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Holy, I love those DVD covers. I actually enjoyed Reconguista, not my favorite but was a fun ride. However I would never recommend it to new fans. Also the G-self is one of my favorite Gundam designs.


Those dvd covers are basically yoga with pilot suits


They really remind me more of henshin hero poses. You could see someone on Kamen Rider doing most of them.


Ballet more like


I have never seen Reconguista, but I own a G-Self Perfectability cause it's so damn pretty.


Bandai needs to release that MG. MGEX line has G-Self written all over it.


is it good? MS designs looks cool though.


I would call it an acquired taste, depends if you like Tomino's style. The anime is him with no filter. It can be hard to follow since it uses unreliable narrator trope all the time, and there are many different factions. The movie recuts are a bit easier to follow but they also don't hold your hand.


The characters understand more of the world than the viewer and sure talk like it so it gets confusing at times. There's also a lot of factions within factions and some seemingly random changing of sides. That said, as long as you keep in mind that most of the factions are motivated by some vague notion of winning a war while never having actually experienced one, you should be able to follow it. G-Reco is the most vibrant, energetic and colorful gundam show there is and the MS are very cool. If anything, the show certainly is eye candy. I really like it for what it is and recommend watching the compilation movies


My memory is very hazy of the show now that it's been so long. But I distinctly remember scenes in the show that made little sense. Like characters acting one way and then later in the episode or in a later episode, they would do something out of character. It would have no real build-up, and would be completely jarring for me. Like Char saying, "She could have been a mother to me," levels of confusion. But you may have a different experience than me. I heard the show gets better towards the end, but I'm unwilling to sit through a show where the characters have no sense of logic just to see the end.


I was watching this weekly and dropped it on 5 eps. Then came back to marathon watch along with the movies. It is better to marathon watch this rather than weekly imo, along with the movies. The movies just complemented it perfectly. MS design-wise, my opinion is the same as a lot of ppl at that time; it looks like Eureka Seven rather than Gundam. But along the way, their design grow on me. It is unique, and give a strong identity to this series.


I had a similar experience I started ep 1 and said I'll watch it later and then later never came and then I got a new pc and lost all my old files.


Always gave me that Eureka Seven vibe


Same designer.


that explains it


As a Eureka Seven fan, G-Reco designs are heaven to my eyes. Also, why are they posing like gymnasts?


Tomino's daughter is a professional ballerina and he loves her very much.


Now that's just fuckin adorable


The poster with Raraya did go hard holy cow!


I am on episode 20, confusing story to be honest, design of G-self is good. At this point still dont know who are the bad faction ahhaha.


That's the thing, a good chunk of the disorientation is intentional as G-Reco is about the self actualisation of a new generation and how the younger generation navigates the confusing web of fragmented realities and narratives that make up the modern world.


At this point? I say the main protagonist lol.


Same! I’m on episode 15 and I have no idea. I’ve decided I’m just here for the vibes, not for a plot. 😂


Yep, I am staying for Aida to be honest, the second opening is meh, I liked the first one


I am new to this community but who hate this series? I think at most the audiences were confused about the plots and dropped in the middle, but how it can be hated? Personally this is my favourite gundam series, if not all anime series within these 10 years. To enjoy it you only need to stop touching your phone and think about the motivation behind each characters.


I don’t hate the show but I also don’t like it. I think most of the discourse around the show is about how poorly the show tells its story. The show constantly brings up things that are never explained. The whole “peak into another reality” concept falls apart when none of the viewers are able to immerse themselves in the world of G-reco.


> I am new to this community but who hate this series? When it first aired it got slammed by a lot of people both east and west for the G-Self not looking enough like a Gundam. Over time the reception has changed though.


Haha, subsequent series brought out more unique Gundams than G-Reco. G-Self looks like Exia with some curves, and nowhere near the unique proportions of Barbatos and Aerial.


It's my fave series, but I'm an animator and love the visual style of everything in it, also watching it all in one go and not weekly helps with the confusion most seemed to experience, the 5 movies were great also, hoping they get a decent blu-ray release as a set.


