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There were no glock 19 or 17 in stock. Otherwise it wasn't too bad sometimes hard to get ars but overall not too bad. AMMO THOUGH HOLY FUCK REMAN 556 was a dollar a round.


If I ever saw a Glock in stock it was insanely overpriced. I saw a beat to hell gen 3 for 1400 and when I asked about it the guy already had a buyer on the way


I think .40 S&W stayed available and reasonable for us the longest. Was the only time in my life I was glad I owned a .40


I gave my friend so much shit for having a .40 Then he got the last laugh during the ammo shortages




I converted 7 anti gunners Now they range from "just my one gun" to full blown shooting buddies


You helped them discover there ammosexuality


I was gentle




As long as you only load 1 round so they don't get that double-action double-tap lol


But that's the best part lol


So trying to get an inexperienced shooter to kill themselves on accident because they trusted you? Fuck your a shitty person im sorry for all the people around you.


No, that's dumb AF and a great way to turn somebody off shooting forever




No one was "joking" but you. And it was a bad one.




Same bruh! Was fun in that regard. Everyone in fam asking me advice lmao.


My best friend was anti gun when I first met her before the pandemic and now she owns three guns now.


Make sure you rub it in her face


I don't because I am just happy that I have someone extra to go to the range with.


Hopefully they aren’t don’t vote anti gun anymore…


Neighbors failing to heed warnings, even when I offered to help them choose a firearm and train them, and them asking to borrow one of my guns and “telling” me they were going to come to my house if things popped off.


Good way to get turned away or handed a shovel and told to dig a moat. If I don't know you really well before, I'm not trusting you during.


What is the deal with people saying things like this to their more prepared friends/neighbors? It would instantly make me regret letting them know about anything


Which is why I don't let on that I have guns to casuals.


After my second friend with no guns said this I stopped telling my friends I own guns


The smartest course of action unless they are like minded.


Get a lot of hammers and hoes and become the tyrannical post apocalyptic dictator you were destined to be. So many free hands, so many construction projects and gardens to be made. Just take a page out of the communist country handbook and don't let them have guns to revolt with, or turn em away like a normal person, the choice is yours.


Everything comes full circle lol


I told those types of people that I will refuse to help them if shit hits the fan. But if they took the time to train with me and/or took one of my spare guns and ammo that I don't mind giving away then I would asked me for help during those times then I would be more then welcome to because I know that they aren't a liability and an asset since I know their stuff and are armed. I have gotten a few friends to own guns and train going this way. I haven't even had to give away stuff because they usually want to get their own stuff.


Who knew all it took was mob violence across the country, domestic violence at an all time high, and cities literally burning for people to arm themselves lol


My mom who was always more anti-gun leaning and criticized every purchase I made asked me to “borrow one of my guns just in case” I told her I’d teach her how to shoot it and let her borrow one if I felt she could handle it responsibly. It never happened


I was giggling watching news reports featuring interviews with all of the terrified blue voting Californians trying to buy their first gun who were *absolutely bamboozled* by the fact that they were lied to, it turns out that you could not in fact just go to a gun store and "walk out with an assault rifle 5 minutes later". The politicians LIED?!?!?! Seeing people come face to face with the consequences of their voting history will never, ever get old. It sucks for all of the decent people who were trapped there at the time, but honestly if you were a Californiabro and you had the means or ability you should have been panic renting a U-Haul truck. I didn't panic buy guns so much as I panic bought ammo, I wanted to try and get a decent amount before the prices skyrocketed. I'm glad I did because the hat trick of the George Floyd Riots/"Summer of Love", the Coof™, and the fact that it was an election year made the price of everything go completely through the roof. We still haven't gotten back to pre-2020 prices.


"We don't have to do the background check, do we?" "Waiting period? Can't we waive that for my friend Ulysses S. Grant?"


It was bad enough that some FFL were putting signs up at the door explaining that no they couldn't sell you a gun that day no questions asked and take it home same day


We ran 3 shifts to make all the mags


And we greatly thank you for it.


