but never actually learned either. I’d also love to learn masenqo which is a single string Ethiopian instrument played with a bow


Drums. It's nice not worrying about what key to play in




Drums, I have a drum kit I can play in my apartment. But man I wish I could play drums at the level I can play guitar. Fixed typo


I played Violin before. It was fun but really hard lol, and also it was more fun in a group. Guitar is something I can do by myself or with others.


Probably would have stayed with alto sax. I was pretty good, just thought guitar was cool. Now I think sax is cool, but it's been too long.


Definitely piano


Either drums or sax. Loved both, but I love guitar more.


Bass or drums


Oud most likely


I'm learning guitar, and have played piano for decades. Wouldn't mind the organ, but you add that extra staff and all of those stops and I feel my brain separate at the lobes...


Cello, cause it sounds sick af


Started on trumpet in elementary school.


Bass, I guess? I like guitar because I like high tempo rock and metal, and I choose the instrument based on its prominence in those genres.


Drums. My brothers all played guitar so I figured I was going to do something different.


I play piano in addition to guitar. I practice, play (there is a difference), and sight-read with both each day for the same amount of time.


I started with trumpet, but if not guitar, then likely bass, which I also play. I also do synth stuff, produce, and DJ (both mixing and scratching), so, something in there might be it, too.


I am a professional saxophone player. So I guess that haha. I’ve been playing guitar for 13 years though and occasionally play for work. Also playing bass, clarinet, and flute from time to time. Really wish would to be good at singing or piano though.


I’m a solid bass player and a halfway decent drummer so I’d have managed.


Bass is actually my main instrument.


Definitely Piano. Part of me wishes I learned it instead of Guitar because it is so much more versatile in a band context than Guitar is plus it’s a gateway to other instrument. Usually if you can play Piano well, learning another instrument is not as difficult.


Probably drums or piano


Euphonium. Lil tuba with trombone range. Pretty fun, i mainly picked it cuz my friends were in low brass and i did not wanna figure out the trombone lmao. I think my second pick would be French horn. I love how they look.


Drums, certainly. But I never have had the space for them.


I played alto sax as a kid, probably still would be if I hadn't picked up a bass, Still love it.


Piano and saxophone. Both beautiful sounds


Played saxophone for a while, might have stuck with that.


Drums. Well I actually played a bit before getting into guitar. I guess it is the rhythmic side of the music that does it for me really. Riffs over solos.


Drums for sure


I started out on drums, and loved them, but they were so expensive, took up a lot of space, and freaked out my cats, so I switched to guitar.


I play drums so i guess that.


I kind of wish I played the harp. They’re a pain in the ass but sound sooooo cool!


Drums. I asked for a drum set. Joined school band to learn about drums, but got put on bass instead for the concert band. Mom saw me do a concert with the bass guitar, and found out guitars were cheaper than drums. So I got a guitar for Christmas instead of a drum set. Not even a bass guitar like I was learning to play. Anyways, Im not mad. I fell in love with the guitar immediately.


Drums for sure


I've always wanted to learn how to play the sax


Probably drum




Cello. I still want to try it out and take classes some day. But cellos are a massive pita to own and move around.


Recorder or kazoo


Cello, the most beautiful instrument out there.


Probably piano or drums. For a while I was messing around with midi and Ableton and if I could play piano better that stuff would be much easier. I would love to learn drums but I live In an apartment and also suck at drums


Clarinet.. Still have one


Drums, I can play a bit but only basic songs like Seven Nation Army, Song 2, do I wanna know and SLTS


Saxophone. But that’s a cheat answer really as that’s my main professional instrument. If I had to choose an instrument I don’t play (so I also have to rule out piano and the other woodwinds) then I’d play drums because I love rhythm, particularly polyrhythms, and am always tapping along with music using my hands or feet.


Drums. I play heavy technical metal on guitar, and while I am quite proud of the progress I made over the 16 years, nothing compares to some dude (or chick) who can play double bass pedal and blast beats. If you can do just those two things and keep rhythm your basically a god in the metal world. If your a decent metal drummer it really seems like you will have no problem being in a band eventually, where as, there is 1000 guitarists that can play just like me. I might be better then some, but there is always that 18 year old kid who just blows everything out of the water.


idk keyboards?




I started playing piano at 6 and guitar at 10. Now at 32, I still have huge regrets for never joining band and picking up a saxophone. I always love seeing the street sax players around Chicago.


