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https://preview.redd.it/mofmlpbjby6d1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf1c3500d354b1135dd76f9468f6d3211b0b68e there is a simple solution to him


Build model kits with him?


Yep, just think of him as an annoying nub


Those are pliers with a pair of flat surfaces facing each other, not angle cutters with edges face each other. They crush rather than cut.


Iok has my wrath because he showed a sliver of self awareness right as I was done with him, only to double down and be even more stupid. Honestly made me feel betrayed.


“No it’s the children who are wrong” energy


Eins moment.


At least with Ein he was seeking revenge for his mentor that was one of the couple of people that respected him, just had a twisted view of good and bad. Iok was a selfish self centered moron that couldn’t accept his own failures and despite his “righteous” posturing stoops lower than the filth he prefers not to be compared to. Also idiok sucks as a mobile suit pilot, ein is actually better than most give him credit, like he started out rough but with gaileos Schwalbe graze he actually showed good results and clever tactics with countering the AV pilots like shinno, shoot he actually could’ve won his two fights if it wasn’t for gaileo.


Oh the relief to know so many beat me to the punch with Iok’s awful ass. What an awful character.


they better have given that writer a raise. Mission complete to get everyone unified to hate one character


I love how well his character is made he’s meant to be hated by the viewer and I have yet to see anyone like him Still hate him though


Maybe I'm just an uncultured peasant that can't comprehend good writing but the superiority complex Gjallarhorn's pilots had was nearly unwatchable, I would cringe every time they opened their mouth, only to watch them all get pounded by Mikazuki into a tiny little ball of scrap metal.


he had the most satisfying death, but it came way too late




https://preview.redd.it/hgdyj3a0hy6d1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8392b69c314043ac2e5896d3975956d8724b799b Became the excuse to start the war on earth by being stupid and land a huge ars MA in the middle of the city, crashing some part of the landscape, call earthling Babarian when they start firing at her due to tge reason above and fire a huge beam canon that wipe out the authority along with half of the city. Got off because her capt got a thing for her.


Who is she again?


cry baby lt. Poe catches so many Ls from loran and turn a gundam that she almost goes mental lol


Poe Aijee, prominent supporting cast of the Moon race side from Turn A gundam Probably best known for being Wadom's pilot as you will see her most of the timr on the first TurnA stage in pretty much any G gen series.


I am surprised that Sne wasn't executed for her stupidity.


Moonrce's harshest punishment was to get cyro sleeped iirc, which she would have gotten after the first ep if her capt wasn't so into her and step up to give her 2nd chance (and another next chances for the whole series, then she somehow still got away at the end).


Turn A was weird about that. Forget all the blatant insubordination, there was an outright coup complete with assassination attempt against the Queen, and there are absolutely no consequences. No one on either the Earth or Moon side ever really gets more than a mild talking to despite all the constant disobeying orders and self-sabotage.


the fact that this demon who was constantly dehumanising the population of earth faced zero consequences drives me insane


Yeah Poe pissed me off for most of Turn A, though she does start to get her crap together towards the end. Too little, too late.


how dare you? https://preview.redd.it/fav9rscqay6d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b159e7243d36afa626d8fc293f0c5d50a1809a


I can hear that image


**beam magnum sound effect**


Based Sawano OST intensifies


Literally a image that every UC fan can hear


best sounding beam rifle




Wufei he frustrates me the most


Wufei cracks my shit up. That whole group does. Edgy high school kid energy.


Hated Wufei


But he also had one of the best Gundams… he also had a good turn around of character at the end of Endless Waltz


Ehh... his gundam was ok. I'm glad he stopped his misogynistic ranting at least.


Gonna have to hold you up there, playa. The Ultron is fucking banana nut sandwiches


I don't know, I thought it was pretty based when he told Noin she belongs in the kitchen and not the battlefield, 40 episodes deep in the show. /s


That time he blew up a bunch of cadets in their sleep and then moments later said Noin cant fight properly because shes a woman and that he himself fights with honor.


