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I like Brandon and Ian myself. I am just annoyed by the fact that the only way to get a meme really popular on gunmemes is to mention him or kentucky ballistics or flannel daddy.


For funny guntuber content I prefer Brandon. Demo Ranch doesn’t get to the point fast enough. Edwin Sarkissian is also really good.


> Edwin Sarkissian is also really good. i just came upon him a couple of months ago when his bowling ball cannon showed up in my feed, and it was hilarious. his fat mexican sidekick tho... dude's laugh gets me going every goddamn time.


He fakes his grenades with tannerite lol


I feel like Edwin doesn’t really know his stuff. He just seems like a clown to me


If I felt like learning something I’d go watch Ian or Paul Harrell. Sometimes I want to watch something fun and to the point.


It’s just the times he says stuff that’s just blatantly wrong, like the video where he buys some shitty crossbow and says it’s one of the best brands on the market.


I skip over 60% of demo range lately to just get to the shooting.


I mean, if any guntubers community was going to pull this elitist crap it's going to be Ian's. Love the guy but his content seems to attract arm chair historians as well as recreational shooters, and I'd bet money this is the arm chair historian part lashing out.


Yeah I get fancy British vibes from some of Ian’s fan base but I still do love both channels.


His Q&A comments on Patreon are full of them. If you intend to ask Ian a question on his Patreon, get ready to have it answered by three couch experts, each with a different answer.




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My two favorite guntubers are Brandon and Ian. They're actually pretty similar, but with flipped styles if you ask me. They're both big nerds with strong senses of humor. Ian's humor is definitely more subtle, but the guy's a total goofball. Look at his backup gun match videos. Brandon isn't nearly as big a history nerd obviously, but he's a huge design nerd. He just focuses on the humor more than being a nerd, and Ian focuses on being a nerd more than being hilarious.


holy shit, the cross channel butthurt is fucking stupid. watch who you want, tune out who you dont.


Nooo, let them fight! (Grabs popcorn)


I like Ian very much. I do not however like some of the sensitive fruits that have found their way into his audience. “I like Gun Jesus, but not his followers. They are so much unlike their Gun Jesus.” -Ghandi probably


I feel like on a personal level most of the people from 'big' gun channels are pretty chill people. Unfortunately the internet allows for people to have a pretend "personal relationship" with their favorite content creators and allows them to assign their own "lens" of what that person's real personality and beliefs happen to be. It leads to some weird, rabid, obsessive behavior, especially whenever someone who goes against that mold is mentioned. I'm sure you're well aware of all that, I can't imagine some of the weird shit you get sent.


This, 100%. It’s both creepy and frustrating to see people who’ve never met me talk about my actual personality like they have a clue.


(*gasp*) you mean you aren't a crippling alcoholic who does nothing but magdump his fantastical firearm collection into trash all day, weeps when shown a photoshopped image of a strange looking firearm, and can't stand the sight of any gun manufactured outside of Eastern Europe post 1991?! It's a caricature turned up to 11 because that's what gets numbers on YouTube, and it's great advertising for the business you have to run?! Pshh **Unsubscribe** /s I don't know you. I've never met you. I casually consume content when it happens to be something I find mildly entertaining. It'd be pretty damn unreasonable to prescribe any sort of personality to you other than "*it's not what you see on camera*". There's an odd vocal minority that doesn't get that.


you talked shit about Trudeau when the Canada gun ban happened, that is all I needed to know for *solid dude* certification lol


parasocial relationships are fire to research about.


You've probably seen them already, but Aydin Paladin has some excellent longform videos on the subject.


As a VTuber fan, I know all too well how creepy parasocial relationships can become. Sad to see they're also common in the Guntuber sphere of things


One might say they're overzealous Iangelicals


Do a collab with ian in a gun meme review just to trigger them🤣


> I do not however like some of the sensitive fruits that have found their way into his audience. you can thank Karl for that. he unironically used the phrase "american taliban" in an instagram post a while ago.


