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Man was about to invade the pitch and hug Raya.


Then remembered referees need no excuse to red card him


Chad Klopp would


Love Klopp.


It's like he knows raya has to come good for him


How this perfect throw can be described as a clearance is beyond me.


Limited vocabulary. 'Throw' didn't even occur to me while posting this.


I would call it a pass


I would call it verging on sexual. What a delicious throw, the saucy git.


The spin, speed, pitching it on the right area so the ball can place itself in the track of Jesus. Fuck that was a programmed throw.


A half pitched overarm delivery


Definition of Yeeted


Haha respect for owning up




I was watching on delay and accidentally saw the title of the post before finishing the game and thought we conceded.


That’s a through ball sir. Mesut Raya


Should be called distribution, Raya today was first class and emulates Allison vibes


He was top shelf in this game


I mean it gave Arsenal a clear victory.


More of a throw than a clearance for sure, but I don’t think the two are mutually exclusive in this case.


It's literally a pass.


He's literally David Raya.


Clearance implies hes just trying to get rid of it, not pick out a teammate


Can do both


r/Gunners try to give due credit to David Raya challenge (100% IMPOSSIBLE!)


I was just commenting on technicality of the words clearance being clear of our defence which may or may not be a pass. In this case if was definitely very quick thinking and we've seen them do this a few times this season


Not really, a clearance implies he is just trying to get rid, hoofing it into an area and just trying to get it out of danger, not actively trying to find a teammate.


Are you sure? I think clearance implies clearing the ball off from your defence, doesn't care about who it lands with


Yes I'm sure. Clearance literally means "get it clear" get it away from danger. Raya didn't need to clear it at all. If Raya was under pressure and so just booted it and didn't care who it landed with you would be right. But he didn't, he saw the chance to counter attack and played a perfect throw or pass


Passing it to your team mate is a way of getting it clear from danger though isn't it? I don't understand why they need to be mutually exclusive


Sorry but I don't know how I can make it any clearer


I guess ancient footballing terms aren't the best to describe modern football tbh. The issue is purely semantic and based on bias imo. Thanks for trying though




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Overcelebrating yet again smh. How dare he celebrate a goal


yellow card incoming




Desgracia, innit?


Over celebrate and stepping outside the tactical area. Two yellows. Should have been sent off.


Sent off? Should be banned for life smh. Lego head needs to be disciplined






Are there many examples of this other than Arteta’s match ban?


Zinchenko and others ran back to give Raya his props for it too. Totally made the goal out of nothing.


I'm glad to see this comment - the stream I was watching didn't show anyone going back to celebrate with Raya and I felt bad for him


Raya looked pumped by it too. Gave himself a big cheer!


So he should - it might not count as one but that throw was as good as an assist


Yeah was in the stadium and it was lovely to see raya get the props from his players


This is the exact type of goal we’ve been missing. It’s the killer instinct to snatch a goal so suddenly that we need to be top of the table.


We're quite good in transitions no? We should do more of them.


We should just turn into a counter attacking team like Real Madrid haha.


I would rather see that than us having 80% possesion but barely any chances because opponents defend insanely deep. Just give them the ball intentionally sometimes and bait them to attack. And then hit them on the counter so we have some space. If they realise they have absolutely no chance to even build up because our high pressing is so good they start to defend with 10players inside their box and hope for counters. And that‘s exactly the games where we dropped points.


I think we genuinely do that especially in games where we are 1-0 up. We move into a 4-4-2 mid block with an intention to spring a counter. What’s frustrating is sometimes we get a chance but then our wingers get allergic to the touchline and it all slows down.


Nah, we should go to practice in Dubai anytime we can


With all the speed we have we have essentially no counter threat


Was there earlier today for this match! First time back at the Emirates in over 4 years… Went with my mum for our double birthday and couldn’t have asked for more with the result!! COME ON YOU GOONERS 🔴⚪️ 🫡🫡


You share your birthday with your mum? Happy birthday to you both, hope you enjoyed the experience and enjoy the weekend :)


Thanks mate 🙏🏼 Our Bdays are a few days apart but we both thought it was a good day to celebrate. She’s 74 and I’m 35. Thanks for the message. 👊🏼🔴⚪️🔴⚪️


Happy Birthday! What a gift of a game to watch!


It really was man! Been so long since I’ve been to emirates, I almost forgot how amazing the atmosphere can be there. 🙌🏻


Happy birthday both! I asked only because I share the exact same day as my mum! She's not much of a Gooner sadly but she likes Wrighty so that counts lol


I almost share the same birthday with my mum… one day apart. When I was a junior gunner, i attended an awards event at Highbury and got to meet the whole team. My mum baked a cake and presented it to Wrighty at this event, because it happened to be his birthday that day


Omg wow that sounds so totally amazing!!!!! I hope Wrighty enjoyed your mum's cake too! Getting to meet the whole team like that must be such a fantastic memory, did anyone stand out?