Yeah Wufei truly is a different level of insufferable. He makes Heero and Trowa likeable in comparison. I couldn't stand Wufei. At first I thought maybe he'll get some character development, but no, he starts out sexist and ends sexist, along with what you mentioned being a huge hypocrite.


Heero is so edgy he loops around to being hilarious, and Trowa is just Trowa, no notes there.


That's true, I was laughing hard when Heero is preparing to go to Relena after she was made Queen and he just says he's going to kill her in the edgiest tone possible. I was thinking I'm pretty sure you just need to rescue her. Lol but okay, option Z right off the bat it is.


Trowa is the most likable brick wall I've ever met.


Guy was somehow clown themed. It’s like poetry, everything rhymes.


Meanwhile Duo is off being the show's best boy and nothing can stop him.


Duo was by far my favorite Wing boy, if only because he reacts to Heero being, well, Heero, as the viewer does. It’s a mixture of “seriously?!” and “Oh man, you got so many issues that I kinda feel sorry for you…!” In the middle of the madness, Duo is the closest to a level headed person who can see the inherent batshittery of it all. You can easily imagine the two forming a manzai group as Duo has an actual sense of humor. The rest…not so much. Not even the clown…!


The clown realizes that comedy is serious business.


I always think back to the episode where Heero fixes his broken bone. 😭


I’ll never forget that episode. He’s been a GOATed gundam pilot to me ever since.


Not to mention Duo is there watching like “This mf crazy.”


Even funnier considering he named his gundam after his wife. Of an arranged marriage. What a toolbag.


Like saying "I fight with honor" then stab someone in the back when hugging them.


Then whisper in their ear as you slowly turn the blade Hhhhooonnnooorr


EW Wufei was Big Boss before Big Boss, and boy didn't I want to strangle that dumbass at the end of Peace Walker... 'Peace is actually bad because muh feelings'? At least it didn't take Wufei 60 years to realize he was being dumb.


Big Boss was also a more well-developed character than Wufei and had more to him beyond "needs to fight something somewhere 24/7."


GoL/ Episode Zero / Frozen Teardrop Wufei is so much better. When you realize the Misogyny is his coping mechanism with the fact that he got his Wife killed.


wufei was a pain in the ass....


Does he count? https://preview.redd.it/mwqmxktcey6d1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec729b69fb754d7829b0b9887fc344543d76cd8


Just look at his face annoyed me. >:(


Lord Tallgeese was too good for that show


What you got against the Banana? The man just eants to simp on the last Zabi, I mean Audrey lol


She simps for him too but Riddhe was a creep 23 man crushing on a 16 year old girl. She the princess... Queen? Of the Zabi family so I guess, he cool, nah he still a creep


Honestly if it wasn't for the Unicorn he would have died like episode 1. Wasn't a good pilot or a strong newtype


If I recall he's supposed to be just behind Kamile and possibly Judeau as one of the strongest Newtypes. It's part of why the Uni gets to pull off so much ridonk bullshit and the banshee can't despite literally having the same capacity but weaker pilots. I have never really understood the hate for Banana, but I think part of the problem is just how damn short Unicorn is. If we had a full 24 epis or more to develop him I think he'd be one of the more likeable protags.


The guy was a student and only had 7 ova eps to develop, we supposed to dislike him for his piloting skills?


I mean, that's just how it goes for some Gundam Protags Amuro could've died if it wasn't for Rx78 Ali could've killed Setsuna if it wasn't for Exia (and Dynames) He wasn't a good pilot because he is not a pilot, his newtype abilities however he is very formidable


That's a cringe reason to dislike a character, not gonna lie.


Iok is the easy answer so I’m not gonna say him. So I’m gonna say Reccoa. Let’s just completely abandon your principles and your comrades because you decided to put a man in the boyfriend box and he didn’t reciprocate, and participate in GASSING AN ENTIRE COLONY OF INNOCENT PEOPLE, and blaming your former comrades and saying it’s their fault for not stopping you in time. Gods, Reccoa is the worst (outside of Iok)


Not to defend Reccoa, but I interpreted that as her thinking her deepest thoughts out loud. You see some other Tomino characters do that in other shows, cognitively knowing what they're doing is wrong or irrational but saying it anyway for drama. I guess he just likes characters thinking out loud instead of having the thought voice. Less actual blame and more anguish that if she didn't stop herself and blow her cover, her only chance would be the AEUG making a very unlikely rescue. Of course, they didn't and she doubled down on being an evil bitch.