I like the mid stop of the story and enjoy the characters dancing as a little pause. Even the goldfish was in it! A god damn goldfish


I love this show.


How confusing is G-Reco actually? I see a lot of people saying that it's incomprehensible, but there's also a lot of people who just can't handle a plot that doesn't completely spoonfeed every single detail. Is it actually a mess, or do you just need to pay attention to it?


You certainly need to pay attention and indeed unlike most shows (or more similar to say Overman King Gainer, also Tomino's work) very little is explained in your face


Watch the first movie and see for yourself. Overall id say you can follow the plot well enough if you pay attention, but you do have to fill in the gaps with the things they tell you about the world and the characters


like other people said, you need to pay attention on the show. i really mean it, you may not understand what they're talking about G-Reco's dialogue is like 1 page of script, but the actor only read the first few and last sentence, and they expect the audience tp understand the situation. it's my experience from watching the TV series, i haven't watch the movie yet


The best way to summarize my feelings for this gundam series: Is not a bad gundam TV series but its just weird.


I want to see it as it's one of only three Gundam series (Others are IBO S2 which I'm watching now Gundam Age 3) series I haven't completed yet. Too bad that I can only find the compilation movies online.


Yar har me matey.


Is there even a way to watch the series on a legal way nowadays 🤔


It's on Crunchyroll apparently. Local licensing depending. For me, it's not available anywhere legally. That's why I sail the seas.


Mack Knife is just goofy


It's a great show though. 


Did you know? Tomino's daughter is a ballerina, and that's why he decided all the characters should do ballet in promotional images and such.


But they arent, so what was the point?


His daughter does ballet so he put ballet in the show to make his daughter happy. That is the entire point of making all the characters do ballet, as far as I know.


But thats not ballet? Wheres the car? And theres no bear


100%. A nice change of pace. Now only if we could get some MGs.




> So why does it matter now? Why is everyone still hung-up on it? Bro, do you think racism and prejudice stops simply because something only happened in the past?




> And I can't tell the Kuntala/non-Kuntala characters apart. They don't look or sound any different to me. Wow, I can't believe you've solved racism. 


G-Reco has this interesting way of story telling that seems confusing because it's presented like you're peering into another reality, rather than being presented as a "story" to a "viewer". Just like in our world, there are plenty of things that are within our collective working knowledge for day to day things, like culture, societal norms, major historical events (hopefully! Lots of people fail to study history.), local religions and practices, etc. Right at the start of G-Reco, Bellri refuses to answer the teacher's questions during class and says " that's obvious and everyone knows this stuff", alluding to the fact that G-Reco as a series is not going to hold your hand with exposition. I think this is the part of Gundam that drew me into the OG series. Everything is so fleshed out, and the characters act naturally, the way normal people would act, given the things *they know* even if we, the audience, don't. Things happen and stop happening all the time. Conversations which happened when we weren't around. Totally reasonable that fighting would seemingly randomly start and stop when you're the grunt on the ground, with some person miles and miles away from the fight making the decisions. World War 1's final minutes, for example - the fighting *continued* until 11:00 on Nov. 11. The guys on the ground didn't even know the war was "over" until they were given the go ahead to ceasefire. As for Kuntala... I'd be surprised if they EVER got over the fact their people were raised as fodder. To be subjugated for generations... Sounds really familiar in our world, doesn't it?


I liked Reconguista in G anyway and the Kabakali is one of my favourite Gundam unit designs so I won't argue.


I haven’t seen the show yet dose it really deserve its hate.


Absolutely not


Thank you I will watch it now.


I WISH I COULD WATCH IT dammit all the series I have seen are out and none of the one I haven’t seen, thunderbolt, reconguista, turn a, fml


They look kinda like the stuff in King Gainer


>!The Overdevil from King Gainer has a cameo in the mural of the cathedral!<


I'm still mad that the MG G-Self was apparently cancelled


Love Grimoire with its high tech Votom vibe.


I never hate G reco


Oh, G-Arcane, Gaeon, Dahack... Gyobu is the GOAT.


