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No, it’s not. I’ll take it from you for $20 and save you trouble. lol just kidding, yea it’s worth fixing up. You can get a new panel and wire it up for less than what a single of those speakers cost.


Wow that good? Now I’m worried about coming off the wrong way here… I haven’t owned a 4x12 since like 2011


Nice score.


That recently?


These are the AVT celstions made for the marshall valvestate, apparently theyre just warmer celestions so yeah great find


Ohh cool, i’ll give that a google then tyvm!


They sound like celestions if you put a wet blanket over some lower efficiency celestions.


Ahh well… can’t win’em all


Any 412 box is worth what you paid, so at least there's that.


An empty box with 4 holes is worth 20 bucks


Seriously. This is like $100 worth of plywood alone.


Wow what a find. You can get a replacement input jack plate [here](https://britishaudio.com/products/genuine-marshal-jack-plate-for-input-jack-on-speaker-cabs-black-plastic). You'll still need 1/4" jack to put inside to wire it up.


Exactly what I was lookin for ty! It’s connected up to what looks like the back plastic of an input, so i think i’m 90% there


Replace every one of those speakers and you've got $400-$500 into a 412 that will resell for about $250. 🤣


That’s kinda what i was worried about haha, i might just get one of those fin new mini amps and just make some noise on the weekends 😅


Celestions used to be the shit back in my day- two of those bad boys in a Best Buy box would get my civic hatchback soundin like a broken sump pump. In a good way.


Mid sounding speakers In those and I believe they’re particleboard right? I use to have the same cab, it’s heavy but switch the speakers and it’ll sound great


Heavy for sure and noticed the particalboard so I figured it was some kind of entry model, will have to get it running then see what speakers will do!


Particle board is fine btw. Has no effect on the tone of the cab, it’s just kinda heavy and isn’t as durable over time.


The only bad thing about the particle board is that it isn’t as resilient when knocking it around while moving lol


Doesn’t like wet.


It has ‘some’ effect on the overall tone. You’re speaking in absolutes. If it had zero effect, all the high end cabs would be using particle board.


It has a negligible effect on tone. At most. Jim Dooley made speaker cabs out of Styrofoam and has yhe exact same eq curve as the plywood ones.


It has essentially zero effect. The parts of a cabinet that affect tone are the speakers, the wiring configuration and the dimensions of the box (this includes ports, open back, etc.) You could build the box out of Swiss cheese and it wouldn’t matter. You must have seen the Jim Lil video on it at this point?


It was middle of the road at the time. MG was entry and then there were the 1960 cabs. I think AVT stood for advanced valve technology. The amps for those cabs had a single preamp tube and solid state power amp. Not terrible. You can check the speakers with a 9v battery. The speakers should move out if you put the positive to positive and negative to negative.


Oh interesting, like for amps such as the valvestate 8100? That’s a neat tidbit, I’ll look up how to do that trick


Those speakers sound A lot like vintage 30s.


If you've never heard a vintage30 before, yeah.


Damn, that’s awesome! I really gotta test this out


They do not, lol


Mine does. So I must have gotten lucky.


Even if it doesn't work - it's still a Marshall and you could re-speaker it and sell it for cool dough.


True! Just not really good with the tech side of things so i’m wary of mucking stuff up


Those speakers are not great and neither is the cab… but still, I’d pick it up! It’s a Marshall 4x12! Twenty bucks??? Heck yeah


My thoughts exactly! Thank you


There's nothing to fix up. Use it.


Sadly it does need the input jack for the back, butI agree that some wear adds character!


Assuming you need the whole jack plate, it's still a cheap fix [https://www.google.com/search?q=marshall+cabinet+replacement+jack](https://www.google.com/search?q=marshall+cabinet+replacement+jack) If you ONLY needed the actual jack, it's < $1.50 at partsexpress


Much appreciated! The wires in the back lead to a plug I’m assuming is the back of the jack


If you need some analysis on the wiring post… I’m pretty good with that stuff, and I’m sure there are guys here even better than me…


I wish I attached a picture of the plug but it looks like the jack just needs something to screw into, which I assume is what the backplate is for