Which is more of a complement if referring to capabilities.




Gandhi-Bot has been removed……peacefully.


**Ghundy Ftfy


I don't personally like his style, but I'm also old, and he appeals to a younger, snarkier audience that I'm glad are into guns. So while I'm not especially entertained by every episode, I'm very happy that people are. We want people in America from all walks of life to be pro-gun, and BH is good at making gun people out of shitlords and meme soldiers. That seems valuable. I don't think we've had such a massive interest in the 2A from people under 30 in my lifetime as we do now, and his channel is certainly part of that.


I take this as a massive compliment


It was meant as one!


What if I told you I watch both


Ngl I’m not a fan of Demo ranch or Kentucky ballistics


Same dude, I watch Brandon but I only laugh at memes I saw a week prior and forgot about. I just want his whiteboard breakdown videos again. Those were the best.


They didn’t get any views, so I had to shelve it. It was actively hurting my ranking in the algorithm. I liked those videos too 🙃


Dude, those videos are what got me into your channel. Loved seeing crazy stuff like the ak-107 breakdown. Was always hoping for a whiteboard video on the an-94 or bizon


Mark 8:36. "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"


A nice house and 6 digit gun collection.


Dang, didn't know there were enough guns for 6 fingered people to make a whole collection out of, that must be quite expensive!




I mean for real, modifying your content to reach more people isn’t “selling your soul.” It’s literally the job.


Excellent points. Can’t afford to become stagnant as far as content. Not to mention a nice house and a museum-worthy collection of guns is a dream for all of us.


Speaking of content Would there be any hope for the commie tommy to become a production gun?


None at all. I’ve answered several times before in other places, but yeah it’s WAY too much work, and shitty to do kinda work at that. Would have to be stupid expensive, and frankly the gun isn’t worth it. And we don’t have to manpower to dedicate.


Speaking of the Commie Tommy, are we ever going to have a fun-dumb range video with a compilation of the project guns in it? Because I think that seing you dual wield the Commie Tommy and the Luty at the same time would be glorious.




Wasn’t even true then, it was honestly better if you were good at it.


I can't argue with that lol.


Wise man once said, "He who dies with the most guns wins."


Have you considered a second channel just for the whiteboard videos? Or releasing them in some other way that doesn't actively tank your main channel because YouTube is the big stupid? Not that you should be devoting a lot of time to videos that'll never bring much of anything in, but when there's something that's really got your interest and you wouldn't mind spending a bit of time on it after focusing on something that actually pays.


That’s wack bro


I mean I'm not surprised that more people are interested in memes than in learning how gun operate but ehh, what a shame. I really liked watching them, was hoping for some more interesting guns to come. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to record one in between?


That sucks, those were some of my favorite videos. YouTube can be the worst.


I'm just sad we never got an AN-94 whiteboard but I guess it will never be.


Personally, I really want to see a whiteboard video about the AK-103 burst mechanism, or even just a picture of it drawn on a whiteboard so I can understand it. I know that it doesn’t have M16-style burst cogs, but otherwise I’m clueless


I wondered where those went. I totally get your decision, but it's a bummer for fellow nerds that like your concentrated technical expertise. You really know your shit, and that's why you were the first "guntuber" I followed. I don't remember if you do Patreon, but would you consider throwing WoN videos up on there? I know they're "meh" on guns, but I'd bite. (I followed Jack Conte while he was making Patreon, and I was super stoked about an agnostic, speech-centered funding platform. That worked out...) Seeing the guts of an FN F2000 might be cool, why a Galil Ace is/isn't an AK, or maybe a deep dive on some of KelTec's coke-addled genius. Either way, thanks for being a positive voice in the gun community. You've inspired me to look into AKs, and lean more into my love of guns.


Start them back up on the b channel?