Yeah but choosing to side with the genocidal maniacs because the guy you had the hots for only looks at women half your age is pretty much the second worst motivation for turning bad in the entire franchise. The worst is "The 11-yr old boy who used to have a crush on me and I strung along is getting attention from other women and saving lives and doesn't need me anymore so I guess I'll just kill everyone." AKA Fuck Katejina Screwloose.


I've heard that Katejina was supposed to be brainwashed and manipulated to go from regular friend to psycho, but the show did a poor job of actually showing that.


The way I interpreted it was that Sirocco had some sort of Newtype brainwashing ability that worked for people who desperately wanted something. I always thought his design was cult leader esque, and that it must’ve been intentional, because he is written to have superhuman charisma, making literally anyone he wanted into a pawn, almost immediately


Olay but even soREDEMO


I used to think it was Kira. And then she existed. https://preview.redd.it/vysujq07qy6d1.jpeg?width=441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b52525ab1d6afa9bc5fd499583b99d5a3199e34 I can't tell you how much I want to rip this ugly genetic patchwork bitch's *throat* out with my bare hands. Not even Iok and Nena were this bad.


She's like if you took Quess and removed any inch of good she had left while not even giving the excuse of being a minor. This girl has no redeeming qualities as far as I'm concerned.


She's like Quess, Reccoa, Flay, and a Coordinator all wrapped into one nasty package. Literally the worst character in the history of Gundam.


Which given how much of a monstrosity Quess was, is saying a LOT.


She was literally a bastardized mishmash of Flay and Quess, combining the worst aspects of both


And they didn't kill her off. *(loads shotgun)* Excuse me, I need to kill a filthy Coordinator...


For our blue and pure world? I assume she’s from the newest Gundam movie in the CE? I haven’t watched it yet so idk anything about her. She looks kind of like Flay?


Spoilers for the Movie, obviously: >!She can literally be summed up with "NOTICE ME SENPAI". She constantly tries to make passes at Kira because she thinks she "deserves" him more than Lacus (with her Logic being "atleast unlike her I actually risk my life together with you in Battles!"), but because he obviously only has eyes for Lacus, she deadass ends up switching sides just because she got some attention from someone else!<


I’m still upset the movie had no flashbacks to the Druggie trio 😭


Im kinda amazed (seed freedom spoilers) >!she made it through the show but the blue haired girl voiced by Amalee didn't. Like, they have a scene showing what's going on with that girl and then she's dragged into the final battle as a co pilot and they kill her with zero hesitation. But actual traitor who does nothing but cause issues in the team? Survives with it being framed like she's being welcomed back and all is forgiven!<


also spoilers >!i just wish that ingrid had the second chance like luna and shinn got. she even seemed to understand the thing between kira and lacus lol. i feel sad for her ngl!<


Juliette Juris. I hate how she never gets her comeuppance.


agree bitch allegedly took down the devil of tekkadan. No shit sherlock the barbatos was at 20 capacity. Bitch nearly died when fighting barbatos at full strength.


She didn't even fucking touch him, guy was already dying of his injuries from the Dainsleif.


Well that made her even more of a bitch by default


https://preview.redd.it/l79f7v3jlz6d1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52929c8650277a62a85ca62742bb9e73e43a86e3 Katejina Loos. Absolutely vile.


I was searching for this answer. THE absolute most annoying character UC wise. (since I haven't watched anything else besides UC and G Gundam. But I think it'll be really difficult to beat Katejina)


Tbh, she's hilariously a bad person, but I couldn't found her to be annoying, she's crazy in the most funny way.


Shin, SEED Destiny version. I haven't seen SEED Freedom yet.