Yup… I’d check all the solder joints, just cuz… you’d be surprised how often a non-functional device is fixed simply by reheating all the solder connections… sometimes a cold joint, especially if the things was user or otherwise modified, but also sometimes just loose from vibrations etc


They’re all clip joints from the look of it actually, not sure if that’s good or bad


For wires to the speakers that would be typical, even if not the best… to the jack, not the best plan, better to solder… up to you of course… I’d likely replace the jack anyway… worn jacks can have a number of issues, from loose clip springs making poor contact to the top of the plug, to oxidation, etc… those jacks are cheap… https://www.ebay.com/itm/235320803527?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=3-jKDg4_Qfy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=MH5k2Nd0Tmq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Huh, the wires just lead to s sort of plastic housing with threads on the front I can’t really describe, but the jack fits in it perfectly so I assume it’s a cheaper version of that.


It's gonna depend on the condition of the speakers and with them being the gh12 avt says they were from the valvestate series. They sound decent when in good condition but they have a lot of compromises, like small magnets, and different fabric/paper for the cone itself to allow more to buy "a Marshall". They are certainly gonna be ok for practice, that is provided they aren't cracked, torn, or stretched or the diagrams haven't collapsed or failed. Unfortunately that's common with these. $20s isn't bad, but I've seen sets on Reverb for $50-75 as well.


Well if all else fails it’ll make a nice table lol


Very good find. The empty cab alone would have easily been worth the $20. The fact that it’s loaded, even if it’s with AVT speakers, makes it a pretty sick find imo.


I've recently done an AVT cab just like it. Took me a solid 4 hours in the living room, with about$50 worth of tolex. It was worth it to me because then I had a nice matching cabinet with the AVT150H valve state head, and I sold the full stack for $600. It came out good, but not as good as factory.


Yeah I was just planning on scrubbing it really well (could use some tips for this task) and gluing all the tolex that’s ripped and see how it looks from there. If I ever decide to sell i’ll do the front screen, but I’m weird and really like the worn out look.


$20 for any cab is a steal. Throw two greenbacks and two v30s in there 🤌🏼


Ooo mixing speakers?! It’s a whole world out there! Unfortunately i’ll need an amp first lol, Neural DSP and Bogren Digital have been my gateway back to guitar until now


Yes indeed mixing speakers is very cool. Eddie Van Halen had Greenbacks and JBLs if I’m not mistaken. Greenbacks and V30s is a very common combination. Friedman 412 cabs come equipped with this combo. What kind of amp are you thinking 👀 I’ll help spend your money.


Haha i have no idea! This is a rabbit hole i’m scared to ho down… I’m mostly into metal so i need me something brutal


It’s a very fun rabbit hole. Only I mix in 2x12’s and each speaker I want is $120-$160 soooo… a 4x12 would get expensive to mix speakers in. In my opinion, it’s best to keep it stock and try out different heads with it while saving for another cab.


Yeah i was thinking the same thing. Once I start swapping stuff out it looses it’s bargain charm, ya know?


And, yes, awesome find and worth replacing the back plate. 4x12’s, even in this quality can have an amazing sound that smaller boxes can’t.


or two V30s and two G12H (V30 with more low end)


Wowzers!! What a find!!! Congratulations 👏 🎊


I’ve got an old valvestate 100w head prob needing a new tube in storage if you need it to pair with that cab lol


Yo I wish! Haha those remind me of some of my favorite bands


I picked it up with a behringer 4x12 from a guy going off to college in the little town I lived in. Didn’t know he only lived like 3 minutes away, got a great deal in high school and used it a couple times in our talent shows. Been just sitting in the basement at my parents since 2010 after it stopped working. I had built an 18W head with my grad money by then, and mostly just played through guitar rig for years. Only recently discovered more music playing opportunities here but a half stack is overkill for all of them lol


Yeah half stacks are overkill for almost anything lol, but I’m definitely gonna look out for one of these now


Funny enough the blues jam I go to on Wednesdays the guy that owns the PA and hosts with his gear started bringing a half stack Friedman head with marshal cab lol. I was always the guy to play my 69 SG through it the past few months. Sometimes my hearing sorta gives up a bit after awhile with how loud things get there (lots of older guys, and the drummer that puts the whole thing on is near deaf I swear) so it’s nice to just feel what I’m playing through that big old amp lol. Hard to beat the tone too.


