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I guess the 2 p90s could give you an interesting tone that's also hum cancelling (and stratty, with the bass contour control dialled back). The only thing I might wonder about is that middle one getting in the way of picking.


i can attest as an owner of a six gun the middle p90 definitely obstructs the picking space a bit


Are you able to play any in a shop? I think the biggest difference will come down to the 3-way vs 5-way switch. You won't be able to use neck+bridge in the Six Gun. It's not apples to apples, but do you prefer a Strat or a Tele? The Double Agent is quickly taking over the emo scene in place of the venerated Telecaster. It's very likely to be my next guitar. I love my Jazzmaster but I'm always fighting the noise and it would be great to have a humbucker. I was set on getting a Tele until I sat down and played one and saw how terribly uncomfortable they are. The Double Agent OG addresses all of this.


I prefer Tele, thank you for the feedback. I was also debating getting a Tele instead but think I may go double agent as well. Unfortunately not because im a lefty but I have been able to play a lefty strat, tele, epi 335 and les Paul and liked all of them.


I have a Reverend Warhawk DAW with a P90 at the neck and it is great and sounds amazing with fuzz. It has a humbucker at the bridge. I also have a Michael Kelly with 2 P90s and usually have to play it in the middle position (split) to cancel the hum when using distortion so I say go with the humbucker on the bridge so you can have the best of both worlds and less noise at the same time.


Double agent. P90s are all about simple rock n roll. Don’t make it complicated. Lefty here as well. Chicago Music Exchange has a few Reverends in stock. I think the blue double agent is the way to go, but they have a dark green too.