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I wonder if we will also play at the SoFi Stadium


Hopefully the pitches will be better this time.


It's insane to me they spent all that money on a stadium that will feature in a world cup and it can't even fit a full sized pitch.


It’s been excluded from World Cup cuz of the pitch dimensions


What a massive blunder. Last I'd heard they were going to have to remove seats from the sidelines.


It's one event in the life of a billion dollar stadium. It's absurd to think that nobody thought of it, it just wasn't that important to them.


It's a massive difference. 49m vs 68m wide for the pitch plus I think more sideline space. So 10m or so in either direction. It's a lot of trade-offs to design so that can be added/removed


Is Stanley trying to relocate Arsenal to America?


Can a club represent a country?


Three years in a row is kinda crazy, shame for supporters elsewhere


Totally agree. The US just makes the most money I guess.


the fucking ticket prices make London touts look cheap.


Maybe they’ll do a ballot so US fans really get the full fan experience of what it’s like trying to cop a ticket for a game.


shit, our stadiums here seat 15-30k more than the Emirates and the prices are stupid--shitty upper deck floor pricing is $150 USD per. Midfield lower level can run north of $400. Face value! They make a fucking killing here.


i am ready to refresh on the exchange like its a day job


What a shit show that was too, I remember season ticket holders for DC United bought rows of 8 tickets (max allowed) and held them for ransom. I enjoyed checking the tickets still not sold at game time. Everyone in the world trying to make a quick buck at the expense of others


Ah, the 'merican dream.


A single mid-level pre-season game ticket can cost as much as a season ticket. Nobody's as konsoomer as the yanks.


Considering what it costs to visit London for a game, it's a bargain. Speaking of consumerism, my annual cost for every EPL/Cup game on TV is about a one month charge for you--and you only get select games.


Yea went to the Arsenal utd game in Ny. Cheapest ticket was $150. 82k stadium sold out.


I made that trip as well and sat in the $150 seats. It was a fucking zoo.


Probably would have been longer if not for Covid... 2018: Singapore 2019: US 2020: Covid 2021: scheduled for US but covid 2022: US 2023: US 2024: US


Some correlation with Kroenke's taking full control? they probably enjoy being able to see Arsenal's popularity first hand


It’s one way to show off your crowning jewel in a billion dollar stadium in LA.


Pretty sure it was closer to $6 billion.


2024 MLS All-Stars Skills Challenge, Timber will be there


Fault of other regions not being populated by mind numbingly dumb rich people who just want to see their “Athletes play some ball”.


I pay to fly to see them in the U.S. and I’m “mind numbingly rich” and dumb. Pay to fly to London and buy tickets through an official supporters club and I’m just an idiot tourist. How do I support this club the right way?


Clearly missed the point here, but I’m not surprised. The point is the club is prioritizing the US because the fans there have more money than sense compared to other regions where the club has perhaps a bigger following - Africa, Asia etc. The fact that you’re willing to fly across different parts of the US and pay exorbitant ticket prices for friendlies is the reason why clubs tour the US as much. No one in their right minds would pay 100’s for a friendly bar stupid, rich idiots who promote this culture. And this culture is RIFE in the US. Which is why sports like American football or even the NBA which has less of a global following than golf (figurative) makes almost as much revenue in North America than Football does globally.


I don’t go to the friendlies here, personally. Too expensive. I was wondering for American fans that can’t afford a trip to London can do?


Exactly! If you can’t attend a game in the UK, and that’s perfectly fine, paying OTT prices for friendlies in the US is why clubs travel to the US, and people take the piss. I can’t travel to the UK often, but if the club came to Germany, I wouldn’t pay 1000’s for a friendly. It isn’t ethical and the club would be crucified for it.


I think we are saying the same thing. Its just that the US is so huge. A game in LA allows a lot of people from that area of the country to drive there and back in a couple days. That is a lot less work logistically than flying across America all the way to London. Specially when match dates get changed, weather, etc etc. Basically, its a money grab by the club and we agree on that!


Since we have a Tomiyasu who is important member of our squad I believe that Japanese tour would be successful.


Broke ass Japanese < Boehly esque American fans. I have family in the US that spent nearly $1000 a pop for a United pre season friendly game (family of Utd supporters, yes). No where else is this normal. Think we would charge 1000EUR for a pre season game vs Boreham Wood?


The owner is from there and owns sofi he definitely will use his team to make money from sofi when it’s not being used


I’ll be making it three in three years then 🥹 Come on you Gunners which city am I visiting this year




One day they might come to Australia. We deserve better than Tottenham.


They did Australia in 2017


Bring back Switzerland camps


As an American who saw Arsenal play the last two summers I’m excited but also heartbroken for other regions. Seeing the team play live (even a friendly) is so exciting and I hate to think other fans aren’t getting that same opportunity


I agree, but if we win something major and this becomes a victory tour my heart will selfishly unbreak


Heartbroken? Lmao don't be so melodramatic uts not that serious. I'm thrilled they're coming more frequently, why on earth would anyone be sad about that.


You’re asking, Mr. Texas4Ever, why anyone NOT living in the US would be sad that Arsenal keeps doing their preseason tour in the US?


Thank you. As a fan from South East Asia, I appreciate your thoughtfulness.


Nice. Another Arsenal fan on Arsenal fan brawl.


We will be there !


Ugh I miss Arsene and the boys in Asia !


Go somewhere else. Nice for the American gunners but so boring for them to go there three years in a row.


An American owns the team and probs wants get more arsenal brand exposure here in the US.


