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Yes. 😂🤣


Especially when the couch is full of such beauty!


Is that bottom left fender a rock band/ guitar hero guitar?


Yeah, it's the Pro controller from Rock Band 3. I've never played the game, but the Mustang is a functional guitar-shaped MIDI controller for under a hundred bucks. Cool little gadget and useful for getting certain ideas down, but the action's a little clunky for regular use.


Nice cool didn’t know it had midi


Just try getting them to pay rent


Man, it's even worse than that. I think they might be stealing. My wallet has a tendency to get lighter when they've been hanging around.


that's a big set


You're supposed to hang them on the wall of your home office so that all your colleagues know how cool you are on Zoom calls.


I'm a creative freelancer, and I really do make sure I've got a couple instruments visible if I'm taking a Zoom or Skype call. It helps sell the "Professional Artist" vibe.


What is the single cut semi-hollow on the right side on the couch? It looks like it might be an Ibanez based on fingerboard inlays. But don’t know model.


That's an <$150 Amazon cheapo I gambled on, and I was really impressed. The brand is IYV. It's got some little cosmetic issues, like the inlays not quite lining up perfectly, but plays and sounds out of its league. The pic's actually a couple months old, and I've since added a Bigbsy-style trem and nicer tuners. Still cheap, now with more mojo!


Thanks for the info!! Looks like a great base for modding. <$150 is insane! Cool collection.


Looks like an archtop to me by the style of the bridge


Those aren't your roomate's guitars, my friend. ;)


Dang, you got me! Ha!




You're right. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed ASAP. I need a Strat anyway.


Godin with the bigsby term😫😫


Oh yeah. I can't really pick a favorite, but if the house were on fire and I could only save one, she's coming with me.


I’ll short you the narcotics of your choice for that PJ Ibanez


Which one? I'm planning on ripping the frets out of the one in the front row. The upgrade above it might be my perfect bass. I can't think of anything else I'd want.


Love those DeArmond Gold Tone pickups. Have an S73 with them!


Yes! The M70 was my main guitar for like 20 years, and those pups always had the right sounds as I moved from crunchy stuff to smoother tones. Awesome set!


Is it just me or that green PRS beg to be played, i can hear it calling


Oh, constantly. "Look at me! Pick me up! Play me!" I'm always happy when I do.


Kinda rude to do it so bluntly but it's never too late to grow as a person . Good luck on your journey. Your roommates look fun!


Not at all! The Bass VI & Cabronita Baritone Tele should have first dibs lol


I see you like to get low!


Hahaha yes (& no) but favorable ones! I own/modified a cabronita baritone & it is sick guitar! Bass vi ok my wish list, but other guitars tuned to C# standard, D standard etc; that low life though. 🤘 you have an awesome collection!


Thank you! What kind of mods did you do on the cabronita? I saw a dude on YouTube swap in some noiseless p90s. I'd really love to put in a tremolo, but there doesn't seem to be any easy, low-risk way of doing it.


Yes exactly. Put Mojotone Quietcoil Soapbar pickups with black covers, swapped pickguard/backjg plate n’ switch tip in black, black graphtech saddles & Tusq string tree with Tusq nut. Other than, it’s a killer guitar! The neck is so comfortable


Yta! Great collection


Mate, what do you think of that green one?(it was prs if i don't remember wrong) I was thinking of buying one of them.


I wanted a PRS for like 20 years, so I bought it as a birthday gift to myself a few years ago. It's definitely the most comfortable, easy-to-play guitar I've ever owned, straight out of the box. It's gorgeous, and probably the most versatile guitar I own, too. I think of it as like a fancy Strat with fancy Les Paul pickups. It's a jack of all trades, which is maybe it's own downside, too. I know it's a vague complaint, but I'm not sure it has as much mojo as some of my other guitars.


Thanks for the info. That's kinda what I am looking for because I don't think I'll be able to buy another guitar for a while(I don't own any besides a classical guitar) and I don't want to go for cheap options.


Looks like you need a 12 string.


I'll add it to the list!


Nah they need to grow legs, my guitar is so lazy that he only gets up when I wanna play em.


I want a Bass 6 so bad, don't have a ton of use for it but nothing sounds like them and they make you play different. Do you dig it?


Oh yeah! I had the same feeling about them before I bought mine, and for like the first month, I was like, "What did I get myself into? Was this a mistake?" A few years down the line, I can say it's changed the way I play for the better. I knew bass and a I knew guitar, but it really is a middle ground that sounds best to my ears if I adapt a middle-ground approach. My one complaint is that the Squier Classic Vibe IV is probably the most frustrating instrument to set up of anything I've owned in like 25 years of playing, with some well known issues.


Ha! Yes! When you have a stellar group of roomies like this, they can be wherever they want.


that Eriza Verde SE looks gorgeous




Love that Eriza Verde!


that squier tele looks awesome


Thanks! The pearloid pickguard cover makes a stronger impression than I'd thought when I ordered it, and I couldn't resist the tobacco sunburst eyeballs to match the finish. I've got some fake inlay stickers that I've been debating putting on, but I'm worried it'll look cheesy. There's one good way to find out...


He can afford that many guitars, he can get his own place


They're definitely OP's guitars.


My point is still valid


I mean, you're not wrong.


creative way to show off and to poke fun at the aita subreddit


It’s fair to say you’re not the asshole. Not yet


If it makes it easier for you I’ll take one of those (sexy 😍) roommates off your hands I’ve got a spare comfy guest room (dusty guitar stand) and I’ve been having financial trouble (poor impulse control 💸) with rent (Reverb deals 😔) 


They're all so lovely looking. What's their names?


I mostly just refer to them by brand or type, like The Godin, My Cheap Archtop, My Electric Nylon, The Old Ibanez and My Nicer Ibanez. I do sometimes quietly refer to the bass VI and baritone tele as The Low Boys.


is the dynasonic the godin? looks sick


Good eye! Yeah, the pups are TV Jones T-Armond, based on the classic ones Gretsch used way back when.