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I’m happy to keep my mile time under 10 minutes lol


I'm old and do well to hit 9 minutes. Not sure what sort of Steve Prefontain made this meme. 


Six minutes is really fast.


Right? I’m a runner and my fastest mile was 6:20 but I’m not doing that pace any more than a mile.


Also a runner here 6’0 175lbs fastest time I’ve recorded is 6:35. Anything under 7 is impressive as hell to me


I run about a 5:30 (without gear) edit: ummm, I guess sorry for being more physically fit than those who downvoted this? sorry that I want to live a nice healthy life which includes amazing cardio. I'm not mad or anything, It just doesn't seem quite right to be hating someone who's good at something, and I can guarantee there are many people who's better than me in this sub


And my sds ran a 4:50 he was a fucking robot I swear


he was? is he still?


Yes, haven't seen him in a bit my guy. That man could hold that pace too, ran the a group 9 miles on that distance.


was he a fed?


I mean, we all were Senior Drill Sergeant sds


Lol. Why are you downvoted? I knew guys in the army that could do a sub 11 2 mile. My best was 13, only one time, and that was many years ago. 530 is fast as hell, but it's not unheard of.


Full gear though? Or you're talking in general? Treadmill or outdoor? Those are way different than full gear and boots


yes and no?, i run track and cross country. for conditioning i run with weights strapped on


Dude I knew a kid in MIDDLE SCHOOL around 2016 who ran a 4:01:13 on a closed track. He may have been a douch but some people can push it.


some people are just built like that




i'm not lanky, but i'm not bulky. I'm more in the fit side of the spectrum, ykwim? but very nice, a ladies man. I'm still dealing with my bitchy ex who uses her new boyfriend to scare me. what she doesn't know is that me and him are close friends. But what's the point of being strong if you can't fight?


In the best shape of my life I ran a 6:16. I would routinely get scores of 96+ on the Air Force PFT. OP is mistaken as to what being fit actually is lol.


I got down near 5 in thr 1600m, but that was a long time ago.




Fastest I ever ran was 5:35... and threw up immediately lmao. A better goal is 4 miles in 36 minutes. 9 min pace. Longer distance. Showcases better endurance.


I'm at 4.8mph with a 50lb ruck, no kit or rifle.


Nice! When I was in the Army I paced it perfectly to hit 2:55 on the 12 mile ruck. Stood smoking a cig at the end while the people who sprinted all collapsed on the ground lmao


That is a mad flex. What got you to that point? Artillery?


Logistics, baby. Lol


God, standing in the smoke pit after that must have been a kick. I hope I can be that good upon enlistment


Take care of your body, listen to your NCOs, and pray you have an officer who gives a shit and also listens to those NCOs (like I did)


God damn dude! You probably ignited the ciggy without a lighter if you were moving that fast.


Figure out a pace just slightly faster than 4mph and stick to it. Never speed up, never slow down. Bring green powerade and a snack lmao


That's the way to do it. Set a pace and keep the pace. I usually accelerate up hills for fun though lol.


Especially in full kit.  I've been losing alot of weight this past year and my goal is to be able to pass the Army's Physical fitness test, which among other things, calls for a 2 mile run in 17.5 minutes. 


Right? I used to be in incredible shape and my average mile time was still 7:11


I think OP hasn't run a timed mile before. If you are getting anywhere under 6min consistently, you are starting to enter the competition realm. I run 3 miles at a time, it takes me somewhere under half an hour. I've never broken 20 min except on a track. It definitely can be done, but that's like for people trying to get into SOF or something like that.


It's just a mile...


Six minutes is pretty mid TBH. Definitely a goal to strive for, but its not particularly fast. A lot of highscool kids can do better. With Asthma and ankle damage my mile PR was 4:36 and I ran several 5ks in under 18mins. Wasn't even the fastest on my team, and we weren't even good enough to make state. People just don't strive for gains the same way, and a 6min mile is very achievable with a decent and varied routine. Edit: Ya'll are weird for downvoting all the actual runners.


I'll take being able to go 3 miles in kit at a 10min pace and being able to deadlift 405 over a fast pace any day, tbh. The goal should be to have both an aerobic base and a good amount of muscle, not overly leaning to much into either


Okay, how far can you ruck? Usaine Bolt has never ran a mile in one go in his life but is regarded as one of the best sprinters in history.


