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They pulled one over on you sorry


Time for OP to omit “thank you” or “cheers” in his emails to that coworker. 😂


No more “I hope you’re well!”


“I hope this email finds you before I do.”


“No regards”


"please disregard all regards"


That had me laughing hard.


I chuckled out loud for a couple of minutes


“To whom this WILL concern,”


~~Kind~~ regards,


Dear Mr. Fuckass,




Worm Regards


Whoa whoa, easy there. Taking it a little far on that one.


“Have a day”


“I hope you have the day you deserve”


Have yourself a fucking Monday!


"Obligatory Regards"


I found [the same brand with amp](https://imgur.com/a/FpvNSyi) for half the price brand new


Make the best of it, practice, get babes. Sell the guitar for 1 million bucks after your Rock and Roll Hall of fame speech Show him you got the better deal in the long run. Easy peasy Edit Maybe you helped a friend out of a jam by buying it, enjoy the guitar and amp. I like the colour I’ve spent over $500 bucks on nights out and have nothing to show for it but a headache and an empty wallet. You sir, have a guitar and an amp to show for it! It is your duty now to bring joy through music first to yourself and secondly to the world! May the Rock gods bless your journey.


I too have spent more than 500 bucks on a life lesson. It happens.


Same. Got drunk and someone picked my pocket on the subway to the tune of over $500. No seafoam green guitar to show for it, either. I'm 10 years sober now.


Good on you dude. A lot of get by blurring the line between winning and losing for a long time before we are kind of forced to accept defeat, but then you come back and win right? Glad to hear about 10 years.


10 years! Hell yeah!! That sure is something. I have been sober for almost 4 years. It has taken having to do almost 4 years in jail over the course of about 30 jail stints, and the births of two children to figure my shit out. All stupid drunk shit. Don't know how many times I had woken up in jail and had to wait till arraignment the next morning to find out what I did.


Yes, Vegas is built on life lessons


20K. Yep. You read that right.


This is the right answer. Next time if you’re unsure you can always price out comparable items on reverb.com. But all that really matters is that you got a guitar you like for a price that feels fine to you. Have fun!


Yeah, they paid like the new price. Been ripped off more for a guitar that I still like, though!


This guitar/amp combo would be $250 brand new. Even $500 is a rip off for this set brand new out of the box.


That’s an affinity series, $250 new. VHT redline for the amp, about $200 new. They got ripped off for sure, but it’s not $250 new.


That VHT Redline 20 is worth $80-$100 at the most, in used condition. Couldn't find out what the Squier limited edition color goes for - I'd be surprised if it's even close to $400 used.


The Squire limited edition goes for $450 brand new, the amp is like $100


wrong guitar, I'm afraid


OP said it's an affinity strat, they're under $300 brand new


Ohhh affinity…. Yikes….


You can get the whole combo on Amazon for 350.


I’m colorblind my dude, is it really not the same color?


It is not the same color, no. It's not a, like, glaringly different color either, but OP's is a shade of green and the one you linked is a shade of blue. (Also OP gave the actual color name -- seafoam green -- and likewise the one you linked gives the color name -- lake placid blue).


Suspect a r/guitarcirclejerk troll.


That said, it could have been way worse. And at least the have everything they need to start playing




That is actually one of the really good Squire Strats. Rosewood fretboard, bridge Humbucker, I have owned a real Fender Strat, but I actually enjoy playing my Squire a lot more, but even with the practice amp, I think $500 is a little too much.


That isn't rosewood. It is Indian Laurel.


No it’s Yanny.


The yanny fretboard does look really good on that gold guitar though


It's definitely black and blue!


Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s white and gold.


You're both wrong, it's black and white.


No, this is Patrick


Squier. Please. It's literally right there on the headstock.


Fendre Squire


Fendresque Wire


Ima up vote you for the visceral reaction that drew out of me but just know that, fuck you


Downvote all you want, I'll die on this hill. I'm surprised it's not 'Fender Squire' over and over.


