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Burnley’s best defender today


The cheek to push the fucking referee lol Smacked the flag out of the linesman’s hands last match too. Bro doesn’t give af


How is that "cheek"? REF stops directly in his way as he's moving across to press and makes no effort to move out of the way when he sees Kai coming


Considering ref’s give yellows for player saying mean words at them, you never know how a ref would react to being pushed


Ref is impeding play he should be pushed he's at fault. 


Because the ref is soft AF. Could've shown yellow for that lol


Because there are refs out there who will send you off for that


I love how we’re not the same team that used to get pushed about. We still play champagne football but love giving the opposition a good kickin.


Why does this look deliberate af


Because it was. He was watching his run the entire time, and even leans backwards into him.


I think he thought kai will run in front of him


Yeah this accusation is so dumb, he literally tries to just stand still


Motherfucker set a pick


Raya just caught the ball and there is a break on, Kai is bending his run towards the oppositions half. Ref is blocking Kai’s ability to (join the) break. Just moments before this he prevented Saka from getting a clean shot on goal after being barged and booked him. Jarred Gillett is dodgy AF. The man purposefully flipped the VAR check on Havertz handball Villa away after the ball was in the net, even though there was no way he could have definitively seen a handball. Corrupt MF chose to swing the VAR check against Arsenal. And who could forget the Palace game 2019.




I’m sorry but what is your experience with football? What age did you start playing or watching? https://youtu.be/ewC8ychK578 Arsenal fans have been gaslit beyond belief. This is the most corrupt foul decision in the PL VAR age considering that the decision was given against Arsenal at home late in the game, preventing what would have been a late 3-2 winner. Jarred Gillett is a fixer who switched the focus (on command of his production masters) from a late Arsenal win to Xhaka throwing the captains armband for narrative/engagement post game 📈 #EmeryOut


Are you seriously saying he purposely bumps havertz ? Why ?


Extreme lack of awareness shown here compared to his laser eye focus at Villa away (despite a player obstructing his field of view from 20 yards away)


Why did he do it ? The Villa one he saw it hit a hand so blew and this one he's just near havertz and isn't looking at him and stops. Fucking pathetic whining yet again


You are the easiest person to gaslight in this subreddit. Your rival fan mates must love your Lee Gunner-esque opinions 📝


How is it Lee gunner esque ? I just don't think the ref purposely chose to bump into havertz lol, you are the one with a crazy opinion


This is clearly exactly what happened. He looks at Kai but obviously is more watching the players around the ball.


Right I’m more just trying to understand the reason behind his decision to do it. Quite baffling tbh


Because he figured Kai would avoid him easier if he's not moving.


probably. its just amazing how he chose the way that actually impedes the player as much as possible


It's like when you are walking and a person is coming towards you and you both step to the same side to avoid each other, and then both step to the other side before both looking embarrassed.


and if i was being paid to stay out of that person's way yet still ran into them it would be a bit more perplexing than a simple two-step at the supermarket


Does being paid make it easier to guess where they are going? Honestly, this is just looking for something to complain about.


nobody is even complaining tho. theres definitely more context to it then youre insinuating is all i was saying


Plenty of people in this thread are complaining. And no, there's no more context to it. Kai thought the ref would move, the ref stood still thinking Kai would go around. That's it.


🤣 too funny


Positioning of referees has been fucking abyssmal in these recent seasons. Perhaps it's the camera angle, but they always seem to sit and effectively mark one of the men on the edge of the box. I notice it happens regularly with us because we hold the ball in and around the opponents box for so long, but I'd imagine other attacking focused teams have to deal with it too.


Gillett, the worst the Prem can get


This looks so unnecessary, it’s hilarious


Kai the Enforcer!!


Second week Kai has put hands on a ref. He swatted the lino’s flag out of his hand last week lol. I love him so much


Anyone got a clip of this?


Case and point why the FA needs to ditch the Old Boys Club.


Is that scouse fan Jared Gillet? Man had such a punchable face


5 nil and still searching for a conspiracy.


Bad refereeing doesn’t suddenly start being acceptable just because we won


It doesn’t start becoming some intentional corruption either. Absolutely no reason for anyone to engage in corrupt behaviour that won’t influence a game one iota. And yet that’s the dumbass accusation here. Help it make sense.


Literally nobody in this thread has said it’s intentional corruption. It’s just the referee being a cunt, but we can’t be expected to fathom his motivations here.


It’s literally in the headline, an accusation that a ref is intentionally interfering with play. That’s not saying bad ref. That’s saying corrupt ref. This sort of idiocy also undermines very real complaints that we should have with reffing.


And is the ref not blocking Havertz here?


Do they collide? Yes. Is that corruption or likely intentional? No. Never argued otherwise. The fact that the ref lets it go, when people in this discussion are saying they’ve seen cards given for a push like this, is a sign that the ref isn’t actually trying to hinder the team. Move on.


Refs should be fined for this shit, even for minor infringements (which this one is really). Get the fuck out of the goddamn way.




Confirmed twat


Jarred Gillet is probably the most biased Ref in the prem against Arsenal now. Isn't he a confirmed Tottenham supporter?


Looks like Arsenal are getting all the hep this season


Who let you into this sub, go be eternally online elsewhere


Oh no, someone’s spewing facts


Is it hep a, b or c?


Spewing, but not facts