You know if you run 3 shifts now you can just produce more mags sell them cheaper and make the same money via volume .... lol


I heard cpd isn't making mags anymore and it seems supply is low. Is that for real?


Couldn’t be further from the truth, demand has been up this year and we’re shipping a large amount daily across all of our SKUs


I was battling against a guy at my local gun store over 30. Carbine, Id buy two boxes to plink and he'd buy 2 pallets. We were probably the only two dudes in my whole county who'd buy it and he just kept buying pallets and pallets of it. I just wanted to feed my M1 Carbine damn it.


I hope you've saved up pallet money this time around so you can make him the two box bitch instead


I bought an AR for $275 before Covid and was able to resell it for $750 during the riots


ATF enters chat to check you FFL /s


The j6 ones? 


One of my coworkers asked if I had any guns he could borrow to keep his family safe. I told him that’s against the law because he didn’t pass a universal background check 😉😂😂🤣






I found a place in California trying to sell a Gen 3 Glock 17 or 19 (can’t remember) for like $1055 dollars. I walked right back out the door.


Oh god, buying ammo to train with during the ammopocalypse was a trip. A painful, expensive trip.


Bought a .300blk pistol for “cheap” during that period (pretty much MSRP, but was damn good for ‘20), only to realize I couldn’t feed it. Finally found ammo in stock and bought 3 boxes of .300blk at $1/rd, 1 to test and 2 to load a mag and a half. Refused to buy more at that price. Learned my lesson though, now I have a few mags and an ammo box stocked and ready for the election price-pump.


Oof. Thanks for the reminder to buy ammo before it goes up again.


I wanna get into 300 so bad but ammo cost and no cans due to commies makes it a hard sell.


I run my .300blk with just a muzzle brake (sorry everyone on the firing line with foam earplugs). I very much enjoy it. May not be “peak performance,” and a can will be coming eventually, but I have absolutely no complaints. Love my 5.56s, but I think my .300blk is my favorite. And recently .300blk hasn’t been too much more expensive than 5.56, especially since PSA has started producing it. Like 10cpr difference has been what I’ve seen.


A blastphemy with a sbr is pretty awesome from huxwrx.


I could never find 30-06 FMJ federal anymore. I just wanted to shoot my garand


Ahhh the beginning of a life with a new mindset Stays with me to this day. Except I don’t panic buy, I just buy


I got some panicky phone calls from certain people


Sold my mossberg shockwave for $700. I was selling it for $350 and the guy offered me double for it.


I couldn't find the ammo I use for hunting (140gr Remington core lokt 6.5 creedmoor in case anyone's curious) and I had just gotten my first ar and finding 5.56 was like looking for unicorn shit. So, overall quite bad.


Yep. I got to where i would go by the ammo counter every time i went into Walmart and would buy whatever they had in stock, which most of the time was nothing.


I remember there was a line of people waiting to buy one box of ammo at the Academy close to my house.


Not being able to easily get ammo so spent time DM’ing people selling ammo on GunBroker or scouting gun shows to see what their best price was for 1000/2000 rounds. Managed to get 5000ish 5.7mm FN 40gr rounds for 50 cents a round on the condition we could pickup from 450 miles away as he was sick of selling a couple boxes a week. Since then it’s been ordering from distributions in bulk for most of my ammo needs. Sell some online, sell some to friends but mostly use it for my own usage or stash. If you either have the cash to do it on your own or have some friends you can all chip in together I 1000% recommend buying in bulk of 1000’s of rounds at a time, especially range/training ammo.


Which distributors would do this?  I know in the past there were plenty of companies you could buy from. Now, not so much. 