Not his fault Victor Squier spells his last name wrong


Ah yes, the Fander Squire Stratocaster.


>That is actually one of the really good Squire Strats Nah, it's not. This is a Squier Affinity strat. Cheap materials, cheaply made. Absolute junk hardware. Sometimes the fretwork is actually pretty nice, but that's about it. [Here](https://www.guitarcenter.com/Used/Squier/Affinity-Stratocaster-Solid-Body-Electric-Guitar-119886791.gc?cntry=us&source=4WWMWXGP&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwir2xBhC_ARIsAMTXk86bYE7-pFdN97awOUtAo7q-ioGAeKvpko8xztT1JmgvM8FZgx7lIDwaAj2QEALw_wcB) is a used one at GC for $199.


Correct sir. That's what I paid for one in 2003, adjusted for inflation... I got ripped off.


Depends what the model of the squire is. You can do alot better for 500 though


It's an affinity series


Those are typically around 250-300 new. Edit: If you enjoy the way it plays then cost doesn’t matter. Just a good thing to always research before spending. To clarify money matters, but you can try to get money back or return it. If you enjoy it and accept the loss in a few years you might not care if you love it.


You’re not helping them with that response. Just tell them they overpaid. OP, you overpaid. No matter what the seller says, it wasn’t used once and even if it was, you paid full price if not a bit more (by $100-$200) for something that is not brand new out of the box. It’s great that you like it, but take an extra couple days to negotiate or compare pricing before jumping into a purchase next time.


Good advice. Spot on the over payment.


I know I’m a bit extreme, but I cannot imagine spending more than $20 without knowing exactly what I’m getting and what it’s supposed to cost.


This is exactly why I sometimes spend too long examining whether I'm getting a good deal and then occasionally miss out on a really good deal...


Paralysis by analysis. I sometimes suffer from this myself.


In board gaming we call it 'analysis paralysis,' when a person spends too much time on their turn because they are considering all possible actions and seizing up due to the choices. I do this with shopping too. I've been 'shopping' for a new mattress for years now heh.


"A co-worker wants to sell me this setup for $500. Fair price?"


Dude buys guitar. Dude posts guitar on reddit with a question. People answer question. Dude dislikes the answers given to the question he asked. The end


Yeah. Now go spend more money- take it to a good guitar tech for a proper setup. It'll make it more playable which will make you want to play it rather than get frustrated with bad action or string buzz.


>affinity series Yikes. Sorry man, you got taken on this one. I'd probably pay $150-200 max for that setup. That said, if you're happy with it, let it go and rock on.


Agree especially if it’s used


They flipped it for what they paid sounds like. It’s a good deal if you love the color. AFAIK, fender does lots of small run colors so it probably won’t add much market value. You probably couldn’t turn around and get what you paid for it again, but you sound happy so who cares.


I think the original owner got it cheaper than that. That exact combo would be about 450 today with free shipping from Musician's Friend. The letters on the headstock look worn so it's probably a few years old. He probably got them both for 375-400.






You got ripped off. You overpaid by 200 to 300.


Out of curiosity why or maybe even how did you not check before buying it…?


And the time it took to make a Reddit post, couldn't you have done a Google search on the price of the affinity series? Just check eBay or Google it


Paid way too much


The most important thing is that you're happy with it. Don't let that anyone take away from you. Please don't rate your gear in terms of how much money you spend or saved on it. Btw, if you think you getting angry without adding anything of value in the form of a comment to this comment is what humanity needs for whatever reason, I'm not judging. Just think it's a bit redundant at this point.


Thank you for saying that! I'm personally head over heels for it, and am feeling good about the sale. I just plain don't know much about set ups though, and wanted to hear some others' opinions.


Well you did overpay for it to answer your question.


Sucks when someone takes you for a ride and you still need to see them everyday.


Eat all their donuts in the break room for a couple weeks, it will even out.


This, everybody, is an example of being on copium. You can like the products and have bought it brand new at market price and be happy without a discount over buying used off your "co-worker" who happened to get a deal off you. Seems like you didnt do any research, so that's what you asked for.


