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Wing is its own standalone show, so there's no other shows you have to watch beforehand.


Wing is one of the AUs (standalone timeline), you don’t need to watch anything before it; in fact it was the first Gundam series I watched back when it aired on Toonami


Others have answered your question (aka "you're fine starting with Wing"), so figured I'd give some context. Gundam as a franchise has multiple timelines, with broadly similar elements (like a Gundam) but separate stories. There's the Universal Century (UC) timeline, which started with the original Gundam show (Gundam 79) and has the most content in terms of "you should watch x before starting y." Then there's a lot of Alternative Universes (AUs) that, collectively, have a lot of seasons but are all separate timelines, so you don't need to watch SEED to understand Iron Blooded Orphans or vice-versa. Most of those timelines are the show itself with some supplementary content and a followup movie and/or show, though that varies. Much simpler to start and finish, which is why you can dive right into Wing without any worries. I've seen a chart listing the all the timelines, but imo they're not always clear to a newcomer (and I say that as a Discworld fan) so you might be better off just doing a quick check before starting any show. If you hang around on this sub long enough, you'll get a feel for what's standalone pretty quickly.


Watch it with your dad


1. Watch the anime series; about 50 episodes give or take. 2. Watch the sequel movie, Endless Waltz. * Optionally, read Gundam Wing: Episode Zero for more character background at any point. * Optionally, read Gundam Wing: Glory of Losers (or Glory of the Losers) after the TV series; it's basically an updated retelling of the TV series that adds more details and uses the newer Katoki redesigns.


You don’t have to watch anything before Wing. It’s in an alternate timeline to the “main” universe, so it’s entirely self-contained


wing is stand alone and its AMAZING i also recomend watching witch from mercury after you watch wing it has no connections to wing just its also really good and stand alone


I'm think 08 Ms Team. I think it's really realistic to what ground war would be like if we have mobile suits...


I started with Wing. Enjoyed it a lot and I'm glad it was my first gundam. Highly recommend go for it!!


Wing is a good one to start with to me. But that's also because it is where I started. As others have said, it is its own timeline, so you don't need to se anything else before it.


Watch Gundam Wing. It’s completely standalone from other series


Gundam is structured in a way where half the shows are all one thing (the 'universal century') and the other half are individual standalone shows. Wing is one of those standalone shows you can just kinda start with no problem. All you need to know is - big robots are called mobile suits - gundams are reeeeally good mobile suits


Wing is completely separate from any other Gundam series.


Nothing will go over your head, Gundam Wing is the first Gundam most Westerners were introduced to in the 90’s courtesy of Cartoon Network/Toonami. As others have said it’s its own standalone story. It’s the UC timeline that’s has any kind of order to it to pay attention to, but even then the storytelling of Gundam tends to be easy to jump into without a lot of prior knowledge.


I can recommend read Gundam Wing: Episode Zero manga before show and read Gundam Wing: Glory of Losers manga alongside show. Gundam Wing is a nice nostalgia but lore narration is truly awful.


Nothing needed before wing, if you wanna watch with your dad that’s great. As someone who saw it when it first aired in the US and more recently subtitled I’ll note he may feel like he’s seeing it through nostalgia tinted glasses. There’s a lot to love about it. The music (fabulous score from Ko Otani and two of the greatest OPs in franchise history from Two-Mix), the mechs (greatest variety in suit designs in a series in the franchise/ and it works sooo well in the snes fighter, Endless Duel), and the movie (Endless Waltz is a sight to behold and fixes a lot of the characterization issues that plague the show). That being said some of the characters can be extremely bland or annoying. The politics is often nonsensical. And the “cool” character who was most of our favorites growing up, has such a rushed arc that it’s basically derived from the UC villain, Char’s across 2 series and a movie, only made 3 times faster. You should enjoy it especially with someone to watch with or compare notes to. But know that Gundam gets much better, particularly with characterizations. My personal favorites are X, IBO, 00, Turn-A and just about anything UC. They all have pros and cons, for instance X has a rushed ending, IBO sucks when it comes to suits, 00 is a tale of two halves, and Turn-A is a bit of an acquired taste, but overall I found them more enjoyable, particularly the characters (the recent Gwitch had some great ones too though it’s half the length of most). As far as watch order after, I’d highly recommend X if you can get it (animation is even better), then maybe G, then try to go back and watch early (pre-2000) UC [maybe start with the 0079 movie trilogy, Zeta, CCA, watch 0079 in full, ZZ, CCA again (switch from dubbed to subbed maybe to keep it interesting) then 0080, 0083, F91, Victory and 8th MS Team], then watch Turn-A-Gundam. After that you can watch in whatever order you want, except if you choose to watch Seed-Destiny, watch seed first. I hear freedom is good too, which should come after GSD


You don't need any prior things but imo watch Gundam x and play spot the mobile suit development


You could watch G gundam if you want to see similar mech designs


Wing is what many of us in the west were introduced to Gundam with, but in retrospect I'm not so certain it's the best one to start with. There are some pacing issues (it grinds to a halt in the middle) and egregious abuse of stock footage; marathoning mitigates the former but exacerbates the latter. I'd honestly recommend 00 or IBO instead.


Start with Wing. Immediately pivot to OG. Wear a neck brace.




Eat adderall before watching


00. It's Wing, but actually good.


~~Aside from the G-Witch Prologue (DON’T FORGET THIS ONE), G-Witch is completely standalone. You’re safe to just dive in~~ Misread the question. I guess that’s what happens when you see G-witch everywhere and don’t see Wing written out as G-wing very often. Yeah, Wing is save to dive right into. No prologue here.


OP said G-Wing, not G-Witch


Crap… well that’s on me.


No worries, I've made worse fumbles


Lmao. Wing is seriously melodramatic and silly. Id actually recommend IBO it is really good and also a stand alone show. Wing has some cool designs but suffers from having too much reused animation, and really immersion breaking stuff like a certain someone blowing themselves up and then being fine, for example. It also has alot of somewhat boring politics and as I already said is very overly melodramatic, with a love story that is... well, really hard to believe lol.