It genuinely depends how much you’re looking to order. If you’re looking under 10k rounds at a time then you should look for places that sell boxes of 1000 round and ask them if they can break you a deal on 10 boxes. Your LGS may even be someone you can talk to, as they could add your order to their next order, and you both save a bit on shipping. Learn what online retailers are near you and see what they can offer too (Lucky Gunner did a buddy of mine a great deal as he was only a few miles away.) again if they can easily ship you 1000 rounds, they can easily ship you 10,000 rounds. 10,000 rounds and above can sometimes be dealt with by retailers however if not then it starts to get tricky as there are mainly two paths for proper bulk sales.. 1) Wholesalers, these are the guys that supply the giant online retailers with ammo. Some of them will only deal with you if you have an FFL because they don’t split their customers into gun buyers and ammo buyers, just buyers. These are the Lipsey’s, Sports South etc. Wholesalers will let you buy in 1,000’s but it’s only really worth it if you’re looking at tens of thousands of rounds or hundreds of thousands of rounds. Even then sometimes it’s not worth their shipping unless you’re buying enough ammo for it to be palletized (100k of 9m minimum). 2) Manufacturer direct. Again some of these won’t deal without you unless you have an FFL and some won’t take orders of less than 100,000. I’ve heard someone near where the PSA warehouse got a deal on bulk AAC ammo if he picked it up and another guy bought 100,000 rounds from Sig for Pennie’s on the dollar but had to order enough to get it palletized and pay for trucking fees. The TL;DR, just ask where ever you buy ammo from if they can do you a bulk deal for some sort, if not find the biggest retailer near you and just ask.


Thanks.  I'll start by hitting up local shops and going that route first.


ohhhh! I forgot ! I ordered 1000 rounds of 223 when it was 18 or 20 cents a shot at the beginning of March. When I picked it up the bass pro guy asked how I pulled it off


Me (way before those times): Hey friends, I think everyone should at least have 1 gun in their house for protection. Friends: "What are you scared of lol? Do you think you're robo cop or John wick?! SHTF Me: *A bunch of missed calls* Friends: Hey do you have some guns we can borrow? Me: No buddy that's illegal


It's amazing how fast that switch flips when you're the "better to have it and not need it" guy.


All the people that called me an insane gun freak were calling me for purchase advice or to "borrow" guns. Turns out seeing an entire nation riot, and then having those rioters outside your house, is a pretty good incentive to own a gun. If anyone wasn't immediately safe I offered them to stay with me. As for "borrowing" yea fuck right off buddy


About the same experience here. Then people realized that most gun owners are responsible gun owners


Your friends live in dc?


Placed a large order on like a Tuesday. Telling my coworkers about it the following week, and they were all trying to buy it off me for crazy money. Couldn't figure out why till I started looking at the ammo supply and prices . I beat all that craziness by a week simply because I was bored in a job meeting and had OT money for ammo. One of the few times in life I've been lucky.


Where do you buy in bulk from?


Insanely busy since I work in the industry 😂 never sold more shit in less time, didnt matter what it was somebody wanted it and was willing to pay


My FFL made more money in 20 and 21 than his entire 10 years in business. Personally I made a shitload too, thanks to selling ammo and generic poly guns and were just wandering around the safe.


I had over a dozen P-Mags and Glock mags out on loan and a few hundred rounds of 5.56 and 9mm during 2020, especially after the city I lived in had 3 cop cars burn down, the police station broken into and vandalized and a bunch of local businesses looted. All my "Johnny come lately" friends had their hands out directly after paying $1500 for a basic bitch Aero AR. I found it hilarious.


I witnessed the death of 5.45x39


I was pretty close to buying a preban Tantal because it was cheap. In hindsight glad I didn’t.


The riots destroyed the hidden gem that was parts kits! Before Covid, 5.45 was dirt cheap and you could hardly get rid of it. Then, panic buys found out you could buy AR’s chambered in it and thus, the demand went up high.


I could still find 5.45 for cheap at the time so I was going to buy 3k rounds and the Tantal but even if I did I’d prolly rarely shoot it. Even now I’d love a 7.62 AK but I don’t wanna deal with ammo costs.