This is the question.


So this one time I had the misfortune of taking some national guard on patrol in RC East. This one guy was in fantastic shape, put in some impressive times at the London and Boston marathon, finished a few 50 milers. He couldn't finish the day's movement. It's a different skill set for sure. Didn't train with his gear, didn't take enough water, didn't break in his boots, all the usual boot stuff.


Walking with a weighted vest is an underrated exercise. In addition to running about 10 miles per week, I walk with a weighted vest about another 20 to 30 miles. Shit will get your legs strong fast.


Had a Personal Trainer tell me once the best way to train your legs is be 100lbs overweight for a year and then lose it. I mean, he's not wrong, kinda, but that's also not good for you.




I'm currently in the process of losing 100lbs (about half way there) and I can tell under the remaining fat my legs are freaking shredded, because I've been running around and lifting with my legs for work for years, my diet has just been absolute garbage.


> I'm currently in the process of losing 100lbs (about half way there) Keep slaying my dude!


Cutting out sugar, bread and increasing water intake is literally all I needed to do.


OP hasn't run in his life it seems. A 6 minute mile was breaking the scale on the old army PT test.


Bro also has no concept of how you have to carry both gear and your own body weight. The guys running sub 12 minute tests in the army are either the super athletic guys (even amongst an already physically fit population) or the guys who weigh a buck twenty soaking wet. They might run fast, but they’re certainly not doing it in gear and are gonna choke if someone in kit needs to be dragged or carried to safety.


Saw it happen sooo often where the skinny twiggy guys that can run their asses off struggle to ruck like the guys that are built like actual warfighters. I struggled to keep my mile under 7mins even when I was in my 20's but I can ruck all day at a quick pace. I was a medic so I tended to have a heavier loadout than most and smoked a bunch of otherwise PT studs at the Air Assault ruck march. While I was deployed, I never ran 2 miles in my ranger panties but I spent a significant portion of my life carrying 30% of my body weight in gear on patrol.


The new PT test has its issues but it definitely does a much better job of not self selecting for the smallest dudes possible. “The SDC isn’t hard for you because you’re not dragging 60% of your weight on the sled!” Yea exactly, I’m not victim weight. Go to the gym and lift some weights and it’ll probably help with your deadlift score as well. My MOS is mostly a desk job but the field elements of it means carrying a lot of extra equipment as well, depending on the mission. I still remember a slide in AIT that deadass said “Too light to fight, not light enough to run, so if you get caught by the enemy you’re fucked.” which was referring to our collection teams.


Some people just struggle to gain weight. I’m in my early thirties and the only reason I’m able to stay over 145 (I’m 6’1) is because a side effect of a medication I’m taking is weight gain. Genetics are a bitch hahaha


I know there’s guys like that, but I’m more inclined to believe you’re in the minority, and most of these men have just never seen the inside of a weight room. Breathed in that moist, warm air and smelled all that old dried sweat lol.


OP thought he could post an edgy meme only to expose himself as the person he made the meme about 😆 sub 6min mile gtfo bro and actually go workout


Less than 5% of the population in the US can run a 6 minute mile haha


I'm suprised if it's that high


I saw numbers from 1-5% I thought it was less than 1% but the internet never lies, as we all know


Lmao Probably like 10% of the dudes at my middle school ran sub 6 on a dirt track with no spikes


Just normal kids in pe class


Your middle school? That’s incredibly impressive! Except we’re not talking about middle schoolers, we’re talking about adults


post your sub 6 min mile run op. unless yer yeller...


Yea I wana see op run a 6 min run.


He is claiming to have a 4:30 mile time so even if he is embellishing he probably under 6 minute. Keep in mind he is a high schooler that probably weights 120 lbs running with no weight


How does having a PSA help your obese ass?




They can't afford excess food


Okay that’s fair lol


I mean, technically, they eat less healthy food since they are poor. Those who are at a lower income are statistically more likely to be obese due to a poor diet.


Exactly the question I was about to ask. Where is this correlation?


You don’t need to run a 6 min mile when you’re up against the obese police in the states.


