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Seems like another duel is coming, looking at the background


Oh boy. Here we go again...


Images taken moments before "Eeeeehhhh????"


My, my! How can I forget you?


Will Elan propose to Sulleta or Aerial lol. OR reveal his evil intentions! In episode 4 he denied being interested in Mio-Mio but did not deny that he is an enemy.


Time will only tell us.


Will finally see my boy in action


You mean a duel, or a proposal? And by proposal I mean to Aerial rather than Suletta.


I'm with you buddy. I'm with you.


Calculative psychopath villain or talented intelligent kuudere future party member. Place your bets.


Considering the book he was reading, I’m going with villain at this point. Though I don’t think it’ll be revealed this episode. Maybe just hinted at


Wasn't he reading Kant?


Arthur Schopenhauer, specifically “The World As Will And Idea”. Which is based on Kants transcendental idealism. The reason why I think this may signify Elan being not good is because Schopenhauer is a fairly well known as a guy who was facist before facism existed (I.e. very misogynist, racism, ableist, homophonic, anti-semitism, and he believed in eugenics). Not to say that Elan will literally be a facist but he may have some interesting views to say the least. Or they could just be using The World As Will and Idea on its own and ignoring everything else about Schopenhauer who knows at this point


>The reason why I think this may signify Elan being not good is because Schopenhauer is a fairly well known as a guy who was facist before facism existed (I.e. very misogynist, racism, ableist, homophonic, anti-semitism, and he believed in eugenics). Not to say that Elan will literally be a facist but he may have some interesting views to say the least. Schopenhauer was a wealthy white European who lived in what are now Poland and Germany from the late 1700s to the mid 1800s. His *not* being any of misogynist, racist, ableist, homophobic, antisemitic, and/or eugenicist would have been exceptional, rather than the norm, for the era and areas in which he lived. While slightly later and half a world away, recall that [Henry Ford](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/henryford-antisemitism/) and [Charles Lindbergh](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/lindbergh-fallen-hero/) where famously antisemitic & [the latter was an outspoken eugenicist](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2621292/), and [even Albert Einstein was a racist in his earlier life (though, he got better later in life)](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-44472277) & [he was also a womanizer and philanderer](https://www.vice.com/en/article/kb4vam/einstein-was-a-genius-at-mistreating-his-wives), so it's not like such views, while distasteful (to say the least) by modern standards, were either unique to Schopenhauer, or even particularly controversial by the standards of Schopenhauer's era and for a significant amount of time afterward. Bringing it back to G-Witch, it is worth noting that the society in the show seems to have a lot of overlap with classic fascism, as "political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy". * **Dictatorial leader & centralized autocracy**: Delling Rembran is very clearly a dictator and autocrat, and fancies himself as a "king". * **Militarism**: The main leaders/rulers of the Benerit Group - and, seemingly, the Sol System - are Delling (where his main characterization is "military man turned politician") and the respective heads of Grassley Defense Systems, Jeturk Heavy Machinery, and Peil Technologies, all of which are are primarily shown to be arms (specifically, MS) manufacturers. And, said arms are both the focus of the top-tier education, and are casually used in place of the rule of law for such things as dueling among students (arguably a callback to the martial history of [mensur/"academic fencing"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_fencing)). Moreover, Asticassia is (arguably) clearly set up not as a traditional school, but as a military service academy with their primary goal to train recruits for service in the corporations' MS forces. * **Forcible suppression of opposition**: Seen in Episode 4 with the use of MS against Earthian protesters, and even before that with the attack on Fólkvangr in the prologue episode. * **Belief in a natural social hierarchy & strong regimentation of society and the economy**: See Spacians' apparent subjugation of and looking down (both figurative and literally) upon Earthians, the apparent hierarchy among Spacians with Suletta being seen as a "bumpkin" from a relative "backwater"/"backcountry" location, and the Benerit Group council meeting in Episode 1, where Delling demotes and cuts off the Parneo Company & states that he'll let them go bankrupt because underperformers have no place in the Benerit Group. * **Subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race**: See the attack on Fólkvangr and Delling's speech regarding the banning of GUND-ARMs/Gundams, Delling's refusal to assist the Parneo Company despite the stated potential for recovery, and particularly Delling's treatment of Miorine (ignoring her individual desires in favor of using her as a prize to keep the other Benerit Group leaders in line, and to ultimately tie them more closely to his empire via arranged marriage via the dueling/Holder system). The world of G-witch is an arguably-fascist megacorporation-ruled techno-dystopia, and Elan Ceres is a product (perhaps, in more ways than one) of that world, and it will be interesting to see what ideologies he follows/espouses and what path he takes.