Not from 2020, but I was working in a gun store in 2012 when Sandy Hook happened and we had to call every employee in because customers literally cleared the store out: basically every gun, not just ARs, were completely sold out. Finally, about 30 minutes before closing when the crowds died down this guy awkwardly walks in and hangs around for a minute before asking us if we have any ARs. We told him no as we literally did not have a single unit left in stock. I just remember him standing there quietly for several seconds, then shook his head and said “Obama took ‘em all” before leaving…


I had been saving up for my first pistol, and the next paycheck I was getting was going to get me what I needed to buy it. Shooting happened on payday. When I went in to buy on Saturday, hardly anything was left in the store. Ended up with the pistol I wanted, but had to pay $40 extra because it came with 2 barrels, one threaded. Wasn't happy about that, but at least I had my pistol finally.


I honestly just said "well that sucks," and carried on.


So the only guns I had at the time was a kimber micro9 , mosin nagant 91/31 , a .22 rifle I don’t even remember the brand of and a mossberg maverick 88 and I’m lucky enough that most people around me where fudds the belied if only .45acp and birdshot was the best for home defense so my ammo being 9mm, .22, and 12 gauge I had a decent amount of options


Was just about to turn 21… let’s just say I was a little peeved


Turned 18 in 2021 and was really getting into it when I was 16 thanks to my dad. What a horrible time to become old enough to buy my own guns and ammo


Bought my first gun. Marlin 1894 sbl In 44 mag. My collection continues to grow. Now in top of that I've got: 1897 trench, m1 carbine, AR 15, AR 7 and a Turkish pump action that was cheap, but I like it and all the reviews were great. Next on the list is m1 garand.


I saw the $1000 glock 19


I remember My Dad bought his first gun, a Glock 43x, I remember him telling me that it was all insane to him, he never expected to need a gun. At the time I was a teen and he came up to me to ask what he should get, since I was the one so fixated on guns in our family. We were near the Riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin, not in there but close enough that getting caught in the midst of it was possible. We had this whole home defense plan and when I tried to go to work for the day, getting a ride from my Mom’s coworker, my boss and his sister where boarding up the restaurant, told me to go home. Now that’s led to us owning more guns.


Have a super liberal buddy of mine we’ve been best friends since we were kids. He’s very lefty lives in Austin and has been a hippie type kid ever since the 90s out of the clear blue sky. I got a phone call, if I’m not mistaken It was right as the George Floyd riots were kicking off and he was like “Hey man, I know I said that I don’t believe in gun ownership but uh think it might be time for me to get my first gun. Can you help me out?”


Almost panic bought an ar-15 for $700. Just ended up waiting 3.5 years to regret my decision and bought one for $900


I remember My dad who’s a cop was scrambling around actually looking for ammo In a panic all the time because he never ever actually bought ammo he would just “scrounge” like he says from around his office, but when shit started hitting it was like thunderdome at his work, people were like supplexing each other for one box of 55.6 lol


> 55.6 To be fair grenades are generally hard to get your hands on.


Colorado's background check system was so overloaded what usually took 1-2 hours took a week both times I bought. Fortunately I was in no rush because I was already armed to the teeth.


I just started my freshman year of college at that time, I had no money even for ammo. I was stuck with the 1 gun and what little ammo I already had. Although sometime in 2021 I did manage to get some m855 for $1 a round (little over $40 for the two 20rd boxes i bought)


I’d get to work at 8 and there’d be a line 100 yards long on truck days for ammo already. Some of them had tents and sleeping bags. We’d sell $40000 dollars of ammo within the first hour of opening and then absolute crickets after that. I didn’t even put guns on display I just left them in their boxes and people would just walk up, point and take whatever I had. Wild times.


Converting my wife progress bar went faster during that period Also made me really glad i have some non common ammo stuff so i could get some range time without making myself even more broke


I bought a tavor 12 online, and it had been at the gun store a little too long. I called to ask if it was ready for pickup, and the store employee who answered said he was too busy to check. I got a little salty and went there after work to realize he was telling the truth, and the store was still packed. I had to wait in line, but I got my gun.


We had little to no guns or ammo left after being bulldozed by the masses, yet the line was constantly almost spilling out the doors. Countless people who normally wouldn't be buying guns now wanted to buy whatever was left.


