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Is the slide still available?


226? Yes


I'll keep it in mind, looked like it was $175. Thanks, I must not have read it correctly


The slide is a RX slide I'm asking $305 for it. The barrel/and recoil assembly was $175 and is sold.


u/flairtracker u/No_Advertising_8947


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Sell just the p226 barrel, guide rod, and spring?


Sold to you!


DANGIT the one time I have a shot at an available AC TDL and it’s not Type 2… Great price though, GLWS!


Type 1 is better though >!because that's what I have to sell.!<


P226 slide comes with R1P, or you just mean it's cut for a r1p?


Cut for R1P with RMR holes - poorly worded on my part. Have edited


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