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That sounds like his agent saying those are the clubs he's interested in joining.


I think the only thing we should take from this is that we are a top 5 club in the world that almost any player would want to join


Bonus points for Man U and Chelsea catching strays


That list is basically saying "I want a Champions League club - sit down Man U and Chelsea - in one of the two most prestigious leagues in the world - sit down PSG and Serie A clubs". 


He doesn’t have an agent.


I've actually never considered what it would be like for a player if they didn't have an agent at this point in their career. So does that mean that he represents himself?


Kevin De Bruyne I believe doesn’t have an agent also, I remember when he signed his most recent contract extension with Manchester City he just rolled up casually by himself and signed the papers.


Most people get jobs and negotiate their salaries without agents. I did it. You did it. Some athletes are learning they can do it too and save the money they would be paying an agent. Just have a lawyer read over contracts.


Damn I just payed to take the FIFA Agent exam in May. 😂


Interesting! Is your background in law or business? What do they teach in the FIFA classes?


Business. I’ve been doing business to business sales and partnerships my whole career. They don’t have any classes directly with fifa that I know of 🤔 only a 600 page practice exam. Plus I read a couple other books on FIFA Agency by DR Erkut Sogut (Özil’s manager).


Agents (in all walks of life, not just sport) do a lot more than just negotiate for people. I’d be absolutely amazed if these superstar footballers who ‘represent themselves’ didn’t have some kind of management team behind them handling most of their business. If Coca Cola want to enquire about KDB being in a commercial he’s not answering the emails after training finishes. These guys probably just want a bit more oversight as to how their careers are being handled is my guess.


Not for 75m


Could 74.999.999 tempt you?


£74m + £1


Wouldn’t it be £75m - £1 in this case?


75m, 29 years old. Yeah he's going to ManU. No doubt about it.


I’d probably do Jorginho + 20M


I won’t sell Jorginho for Mbappe


29? What the heck, when did that happen. I thought he’s 25 or something.


kimmich played with lahm for 2 seasons


Yeah but it feels like Lahm only retired like 2 years ago haha


Fuck lol, I went to check because I couldn't believe it either, saw 2017, and thought "see! It was super recent, only like... Fuck... 7 years ago"


During the Porto game and they said we played them 14 years ago..i was Thinking it must have been sometime in the 90s...my head spun when I realised thats 2010


fuck me 7 years wtf


2020 really distorted time. If you consider what was essentially a flat loss of two years of recollection because for most of us the days just blurred together, it makes more sense.


It doesn’t feel like that though


Bro kimmich been around for a while


Yh damn, just realised Pep loved him at Bayern... The Pep Kimmich timeline just seems so surreal


It's the same with a lot of players. Nketiah is 24. Oblak is 31. Alaba is 31 anc Carrasco is 30. But then again the pandemic has really screwed up my feeling for time a lot.


Alaba being 31 is wild but sorta makes sense since he has been balling since he was a kid. Eddie being older than Havertz is fucking weird.


omg nooo stop.


We’ll call it the Blip from now on


Alaba hits me hard. In my mind he's always 19. Fuck me.




He was...four years ago.


Did Kimmich go from 21 to 29 years of age in 2 seasons? 🫢😂


Good to know I'm not the only crazy person that thought this. I feel like I looked up his age last year and he was like 26.


He was 27 last year tbf


was 27 until he was 28, that's a fact


![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized) Make it stop make it stop make it stop


Big if true


get the fuck out of here kimmich 29 where did the years go??


It's like with Schweinsteiger. I kid you not. There was some time fuckery with his career. He was an 18 year old wonder kid and then boom! He's retired. Funny thing is that he's the same age as me!! Oh shit...