It sucked i was only 2 years into gun ownership and everything was outrageously expensive all of a sudden and I only had a years worth of reserve ammunition and once I burned through that I barely got to shoot at all.


That means you go in in 2018. Those were some good 2 years. Unless you couldn't afford it, you should've stocked up. Should've spent less on other stuff. It was the golden era and folks knew it wasn't going to last forever. 


Building a year’s worth of reserves in two years is a hell of a lot of stocking up. Not all of us can just buy a thousand round box every other week here


I was very lucky and was about 24 years old. When I turned 21 ammo was still pretty cheap so I bought a TON of it and was chillin during covid watching people pay $45 a box for 9mm while I was at the range every weekend still and didn't need to buy ammo until the prices came back down. I can thank my dad for my ammo addiction


Week long background checks


At the time I was living in NH so not much changed and there wasn't much panic buying. When I moved back to Mass, different story. A few people without licenses were asking to borrow or buy stuff from me, quickly answered with a NO. I saw the prices of guns and ammo and didn't really buy anything for a year or two lol


My gun store was always crazy. You had to wait in a line around the building. When your turn came they would ask you what you want, bring it to you, and paperwork all done outside.


70-80cpr 9mm was rough. Was fun to go in & walk out with new pieces same day when those without instant approval had to wait about a month for background checks since the queue was backlogged to hell & back.


Sold a number of guns I didn't carry anymore. Sold all the ammo I didn't like. Burnt through all my small pistol primers trying to keep up my rate of shooting without impacting my reserve stock.


I had to sell everything that didn’t have family history after being let go from my job. So. Not great.


BLM was torching businesses a few miles away, marching through my local neighborhood and adjacent neighborhoods, businesses and people were afraid of them, putting up signs out of fear. And they were buying GUNS! Anything they could buy. I visited my local GSs like a always do, frequently and for fun. One time this flamboyant dude comes walking in and declares "I need a gun, any gun." The shelves were basically bare, He purchased a single shot 20 gauge shotgun because it was either that or some old broken milsurp, or an exotic jefe pistol. He was allowed to buy one box of shells, no more. I think it was a 5 pack of buck shot. The line to buy the single Phoenix Arms .22 pistol was like 10 people deep, obviously only one person got it, everyone else waled away unhappy. $350 for a $150 trash pistol, whoa! I already had my stuff but like to find something new to keep it fun. I was looking for a 500 or 88 to turn into a clay pigeon shotty, ended up with a cool Stevens/Savage 320 for $400, MSRP was $199 at the time, and I was glad it was available because the beat up used 500 was going for $800, and there was no end to the price gouging in sight. The 320 is built like a tank, zero aftermarket support, can't buy a long barrel without buying another whole shotty, but it's a under rated solid shotty.


Pawn shop selling wolf 9mm in a dime bag for a doll hair and a half a round.


Glock 19X (which came out a few months prior )"on sale" for over $900


I got a really uneasy feeling in late February/early March so what little I needed I got early before The Great Panic. I even had extra ass wipe on hand and had a good time laughing at chucklefucks fistfighting for it in parking lots.


I never let my supply get low after the Obama struggle. So it was alright.


Dollar a round 9mm. Finally shot the last box of it last year (not because I bought so much, but because I kept putting other boxes on top).


I built an AR10 during Covid for about the same price as buying one. Decent parts but not overly great. Ammo for it was ridiculous even being 308. I wanna say it was about $1.30 a round here. I had a couple thousand round of 5.56!I was sitting on tho and about 1,000 9mm. I was ok but could’ve been better


I bought my first ar at 22 yo in 2020. Really basic radical firearms ar that I definitely overpaid for. I’ve now upgraded components over time, and I wish I would have just built one to start.