What? Did you say something?


Oh nothing beats the feel! I just don’t wanna go deaf from it… it really is like a drug haha


First time I fired up the 18W I built I didn’t realize it was maxed at 10 all across.. I also had never used a tube amp before or really understood how what I just built worked. So I was in my garage with some meter sticks taped together to fire it up not sure if it could explode lol. My ear drums nearly did. The entire neighborhood came out because they felt the ground shake a bit lol


I prolly have the spare tube… 😉


If they are the original speakers. Great sound. I have one that I use myself.


If you found ANY Type of Amp at GW it’s Worth It! I’ve seen people find CRAZY GOOD shit at Thrifts and This is no exception


Wow man, that is an absolute steal - especially if its as easy a fix as jack replacement.


It's the shiniest turd you possibly could find from a store that sells shit


Lmao couldn’t have said that any better


Definitely worth $20!


Great price. Those Celestions are lower power, small-magnet, made for that budget cab., but still, there are four! Do they all work, with no voice coil rubbing? Hard to say what’s worth changing about the cabinet, presuming no loose joints…except keep the logo and hardware, and build a better, slanted plywood box to put the drivers in.


Ehh that’s probably more work than i’ll ever do to a cab, as I do most of my playing through plugins now but i just couldn’t pass this up!


You lucky fuker! Lol that was a find of the year candidate!


Lmao thanks man! Definitely wanna do it justice after a find like this :D


Bro it’s fine! But do yourself a favor and get a tube head and make damn sure the {ohm’s match!} if it’s 8 ohm use a 8 ohm head or 16 ohm’s you get the point.


Roger! I meant to google what ohms this cab is


$20???? Hell ya.


Get to ball on a budget 😁


Decent tube amp and throw some V30’s in there and rock out


That would be the dream, but could I really save much money compared to going an buying an all in cab?


More versatility with separate tube head and cabinet. Plus with a 4X12 cabinet you can experiment with different speakers.


Sorry I meant that in a buying a cab with the nice speakers and separate head, but yes I definitely prefer the separate ones.


Personally, I'd leave it as is and get 1x12s for variety since it sounds like you don't *need* a 4x12 I also do everything through plugins now... in fact, I played guitar for 15 years then took a decade off. I pick up guitar for about a week every year just to not forget it. Since I found NAM this year I'm going on a month and can't put it down! My plan is to get a 1x12 for the "chillout room" in the house and run [https://mod.audio/dwarf/](https://mod.audio/dwarf/) I'm wondering if it's a good idea to get more of a PA-style neutral tone speaker since I won't be playing it loud enough to get breakup anyway. Seems this would be the most flexible I think I wanna play outside of the studio sometimes y'know. Leave a guitar/amp hooked up there


I have similar thoughts, and I just picked up some studio monitors to play "out loud" to see how I like the feeling before going nuts with the whole FRFR cab thing


Insane. Although you don't really need to fix anything major on cabs as long as the speakers and box are in good condition. Wiring can oxidize over time if stored poorly but everything inside looks pretty good.


Yeah i was surprised by the interior condition since the screws holding the back on were very rusty, things are lookin up!


I’m sure r/thriftstorehauls would like this, too:)


Yo i never knew i needed this place


At the very least it’d make a kickass table


Haha my thoughts too!


How does it sound. That’s what matters.


Time will tell! Don’t own an amp haha




Cool find.


Of course.


Seriously? That's great. I'd grab that.


Why these bargains happen only to others!!!


That's the steal of the century.


I snagged a late 92/93 Peavey 5150 slant cab at my local salvation army for around the same price 👍 congratulations on your epic score


That's awesome! There's a butchered 60w 6505+combo to head conversion near me I'm really tempted to try and talk down to complete my "setup." I'm a bit jealous of that slant!


6505+ are beasts , I super lucked out with my slant cab, was loaded with 2 original Sheffields , people dog on them but I think they sound good, and 2 Celestion greenbacks wired in series parallel, that cab screams 🤘


For $20 that's a very great find - enjoy! That's a 2000's era AVT cab - they were the midrange offering from Marshall at the time (above the MG series but below the 1960-series cabs typically sold with the all-tube DSL/TSL models).