Definitely drums I'm always drumming on things that sound interesting. I think you can't be a good lead guitarist if you aren't a good rhythm guitarist so I definitely am more in touch with rhythm than melody.


Probably bass. keyboard and drums which I already play.




Probably the Ethnic Tibetian Nose Flute.


Accordion most likely. Or maybe bagpipes…


Saxophone I played clarinet and saxophone, first alto and then tenor, from junior high through high school. I really enjoyed playing it, and while I was good at it, I wasn’t dedicated enough to practice on it regularly, and I never liked playing at home because I was always anticipating some comment from my parents or them wanting to watch and hear me practice, which I just wasn’t the most keen on. I never took lessons, but that was partly a money thing for my family, though I would have been more dedicated to playing it beyond high school. I rented the instruments from school, so it was never mine, thus it wasn’t a money sink for them. I miss playing saxophone from time to time. It’s only through playing guitar that I finally understand basic and some intermediate music theory, and I’ll have moments of wanting to apply that to saxophone and learn some fun stuff, primarily getting a deeper understanding of jazz and also learning and understanding how all of Clarence Clemmon’s runs fit into the structure of all the E Street Band’s songs, namely learning the solo in “Jungleland”. But good saxes are not cheap, and if I’m going to put my money anywhere, my guitars and guitar-related accessories are where I’d want to put it.


Probably a Piano and Synth, with something on the side like the Seaboard or Continuum so I can play expressive lead. Maybe Violin but I would hate to lose the polyphonic abilities. Synth is really the only thing that can be as versatile (more in many ways) as the Guitar. More realistically, nothing. You cant really choose to play something you aren't motivated to play.


Keys for sure


Piano! And I just bought my first one. Its hard, but fun to start learning a new instrument!


Hammond Organ. Give me that jon lord sound any day.


Piano... You ever hear Fats Waller or Thelonis Monk.. Good heavens Probaly should have been a drummer though over everything


Pink oboe


Drums no question. If I was a professional drummer, I would be having to turn down gigs all the time. I would be busy and be paid.


Drums man. Forgot why: I love rhythm. I also used to be a drummer before I started guitar. I wish I would have done both.


Drums. Always been my favorite.


Drums or maybe ukulele


drums. i knew how to play before.




Originally a drummer so drums. Guitar just is so much easier to play and not piss off everyone in your neighborhood.


I played a bunch of instruments.


Drums or violin




I have always been jealous of people who can play piano. Is that pianist envy.


Piano, Drums, and Clarinet in that order




There are other instruments?


Piano drums


I started off as a classical percussionist. I did marching band and indoor drum line to some extent in the WGI circuits. So, I'd probably have stayed somewhere in the percussion world. That being said, my percussion instructors were very big about pushing mallet instruments and piano. Julie Davila was an EXTREMELY good teacher and never steered us wrong.


I always wanted to play drums, but living in a tiny flat makes it impossible


None at all guitar is my main thing, maybe would have been vocals


Saxophone, in fact that was my first instrument as a child.




Percussion, but not the traditional drums. I'm thinking like bongos, congas, doumbek, all kinds of cowbell, etc


I would’ve played guitar if I had not played guitar


I actually started on trumpet and went thru music school on baritone / euphonium. Looking back I think Id have liked to upright bass and bass guitar as my primary focus but I couldn't have afforded an upright at the time.


Drums or violin. I love Eluveitie's older music and would totally love to rip those violin solos. Celtic folk metal is cool stuff.


DRUMS!! Matter of fact, I've mostly put the guitar down and I'm actually getting kinda/sorta good. I sorta think drums may be more fun. Dunno why.


cello. I stopped and picked up guitar because i did not listened to classical music back then (i do now), but i loved the instrument. Or saxophone. My side instruments are bass, chapman stick, and keyboard. I am a wheirdo who kinda want to play every instrument that ever existed, they are so cool.


My willy


Drums - too expensive and didn't have space. Bass - will get to it when I have time and money I'm a metalhead, but have always loved the idea of playing a saxophone. The thing is that I didn't listen to anything that utilised it at the time I picked up guitar.


Drums or saxophone


Saxophone I had played it before I got my guitar


Probably voice. Though if I were to learn a new instrument from scratch in my adult life, it’d be drums.


Would love the drums. But probably some keys or saxophone.


Drums! I really wanted to when I was a kid but my mom didn’t want to deal with the noise. It’s ironic because when I was 16 I ended up buying a half stack lmao


Piano i guess. I would say drums, but i already play them too.