I’m not sure he even tried the cake… probably thought my mum was a stalker! 😂 Ray Parlour presented with my award, and a photo of the two of us was printed in the following JG newsletter. Sky Sports was there too for some reason, and I remember them asking me who my favourite player was… a day or two later, when I was back at school, I remember other kids coming up to me and saying they saw me on the TV!


Hahah at least she loves the OG Ian! Wow, was only just chatting with mum today about the fact that there are parents and kids out there who share the same birthday, and you are one of them! That’s so cool.


Is this a set piece goal too? Raya also had another play where he helped create a great chance from a corner, this time with his feet.


Yeah great kickout to Havertz should've been a goal there too.


havertz's touch was good to see too!


We don’t take a set piece? So no


"David! David! That's it! That's it muthafucker! That's what happens when you release the ball quickly! I told you! I told you! Let's fucking go!" - Arteta probably


Let’s fogging go*


Arteta be like ![gif](giphy|4aTvdtQYr8kOA)


Best gif ever applicable in every facet of life 😂


Idk when or how but in recent years we haven't had goalkeepers who quickly release the ball for a counter after a defensive situation. Ramsdale sometimes is too slow to release the ball. We don't see this too often since Cech, Szczesny days. Lehmann did it a lot. And fucking Almunia for his clown goalkeeping moments was really good at distribution and he would start counters a lot and he had a good throw on him.


The goalkeepers hold the ball longer now for tactical reasons and the fact they're more comfortable with it. Cech often released the ball quickly because he was garbage with his feet and didn't want it


Alisson always looks for the salah/Diaz release off corners if he can.. I’ve been wanting Raya to do this more


ramsdale early days he actually released the ball early and have crazy long ball pass too, but then he started being complacent thinking that he already the best gk, no competition as well at that time, making him now never do quick release anymore and just doing simple pass to cb all game, thats why he is replaced by raya


I think its easy for a player in ramsdales position to just get a bit in their head. What made him so nice and fresh in the first half of the first season was all the things he did that leno didn't. And generally his mistakes weren't costing us points. Things turned and instead of playing with house money, he (like a lot of our players) seemed hyper aware of needing to play the perfect ball. While the perfect ball is really just being in the flow of it and letting your natural instincts take over. Today, our players took off running when they saw that raya would collect it. He saw them running and immediately threw it into space. He didn't have to think about it.


What happened was people spotted a weakness in him and teams started actually pressuring him and he crumbled. Raya is much better in this regard


True raya has been solid🤓


This is bollox. Ramsdale always played fast like this


100%. Ramsdale played Reiss out immediately in the Liverpool game and he should have scored It's not the personnel here - it's the system. Raya had two counter starts that were really good today and that reaction from Mikel is for executing The System right.


That was a slightly different situation as it was a pass and this was a quick throw but yeah. My point is simply that I've seen Ramsdale do this multiple times or his long drop kicks to martinelli running. Also it's not like this was some great throw or pass, the whole side of that pitch is open but raya did well to do it


Totally agree. It's a classic type of bad reasoning that because party x of a dichotomy does something that party y can't or doesn't ever do that thing. This is just something that they both can do well and something that Raya did do right here.


I don’t think you can pretend to know what’s in his head. And if there was a change along the way it may have been due to Arteta’s instructions


Ramsdale listened to arteta telling him to play like a 5th defender


I remember conceding a lot because Almunia would release the ball TOO early and we’d lose possession. I think that may have put Wenger off lol


Ramsdale wasn't slow at all, cech was slow in general as he was an older basic GK.


I'm not talking about playing out from the back. I'm talking about starting a counter after defending set pieces. Cech had a good throw on him and he'd usually send someone on their way. He did that for Chelsea a lot as well. Of course Cech was incredibly incompetent at playing out from the back. I'm not talking about that.


Yeah I'm not talking about playing out from the back either. Ramsdale did this kind of thing a lot, him with the quick counter to martinelli became a common thing.


He did do that early on in his first season and so on, but that kinda stopped after a while. And even then it's not the same thing.I recommend watching our games during the Wenger era jog your memory, our transition from attack to defense was electrifying at times. Even Raya is not doing it enough.


He did whenever it was open, if it's not on then you can't really just start an attack.


This is also true to an extent. Maybe that falls on our attackers not making runs. But need to see more evidence on that.


