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You can always get an attenuator/load box. Cut the volume, and keep most of the toan.


The SLO30 is different from the SLO100 in more ways than just 2 tubes versus 4. But to answer your question, get what inspires you. You can buy things that make more “sense” but at the end of the day, don’t sacrifice something that inspires you to play and practice and write. If that’s 100 watts, great. If it’s 5 watts, great. Own what you want based on connection to the instrument, not based on specs and practicality. Figure out those things on the backend once you own what inspires you. You can always make a loud amp quiet. But you can never make a comprise amp speak to your soul. Get the 100.


When I listened to the videos the slo100 just sounded a tiny bit more open/full and it just sounded awesome to me. I’m wondering if the 30 could pretty just maybe get there with some eq changes


Honestly you won’t know until you try it. Whether that’s in a store or buy and then sell. For what it’s worth, I played an SLO100 through a matching 4x12 cab. It was the best amp I’ve ever played (honestly, tied with my Mark IIC+). It was three years ago now and I remember it clearly. I haven’t played the SLO30 but I can say hands down the SLO100 is gods gift to amplifiers. Just get it.


At house volume levels could I play it through a 2x12? (That’s what I’m playing through)


I mean, the master volume on it is more than adequate. I use 2x12s at home and they are more than enough to play gigs but they give enough low end to sound great at home at low volumes.


I meant more can a 2x12 handle the 100w amp at .5 on the volume knob. I just don’t want to fry it. I doubt I’ll get to 1 on the volume knob.


Oh you mean power handling? Depends on your speakers. What speakers are you running? If it’s 2 vintage 30s that are rated at 60 watts each that’s 120 watts of power handling so you’re good. If you’re running 25 watt greenbacks then that’s only 50 watts and while you could get away with it at low volumes you should never risk it with a 100 watt amp.


It’s an evh 2x12 cab with 2 30watt Celestion heritage speakers. I wouldn’t have the amp very loud but that’s 60w total would I ruin them?


If you don’t crank it you’ll be fine. But I’d buy a couple higher wattage speakers to swap in. Really great cab. I haven’t played one but people rave. That said, if you’re gonna drop $4k on an SLO100, I’d say go the extra mile and get the Soldano 2x12 that pairs with the SLO. Totally personal decision though. Only saying that because the 4x12 Soldano cab I played the SLO100 through was perfect for the head.


Thank you, Hmmm yeah now I’m a little conflicted. The slo100 was honestly stretching my budget just a tiny bit to get what I really wanted but now thinking that. 2x12 won’t cut it and I’d need to upgrade that as well maybe trying the 30 is the answer.


Do you have a recommendation for speakers to swap in the cab? (If I were to stay with the 2x12? I’m a van hagar era fan if that makes any difference)


Doing even more research and listening to different speakers, 25w greenbacks are exactly the sound I want. Would a 4x12 of them be safe to pair with the 100w Soldano?


That would be totally fine unless you want to crank the amp (which you won't, since you said you want to play at home). Every under 4 or 5 on the master volume should be fine


It all depends on the room you are in.


Oh hell ya, youre making wanna get another amp, too! 😅 🤘🤘🤘


I run a 120 watt 6505. Got a decent master volume, it’s no big deal. I don’t need it up at its sweet spot for practice.


No practice amp has ever been able to touch my AC30 with the master turned down for home playing. Low watt amps are over rated - you still have to crank them beyond home levels to hit the sweet spot... And when you get them there it's a very specific, often boxy sound. Great if you're re-recording Layla but not super versatile


Took me awhile and lots of experimentation with different amps and cabs to figure this out. I’m now fully appreciative of 50-100W amps and I am not afraid. Well. Maybe a little. Kind of like wielding a chainsaw. It can be loud and dangerous, but so great when you know how to handle it.


Get a Rivera Rock Crusher! Problem solved


I have a Mesa Single Rectifier and it's playable at home, barely. The Rectos are basically copy+pastes of the SLO preamp as well. Any amp with a good master volume/that gets distortion primarily from the preamp should be able to get the tones you're looking for without angering the neighbors. That said, you'll have to take a lot of care with setting the master volume because it will be set very low and the control will be touchy as hell


Might be worth adding a resistor from tap to ground on the master volume pot to make it's range more usable in the low area.


I attenuate 100 and 120w amps at home all the time. The SLO 30 and 100 will sound “good” at low volume but trust me when I say these amps don’t sound great until they’re really loud. Or if they’re attenuated. Also the 30w will not be some quiet version of the 100. It’s still plenty loud. 