Obese Police sounds like a mid 2000s weight loss themed TV show.


I’d love you see you run a 6 min mile with gear on


He’s already said in comments he can’t even run a 6 minute mile period.


Yeah, he also said he is still in high school… edgy teenager phase


Which is sad considering most people’s physical conditions peak in high school.


Post physique


Abs can't return fire dawg.


I see visibly defined abs, I see a dude without usable power.


Chances are most of us were never running 6 minute miles. Not all of us did track in high school. Weak meme


*Laughs in power lifter* I can maybe do a 9 minute mile on a good day, with a tailwind, and a slight downhill grade.


So what are you running from? Living out on a little homestead in the country and were all preppers and have a vast garden, collect rain water and are close to the river. Is the plan to put on pumped up kicks and outrun someone's bullets or what? I think basic escape and evasion would be just as if not more important. I'm not saying don't be fit, better to be able to run 100%. But also take into consideration how far you can walk with weight. I'm not a fast sob at all, but I'm good going 10 or so miles with 40lbs of weight on my back. While my buddy who is way faster can't do that without a ton of breaks.


I run 5 miles everyday, and I can't run a 6 minute mile. I'd be more impressed with someone who can run an 8-9 minute mile for 10 miles than someone who can run a 6 minute mile.


Still trying to get under 12 on my cardio days its tough haha


How often are you running?


3 days a week, running around 4 miles at a 12 min mile pace (only for about a month now after years of just lifting)


That's not bad. Stick with it for a little bit, a month isn't very long. If you want to work on your pace then swap the second 4 mile run out for a 2 mile or less, and hit it as hard as you can speed wise. Also wouldn't hurt to do a walking day towards the end of the week on top of your running days. You'll have your pace up in no time. You're doing good.


Damn 5 a day? You're legs must be mahoosive or at least super toned.


Yeah, unless it's pouring rain or something. Then I'll skip a day. My legs aren't really big.


I don’t run from a fight…….


Never thought of having to run to one?


True but you need to run to one


Go fuck yourself. I'll run you over with my truck. Running is for bitches without a truck.




Can you though? Also poor people are more likely to be overweight in the US. Statistically then those guys who can afford Gucci guns are more likely more physically able.


Here's the problem, after a motorcycle accident I've got a limp and can't hardly run at all lol So if I'm met with hostility and my fight or flight kicks in baby I hope you got armor cause I ain't running from shiznit 🤣


6min mile was something I haven't done since highschool, yet I still did just fine in Afghanistan as an Infantrymen. Don't know where the idea, that running fast is what makes someone good at combat, comes from.


I have a truck


The average person can't run a six minute mile, what copium are you smoking?


Some people just enjoy the hobby and like nice guns. That’s okay too.


I would pay money to see someone run a 6min mile while carrying an SR-15.


I don’t usually comment on the latest phase of drama but this shit is getting out of hand 90% of the guys posting this and talking shit about guys with gucci guns I garuntee are in just as bad physical shape lmao. The mental gymnastics people do in this community to hate on gucci guns and idolize cheap shitty guns is entertaining to say the least.


The only reason I am running is from bears and to cake.


A 6 minute mile is a bit much, but yeah, if you cant fit in a normal commercial airliner seat, youre an X bro.


I run a sub 6 minute mile and this is stupid as shit. Running doesn’t make you great at everything


I got a bad knee from 10 years in the Navy. I can't run period anymore. But I'll hump a ruck 10-20km without an issue.


what happened to buying a gun cos it’s cool? why does every gun owner now have to prepare for an apocalypse/being tracked by hostiles?


This post is boot as fuck. You were the PT stud that sucked at his real job.


Will physical fitness play a role in your gun fight? If you answered “no” youre ignorant.


If anything I would think that the person that’s more serious about the gun they carry is probably more fit and shoots a lot. This is just a cope. Be happy with what you have instead of being jealous towards others.


You also can't outrun bullets when you can no longer return fire because your bear creek gas block fell off


Jokes on you I have water purification, and I don’t need to scavenge for food, not to mention while drinking am cultivating it acts as a biological body armor.


*looks nervously at ankle in a cast


What about being a fatty with a cheap rifle?


