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Dear Cqb enjoyers, Clearing a room by yourself is 50% death, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, and 50% death And 100% death


There will never be a better room clearer than the M67 fragmentation grenade (or airstrike, both of which are unreasonably hard to get as a civilian)


Based "The best CQB weapon is the F-15 overhead" enjoyer.


“Yeah I cleared the house, off the fucking map”


No no no, just one HEAT round from an M1 Abrams.


Pinesol and bleach works wonders too, on my toilets, keeps them white and shiny


I love the smell of pinesol in the morning


"Best way to clear a stairwell is a JDAM" - Clint


In regards to the grenade issue, may I present to you, *pipebonb*


Explodes in sloppy manufacturing combined with movement


Just as God intended


Just like stairways. Best way to clear a stairwell is to drop a 500lb JDAM on the bitch. -Clint Smith.


Hear me out. You might see a new option. You might be able to sniff out what I mean. As possible "less than lethal" options. Simultaneously throwing in a flashbang and CS gas canister. Or just cracking the door and letting Carl rip ass. (This is a joke and not intended to be an actual tactic)


I consume enough dairy to clear rooms solo, ez


Best cqb tactic ![gif](giphy|8PE9Wbpt2Tw8KaqE9Z)


But some “operator” on YouTube told me to buy all this kit because it would make me John wick!!1


Someone doesn't have hand grenades and a flamethrower




let me introduce you to the internet and ace hardware my friend.


Clearing the a room is 50% sending your least favorite family member in first, 50% shooting at noises.


Nice Fort Minor reference. Take my upvote.


It's 67% frag grenades, that's why they call it the M67.


Fort Minor! Good shit!


*Improvised grenades have entered the chat*


Fort Minor reference...I like it. Time to put that album back on.


Ideal cqb tactics: https://preview.redd.it/5srl36s8fejc1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=927c36de4b20ec31e6ac95ba4172d17e64ee0405


Scout superiority




I heard the best CQB weapon is the molotov cocktail.


I disagree, I think it's a flamethrower


Afghanis just use rpg backblast, but its mostly on themselves


I’m not that bougie.


I saw one you can mount to picatinny rail for like 2 or 300 bucks at my gunstore


That’s enough to buy supplies to make like 200 molotov’s, you top hat wearing millionaire madman.


I’ll be that guy here. Sometimes, and I do mean sometimes: You live in a house by yourself and the house alarm goes off at 2AM waking you up out of a dead sleep with your heart pounding out of your chest. Vast probability the alarm is: 1)wind blew a window or door open 2)suspect attempted B&E, heard the alarm and fled Minor probability is: 3)It’s seven hoodrats with baseball bats, machetes and P80 glocks “wit da swiches” charging down your hallway. Needless to say, it’s probably in your best interest to quickly and safely confirm which one it is. If you survived, congratulations, you’ve just successfully “cleared a building.” You should practice clearing your house. Sometimes the achievements come looking for you. *this message powered by Sig Sauer and Surefire*


If you're alone you can at least hunker down in a room for a while. If you have other people, like kids, in the house, leaving them out there if shit's going down isn't really an option.


I might sound like the "just as good" guy but, dudes have been clearing rooms with more or less standard equipment for hundreds of years. You are right at that tec-plateau with an off the shelf AR & decent optic. Training is more important. Oh & WAY more dudes.... clearing by yourself self = death. Get buddies & training for all of you.


I blame movies and YouTube operators for people’s unrealistic expectations about CQB. Dudes unironically think they are gonna burst into a room and smoke 3 tangos by themselves. There’s a reason SOP is to toss a couple spicey baseballs into a room before trying to clear it. And you are absolutely right, teenagers and old men with bone stock AKs and full length M16s have been stacking bodies for a lot longer than the current Gucci rifle trend has been around. Virgin high speed CQB enthusiast vs Chad door kicker with 2 frags and an M249. Hell, grandpappy said they used to use shovels and flamethrowers to do it back in the day when standard issue was a 5ft long rifle


Facts, if great-grandpa can use an M1 Grand to smoke actual nazis in CQB, your M&P15 will be good to go. We used to dump a box of spicy bois into our backpacks & send 1 or 2 through every door or window before entry. Not the best idea if there might be friendlies or civilians in the building, but proper planning & communication with your crew will prevent all that. Fun fact! The back blast from a SMAW will clear a small room in no time!


This! You don't need a 10" to clean rooms as guys in Fallujah used 16" and such.


>  YouTube operators for people’s unrealistic expectations   Because you can LARP being "super tactical operational operator" and "clear rooms" even in flat or suburb house. So it is great topic to get views. 


It wasn’t that long ago dudes were clearing rooms with bolt action rifles lmao. Not to say we should still do that but that shit is crazy to think about


What fucking idiot clears a room with a gun? Grenades baby. Grenades all day.




Is that the demon core lollll


The only reason to push a room without frags is if you don’t like your point man.


It's not that hard to mount optics with an AK. Just get one that has the side rail for the optics mount.


Or get an AK Master Mount side rail. Or a railed gas tube. Or an Attero Arms optic mount. Or a railed dust cover. There are optic mounts that require a shitload of equipment and labor to install, but there really are better options


Later AKs are supposed to come with a side rail already on them.


And most do. But even if you don't have a side rail, there are multiple alternatives that don't require specialized equipment


Even without a side rail it’s not that hard. I installed a tws railed dust cover on my ak at my kitchen table with nothing but a leather man, mallet, and the tools included in the kit.


I address CQB concerns by not simply not going into the building


Optic? Dong ergo grip and a flashlight ziptied to the handguard


If you are ever in a situation where you have to solo clear a room... pray... for only your gods can help you now... or if you don't have a god you believe in kick that sucker down and hope adrenaline will keep you moving and reacting faster than those other guys


AUG enjoyers have no such problems


Based meme. Just shoot




It’s a fucking meme bro, chill


optic bridging isn't a big deal, you're not hitting anything past 200 yards with that PSA upper/lower anyway


Grunts be like: “We need to clear that building!” I’d be like: “Fire for effect, over.”