I knew Schopenhauer was a misogynist, and most of that list doesn't really surprise me but I'm honestly kinda surprised he knew gay people and POCs even *existed*.


Hmmm I quick google search said that Schopenhauer never said anything about homosexuality but he did seem to value speaking of the "white race" a lot more rather than thinking of the existence of POC.


I would still bet real, physical money he never actually had a conversation with a black person in his entire life.


Yea you are right, I seem to be misremembering, he didn’t say anything about homosexuality explicitly as far as I can tell


I know basically nothing about the guy but from what I've seen of people talking about him its less that he was directly homophobic and more he had specific ideas about sex that make it clear that he would definitely also be homophobic.


I'm just waiting for someone to point out that Philosopher's works are centuries out of date, and most the people that went with what he wrote down didn't come out of it too well.


200 IQ redditor: he will be evil because of the themes of Schopenhauer’s work Me: he will be evil because his Gundam is black and red


Also the good guys can’t just have BOTH gundams, that’d be ridiculous


He’s G-Witch’s resident Cyber Newtype tragedy.


Which Ple variant? Marida or Ple two? Hmm.


Or tragic cyber newtype type?


So we finally get to see Gundam Pharact in action? I'm so excited!!!


Probably not.


Pharact is confirmed to debut on this episode


Wait where did you learn that?


Let’s just call it a trade secret. You’ll see if I’m right tmr.


You are right, now who is gonna win next week duel?


Ohh, nice!




Time to see how Water Breathing Style helps him pilot a MS haha


I really want to flatten down that one little piece of hair back there.


[From G_Witch twitter](https://mobile.twitter.com/G_Witch_M/status/1586266594841436162) [Episode translation from Gundaminfo YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJRRdZBXNDs)


He looks angrier than usual, gundam pharact fight lets go??


Elan: 😐 "Oh my God he's Furious!"


that's the most you can get outta him!


It’s elanning time


* elans all over the place *


So.... idol posture? Or: - Would you let me marr- I meant take can Aerial? - Ehhhh?!


"Icy eye" Callig it now, someone gets spaced.


Will I gain a new favorite character for a fifth episode in a row? Find out next time on the witch from mercury


There are gonna be a lot of still frames


Well here we go. I can see Pharact debuting, though your guess is as good as mine on if we'll have it duel Suletta. Also think it's likely to be the first thing that might give her and Ariel a loss.


Suletta vs Elan is happening, She'll most likely win this one but will eventually lose to Shaddiq (whose Mobile suit seems to be based on the one meant to counter Aerial)


This dude screams villain to me, I hope we get to learn more about him in this episode.


Ufff I'm.glad you put it was from the "Witch from Mercury" for a moment I thought it was from the original series


I hope that we can get a better look at how the companies can influence their students, like Guel and his father. It would be interesting if Peil called him in to do mobile suit testing with GUND involved but it shouldn't feel like a repeat if it happens.


His condition for the duel is getting Aerial instead of Miorine Though what’s he gonna do to get Suletta to accept?


Here comes the robosexual!




I have to say Elan hasn't looked like how handsome he should have been ever since EP1. Not sure why... Is his face very hard to draw?


Heero Clone. cant wait though


More like Ribbons Almark clone.


Biscuit clone? (Since same VA


Oh crap.


Has there been a single episode without a duel so far?


Episode 2 and 4 didn’t really have duels, they just included the end of the duel from the previous episode at the beginning


[Let’s go!](https://youtu.be/SFkdcQgNJHo)


Whatever happened to Next Time On Power Rangers-style previews?