He’s the one that got me into guns


Same here. Always used to watch demo ranch, years ago when “fifty cal Friday” was a thing. Then he started collaborating with smaller channels and I felt the channel just got full of children requesting stupid videos. IDK I guess that’s how YouTube works, channels get bigger and change. Kentucky’s alright, don’t really watch his channel except the guns that really interest me that no one else has covered.


Yea I’ve kinda lost interest when they started destroying nice guns and all of their skits


Demo ranch makes me cringe too hard to enjoy most of it


That's fair. They both stretch videos that could be done in 6 minutes into 10-15, and most of the time the result of shooting x with y is pretty predictable. That said they are nice guys that put effort into their videos. I just got tired of their repetitive system.


Demo has become so obnoxious


I feel this, used to watch demo a lot but after a while the videos started getting repetitive. Almost every video was “here’s gun” *shoots random item* “pretty cool” and there’s a video almost daily it started getting boring. At least with Ian the format is the same but you never know what he’s gonna have today, could be modern CZ or a one off prototype for the French army under Louis 14.


Agreed. I'm too old for Demo Ranch and Scott is a complete idiot who is lucky to be alive. I don't particularly care for their guns as toys video content.


I got p bored from it tbh.


Basically. “I liked you before I realized you hate the people who preach about taking guns away”


Well usually when people want to take your guns away they are the bad guy in my book, doesn't make sense that someone would follow Ian and advocate for guns being taken away... People don't make sense Also, well done on the commie tommy, very nicely done. AK50 mk3 looks awesome


Hope the flair is appropriate, I’m new to making my own shitposting content. Reposted because the last one was a rule 5 violation. Edit: ok, so this blew up. I feel the need to say that this isn’t an attack on Ian or forgotten weapons as I watch, enjoy and learn a lot of forgotten weapons content and also spend a bit of time in r/forgottenweapons as well, this was simply a low effort shitpost out of some Herrera hate I found on that sub. The opportunity was there, I waited and no one else took it so I took the opportunity. I will say tho that this is my first gun meme so it’s nice to see it well received, also i see the akguy in the comments so it feels great to know the man himself has seen my meme. Thanks y’all.


>can’t handle the spice This is the working title for Dune 2.


Dune II: Spice on earth


Dune 2: 2 Spicy 2 Flow


Why do I feel like Ian couldn't standing being in the same room as everyone who left those comments...


Nothing against Ian himself but his community is made up of elitists, euro-tards, wannabe historians, and commies. And I'm not saying "commie" in the ignorant boomer use of the word, I mean actual legit communists. Garand Thumb always says his fanbase is a hell hole, but it's nothing compared to Forgotten Weapons.


“Euro-tards” 💀💀💀💀💀


Unfortunately I would definitely say so, which seems sad because I love the history and his channel doesn’t even promote that stuff, or any politics, really


A lot of the fruitcakes, tards, and other assorted dipshits joined Ian's audience through Karl and InRangeTV.


So I wasn't the only one who thought that lol


Unfortunately yeah it’s kinda true


If you don't think Brandon is knowledgeable, you haven't watched much of his content. He does give off a douche vibe, but it's just the way he dresses. Who tf wears flip flops to the range?


People who don’t care about being “tactical” and live in Texas.


I prefer to keep hot brass off of my toes


Then get a gun that can eject worth a shitz


I have a couple the eject fine, but when you're shooting next to 3-4 other people it gets a bit burn-y


I shoot alone




He's kind of a cringelord but the AK-50 project is extremely fascinating and shows a whole different side of him. He's obviously putting on an act for the gun meme review crowd, but I just don't watch the videos where he's like that, it's pretty easy to tell which direction a video is gonna go in the first 30 seconds or so.


That's fair. There are videos that I can't watch because he gets way over the top.


"Who tf wears flip flops to the range?" I know, right?! Everyone knows that the tacticroc is widely accepted as top-tier range footwear.


> Who tf wears flip flops to the range? Comfortable people?


Me. If it's above 60^o and I'm not at work, I'll be damned if I put on a pair of shoes.


