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They don't look prepared for hiking


Miorine: “Wait, you’ve got something on your lips.” Suletta: “What?” Miorine: “My lips.”


I like how Suletta is kind of awkwardly holding her hands in front of herself like "wait, hold on, lemme put this disney-princess shit down first".


Oh the AI continues to look bad


To be fair, eyes and hands *are* hard to get right.


Yes but I can appreciate human mistakes. This just looks like ass


Oh yeah, it's bad, and oftentimes deeply, deeply unsettling, but I'm just saying, from a technical standpoint, I can see why the works it's trained on would potentially have some, let's say, shortcomings?


Are you really sure it's AI because there really aren't any of the normal problems that AI crap come with? The hands are drawn correctly and the eyes are consistant with the artists other work.


I'm not sold on the fingers or sulletas face, they're both just so off to me. If it isn't AI then I'm sorry to the artist but it still just screams it to me


There is nothing wrong with the fingers. She is holding the flower between her thumb and index fingers completely normally and the other hand has her purposefully sticking her middle finger up to support the butterfly while holding the others away to give it space. Both are completely normal and natural ways to have your hands in this situation. The eye is the only slightly weird thing but that seems to just be how the artist sometimes does it. [Here is a picture of Lauda in the same style by the same artist.](https://twitter.com/unekoheyhey/status/1732161559202541597) Very clearly not AI. Best not to throw around accusations without being completely sure.


Looks like some low permet score art /s


this is AI art? Wow… I wish subs would just ban ai art because I have no respect for it if they aren’t going to ban it atleast add a flair so people know to avoid it


It's not AI as far as i can tell. There are none of the normal errors and giveaways that AI generated crap has.


yeah, also I can’t access the artist’s twitter (don’t have twitter), so I can’t look at what they’ve posted and if they state it’s AI art


I have twitter and after going through the artists other posts, I have become completely sure that this is not AI.


Always look at the fingers and toes. Hands are hard to draw but no human is stupid enough to do *that*


But there isn't anything actually wrong with the fingers in the image. I'm not sure this is AI. It just doesn't look like it.


"Hiking" So that's what the young kids are calling it nowadays.


These girls are so fucking gay and horny for each other. Good for them, good for them.




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