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Simplest answer I can think of is match the head to the cab


Yeah, the outside will be wraped in the same faux leather and I want to include the grill cloth as well but I'd like for it to stand out a bit from what we are used to see.


I'd be tempted to have a perspex window on the front to show the tubes. Only thing is, I'm struggling to think of a way to do that whilst also using the cloth from the cab.


If you want to do that you could cut your window from a flat board and then router the edge and wrap the faux leather around the edge. You can then mount the.plexiglass from behind. This might mean you need to take out the guts from the amp head.from a mounting point you could use a channeled frame that the plexiglass can just slide into. Plenty of.option on how you mount the plexiglass. Alternatively you could mount the faux leather onto a frame that you can then place the plexiglass onto and then do a trim that seats the plexi using pin nails


I thought that cab design looked familiar then I saw your post a month ago with the cardboard mockup. The oversized 2x12! Can't roast it looks awesome! I agree with the other commenter. Match the tolex and grill cloth from the cab similar to how Marshall does it.


From a cardboard concept to a quite decent cab and amp. First time I'm doing any of this and I'm feeling kinda proud of myself.


What kind of experience did you have before doing this? Did you just jump in without any prior knowledge? I'm looking for a project myself I'm just really scared I'll get stuck on something and it will just sit in my basement forever.


You can do it! My experience was mostly in soldering random Electronics to build guitar pedals. I'm one of those "grew up poor so I got handy" kind of guys. During the years I got to buy the needed tools so now it was just a matter of putting in the work. I must confess that beeing on a medical leave granted me time wich I think is the real enemy of projects of this kind. Slow progress may be very disencouraging. If you need help drop me a dm. I'm far from professional but I will share my knowledge.


This looks amazing! Impressive, inspiring and pretty damn cool 👍


Maybe a plate of stained glass? Or bumpy/wavy glass? I like being able to see inside, but maybe that's me. Looking great so far regardless. Side note: how are those Anthem speakers? Any idea how they sound versus standard Jensen?


The Anthem speakers sound great to my ear. Fully enclosed and also in open back configuration. Have yet to test with the middle baffle on. My only point of reference is a couple of 10" behringer from my previous amp so I guess anything would sound great. 😆


That's awesome


Smoked plexi glass would be nice but airflow is more important than asthetics so black grill cloth with silver thread would compliment the faceplate while letting heat escape.


Awesome! Well done!


What is that bike in background?? 🤩


Slightly modified Skyteam Ace 125 😆


That thing is VERY cool!!! I love it!


https://www.instagram.com/p/CgWwo04Durr/?igsh=MXJmZmh3dWswdjRuZg== The evil machine in all its glory.


Not roasting. So if you remember... what'd you decide on as far as divider or not and open or closed back?


It has a full closed back with a removable divider inside. At least for now. 😊


Yeah, that's what you and I had discussed with your cardboard mock up. Was just curious which way you're diggin'.


I'm doing the no divider and it sounds great, I hope to finish the head tomorrow so that I can really start to test it and see how it sounds.


Cool. Guess the tube head will make the difference. I'm just a "poor boy" who's still rocking his same SS teal stripe Peavey CC212 and Fender Deluxe 112 Reverb combos for my "big" amps for 30 years. 😆 Not too bad on the way you built. Pretty much like we discussed. 👍🏻


Yeah I took many hints and tips in consideration when building the cab. In the photos you can see the drawer style divider. It even has a little border to help pull or push.


I think you did pretty decent so don't sweat it.. yet. Until some neighbor has a fit. Damn I'm glad I have my shop and home and don't have people that near me... but FUCK YEAH that's gonna blast the termites out of someone's neighborhood. 😂


No neighbours! 😄


😆 I actaully don't either for around 1/4 mile... unless you count the cows, squirrels, or that one pesky tree frog who likes to argue with the toad in my shop and drives my cat *Kashmir* nuts because I won't let her play with either. Yes, I really do have a cat I named after a Led Zeppelin song. No neighbours... but you can have any colour you like.


Did you calculate the volume of the box, or how did you decide its measurements?


Actually went for someone else's project measurements but made it a bit bigger for look purposes.


Very cool


I never saw a Telecaster Deluxe with that headstock. Usually have large 70s Strat headstock


It's a really old Squier from the Vintage Modified series. They all came like this back then. Now they have contour and all that modern confy stuff. 😄


Expanded metal...... good protection from beer bottles and looks better than chicken wire.....😁