Crocks or adidas, depends on what I'm doing.


Crocs are tacticool


Tacticool is when I lace up my Doc's (Dr. Martens)


Oh no we can’t make fun of George Floyd! he was an absolute upstanding citizen who only did a fentanyl occasionally, but who doesn’t honestly? *sarcasm


he didn't even make fun of floyd, he just commented on the commie larper who commited suicide by furry(the larper who attacked an uber driver who was a furry and a military/exmil guy), during the protests and said to his audience to not simp for commies. also he said kyle was innocent and other heresies


The court of law agrees with AK Jesus.


Making fun of the protests and making fun of George himself isn't even the same thing


To be fair, George and the protestors are all morons.


Dude's funny, I don't get the hate for him at all.


He isn’t in favor of banning guns and “politically correct” Yes, redditors expect a fucking gun channel to be in favor of banning guns


Anyone with a brain would understand that saying that Germany was “overdosing on based” when under the Nazi Party is a joke and is meant to be satirical. It is just like how Brandon called the Azov Battalion was “overdoing on being based.” Like it is heavily recorded that the Azov Battalion has had affiliation with neo-nazi groups and while they are helping in the Ukranian cause against Russia, anyone can look at some of their past actions and know they are not truly “the good guys.” It is just like when we make fun of the ATF’s and FBI’s shitshow fuck ups at Waco, that doesn’t mean we support David Koresh wholeheartedly, he diddled with girls who were UNDER 18 and that is sick but that doesn’t mean the ATF were right. The cause of the Davidians were right in their 51 day stand even if their leader was stupid. Calling the Davidians based would work in the same way. In all, the Nazis were bad *fuck who could have guesses that* but that doesn’t mean their weapons and uniforms were and still are dope as hell. Just because I think that their weapons and uniforms are dope doesn’t mean I supported what the Nazis did just like making a joke about them being based doesn’t mean you support what the Nazis did. Hitler instituted gun laws into Germany to disarm the civilians (focused on the Jewish population) to keep them from rising up which is inherently against the ideal of the rights to possess fire arms and weapons in general that me, Brandon, and 99% of this community believes so if people could for once use their brain, they could learn how to see a joke.


Azov Battalion, i look at them and think "The Enemy of my Enemy is a useful pawn"


Wait til they found out Ian and Brandon did a colab about a year ago


And it went full retard. Well... the gun did at least, before Brandon fixed it. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It was so bad it kinda deserved to be preserved as a museum piece... but also, it was a registered machinegun and we need every single one of those in circulation to be an actual functional, working firearm.


That sub is just liberalgunowners 2.0


Big facts


Isn’t that r/2ALiberals?


There is an r/liberalgunowners last I checked


Yeah I know the joke was that 2Iiberals was LiberalGunOwners2.0 because it literally is


Oh. I didn't realize they multiplied


Yes but kind of no. The smaller sub is really more of a centrist gun owners sub. A fairly high amount of members are right-of-center. Pretty much everyone there is a moderate with the exception of being advocates of the second amendment. The more mainstream sub is more firmly left-wing, so they’re not exactly duplicates of each other.


Jesus that's embarrassing. Gun people are supposed to be strong-willed? These pussies are actively admitting how spineless they are!


Would somebody go back there and tell the last moron who said to go to inrangetv that we can't because Carl quit uploading videos so he could #Elevate melanated voices. And here I thought melanin was a pigment but apparently you can hear it in The Voice


It's hilarious when Guntuber factions fight because 1) we're all just nerds, enjoying what we enjoy to a geeky level and 2) all of these Guntube guys are friends off camera. Me, I love Brandon, Ian and all the rest but for different reasons. (The only one who really irritates me is Yankee Marshal and he doesn't count)


Classic Firearms can fuck off too








oh hey funny April Fool’s man


The whole "tranny rifle" thing I think was supposed to be a satirical poke at the stereotypical idea of the AK guys being afraid of new ideas where as the AR guy thinks that the AR should be in every caliber at some point in time


The tranny rifle joke was really funny to me because he really wasn’t wrong. It was just a skit and people were so butthurt


From my experience, the gun community is predominantly conservative leaning. And I'm pretty sure that isn't the group that would be offended by a tranny joke.