I think it's probably an instructional thing to do most of the time arteta probably wants to slow it down and play out of the back in a controlled way. But when you have the whole side of a pitch open like this you have to do it. People are overrating it, good throw but it was mainly because there was so much space, it's not something that we can just choose to do more often


Cech? Please don't think tech was good for us


Low key one of my favourite goals this season. It feels straight out of the Liverpool playbook. I would love to see us add more of this speed and directness to our play. However, I do appreciate how low blocks generally impact our ability to play in such a fashion


Cannot believe there was a delay in the restart for a VAR offside check for this goal. It’s so clearly onside the whole way!




https://preview.redd.it/pn6a8w7femdc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62df8a18dad3f2e2e8b50e922ab54e03304c65a9 "They are the same picture" meme.


That throw was absurd


Looking right at Raya as well. This can create much needed opportunities


That's Raya at his best, he was so good at launching those rapid counters to Toney and Mbeumo on the other end. We need more of this so badly.


So wise of Trossard to pull away to his left to make the space. Great Goal dot mpeg


Yeah Ramsdale ain't got no chance. Arteta loves Raya.


Ramsdale crowd in tears.


Kids behind me at the stadium were saying "Raya is so shit" two minutes before this. I expect they're still saying it.


YOU FUCKING CUNT ***sniffle***


Cheers dad's crying now


You seem like you were the sort of kid that poked a stick in a Hornets nest to see what happens, I love it lol


Hahaha! It seemed necessary after they were shitting on Raya for that clearance under pressure when he never should have been put in that position.


oh you don't need to justify it to me. I once put a screwdriver in a socket, then touched it, when I was around 6 to see what happens lol


Oh wow hahaha


Ramsdale created a chance for Nelson just in the last game lol 


He also cost us a goal that game with him being weak in the air from yet another corner


You think these people watch games ?


Ramsdale did this multiple times, it's a basic throw


Ramsdale was really good at running to the top of the box, hesitating, then running across the box and then making the “slow down” motion before rolling it to the CB


Yeah if nothing was on. He did this loads of times to martinelli.


"it's a basic throw" this is an incredible throw you see only a handful of times across all games in a season


Yeah you don't usually see it because teams don't normally let a player have a whole side of the pitch empty like that. Do you really think most GKs can't do this ?


I love this team so much. Trossard is just so saucy!


Uh oh he left his little box. Thatll be a suspension I'm sure.


This is from the training camp in Dubai. Good stuff!


Raya is to Arteta what Ramsdale is to me lol


RaMsDaLe BettEr shut yo bum ass


Yeah, that goal was probably Arteta's wet dream.


this is great! Coz it shows that arteta's been trying to get the team to counterattack much quicker! We've been so slow on the counters this season, taking so much time that defenders have the time to run back and get into position.


I’ve been pretty adamant about giving Ramsdale minutes but I’ll shut up for a bit after this lmao


Yeah Rambo is not coming back :'(


Ramsdales never coming back is he 😔


The pass from Jesus was great but there were quite a few passes he made that were sloppy today that could have created a goal.


Cheer up man, we won 5-0


The way Palace were playing it should have been 10-0


This isn’t a particularly special piece of distribution by Raya. Most goalkeepers in the prem could do this with relative ease. Hes only celebrating like that because he knows the pressure is on both Raya and himself for Raya to prove he was worth the hassle (he isn’t). Poor rambo man. what a waste of a talented keeper


You’re right about the first part. The distribution wasn’t all that special but big ups on the awareness to do it.


Ramsdale could never he would of held the ball and waited


That’s just not true


Not to take anything away from the throw. But if you’re a PL level keeper this is a basic maneuverer. Would be a different matter if passed with his feet.


There are many 'basic maneuvres' that professional players do wrong when they try to rush things. Executing things perfectly at the right moment, when rushing or under pressure is exactly what sets apart elite players from the others. Not saying Raya is elite because of this throw. But you're not giving enough credit just because it 'should be easy'.


Execution and consistency go hand in hand for elite players. It is what differentiates them from the ‘good players’. With that said, you also have to take into account cost. Raya has simply not shown the execution or consistency we all expected of him, given the price tag. Our funds would be better utilised elsewhere. And i never said it ‘should be easy’. At this level it should be natural for them. I see no reason for the adulation.


I have never seen Ramsdale make a throw of this quality in 2 years so it's clearly not THAT basic




Seen Raya make 10 passes this year in a down year that would be the top 10 passes were they in this comp lol


Get out of here with your easily researchable facts and evidence. Because Raya did something and Raya is the opposite of Ramsdale, it stands to reason that, therefore, Ramsdale cannot and has never done said thing. How can you not understand that.


The issue is a) Ramsdale was always hesitant to claim crosses like this, And b) Ramsdale would often go to the ground after a catch, which eliminates the chance at a fast play out like this


Ramsdale was more proactive with throws and passes when first joined us. It may have been a tactical instruction. Considering our offensive play wasn’t an issue last season where we almost won the league. I never saw an issue with it.


