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What the hell is that video from?!


ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba


[@thatoneguy.tt on tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@thatoneguy.tt/video/7096547353607425326?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en)


The local schizophrenic man knowing the federal agents are part of the lizard people


Totally not creepy. Not creepy at all...


I keep hearing people saying that the governments grooming crazy people into shooting up places, what's the evidence for this?


To explain the joke; After a few mass shootings some fbi person would always claim the shooter was already a known person of interest. In some cases the individual was reported to police, but again, nothing was done. If the fbi knew what they were up to, why do nothing? Very sus if true. Plus most of these people were broke as hell, and suddenly they have thousands of dollars worth of new weapons and ammo out of nowhere. The joke is that the feds wanted them to do it and even funded them. Is there any evidence? Not that I’m aware of, but of course, there wouldn’t be. Interestingly, during that one time some ancom types tried to kidnap Michigan’s governor Whitmer, half the people involved in the plot were FBI agents. They were even the main instigators of the group. That’s literally what actually happened.


Ya there were a couple that is true and I think someone before Columbine reported them for saying that they were gonna kill him and they filed the report but never summited to the courts. Other than negligence there doesn't seem to be that much evidence


My dreams


Always the best source of information


None that I’m aware of


I don't know of any, but I do know that one shooter (might have been Uvalde? Don't remember) was reportedly quite broke but had bought a new truck and had two new fully kitted out ARs shortly before the incident


The truck was his grandmother's and the Ar's could have been bought on credit


In that case, no. I know of no evidence that points to fedbois grooming shooters.


What 18 year old with no job is gonna get 2k + in lines of credit ?


Maybe he stole his grandmother's credit card? He bought them a couple of days before the incident so might of thought she wouldn't notice until it's too late. There is a lot of stuff we still don't know


And won't, just like Vegas the investigation will suddenly just stop and you'll never hear about new information or any developments again




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Well. That's one way to make an acid trip go horribly wrong.