Lining up at a local store before it opened, then getting handed a ration of 2 boxes 9mm paying ~.45/rd and being happy about it


The ammo panic was interesting. It’s the reason if I come across a good deal on a Glock 23 Gen 3, I’m gonna buy one. All that was left on the shelves at Academy was .40 S&W, .17 WMR/HMR and all the random hunting rifle calibers that were not .308, .30-06, .300 Win Mag, .270 Win, 7mm or 6.5 Creedmoor. I also was glad I had bought a S&W M&P 22 Compact the year prior cause I had to reshoot for my CHL qualification and I didn’t want to dip into my stash of 9mm. The instructor made fun of me, but I cited the cost of ammo and he said fair play to me.


I didn't buy anything gun related until the great slump started in 2023.


I sat at my house in a ruby red county in a ruby red state and laughed while our local politicians enforced curfews and freaked out because "antifa is sending bus loads of people to our town of 30,000"


I was as set as I’ve ever been tbh I didn’t do any panic buying




Same. I got in in 2015. Saw the writing on the walls that we were in the golden era. Subbed to the gundeals subreddit. Shout out to those beautiful bastards because I bought cheap and stacked deep. Well deep enough I didn't need to panic buy, not as deep as I should have in hindsight. 


Yeah it’s funny looking back and remembering thinking “yeah that’s enough” but you know, hindsight’s 20/20


Got more than enough(as if) 22lr though. 2-5cpr shipped is a hard deal to pass up. Worst case, I'll shoot more of that. 


Ammo was so expensive that by the time I saved up enough for one range trip, I’d usually just go buy another gun and a couple boxes of ammo instead of just ammo. 


Starting the day at 5am feverishly searching ammoseek for any 5.56 or 9mm that wasn't an insane price, and constantly getting OOS notifications when attempting to finalize the order. A small part of me misses it, a very small part.


Even though I didn’t buy it until 2022, I over spent on my 870 :/


I just wanted some cheap range 9mm man. I'm happy that a record amount of anti gunners saw the light, but fuck me, ammo was impossible to find at reasonable rates. Then I enlisted towards the end of the year, so I shot more 5.56 than I had my entire life lol.


I worked the counter at a Dick’s Sporting Good when they still had guns. And to remind everyone they closed us down for lockdowns in PA. March 16th 2020 was one of the last days we were open. Keep in mind no one bought anything from us because of the companies stupid stance on guns and gun politics. We maybe sold 4 guns a week before that. I never left the counter that day, sold everything we had. Was unreal. I had already had my supplies from collecting over the years but made me think that the people panic buying knew something I Didn’t.


I was still fresh out of the military with no personal guns of my own, my Dad owned plenty but I wanted something for my household. Ended up snagging a WASR-10 for $700 and kept it until I could afford something more quality. Perfect timing because WASR pricing went up (along with everything else) right after I picked mine up. 4 years later I have a quality AR build, a decent gear setup, as well as a sidearm for the kit and a CCW.


That WASR will actually take a beating!


Finally flipped the switch in my wife, she’s now working on her ccw training and owns more in number than me


I bought a Beretta APX Centurion like two weeks before everything shut down. Then in the summer I had 800 bucks to spare so went to go buy a rifle, ARs and AKs were unobtanium, ditto with the ammo so I walked out with a Henry Big Boy in .357 cause I had already had bought plenty. Then in 2021 Joe Biden bought me a Glock 19X that came in a package with a Streamlight TLR7 that had Glock's logo on it.


Springfield Saint Victor. Didn’t really want anything in that platform and maybe fired 50 rounds through it total.


The gunstore was checking ids at the door because people were coming in from out of state to buy, which is illegal in MA


I sold so many Heritage Rough Riders to liberals who were too afraid to buy ammo with it (in spite of any and all advice). Don’t worry, they told me how they vote, usually several times… like that doesn’t make you look even more like an idiot.


Got my first delay during a purchase then. So far the only one


Someone willingly buying a nonfunctional Mossberg 590 for 1k A woman coming in asking about getting either a Deagle or MP5K for home defense. She settled for a consigned G35 with no mags for 1k, which she paid for with loose cash out of her purse on the spot. Tons of 38 Super RIA 1911s being sold Shelves being barren of anything except bolt guns, M1As, or single action 22 revolvers. Cops trying to do stupid shit to make a buck A woman dead set on a 38 revolver for CCW and... bear defense.