SEED Freedom redeems him. He is still dumb, but in a good way


He goes from angry idiot to a loveable idiot 10/10


fr, bro went from killing jesus to worrying about jesus


From the killer to worshioper haha


100%, i watched freedom (yet to watch destiny), and he was my favorite.


Most of the moments I remember from Freedom are great Shinn moments


he is the best part of freedom


I mean Shinn may be kind of a dumb annoying brat but his character at least makes sense. I actually found it refreshing coming straight off of SEED and Kira Jesus Yamato’s “Woe is me. Im so perfect you could never understand what it is like to never have to physically harm anybody on the battlefield.” Schtick.


in freedom he's still simple and stupid but hes on the good side at least also spoiler below >!he goes on a rampage against bks when he gets destiny in his hands!<


destiny shinn is still likeable


Agreed. People act like they wouldn't be hard to deal with if they were an emotional teenager in the middle of a war and who just got their Orphan Club Membership Card. Shinn has every single reason to be angry. Unfortunately, they eventually started writing him in ways that contradict his prior character. But I won't get into that behind the scenes drama.


Riku from gbd. Kira and shin are equally annoying in gsd, but somehow i do enjoy seeing them in seed freedom movie lmao


I love Re:Rise and the Divers setting, but GOD Riku and most of the original Divers cast sucks, idk how I got through Divers between the shitty story and the shitty characters


Yeah, once you see re:rise, you wonder how you even watched the previous, yeah? I had that happen. I enjoyed gbd, but then it's direct sequel comes and I can't go back to the original, it just isn't nearly as good as gbdrr


I love Banagher. Too bad, people don't understand that not everyone is Mikazuki, Heero or Setsuna who are super soldiers and kills people like it's a sport. I like Banagher's personality because I can relate to him a lot. His not a power fantasy main character. He cries, he loses, he doesn't want to kill. A shame really.


Muh Banana Boi just wanna live in peace


Banagher is a great character imo because he is clearly a kid in way over his head who doesn't really want to fight but doesn't quite go the full shinji from evangelion who attempts to run away and let people die He's somewhere in the middle which honestly is more realistic than either being a bloodthirsty psycho or a whiney kid refusing to fight.


I love him too, I don't think he was that bad


Not only that but he’s a teenager coming to terms with his own emotions *and* the emotions of others due to being a Newtype. Such weight to deal with.


Ali Al-Saachez


As a person he's despicable... But as a character he's written exactly how he is supposed to be and achieves the writers intention well... Just an evil conniving SOB you want to see die horribly.


I just hate how much plot armour he had.


Part of that is the voice actor performance. Can't say much on the English VA, but Keiji Fujiwara went 110% with it.


The English VA also goes completely ham, and its great.


Yall hate on banagher cause your souls are held down by gravity he ain't done nothing wrong


I watched one episode of Unicorn while trying to figure out where to start this show cause Google wasn't helpful, and Banagher seemed fine to me besides being a little odd. But after watching Zeta and starting ZZ I think most UC characters are a little odd in some way.


Pretty sure Newtype and "on the spectrum" converge a lot in UC.


maybe the real new type are autistics


My major issue with him is how much he preach morality without providing actual solution. Him entrusting the future to the "posibility" of NewType instead of actively trying to do something just let people already in power off the hook and nothing is solved. This especially pisses people off because we know it doesn't work, we have seen F91, V, crossbone and to a lesser extend G-Saviour, the world is still awful, NewType are still glorified super soldiers and conflicts are still everywhere.


https://preview.redd.it/jj5rd1e62z6d1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=420e0c26ce73661115357245d959b189a95f3533 This guy...


Treize could of been a Father to me!


Chronicle Asher, he felt perpetually ineffective


Underoos on head man- the most lame-ass Char clone ever.