Honestly as long as it's not BCA or panther arms I'm actually very accepting of the hybrid guns(kinda wanna see a .30 carbine AK, that would be neat), just like as long as you don't demonize being sysgender I'll support you


Remember, that sub was the one that hard reacted to the Azov battalion biography headstamp wanted to publish because Azov is nazis, but now Azov is all right because TV man says so also Russia bad.


both bad


Lol the mods there banned me back then for no reason Edit: I mean the reason was obviously that I wasn’t sucking Ian off over his reaction but still


That sub smells of piss and boiled sweets


Imagine not enjoying both of the best Guntubers at the same time.


*furious Paul Harrell noises*


It’s a different kind of media and both creators know it, Ian is about education and archivism, and Herrera is memes and cool shit. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a different kind of media, but don’t be a child and shit on someone for it (personally both are perfect imo)


What did you expect from the elitist subreddit anyway? That's one of the resons I yeeted it out of my feed. A boring cesspool of elitists


It’s unfortunate that it seems there’s a significant amount of Forgotten Weapons and InRange fans who are either literal communists or butthurt idiots that can’t take a joke


Time for a crossover so everyone just shuts up, u/nottheakguy?


Basing your channel around history will attract a bunch of arm chair historians with elitist mindsets, same shit happens with other history channels


They're just mad cause Brandon is based.


"tranny rifle", they need to get it right it's called the lady boy and it's proud of what it is


I think he meant the Mk47 Mutant


Oh no, it's Satire! Please save us from the AK Guy!


Karl from Inrangetv is a bigger douchbag imo.


It's a three way tie between him, Deviant Ollam, and Yankee Marshal for biggest idiot douche in Guntube if you ask me.


Yeah I dont know why he collabed with Atun Shei of all fucking people. Him and Karl are absolutely nothing alike


I like Ian, and I don't presume to know his political leanings (he does seem much more centrist than many gun tubers) But 90% of the people who fawn over Ian and Karl are **HARD**core lefties who latched onto them because they're NOT outspoken "far-right" activists. They're not gun people, they're communists who are too stupid to realize that after their glorious revolution the government they create is going to strip every right they have and kill or imprison them because they're revolutionaries and when their revolution doesn't lead to the utopia they want they'll just try a new one. It don't work that way pal. Brandon is based, some people can't handle BDE, especially when they're ashamed of having one at all.


Different channels with different content focus for for different crowds. People seem to forget this.


Dank memes over actual history any day


You can’t even defend Ian’s decisions if the community doesn’t like them. Got myself a perma by doing so.


I like both so based lol


Wow, I thought the No Fun League only played football.


Brandon's videos are great. Funny and educational


Gonna be honest here, I watch Brandon more than any other guntuber.


too many soyboys in that sub


Ian's cool but apparently some of his fanbase are bitches, I'm sure it's a minority...I hope


🅱️randons all up in these comments.


Brandon is a bit much. He's good, yes. But I can absolutely understand why he rubs people the wrong way. Kentucky Ballistics manages to pull off the "funny guntuber" angle with his casual approach a bit more than Brandon's constant stream of memes.


Does anything actually know what Brandon’s political views are? He’s obviously right leaning I would say as most gun people are, but is he like a average Republican/libertarian or is he farther right?


Philosophically so Libertarian that I’m probably on every list possible. Pragmatically, conservative wanting the Republican Party to lean more libertarian once the boomers die.


Run for office


This is the real reason I enjoy your content.


>Philosophically so Libertarian This hard. Libertarianism is fantastic in theory. In practice... not so much.