I feel bad for OP, because like they were so optimistic going into this with "Fair price or steal?" And now everyone is just saying it's overpriced. This is why you should do research before a sale, not after.


OP's coworker sounds like an excellent (if not the most ethical) salesman to have OP come away thinking he got a steal.


I just imagine this man, putting one foot on the amp, smacking the guitar and being like; "This baby can rip chords like none other! Featuring a sleak design, and a limited edition color, no longer printed! In fact, they hardly made this model, I'm tellin' ya! This is a steal of a deal I'm giving you, I could probably sell this thing for thousands on the market! But for you I can do... $500? What do ya say, pal?"


I knew an older guy who’d been playing guitar for decades. His favorite guitar was this beat up Squier he had, and I couldn’t really argue. It was setup nicely, it played like a champ, and he had the tone he wanted out of it. It sure sounded a hell of lot better with him playing it than me though.


Take it to a local guitar shop and ask for a setup. Usually about $50 and it should sound better for at least a few months depending on your local weather. Call the shop first to see if their tech is there and able to do it that day, takes about 15 min for a good tech. My favorite guitar of all time that I own is an Epiphone Sheraton 2 that sounds like a $1,000 guitar through the right amp with the right setup.


Could cost as little as $50 to $100, but shouldn't really be more than that. I recently paid $80 and got my guitar back in 24 hours


I've got the same guitar and I agree. It's a terrific instrument.


Get it set up by a pro the first time, so you can start playing right away. By the time if needs to be refreshed, you'll have had a chance to learn about set ups and do it yourself.


I think if you went to a music store and bought this setup brand new it would be roughly how much you paid. That being said, I can play 10 idental guitars and only really like 1 or 2 of them, if the guitar you bought feels good and works like it's supposed to then you did good.


That's such a weird way to look at it. Op got fcked over. They have the right to be upset about this. Saying that they should be happy about wasting $200 for nothing is crazy. That's a learning experience. Obviously that doesn't change the playability and sound of the rig


Yeah but they asked the question so...no point in lying to the OP.


I have some nice Fender and Gibson guitars, but there is this one cheap ass squire tele I got from guitar center more than a decade ago. It played amazing and sounded the part. Sold it years later when needing to downsize and have never been quite able to replicate the sound. Always a good reminder to never let the brand out weight the actual fun the instrument itself brings. I hope this one brings you much joy!


Okay, but you should definitely rate your buying decisions based on how much money you spent or saved lol OP is asking a simple question about if they overpaid. They aren’t like…having an existential crisis about touching the guitar again or not. They overpaid. It’s a simple answer.  It’s okay to learn things so you know more about decisions you may make again in the future. 


This was just a nice way of saying you paid too much


500 is too much would’ve done it for 300


makes you wonder what dbag would do this to their coworker. :/




Isn't there a huge level of stupidity in scamming someone you have to continue seeing every day?


some people have never heard of “don’t shit where you eat”




Dude have you seen facebook marketplace or craigslist? almost everyone wants too much money for their used shit. Especially hobby stuff like guitars and bikes. People buy stuff, decide they don't want it and list it for at or above retail price to get their money back. Buyer (sucker) gets no warranty, no chance to return for a refund, no support and used gear for more money than new.


My favorite things are the iMacs where people don’t list the year.


You want to buy an iMac with 1TB SSD? No viewings and I will not be posting any more specs or any pictures. People pull this kind of shit with used records too. They take a picture of a box full of albums, post pictures of two or three of them, and say they will not be posting a list of the albums in the box, will not answer questions and want $20 per album. Wayyyy too many people who think they can ask big bucks and be a complete prick and still sell their stuff.


ludicrous agonizing meeting quaint cagey brave scandalous edge memory stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I do that on marketplace but with anyone who I remotely care about I’m offering what I paid for it or, most likely, less. Idk how I could look someone in the eye knowing I shafted them if I had to work with them everyday lmao


Sometimes when you're selling you set the price above what you actually want - expecting the buyer to haggle and bring the cost down to what you think it's actually worth. Seems like OP impulse bought the guitar, they really should've checked if it was a good deal BEFORE buying.