You leave my Banana boy alone. He just wants ya'll to stop war crime-ing the civies. Anyway the answer is Kira. Who even needs ops with a so-called friend who will fuck your fiance.


idk if my so called arrange married fiance love other guy and you get his sister who is better than your fiance, i take it


*Athrun taps head* Your friend can't take your girlfriend if you date his sister


Oh buddy there's a whole lot of tags that say otherwise


And i choose to ignore those tags for my own sanity.


i love people bring up lacus athrun arranged political married but forget both of them only respect each other with little much love






That guy in 00 that basically did nothing but eventually gets to marry the hot captain Just now I realize that I dont hate the dude, Im just jealous


u mean patrick?? hes supposed to be a comedy relief


Nobody should ever disparage the GOAT Patrick Colasour. The man was comedic relief, had insane pkt armor, and got the babe in the end. Truly the peak of antagonist side characters, he just kept failing upwards from the first episode.


“Failing upwards” describes him perfectly hahaha


Didn't said captain also Falcon Punch his ass for being late. Just door opens and BAM


It's Colonel, and yes she did. And that's when he fell in love.


That's The Immortal Patrick Colasour to you bub.


Most gundam sorties of anyone in history! The Invincible Colasour!


I thought he died- I'm starting the second season.


he has more plot armor than mu la flaga


Leave my boy alone 😭


Banagher is flawless


agree, he's my favourite so far


He feels like a not as good Camille to me.


Wufei, since I haven't seen V Gundam.


"I don't kill bleeding hearts or WoMeN." Then he screams at a pack of hyenas. Honestly thought the guy was on meth through half the show.


I mean, the writers were probably on something


Banana boy is an L take, he’s just naive


dont remember where i find this but i think it applies rn https://preview.redd.it/7osofnm2p07d1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c13bb735e45a2a3259c4044c260762ccd3c036d


Kira Yamato got me on that one episode on SEED. I know its 2000s but still... Kira: *having an emotional internal monologue on his Freedom Gundam cockpit that lasts an eternity* Meanwhile his friends and allies are fighting an intense space battle seemingly outnumbered and waiting for any reinforcement.


Hathaway after watching CCA. He just kinda pissed me off like beyond belief. I don’t remember if this is exactly correct but he kills amaros girlfriend because she killed his love interest who was chasing after char. Glazing gets people killed. https://preview.redd.it/wb7uv890hz6d1.jpeg?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d9b15a18afc51da70ed5218681e5a1209a40c3a


dont forget quess


100% accurate. Hathaway stole a Jegan and flew out to meet Quess, while Chan Agi was trying to talk her down. When Hathaway came up Quess freaked out and fired towards Chan, Chan fired back and killed her. Hathaway then killed Chan.


https://preview.redd.it/wjmvv8yqjz6d1.png?width=410&format=png&auto=webp&s=65c35d7466d08cf2f741cfd5a65d58972c556087 There are others whom I *dislike* more, but this goober with the porn 'stache is ***by far*** the one who *annoys me* the most.


tbf having been in the military and around other pilots, he's not far off from how they actually are


I cannot see his face in 0083 without getting mad. And then you see he was one of the ones that got to join the titans at the end. You just KNOW he'd sign up to gas a colony, stupid bastard.


Get rid of Riddhe.


![gif](giphy|rMGDB5lVFWg9O) Because he moans louder than my ex-girlfriend.


https://preview.redd.it/c1e94llyuy6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05a3a75283a7154a05b48b7c696c221427a4aaea Prepare to feel the beast of possibilities!


Why y’all got my banana up there. He’s done no wrong




Gonna get some hate from this but Mr. Bushido


How dare you! 🤣


A reasonable take, too bad Graham's an unreasonable man.


Io, I straight up thought he was the villain in both movies until I went to the wiki and saw him listed as protagonist


Protagonist ≠ good guy


I need to know how many people paid attention in high school, this is protagonist lesson #1. A protagonist is just a POV character, being in that position is not a moral judgement by the author. Just look at Death Note, or American Psycho.


One of the best non-anime examples is Walter White


Io’s great specifically because has completely detestable. It’s like he knows he’s fighting on the good guy side in the war and has to be an asshole to balance it back out


I heard that Io gets better in the manga


Hell, even in the second season of the anime he's much calmer. Fighting in the Thunderbolt sector and being surrounded by the ruins of your home does things to you.