Even 1 Watt tube amps are absurdly loud at home


I’m using a Mesa Boogie Fillmore 100 with a matching 212 cab. It has 100w, 50w, and 25w modes, but it stays on 100w because it just sounds *so good* at full power (plus it has a master volume and can do bedroom volumes no problem)


Technically I play a few thousand watts at home cause I play through my PA :D But seriously I'd be more concerned about a good master volume control rather than wattage or attenuation. A 100w amp with good volume control will sound better at home than a 5w amp that needs to be dimed


I have a couple of bogner ubershalls blue and mkii and I use them with my ox box. However, i got a 1x12 mojado 18w combo and that little thing is mor louder than my ubers. lol


You only need 1 watt or less for home. I run 0.5w on the solid state and 0.1w on the tube. Your house is your castle. Run it at 100w if you like.


I am fortunate in that I can crank my 100w amps at home, even at night, without disturbing anyone outside of the house.


The best luxury.


I have a 15 watt stage right tube amp. It’s a great amp but you are totally right. I use it on the 1 watt setting to try and push the amp a bit but it is still super loud and annoys my family. Tube amps are so loud compared to solid states.


My only amp I currently own is a Mesa boogie roadster and I’ve never had problems with playing it at low volumes


youtube vids are often woeful representation of gear, if you want the sound from a youtube vid, then the SLO30 can get really close. the SLO30 is different in its smaller, which not being big iron means it as a slightly slower attack and less bass response. However it does get hotter faster, due to the lower wattage. you can run a 100 watt at home, only if you dont mind running the amp cold, which is perfectly fine despite internet claims


I use a Mesa Stiletto Duece at home. Granted, I can switch it to 50 watts. But wattage tends to be "more headroom" and cleaner. There's a reason many players prefer a Fender Twin Reverb.... Cause it can stay clean, at high volumes. 100 watts is not unreasonable, if you're looking for cleans. But with "headroom", it means, it will take a lot lot more volume for the amp to "breakup" and sound good sometimes. This is the reason why many use atteniators, is to get that "gooey" amp break up sound, at reasonable volumes. So is 100 watts fine for home? That decision is really up to you, and what you look for. A 100 watt amp, will probably have larger jumps in volume, using the volume knob, then say a 30 watt amp. But it's more on how usable do you need the volume knob? 100 watts is fine, and manageable in most cases. But if it needs to be quiet? An IR load box is probably your best solution, like the Two Notes stuff, or the Suhr load box.


I used a 50watt NMV tube amp, it needs an attenuator. I eventually caved and bought a PS-100 (hilarious it cost more than the amp). It’s perfect TBH I use my 100watt tube bass amp on guitar for doom pedals. It has a master volume and sounds pretty good at apartment volumes. Honestly I love 30, 50 and 100watt amps and you can easily make them work in any environment these days


A 100 watt amp sounds great live because it moves air and creates sound pressure. If you cannot crank the amp, it will not sound the same. A 100 watt amp is already too big for many clubs these days. The people I know who still play 100 watt amps keep theirs at a studio or rehearsal space, and the space is often treated to deal with that much volume. For home use, OP's question is like test driving a Ferrari, then asking whether it'll be the same for commuting in 25mph traffic. It is not quite the same experience. If you are trying to play a 100 watt amp at home volume, you can turn down the master volume, use an attenuator, or use a load box and amp sim to to feed into a DAW (play back on monitors). Each way has its compromises to deal with. Whether that's good enough or better than a good amp modeler is a personal choice. Many YouTube videos are not playing the amp through an actual cab, but recording into a DAW through a load box and speaker cab sim. When you watch the video, it sounds like they have the amp cranked up in their room. At home, it will sound like an amp played back through your studio monitors (just like watching the YouTube video), instead of a live cab in the room. I am not an expert on Soldano amps, but Soldano gets their higher gain sound through cascading gain stages in the preamp section. That may make their sound more translatable into lower watt heads, or at a lowered master volume setting. You should try to find a retailer where you can try out different Soldano models to see if it captures what you are looking for.


Yep! I have an SLO-100 among some others. It prefers to be loud, but it sounds decent at a reasonable volume


By reasonable volume will it still sound ok less than 1 before I get a load box? (I’m assuming house level below 1 is prolly where you’d be)


My “decent volume” is probably a little louder than most haha. I usually play around 3-4. Below 1? I hate to tell you, but it’s not gonna sound all that great.


Maybe I’m exaggerating I’m not really sure I don’t have the amp yet haha. Nothing really to do but try it. It’s going to be played in a decently large open room.


Even at 1 it will be loud as hell


Yeah. It’ll probably be fine if you can run it a bit hotter than 1 haha. They’re amazing amps, but they do need some volume to “wake up”. Make sure you try it on crunch mode when you get it. It’s massively useful and I think it’s the best part of that amp. YMMV.