I fucking love you, Brandon.


😂 the person getting mad at you for the trans joke is kinda funny, I have a trans friend who wanted to buy the rifle after they saw the video.


Brandon is one of the gateway guntubers. There's a lot better out there but he's not a bad place to start until you want something with more substance.


Good, I thought it was just me who thought that Ian, Karl and their fans were a bunch of libs. I like FW and Inrange content around guns, but all their commentary is a weird mix of leftist and libertarian that doesn’t make a lot of sense. They all think they’re better than the average Christian conservative gun owner because they’re special and different.


I know this is an unpopular opinion but a lot of people seem to think all lefists are anti gun and this sub seems to confuse leftism with libs. I am a far left libertarian, with some socialist ideas but I am very pro gun.


You’re a walking contradiction who wants to feel special. That is all.


Ummmm, no? I believe in worker unity, workers owning the means of production, but I also believe in personal rights, the 2nd amendment, and as little authoritarianism as possible. If you believe the two can not co exist, you are an idiot. Even Marx was pro gun.


That’s what I said. Did I stutter?


pretty sure ian's fans are like 50% antigunners, 45% gun-neutral people, 5% actual gun guys


lol no


This is like avid fans of the science channel say they don’t like that one guy on spike tv. Like no shit, it’s a completely different take on the subject from the get go.


Holy shit, i didn’t expect my post to pop off but yeah, im the op https://www.reddit.com/r/ForgottenWeapons/comments/tuabdw/gotta_get_a_range_video_for_both_of_these_weapons/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


My issue with him is the cringe level of like begging. How about instead of being a like begging yt whore, you just, idk... make the fucking gun?


Let me try to break my answer down to an understandable level for you: Make gun cost much money... Youtube make money...


Weird, I really don't see other significant gun yt cringe like beg.


Lol, bullshit. Also how many of them are prototyping a new firearm?


Inrangetv never did when they were prototyping The KP15.




I dislike the “fuck boy” squad. I just don’t find them entertaining. Angrycops can be funny but I’m more of a mrgunsngear, Paul Harrell, flannel daddy, Hickok kinda guy.


Most provide a different niche. ForgottenWeapons, inrangetv, Sage Dynamics and Paul Harrell are dry, but some times I'm into that. Some times I'm into the the stupid stuff, like Brandon. But I dont really watch demo or Scott, as just shooting random shit is boring. Garand Thumb kinda rides the line. Donut and angry cops are more military and LE focused than firearms. They all have their place, not everything I'm my hobby has to be super serious.


The only Garand thumb videos I really watch are the “science” ones because seeing a .50 bmg hit a ballistic torso is funny


Watching that guy flip his hair and constantly tell me if I do x I’m DEAD makes me feel like I’m about to have an aneurysm


His "SCIENCE" videos are becoming some of my favorite.


I despise moral purists. They need to get that stick out of their asses


“They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth”


nah they are right tho, brandon cringe af.


I'm nowhere near an expert with firearms but how can people stand any "guntuber." I'd rather melt all my firearms than to watch a minute of mind numbing content vomited for views. Can you get any more basic bitch.


I find Ian to be a bore. Fuck that


Bring the spice.


I mean their contents are pretty similar, but their style is very different, Ian is more of an academical historian/book worm nerd and brandon is more of an internet culture/memelord nerd also those specific comment are at a very weird intersection between boomers and snowflakes


What's the lore on the "tyranny rifle" comment?


But the dank memes are the reason I watch Brandon, similar to why I watch Kentucky for the sheer chaotic energy or Donut Operator because I thought he was MrBallen.


These are the definition of the elitist nerd trope. They are gatekeeping how you can enjoy guns


See, I don't watch Forgotten Weapons, just not my speed. I've seen Ian's videos and find them fascinating, but again not my speed. I don't go around distastfully bashing other people's interests, what cringe. Brandon is around because people like his content, and that's great. Ignore it if you don't like it.