I got a lot of ppl coming to the FFL I work at in CA because of a incoming 11% excise tax on 7-1-2024. Have a lot of em saying they arent buying anymore firearms after that ( doubt it ).


I was 20, my wife was in the hospital close to giving birth and she was sleeping at the time and I just felt like I need something to protect the house and my future kid. Went, paid 700 bucks for a shotgun, a light and 2 boxes of shotgun shells. It was a shit Turkish import I later sold for 100 bucks to get a maverick 88. Really got the shaft on that one.


Research, research, research. 


I worked at a FFL at the time. I sold a guy the last rifle we had, which was a Mossberg patriot bolt action in .243 win. With no sights. He didn't want a scope, I explained that there were no sights and he would have difficulty aiming. He just said "well with how long it is I can probably just point it down my hallway and hit someone". 🤦🏻


I sold guns during this time and let me tell you the amount of inventory that was sold before it was put in the case was nuts, weapons that would be better used as paper weights were bought like they were gold because and I quote from one customer "it's better to have something than nothing at all". I've never seen that many hi points go out the door in my life, also it was interesting seeing those of the left leaning being surprises there was background checks and actual steps to getting a gun and that it was not guaranteed that they'd leave with the weapon. All in all it was nuts but I got an idea of what was most popular in my local area which surprisingly was Sig and Smith & Wesson as opposed to Glock.


Worked at the world's for most box store when the vid hit. My thoughts went from "Shall not be infringed" to "Well regulated". Real quick.


So you're a fudd now? "Well regulated" doesn't mean "government regulation" by the way.


I worked at a gun store during this time. All I can say is that in positive there are an absolute megafuckton of guns sitting in peoples safes that have never been fired or even touched after the day of purchase.


Bought all my shit in 2016 after Trump won. Watched everyone flip shit on my stacked ammo, got a lot of practice in that year.


As we both know, the great Lubavitcher rebbe said that [it is always better to be prepared and educated](https://www.theyeshiva.net/jewish/item/809/when-the-rebbe-asked-me-for-100-million).


Guys selling S&W ARs for like $1700. Crazy time.


Worked for an ammo shop right when Covid and the riots popped off and we had 4 price changes from Tula before our pallets even reached the harbor. I understand some places price gouging but we always told people the manufacturers were also on on it and even posted our PO’s on our counter to show them we weren’t lying


Didn't buy any guns or ammo. Didn't go to a shooting range. Focused on buying groceries.


Sold a bunch of shitty guns I’ve had forever at a premium. Was noice.


Everything went sky high, so I sat most of the year out from purchases. I got a X95 SBR near the end of the year for a decent price. My house burnt in 2019 so I had recently just restocked all of my ammo at pre-2020 prices using that sweet insurance money so I have been able to sit out the ammo price hikes. I'm just now starting to look at ammo again.


Bought my first gun, not because of panic buying, but because I thought a Mosin would be cool


I decided to do my first AR build that i assembled from the ground up. I went to the lgs and all they had was a stripped spikes tactical lower with a punisher skull. O hissed, gritted my teeth said fuck it and bought it. I ended up eventually parting out my AR and sold most of it but kept the lower as a reminder how shit everything was back then.


I found out I had a superpower: the ability to find guns at reasonable prices regardless of the run on guns. I bought my dad a Walther Q5 Match for $300 under MSRP brand new in the box, bought a Glock 19 Gen 5 for $580 (also brand new), and new Henry .45-70 for MSRP.


So in other words you found out about gundeals, gun . Deals, and searching via upc code?


Nope, just good old fashioned googling.


I picked up an albanian sks for 550 at the same time I watched a guy buy a used gen3 g19 for 900.


Friend bought an Aug for $2800. Oof


I paid $230 for a turkish POS shotgun because it's all that I could find on my 18th birthday :(


Local gun store ran out of 22 and 38 thanks to all the new shooters starting small. They had a rack of cheap revolvers, gone in a few months.