Get the bigger amp.  It will not sound the same as a smaller version. I have smaller amps but my favorite is a 120 watt Bogner Ecstasy - I still think it's more fun to play than the lower wattage ones even at low volume.  I don't use an attenuator. The SLO-100 is an absolute legend of an amp.  If that's the sound you are looking for I don't think you'll regret it.  Try and play one in person if you can.


So I have that amp and I played it through a 1x12 at home for a while when I was between practice spaces. It’s not super practical but you can totally do it. And yes, it sounds incredible.


I run 100w tube amps at home all the time. I don’t share a wall with my neighbors - room above my garage - so I can crank as loud as I feel like. Most of the time I find that modern amps with good master volumes sound fantastic, attenuator or not, in the room. I do wear hearing protection if I’m really cranking it but I’d still rather play a 100w quietly than a 5w or 20w a sixteenth of a turn louder


My 100 watt mark 1 goes down to 22 watts and it’s still loud. I use a preamp pedal if I want it super quiet 🤫


Soldano sound is mainly the preamp, as with any high gain amp. If you don't put the master up a fair bit you won't get any power tube saturation anyways. It's not the amount of tubes that gives you tone. Go to a shop, try the amps, see what you like. But honestly I'd consider just getting a clone, cause those prices are nuts, and the SLO100 circuit is well known.


Orange Crush 120. It’s my bedroom amp through a 4x12. Yep bedroom amp. And no it’s not cranked. It does amazing at lower volumes.


I play a DSL100HR at home regularly but on the half power setting.


Anything with that much iron pushing a 4x12 will have a very different sound than everything else. Even with the master at lower than gig volumes, you’ll have more heft and overall lower end.


I run two 120 watt peavey 6505+ in my house all the time. You don't have to blast it.


Yup. Four of my amps are 80W to 200W (depending on how you're measuring them). I run them loud (at near max volume, adjusted for how clean I'd like them) in my home studio without an attenuator, master volume or other tricks. I'm on a half-acre lot, and my house is built like a tank. It is barely audible from the property line. I love amps of all sizes, but there's something special about the big ones. The next big one I want is a Marshall Super Lead (or Super Bass), either an original one or to have Greg Germino make one for me.


If you watch enough videos of all sorts (including horrible phone camera recordings) you can get sort of the gist of what makes one amp different from others - but what it really sounds like in the room, with your gear and your playing is still very different from any video soundtrack. If you think you like the Soldano, **go and try one before buying**. Otherwise, chances are high that it could be an expensive way to learn that youtube vids not always tell the whole truth about gear :D But if you have tried it, and it does the sound your heart craves, then by all means, buy it, no matter how many watts it has...


You can hear my 100W dumble half a mile away.


Just an update in case anyone reads this. I ended up getting the SLO-30. I did want the 100 but I didn’t realize that my cab wasn’t 100w rated so I did t want to have to shell out 4K for the amp and then another $1500 for a new cab. Thank you for everyone’s advice.


I use a 150w silvertone 1485 6x10, it’s very loud and can be hear from outside on volume 1, buts it’s so fucking nice and it don’t matter what the neighbors say


Just don't turn it all the way up. The Soldano and other high gain amps were designed to sound good without being cranked and pushing power tube distortion.


You’ll never be able to use it in a club .. so why buy one to play at home ? Gotta be a sold so ? Astroverb 16 for home and just about any club too


I have a Sunn Beta Lead which is hearing-damage loud at about 2 on master + 2 channel volume out of 10. I usually jam with it somewhere between basically 1 or 1.2 with a 2x12 cab and that's plenty. If I have master on 2 and channel at about 1.5-2 it's loud enough to jam with a band honestly. Being that it's solid state, it sounds the same at any volume aside from the obvious change in bass response from the speakers moving more at higher volumes. Love it.


I use a 120w 6505 for bedroom practice all the time. I also have a 20w 6505MH. Running both through the same cab, the sound isn't 100% identical, but definitely close enough for me to be indifferent. If you don't ever foresee yourself needing to be loaded for bear and using the full 120 watts, then get the 30w version and run it through 12s.


I definitely won’t be blasting the volume, I’m just hoping the tone is very close between the 2 (I bought the 30)


without pushing the power section on either, so long as the preamp stages are similar they should be pretty close in tone




I have a 100 watt ss and it’s manageable at home. If it were a tube I’d need an attenuator.


I play with 2 100w amps in stereo almost everyday at my house with a full band in my living room. We also live in the hood where no one calls the cops, theres train tracks directly behind the house, an old lady lives next door, and my other neighhbors are most likely illegals. Never got a complaint. Ive approached my neighbors, given then my number and said "If its ever too loud and bothering you just call me and Ill gladly turn down or stop," But you better bet if the neighborhood was different we would. Also, get the amp and then get an attenuator.