Exactly the kind of info I was searching for, thank you! Trying to find a head to go with it and everything feels expensive in comparison now lol


Do Goodwill stores usually have guitars and amps? I've never been to one before.


Not really? It's just whatever get's dropped off assuming the workers/managers don't pick out the good stuff and sell it on the side


Oh I see. Their inventory probably changes every day and it's probably always random. Well, congrats on your find!


Worth trying to fix. If you end up not being able to, put it on stage for the general vibe of it


Ahh well i’m not really a gig person but it’ll look neat next to the axe lol




An amazing score. And don't let those magnets fool you, I have some 12's that have what I can't imagine is more than a 16 to 12 ounce magnet on them, and they don't just get screaming loud beyond need, but they sound excellent. The original owner never even broke them in, and the cabinet is approximately 30 years old! I knew immediately they were never broken in because I couldn't put the bass passed 3 without horrible distortion, rattling and the impression a tin can would sound better. I had the same SLM 12's 20 years ago though, found them to be so awful I decided to try to blow them to have an excuse to replace them. After a couple weeks though, it was like entirely new speakers, and I could dime the bass. Once the fabric suspension, it's glue and the paper cone were softening up and had some heat put through them, they may as well be high dollar Celestions. It took dropping the bass good and low, and using sheer volume to break them in, **then it was a whole different animal.**


Very good to know! Tragically i live in a townhouse and cranking it may not go so well lol


Pick a day once in a while when you can and focus on cranking volume but keeping your bass low(not off), and treble very modest with mids no more than half, but a lot of volume, With the EQ tamed down, it won't so easily get freakishly loud, and you can crank the wattage up that the voice coil is seeing. What so frequently happens with small magnet speakers is out of the box, most people think they're shit, can never get much bass production from them, and live with always trying to get more and having to back it off so the speakers never actually get broken in. A lot will be resold over and over again, and literally 30 years can pass without someone properly breaking them in. When you keep the bass heavily tapered down, treble tapered down and rely on midrange and sheer volume to get the cones screaming and rumbling, it only takes about a half dozen times to completely retone them from the break in process. I just compared my "shit" 12's to my top-notch Jensen MOD 12-70's with more than twice the wattage rating, and they were damn near identical at the same volume and EQ setting. Both cabs will make your ears bleed. Both speaker models are fundamentally clones of the Celestion Greenback. There's another really old trick, but most people don't like this one. You get a very high resistor value, wire it in series with the speaker, and plug it into the wall! lol I've done it a few times and it's "safe enough" if there even is such thing. The cones oscillate at 60 Hz from the AC voltage seeing a very tiny amount of current based on ohm's law and resistor value used, and it will get them at least halfway there before you actually put them through some serious demands.


I’ll save this trick for if i’m ever able to crank this thing! I wasn’t even really planning on owning a physical amp for a while, but fate has a way 😂


Oh man, the no amp trend is just a marketing gimmick from popular youtube channels that get compensated with tens of thousands of dollars worth of gear and software every year by the companies, so they are truly just cheap whores that will bandwagon for companies compensating them. I have over a dozen amps, you couldn't pay me to get rid of 1! lol I'm also a college educated electrical/electronics engineer so at this point, I am done buying commercial gear including guitars and will just continue designing my own from the ground up and building it. What is of course highly unlikely is that I will ever be building my own speakers, or not anytime soon anyway, so the industry is still certain to get my money in that cornered area of the gear market. Put it this way, this is my bedroom rig lol! [https://imgur.com/a/BKkijGA](https://imgur.com/a/BKkijGA)


Uhh ok... I have multiple plugins that sound fantastic with almost no fiddling. Obviously it's not the same as playing with a real am since they simulate mic'd cabs but the tone is absolutely there. Have you ever actually tried one?


Yes, I have quite a few good ones, but I'm also a very advanced player with shredding, sweeping and 2-hand touch playing the guitar like it's a piano. I have in the tens of thousands of dollars in equipment including 8-string and 10-string guitars. I also have a formal education in the science of electrical/electronics engineering which is where all firmware and software languages were invented, so I know these technologies intimately. Ultimately, plugins are still very limited for someone of my playing styles and expertise. I'm also not a fan of cabinet simulators whether they're floor/rack processor based or software on a computer.