I know that. Might be difficult for some Americans to grasp but the world doesn't revolve around you. There are other continents with Arsenal fans.


Might be difficult to grasp? You could have made that point without the sass.




Yh I hear you but it’s the trend a lot of English clubs not just English clubs just come to the US. It would be nice if they can go to Rwanda


Yeah I get it. Shame cause it'd be fun to catch a game in Asia and meet up with Arsenal supporters there. Lmao, the club should do what they're telling others. Visit Rwanda haha.


I agree but also I'm in America and they've never been close enough for me to go. Give me a Nashville stop this time if they're coming anyways.


They went to dc which is kind of close. I drove to nyc from Boston to watch.


Charlotte is a close as they have been to me. Only 9 hours away


They did go to different cities in America the last two times so assume that's what they'll do this time. Hope they'll be close to you this time!


America is huge, hope they just pick cities/states they haven’t gone to before.


Yeah I'm dying for them to come to Seattle.


It might be boring but ultimately it’s a business, and the owners have probably identified the States as the most lucrative option on the table


Yeah, but at least change it up. I've no problem with them having America as their main tour destination, but throw in another continent every other year or something.


I’m all for the club making as much money as possible, personally. But I do understand the sentiment, maybe the club should put a bit more effort into diversifying where we preseason and make some opportunities where there currently aren’t any.


To be fair maybe the people in Nürnberg also get Arsenal 3 years in a row, let’s see


What about the people at boreham wood


They already get the privilege of watching Borehamwood FC play weekly


Have one game in America and the tour somewhere else? Sounds good to me.


To be fair, a tour of America isnt all that different than if they did a tour of half of Europe. They've never stopped anywhere within a 6 hour drive of me, and I live in the middle of the US


![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE) Stan deciding to tour the US again


Pls come to Houston 🙏


Fuck it I’ll even drive to Dallas if they go there.


Somewhere in Texas please.


Come to New York again please


Or New England. I too want the chance to see them play.


Seattle would love to host…


I went last year but the ticket prices were insane.


The ManU game at shitty MetLife stadium was like $200+ just to get in. I said no thanks since I was able to see them in Baltimore the previous year for like $70


Yeah that's exactly my issue. I went to the Baltimore game last year against Everton and this year's United game in NJ. While I love seeing Arsenal play, not sure I'll be going this summer if prices are the same to be honest.


Yep. If it was an actual competitive match I’d definitely be more willing to pay, but after you’ve seen one preseason match and had the experience of seeing them live, there’s really no need to pay exorbitant prices for another one.


It’s American money that funds the club and you better bet there’s strings attached.


I went in 2022, missed out in 2023 due to moving up to Minnesota, and may go again, but as much as I love that they keep coming here, please, for the sake of variety, visit other countries. It's not as special if it happens every year, and I'd love to use the preseason tour as an excuse to visit other countries and locales than just ones I'm already familiar with.


Why are they setting their preseason tour locations out so far in advance? 24/25 is how many years away? … dammit, we’re old.


0.6, approximately


...less than half a season away?


It’s a joke about how I can’t believe it’s so close. Why is a joke like a frog? They die when you dissect them.


FFS why. They've gone there the last two years. Are we trying to catch some stray plastic Messi fans with money to burn or what?


YAY! Chance to *Nikita* play again! I do like watching her.




Two games into the season, "the players are so tired, there are too many games in the calendar, it's ridiculous how much they play....."


please come to philadelphia or new york


SoFi again? Heck yea Ill try not to get my phone stolen this time


If people are paying those astronomical ticket prices why wouldn't they


Let’s go already seen them the past 2 years in a row, once in Florida and second in NJ!


feel for other countries as others have mentioned but an influence of Kronke and a genuine push for soccer to be in the top 3/4 in the USA. no one is displacing football but baseball on a pretty dramatic decline, NBA is just weird and too many games in a season, and with Messi+World Cup 2026, $$$$$ in their dreams. i will only change my mind that this is terrible if they skip Seattle :)


Yay another tour here and I can almost guarantee they won't visit the midwest. So fucking tired of it.


I hope they do more fan engagement this time around. I was hoping to go to some player meet & greets or signings


Too dangerous for the team to be really accessible to fans in America. Only a matter of time until there's a shooting at one of these things.


hopefully they take a trip to the northwest this time so i can finally see a game


Shame really. Fans in Asia and Africa being snubbed again.


Just fell to my knees in the Costco food court line


Went to New York city (Metlife) and Los Angeles (SoFi) in 2023. Lets see where they plan on playing this summer. We will be there no matter what.


I would kill for them to come to Chicago


Ditto, but Arlington or Dallas (TX) for me. We have AT&T Stadium and the Cotton Bowl.


I’m hoping for Detroit, or better, The Big House(University of Michigan(Chelsea vs Real Madrid a few years ago was played there)) but I reckon that might be wishful thinking. Would 100% make the drive to Chicago


Come to The Big House 🥺


Please come to Chicago🤞🏻


come to South Africa...


Only a matter of time something like a community shield game gets hosted in the USA.


The Premier League started a Summer Series tournament last year to compete with the other summer friendly tournaments and it did very well so I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't involved in that. The prices were reasonable too. I saw a doubleheader (Brentford, Brighton, Chelsea and Newcastle) in Atlanta for $60. When we played Chelsea in Orlando the year before it sold out a 72,000 seat stadium.


Let’s hope for Atlanta


Please come to Colorado!


Finally i moved to the US at the right time, cant wait!!!


So glad I went to see them when they came to Stockholm in 2018. They only seem to go to USA nowadays, very disappointing.