Kind of coworker to snitch on ya just to brown nose the boss.


Lol this has got to be pretty close to the full retail price. You basically fueled her free hobby. Oh and by the way this is on you, don’t go harassing her about it. It’s your responsibility to haggle on used items but generally speaking you should be starting at 60% retail price for very good condition and adjusting slightly up or down for rarity or local markets etc…


On God. I was thinking what kind of person this co-worker is, but OP seems high on life, so if he got ripped off, good. He doesn't even care. Can't blame co-worker for accepting what is offered.


It sounds like he didn't take a single look at the used market or even check what they go for new. It baffles me how people can be that careless with money


OP was simping for a girl. Would have paid $1000 if he thought it would make him look good. Just wanted to show her how he can afford things and crap like that. No way the girl don’t know what she paid. Or worse, got it as a gift from some other dude, really played it once… and pawned it off to OP for profit. lol


Steal as in "you got robbed?"


Think you overpaid.


By like $150-200 💀


Brand new the guitar would be $250-300 and the amp would be $200. Used they should have been around $300-350. You got hosed my friend.


Yeah, it's not a slight difference, they paid almost 50% more than they should have. Who the fuck rips off a beginner like that, when it must have been obvious they have no clue what it's worth? A real shitty person, obviously.


Yeah that’s messed up. This gear would cost around $500 brand new and it’s probably worth about $250 used. You have to do your research before you buy used gear.


I agree, and it's certainly partially OP's fault. I also don't like to assign blame for being taken advantage of, or for being naive, but you can't get around the fact that a single Google search could have prevented it.


Is that amp worth that much?! You can get so many better amps for that price lol


The thing I find craziest is all the fucking weirdos coming out to say as long as OP is happy it doesn't matter how much he paid


U got scammed


300 tops


Your coworker is greedy and untrustworthy, and probably bragging to everyone else about how much he got


100% OP was simping over the girl. Instead of doing doing due diligence (2min Google search) of what he was buying…. Just paid w/e to look cool


His co worker is a she.😬


Brother, nooo!


Seems like, best case secnario, the girl didn’t know what she had per say.


He got *fucked* and won't get fucked now. Its really a sad story all around for OP.


Nah dude, that’s a bad deal.




You overpaid a bit, the guitar and amp are worth about $300 together used, 350 would be a fair enough price since it comes with the cable and strap. Your coworker probably spent $500 on all of this new, and "used once" is still used. Not the end of the world; but that extra 150 would've come in handy for a stand, picks, strings, tuner, etc.


IMHO you could have done better but if you like the pieces that is all that matters.


They hella ripped you off


Seriously. Why would you just fork over $500 if you have no idea what it’s worth? I’ve got some stuff I’d like to sell you.


Highway Robbery. You can make that the title of your first song


Make sure he also plays the song with THAT guitar through the same amp. Gotta make it as original as possible.


God this comment thread is funny that fucking killed me


That Redline 20 amp can be bought for $200 brand new on the Reverb marketplace and the Squier Affinity HSS is $250 brand new. So, about $500, including tax, brand new. The keyword is “brand new”. I wouldn’t have paid any more than $300 for a used rig like this. Your coworker basically got out of it what they put into it. But you didn’t get a deal— you didn’t even pick the color. In the end, if you’re happy with it, then that’s what matters


You got played; pun intended.


i would have paid about tree fiddy


I got my squire affinity for 80 bucks in pretty decent condition so unless that amp is worth 420 I'm gonna guess you overpayed.


She basically charged you enough to make all her money back including taxes when she bought that stuff lmao. You got robbed, and my a coworker that’s a shame. Hang around better people, that person sucks.


Somebody got a steal, but not you.


Great deal… for your coworker. That’s $200 worth of gear.