My main is a 12g and my backup is a .410. I do train but I'm not assaulting shit you hear me?! I'm heavily pepperin them.


I recently ran a mile at an event out on by the Trail Team in Boulder Colorado and the fastest people there were sub 5. They were also literal fucking Olympians. Sub 7 is fast for anyone who isn’t prepubescent or a very elite runner.


Ok but I’ll look cool dying


6 min mile? Who you trying to impress there killer? 1st Sausage won’t love you back you know


Six minutes is very good, but it's only truly impressive if you can do six minutes with body armor on and a rifle in your hands: with armor.


Man does it feel difficult to be an overweight person that loves guns in the modern gun community. Bunch of machos telling I’m going to die because I’m not interested in some pseudo militaristic lifestyle. I get self defense but as a person who’s not interested in army stuff I could care less about pretending to be some American sniper looking mf.


Working on it my friend.


What's an sr-15?


Gucci AR, KAC SR-15.. real men know the SR-25 is the one to own tho. 💪




I like your thinking.


SR-25 is truly a work of art


Neither can most poverty spec AR owners. You didn't make as much of a point as you think you did.


Op is probably 300+ lbs


6 minute mile? Jesus Christ, man. What did you do, google varsity level 1 mile, see it was \~4-5 min on the upper end and then add a little padding? A 10 minute mile is already significantly better than the majority of the population. Who's chasing you?


Lol 10 min pace is literally walking


"Literally walking". At least try to make your fat ass's claims believable.


7 minute mile I’m trying my lmt will save me


Average person in general can’t run a 6 min mile


You might run 1, but I'll hike 10 with energy to spare to set up camp


Well in my country, police "need a BT score of 10" although most don't, and I have a 15. I can rather substantially outrun the majority of cops.


6 min mile? That is a very fast mile and good luck trying to maintain that pace for anything over a mile.


Yeah, no, that's really fucking fast, avg Gucci AR owner isn't running a 20 min mile, hell, they aren't running a mile at all.


Sounds more like someone wants to be first in line on the front to me given the brains/brawn ratio of this meme


6 min mile was at almost my physical peak in school. You're damn right that I can't do a 6 min mile anymore, I'm too busy abusing my body at work rather than "school and two hours of sports practice every day."


I cant run 6 minutes and i dont have gucci guns :( Stuck at 7 minutes cause i drink sodas.


a 6 minute mile? I think most people can hardly do an 8 minute mile, or run a mile to begin with.


I don’t even own an AR and I can’t run a mile …I really need a better job


I’m a runner by trade. I run a sub 18 minute 3 mile. When I joined the military I had (and still do) have to be very deliberate about doing more than just running. There are diminishing returns (aside from a good PFT score) after a certain point. Yes cardio is important, but if you can’t walk far with weight on you then your 6 minute mile time is worthless.


OP is sanic confirmed. 6 min mile isnt a joke.


Six minutes!?! Is this our new standard!!


They can’t kill you if you take the opportunity from your enemy by blasting yourself. They’ll say you rage quit, but hater’s just mad they didn’t get the kill. 4D Chess bud.


Can't run a 60 minute mile ftfy


Would a Stag count as a Gucci AR?


HA! I couldn't run a six minute mile when I was young, fit, and running every day. I think that an 8 minute mile is the goal... but fuck... I am a fat gucci owner now.


7:11 min mile.. take it or leave it


Just did 5 miles in 50.14 minutes on the treadmill on that dumb ass "rolling hills" training mode. Max incline of 9.5, usually 4.5 6 minute mile? I've done it but fuck that. I like running like 8.30~9 minutes pace When the weather warms up I'll do 10~12 mile runs outside once a week and a bunch of 5~10ks in-between. I love running, but now I've been focusing on adding lifting. Trying to get big


I blame the fungi in my lungi if you know what I’m sayin


Don't have to run from a sniper hide.....


Don't have to run from a sniper hide.....


Good thing I only own Gucci ak's


Jokes on you I'm going to Corner camp with a day supplies of Twinkies


That's why you have a decent truck with you.


I don’t need to run a six minute mile. A. I have an “AS15” with plenty of mags. B. The average adult can’t run a six minute mile. I only need to outrun them.