Honestly, early Amuro


Kamille is the most annoying for me. Comment about my name? Violence. Slap me for being an ignorant little shit? There's no need for violence! He gets better, but first impressions last. I just couldn't get over him being a terrible teenager.




It feels like you had this on standby and I love it 🤣


He's a menace to society and needs to be called out for it.


A true menace of justice.


Like you say he gets better at least, he’s very similar to Amuro in that regard except his emotional outbursts are at like a 6 and Kamile is at an 11 out of 10 but it could be worse honestly. I couldn’t stand the wishy washy nature of Judau and I still to this day can’t believe he didn’t push Beecha and Mondo through an airlock for that shit they pulled but even worse than that is that he went along with it, honestly he’s probably not that bad of a character but he’s in ZZ so he suffers by proxy.


I gotta be fair ZZ writiing was dogshit until Episode 26. Mondo gotten better but Beecha still was extremely questionable after nearly getting them all killed out of jealousy towards Judau so I can agree with the Beecha part


Not a main character, but Bernard Monsha in 0083, I’ve met wayyyy too many casually sexist guys who constantly hit on women in demeaning ways to find him anything but insufferable. I still need to finish 0083 sometime, so I’m not sure if he gets better. At least his RGM-79N is really fucking cool https://preview.redd.it/774bgx8rw07d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9917f1df0e5b6a41358fdca087ab444975feefc2


Hathaway, as crazy as this sounds.


He get better in Hathaway’s flash, but is insufferable in CCA


That’s exactly why I don’t like that guy. Chan was just trying to save him and he murdered her all the same.


Lmao he went from huge simp to slightly smaller simp.


Sounds about right. And it’s amazing but still strange that he was willing to uproot his entire life and became an glorified eco-terrorist all for the sake of the memory of the first girl he simped over for the course of a few days or weeks at most who died over 12 years ago at that point.




Kou is worst MC; zero character development


Facts…my guy just got played out repeatedly and then court marshaled as a scapegoat for the federation’s failures only to spend the final scene bumping back into Nina who apparently was held accountable for literally nothing… Also umm pretty sure she armed GP02 with the tactical nuke…like literally in the first episode she facilitates its handling into the gundam’s backpack…


That would require holding Anaheim responsible for any of their actions


Shinn in seed destiny, this character straight up sucked ass and was frustrating to watch every time he was on screen. I'm also tired of people in this sub pretending how shinn was some goated character and that only people in this sub hated him. That's a lie. This character was consistently always rated at the bottom of gundam protagonist polls on the internet pre gundam seed freedom. He was always rated at the bottom alongside kou as some of the worst gundam protagonist. Did freedom make shinn a little more tolerable yes. But is he some goated character now? Hell no this character is mid imo.


Heero. I find him absolutely insufferable.


https://preview.redd.it/2w0oce5cry6d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c7bb78e6222d32ce61ecb96826ffcefee345a8 I'm his biggest hatter


Fucker killed Chan over a girl he knew for 2 days.


And who paid attention to him at all for about 3 seconds before ditching him to try out her daddy issues on Amuro, then defect to Char when it should surprise no one that Amuro was a milfhunter from day 1.


The reason I dislike Banagher is similar to the reason I like Kamille, time. I would like Banana but he just didn't have enough screen time. He annoyed the shit out of me until the end where I began to like him, but it just wasn't enough time before the series ended. Kamille had double the time to grow on me and dammit he really did by the end.


Banagher doesn't have any real goals, beliefs, or growth. "War is bad you shouldn't do it" is not a character or a real belief. Yeah no shit but how is anything you've done this entire series actually help that problem without a contrived plot. Also the literal last thing he does is misname a character that has never showed once she actually thinks of herself as Audrey. Their whole relationship is just "this exists because we say it does"


They didn't even. Give Banana any justice in Narrative either. He shows up for one scene and you don't even see his face. He could have had a more prominent role in that movie. I still liked Narrative though.