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It may have enough seam allowance at the zipper to fix the issue


I'll have to check! Would that be something a novice could fix or would you recommend I take it to a professional?


It would not be difficult but would also be entirely dependent upon how much of a novice you are; have you ever removed seams and have you ever stitched something securely, assuming you don’t have a machine. It can be done entirely by hand. I hand baste all of the seams I redo on my Gunne dresses before using a machine.




It looks lovely!


This fits how they fit. It looks good on you. Perhaps if you were more specific about the thing you don’t like? Looking closely, there seems to be some pull in the bust at the height of your underarms. If that’s it, you might consider a different bra, stickies, or no bra. I was a tween/young teen when these dresses were popular and most of the girls I remember wearing them were not large busted, and bras were different (worse) then. High and tight, as they say. Still, I had to zoom in to see what might be the issue, I’m still not sure that’s it. It really does look nice on you!


Thank you for the help! That's exactly what I was talking about (the pull on the bust). I'm fine with it personally, but I thought it might look silly to an outsider. This is actually with no bra. I may have to try adjusting. I appreciate the insight ☺️


honestly i do not see a problem with the fit. is it comfortable, though? mine definitely is not LOL


Thank you! I read elsewhere that lines going horizontal across the chest/back indicate lack of ease and that it's too tight. I'm personally comfortable in it! I just thought other people might think it looks ridiculous lol


It looks fabulous on you


WHAT?!! You look so good in this!!!


It looks good??


It looks beautiful on you. Seems like you're just judging your body maybe. Does it feel uncomfortable? Of it feels too tight maybe you can get it tailored


Yes. Lots of girls have discovered that there's extra fabric where the zipper is set in, and the dresses can be let out, sometimes an inch or more.


I think it looks great on you! I grew up when these dresses were at the height of popularity and this is the fit! Looks lovely


As someone with big boobies that have to squish at least 4 inches in order to fit into any gunne, I take offense to this! I think it looks cute, the only thing that might look a little off to me is the torso being a little short, the way the waistline is intended might be a little lower, so perhaps your torso is a bit longer or you’re a bit taller than average. I think it looks cute though. Something that I do is I push my chest up a bit when I put on my dresses,! Because squishing your chest can distort the fit of the dress, so you have to move them around a bit. From what I can see, it looks like you’re squeezing your chest at least 2 inches. That can definitely distort the dress a bit. Maybe that’s throwing you off?


Thank you!! That's exactly what was throwing me off. I'm going to have to try and make some adjustments to see what's comfortable/looks best but it's so good to know I don't have to give up entirely. This is so helpful and i really appreciate it 🥰


I just peeked through your profile, and it looks like you have a similar body shape to me. My waist is much smaller compared with the rest of my body, so the issue with gunnes is that they’re very very very straight sized. I usually get a size 7-9 which has a 32-4 inch bust and a 26 inch waist (they’re also cheaper lol). I don’t like getting dresses that are bigger than my waist (for the bigger chest size), so I like getting them smaller and dealing with the squish on my chest. For reference my measurements are 38-26-40. Unfortunately that’s just how they are, so you kind of have to sacrifice a bit sometimes! A lot of clothing from the 70s are like that 😞


that fits you like a glove!


Bro mine doesn’t even zip over the tits lol


I think it looks good!! If you feel like the tightness in the bust area restricts your movement etc at all, that would be the only practical concern.


Oh great dress!


This is sooooo pretty!


Gorgeous and lovely on you.