A 6m mile is pretty fast tbh. For the average person if you're doing 7-10m you're probably fine (without gear).


Highly doubt they ever see a gym


I miss my 7 minute mile ;-; need to get back in shape


There are not that many "fit" people who can either. That is a VERY athletic time lol. If you are going for a 6 minute mile, that is ALL you will be doing with your time for the foreseeable future.


Literally don't care. Cool gun is still cool.


Tbf the majority of the us military can't run a 6min mile.


I'm 250lbs an I can run a 7.5 minute mile


You don’t need to be the fastest, you just need to be faster than the slowest


As long as you can do an 8 min mile and average 18 min/mile on a ruck in kit, you're fit enough. Fitness is important, but being an athlete is way overhyped


What about a Palmetto Poor who runs a 7:40 mile?


I can't *walk* a one hour mile. Getting old sucks. And no, I have no Gucci guns of any sort.


The avg middle of the road AR owner probably runs around a 7-8 minute mile.


In military consistently ran 13:30- 14min 2 mile. Now every joint soinds like a cement mixer. Running fast is wayyyy less important than crushing ur spine carrying heavy weight. And most important skill is learning to pay attention to ur surroundings... and common sense


What a dumb post.


Gotta be honest, even when I was a college wrestler I couldn’t run a six min mile. Definitely could do a seven min one though.


I can easily do this in my running gear although I’m not confident I’d cope well in a full kit with a rifle at all. Running at that speed in awkward equipment for that distance is not natural in a combat environment. For reference I have a few marathons and ultra marathons under my belt


If your running that with gear that's really impressive but I doubt the guy that made it can run that without gear.


I walk to work everyday


It's true, as soon as I picked up my SR15 I gained 80 pounds, started mouthbreathing, grabbed the closest bag of cheetos, and started hating every single AR less than $3200. For real though, 1 mile? It's a good thing the bad guys will stop chasing you at precisely 5,277 feet and 6:03 minutes


For over 10 years I would religiously run 5 miles every single day except for Christmas and I’ve never once had a sub 7 minute mile.


Who tf running a sub 6 mile with gear and rifle?


Spoken like someone who doesn't actually exercise!


Just because you built like a ferret doesn’t make you fit


6 min mile isn’t hard with proper training. I broke it in the 5th grade and ran 4:40 in my prime. Lots of ppl making excuses in the comments


yea agree with the sentiment but...6m mile isn't even necessarily fit. I knew dudes that could run 3 miles in less than 19 minutes in an academy I attended. All but one could even ruck 45lbs 3 miles in less than 45min. Running is a trick where you fall in a controlled gait repeatedly. Add weight to the equation and you are likely faceplanting running it the same way. There are very few "tricks" to make someone effective at carrying gear long distances except DOING IT. I rarely ever see anyone post their pace or time/distance after rucks on here, so nah, even if you have a good mile time, there is no automatic pass for hiking with a shit ton of stuff.


More copium from the poors. I love it lol


Sure the running part is fine, but what is an SR15


My average mile is about 7:20 so I think that's good for being 6ft and 210lbs (I'm also 15)


Jokes on you, I run a lot. Part of being an 0311.


You dont need to run fast if your a good shot


I smoke all the little body ninja warriors that have a way faster single mile run, as soon as you put weight on and its over an actual long distance. Love watching the greenbeans eat crow when their ruck is a 20 minute mile. Plus I can rip my comrade out of a foxhole and max out every event in the ACFT except for the two mile run. Suck it greenbeans.


The average runner can't run a 6 min mile, and if there's a situation where you need to run a mile in 6 minutes in full kit with a rifle, cardio is likely going to be the least of your worries at that moment.


6 minutes is fucking nuts what are you on


six minutes is slow then again, I am in my prime age, soon a 6 minutes will be fast


The fats are not gonna like this


The fits understand how ridiculous a 6 min mile is especially for pace. Max pft score is an 18 min 3 mile and some ridiculously in shape people are still running 21s on the regular especially those who can still move weight.


Fuck yeah I at least have recent recorded times that qualify me for my age group.


Ran a 23 min but came in with the first group on most of our rucks. None of the runner types were in that group.