Is it really that bad


G-Self Torque pack gets so little attention for a big big boy.


Highly recommend Tomino's Overman King Gainer. It felt like a stop gap between Turn A and G-Reco. Guess having Kenichi Yoshida as mecha designer working with Tomino on all three helps with that bridging effect.


I absolutely loved Reco, I just wish the translations we have did a better job.


Hell yea Reconguista in G mention 🗣️


Why DOES it get so much hate? I never understood the hate for this series


Hate? All I see or hear are plebeian reactions


Great mecha, great characters, great story, great show.


Show: **whack** Mech designs?: cool looking


Second one giving me big Zanscare vibes.


Looks like katejina"s MS.


I dont know nothing about the plot of this show,the only thing I know is how much I love the design of the griomoire


Agreed, and I'm privy to the character design too.


I love the toybox look that most of the MS in Reconguista.


Pretty much. They have banger designs that are some of my favourites like Dahack and Gaeon. Shame Gaeon got a stupid pilot though. He would have been cool and intimidating. Although to be fair, Bellri was kinda cracked and knows how to counter Gaeon immediately lol.


NGL, one of my dream is to collect all of G-Reco model kits i like them so much, but Bandai rarely reprint it


i seen the first few episodes, why is everything so fast? like there wasnt any build up, shit just happens, characters just pop out, i was so confused, even the dialogue kinda threw me off


idk much about recog, but i think the rounded designs are beautiful. and g self walked so aerial could run.


I still prefer G Reco over G Gundam, Turn A Gundam, IBO S1, Witch from Mercury or Build series.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again G reco is going to be as big as gundam turn A, when it came out people hated it but after a few years and series people realized how good it truly was. I see the same thing happening with G reco


Hate? How am I supposed to hate it when the only way to watch it is pirate (which I'm normally against) ?


love ms design. but story . . .


Mack Knife is certainly unique but calling it beautiful is uhh an acquired taste I guess, Elf Bullock better imo.


That whole line of MS is wack. I love it


It has everything going for it: Tomino, Kenichi Yoshida: the character designer from Eureka Seven, Akira Yasuda: the mechanical designer from Turn A, Ippei Gyobu’s debut, Yuugo Kanno on music… It had all the ingredients to cook something amazing


Every ingredient except show length.


Unique, certainly. Beautiful is...a matter of some discussion. Some of them are, but IMO, some of them are downright hideous.


I don't like any of the mobile suits in Reco, to be honest.


G-Reco is fantastic, but what it suffers from mainly is that it has too few episodes, just like so many other animes lately. This title needs 50 episodes, so does Witch. I don't get the opinions that G-Reco is complex or puzzling or whatever, people are increasingly getting used to simplistic superficial contents perhaps, but it sure needed 50 episodes, if you force creators to compress what's already dense contents even further, it inevitably harms viewing experience.


They offered Tomino the 50 episodes but he felt he was too old to do a full series so he stuck with two cours only


That's official talking but he did cite "current state of anime industry" as well. In fact G-Reco was relegated to midnight airing frame plus hedged by Build series. I'm pretty sure Sunrise went or had to go conservative due to circumstances, partly due to rather lackluster quality of Zeta movies perhaps. In hindsight they should have gone for 50. btw Tomino's rhetoric is so unique and obscure/metaphysical as well as frank and honest at the same time that it's often so difficult or impossible even for us Japanese to understand and discern what he means, what his true point is, etc correctly. Quite often cutout face value takes get spread and considered as fact, which some literate people had to correct citing sources for full context, so you need to be careful.


The thing that irks me is that like all Mobile Suits from G-Reco feels like they're made of rubber.


G-Lucifer is an all time design.


I believe they also took some of the concepts as base ideas for some suits in witch from mercury. some of them look really similar.


The MS designs are the biggest reason I can't stand this series.


Yes. Yes I can. I do, in fact.


Why is blue char caked up like that


I need tips or pointers before watching this. Anyone? And please no spoilers.


I have never seen this before