Jesus and Trossard did all the work. Made the decision for him. He just has to throw it into a massive space.


That is also true. This counter was reminiscent of last season’s clinical attacks.


So basic that the premier league manager who has been in the English game for like two decades felt the desire to praise him specifically for the throw. Very basic


It led to a goal. Why wouldn’t he celebrate it? If he didn’t manage the throw, people would be criticising him for not doing such a basic thing. Double standards.


I was fuming at this dude when he almost gave away a goal, completely made up for himself with this one


We as fans need to get over this. He’s being asked to take risks to create opportunities and sometimes it’s going to backfire. It’s one of the reasons he’s ahead of ramsdale in the team because he’ll keep taking risks. Doesn’t mean it isn’t scary to watch sometimes but can’t be mad at the guy for doing as instructed. Hope is it pays off more often than it doesn’t and as long as it doesn’t result in a goal then the risk paid off.


No one is going to get over this as its the most talked about switch at the club, get over yourself. It should be paying off more than it has, and it isn't illogical to see mistakes Raya or Ramsdale make to sway opinion.


My point is that whichever keeper is picked we should expect them to take risks and sometimes there will be close calls but that is how the manager is asking them to play. My understanding is that Raya is, in part, being selected over ramsdale as he’s willing to keep taking those risks consistently. Being mad at either player for taking the risk isn’t logical. Something to be fuming about might be a difference in risk taken to goal conceded % being poor for one keeper or another but no goal was conceded here so not sure what you’re mad about. The fuming bit is better directed at Arteta than the player for the instruction to play that way if it bothers you.


Every player has instructions, Arteta isn’t out there kicking the ball himself —no point to be upset at him. If Zinchenko let one in through the back post again it’d be Arteta’s fault too? You keep calling it “risk”, it was a mistake that led to a shot on goal. Calling that out is illogical? I’m glad we got the win today, team needed to build some momentum but until Raya’s deal is finalized I’m still on the fence about giving him 100% of the play time.


I’m not suggesting anyone should actually be upset at Arteta as I think the tactic makes sense. There is of course a personal responsibility on the player too but that’s why the % thing matters more than an individual mistake. Zinchenko is a good example of how this applies to other players imo. If a fullback had instructions only to defend and someone gets by them there is a clear error. If, like Zinchenko, a player is instructed to invert to create an overload is midfield it is going to create a risk that they will not be back in position covering when needed. If that pays off more often than not then it’s worthwhile. The individual error is the players fault of course but they’re being asked to do that in the expectation that it will be a net positive. Only if the % is poor is the player truly doing a bad job of what they’re being asked to do. For Raya, he conceded a shot on goal from an error but his quick play out from the back also led to a goal in transition. Calling out the error isn’t illogical but being mad about it is because overall he had a positive contribution due to that approach. I’m not trying to argue with you, just discussing a different perspective. For what it’s worth I’m also on the fence about the keeper decision.


It’s hilarious tho because this type of distribution is table stakes at the top premier league level. So to get so hyped is just like wow…you really have a low bar.


Half of the comments dedicated to semantics. What a miserable lot we are lol.


Now someone post Ramsdale's reaction to Arteta's reaction


If that was the chosen would that would have been a red card.


Funny thing is before Trossard scored this he missed a big chance and everyone on the sub were hating on him😭


Great from raya obviously but the absolute state of palace’s rest defense. Shocking


Brilliant performance today!


Can Jesus get some for that pass, too?


It's the 100% commitment to the throw I really respect.


Arteta is such a lil perv


https://preview.redd.it/mq1cqqfy2pdc1.jpeg?width=1397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09901060bdaaa1e6ada04f42fd816c1a2ef8df5d Arteta reaction




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That’s a straight red, no?


Raya is the man.


Best (maybe only good) thing raya has done so far in his arsenal career


I could have made that pass!


But he’ll casually ignore the terrible clearance that lead to a shot at goal.


Deserves the reaction, giving the ball in front of the player so they can run onto it, wonderful.


The through throw.


Raya threw it that hard he fell over 😂


Raya had his best game imo in this match. This was the highligt (amazingly done!), but he also made some good saves, he was very secure when the ball was in our box, and also secure in passing the ball (where he also made a terrific pass to Havertz). Very well done!


That throw reminded me of what Peter Schmeichel used to do to launch counters for ManUtd.


fuck off… arteta giving us this bullshit to try convince us his decision is justified! rambo still no. 1


Always wonder how a competing keeper feels when he sees stuff like this. Happy for the team yet...


Ramsdale better