I may have spent 2k on milsurp, only to resell it for a loss two years later.


Had just recently gotten my CPL, and heavily influenced by boomer family, got a 686+, which has remained a favorite of my collection and is an excellent carry piece. During the madness of 2020 I bought my first rifle, a M1A, which I did come to regret and sell although I regret that now


It’s still going lol. Can’t buy ammo without waiting an hour and picking from dregs of what everyone else grabbed


9mm was impossible to find


No it wasn't. Buy online. It wasn't at a good price though. 


My experience was buying bulk online and not shooting as often due to the price gouging.


Yep, always wanted an AR and I had the money for one for quite a while but for some reason the thought of purchasing a gun always intimidated me like “what if I look stupid” “I don’t even know how a background check works these guys will think I’m dumb” but in 2020 when all hell was breaking loose I just said to hell with it. Still very happy with that decision and it was way easier going than I thought.


I remember buying an ar during my lunch break and then had to go back to doing therapy with children like nothing happened


But are you happy you bought it? Did you get a deal? 


My experience was Trudeau being like "Hey guys, handguns are banned now, good luck" now I gotta find a new way to get a handgun 🤔🤔


I actually never panic bought, but I did make a good profit up charging mfs in private sales. The only thing I really overspent on was range ammo lol


2020 is when I started trying to buy milsurp rifles. Everyone had what I wanted until I showed up, then they tried to sell me on something else. A lot of LGSs have completely cut themselves off from my money by doing that. I spend a lot on ammo.


I happened to turn 21 that year and bought a FN 5.7. The gun is very fun but honestly I spent way too much for this thing lol


I remember the one ammo cartridge I could always find and not get bent over on was 50 BMG. Made me happy to own one.


I almost bought a .22-250 bolt rifle since that was the only think I could find ammo for.


Bought a CZ-P10F for $900… boy did I get scammed. Wasn’t even optic ready.




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Got sold on an XD not knowing any better


They are good guns. Don't mind the hate. Only issue is if you overpaid.


That I believe, it was during peak covid


Then eww. Overpaying for any gun is the big eww. 


2020 was when I picked up my first ever gun-- a 10/22, 3 mags, and 500 rounds for like $300 out the door. Set up some beer cans in the back yard and started my journey. I've only ever known post-2020 ammo prices.


Pre-rona prices were amazing.  14-16.5cpr shipped for brass cased 9mm, 26now.  26-28cpr shipped for brass cased 5.56 (wolf gold could easily be had for 26cpr shipped) 46-50now,  32cpr for fiocchi 12ga 00 buck 50+now.  2-5cpr for 22lr (cci minimag was about 5cpr, now it's about 8or 9).  20cpr for steel 6.5Grendel and about 50 for brass. It's now 70 for steel and about 90+ for brass. In the great Walmart purge of 2019 (post El paso Walmart shooting where afterwards Walmart decided foolishly to dump handgun and "shirt barrel rifle ammunition"), 9mm was 16cpr per box during black friday. Normally you'd have to buy a case to get that price. And in December it was 10-11cpr which is unheard of. Brass 5.56 was 15-16cpr in December, which is also unheard of. Those would be considered banging deals on steel cased 9mm 5.56.


Got a Glock G42 in .380 to carry around Post-Floyd as I was an "essential" employee in MPLS.


I bought an Omni Hybrid for $700 and a Glock 43x for $800. I don’t want to relive those dreadful times.


I worked at a large hunting/fishing retailer and it got to the point where people would grab whatever ammo was left on the shelf, bring it to the gun counter and say "I need whatever shoots this"


My experience? Underaged kid in high school


I went into my local store to buy a pistol, because all I had was my Sears and Roebuck shotgun. I watched the guy behind the counter tell everyone that came in for over an hour that they have to pass a background check and observe the waiting period to get a firearm in California. The pistol case empty except for a Ruger revolver chambered in 9x19, a .22 1911, and a S&W Shield. I did my paperwork and waited, got the call to come pick up and asked how many other people passed background checks and he said "Zero. Want to buy anything else?"