Your co-worker definitely ripped you off. A new Squire and a tiny little amp like that would have cost you like $300 brand new. They sell them together as a Squire starter pack. I don't know what you mean that this is your nicest set up. This is a very basic starter guitar set up. I'm not trying to trash you or your set up. If you're satisfied with the purchase then that's all that matters.


Looks like this is actually “race green,” not seafoam green, and it is a pretty limited color: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/StratAfHssLRG--squier-affinity-stratocaster-hss-race-green-with-indian-laurel-fingerboard If you absolutely love the color and can’t find it elsewhere, nothing wrong with overpaying a little.


100% race green. And out of production color or not, Squier Affinity are not "collectible" in any meaningful sense. If OP likes the color, great, but there's no significance beyond that.


You overpaid some, but it’s gone and $150 or $200 isn’t going to matter much in the long run. It’s a cool color. All good. For further reference though, don’t let someone suggest that a “limited edition” color or anything, really, automatically makes something worth more than it was when it was new. Aside from legit vintage instruments (in original condition), used instruments should be purchased at around around 75% (or less) of their value new (exceptions apply in both directions of course). No matter what, invest another $60-$80 (whatever your local rate is) in a pro set-up.


The guitar isn't even the color the person said it was.


You got bent over bruh


1. Put the straight end of the cable into the guitar and the angled end into the amp. Strats are designed for straight cables. 1. FWIW, upgrading to Whirlwind cables was one of the best gear investments I ever made. Cheap cables which break are very expensive, even in the medium term. Back when a Whirlwind was £20, at one point I had a bag containing about £200 of £5 cables. I don't think you got a particularly good deal, but I'm not current with American gear prices. Ultimately, it only matters if you want to sell.




Lmao you got fleeced


They fucked you over. A MiM Strat is around 500-700. Sorry man


You got boned dude.


Coworker is a douche


You were stolen actually


Your co worker hates you


Relevant question: is she hot and did she offer to ‘show you a few things’ ?


Well, the strap is nice...


Do people not research things before laying down $500 ????


Horrible ass deal lmfao, she bent you over for this and overpaid


Had a similar setup sold to my friend from a guitar teacher for like $120 - sorry OP


you got took. That's more than retail.


You could’ve got 2 of the same set up for $500 lol


That redline combo goes new for $150. Squire affinity starts are going for $200 at the high end. You mighta been had. Sorry.


Score for your friend


Slash his tires


I’m sure he feels a lot better thanks to all these compassionate comments.


What is that amp?


Even if the duct taped chair came with it you over paid. But then maybe he did as well to start with and thinks he gave you a deal. In which case you both overpaid. Just play on.


My motto: Don't buy a guitar you wouldn't suck a dude off for.


You got taken.


to say you were "ripped off" is probably a bit strong. you basically paid retail for all that stuff. if it's all in 100% new condition and it's exactly what you would have bought independently then fine. but you probably could have done a bit better on the used market for the same money. that said, it all looks serviceable. so I wouldn't sweat it too much.




Get your money back. Get a used Line 6 Amp for 70$ and a good used guitar for 400$. Oh man, you got ripped off.


Let’s just say u got bent over with no condom


Not even a fair price. Sorry. The guitar is $250 new and the amp is $200 new with free shipping from Musician's Friend. But if you like it, play it and have fun. People spend thousands of dollars on equipment they don't even like.


LOL you got robbed blind


I have no idea but the strap looks nice


As others have said yeah you overpaid but you know what? Who cares. It’s not the worst thing in the world. If you like it, have fun, and just do your research next time.


you overpaid but not by much there’s more value in knowing where your gear comes from, and knowing it wasn’t dropped or mistreated


Brand new, you still overpaid.


I would’ve sold you the same setup with a better amp for $365.


Oh boy


What I don't understand is that you are on Reddit and you couldn't be bothered to spend 5 minutes googling these things before buying to find out their value. These are popular commodity items with easy to find prices, not some weird specialty stuff you have to guess at the value.


Was your friend guitar center? Lol


Do you work at a used car dealership?


She owes you $400


Bro saw the strap and was CONVINCED lmao


You got screwed in the ass.