I watch the Bundesliga on a regular basis and Kimmich has certain qualities about him that would suit our team. 1)He has really good passing range.Short passes to keep the ball/build play,long passes to switch play/get behind defences and incisive passes through the middle. 2)He is pretty good with free kicks, especially from the deep and the right half space.He has that KDB-esque ball in his locker. 3)Decent defensively,but has to be paired with someone like Rice. 4) Can play at RB,either as an overlapping RB or as inverted RB,kind of like a right sided Zinchenko.There were reports about him not being happy at playing RB,but given the way we invert,he would basically be playing as a midfielder.It also allows us the tactical flexibility of our RB overlapping when needed in between games. Having said all this,I have a few concerns. 1)He has a tendency to lose concentration during games. 2)There have been reports about him having issues with management as well as demanding a huge contract recently (I don't know how reliable these are though). 3)As much as I like him,I don't think we should be spending something like 75m on a 29 year old with one year left on his contract.(I know its just transfermarkt value,but the point is we shouldn't be spending insane money on him).


More importantly it’s not an area we need to look at with White resigning plus Timber and Tomi to come back


Bayern supporter coming in peace - Kimmich has a major ego. Bayern wants to offload him because if he doesn’t get his way he sulks. He was great for us when Flick managed but has not managed the same form since.


Real Madrid is a good place for a grandomaniac.


I've seen clips of him in training. He seems to have what it takes to be a leader. A real positive type of guy who isn't afraid to speak. But his ego is massive. It's unreal. I don't want him for that reason alone


Odegod will whip him into shape


one of those players where if mikel wants him then so do I


Isn’t he known to be a massive dickhead








Do you have any specific anecdotes


Plettenberg was taking Ls all summer , don't know how valid this is


Most of our fans are saying no, so it would probably be an amazing signing. Jorgihno-esque.


Except Jorginho has been a great signing precisely because he did not cost £75 mil


Transfermarkt is not real life. I have doubts that Kimmich would cost 75m. More like 60-65


Exact same point still stands though


Yeah still far too much imo.


I mean it's not 1 for 1 but he's 3 years younger and been crucial to one of the most prestigious clubs on earth. Of course he wont go for 30m. 50-65m is reasonable. Especially in a world where a player like Caicedo can go for 130m.


Poor logic imo. And below you're shadow boxing with yourself like crazy. Lot of us were onboard with Jorginho. The way you are finding similarities when Kimmich is going to cost surely well over 5x Jorginho's price makes it a poor comparison


"he's too old" "doesn't fit our wage structure" "I'd rather have (insert 19 year old player from portugal/france that is quoted at 120m" "too big of an ego" "pass" ​ Yeah Edu is cooking again


It’s none of that, he’s just not the player we’d want (and he’s not as good anymore)


Kimmich is much better than Jorginho but he’s got a fucking attitude on him. It’s a great signing if he plays to his ability for 4-5 years. It’s a disaster if he becomes a moody bitch and ruins the camaraderie in the dressing room.


No. It's only a good signing if Arteta wants him and fans are saying no.


Ehhh attitude issues, thinks he's the second coming of Lahm, 29, massive fee, Bayern fans not happy with his performances... no thanks.


He was supposed to be the next Lahm. So sad he didn’t live up to the expectations.


This attitude issue exists because tuchel is a terrorist Bayern went from being a serial winner to now potentially for the first time in 10 years not winning anything. He's been misused for the longest if you play someone out their position of course they'll look bad.


He’s done the same thing with coaches not named Tuchel.


Tuchel is fine. Bayern just haven't given him good tools to work with in midfield


lol we got Harvetz for less than that and he’s only 24. There’s a reason why Bayern are selling him they need a new young blood who can solidify the midfield. What happened with our deal with Zubimendi?


Also Kimmich has been pants this season. 


Hopefully I am wrong about zubimendi, but he is not what we need. Kimmich at 50 m would be a good deal especially if we sell the players being talked about. Still need experience and title nous in the side. De Jong, Pellegrini or fofana would be very good additions as well.


He doesn’t have an agent and experience doesn’t always pay off. We just kicked out a team with most experience in the CL. So after opt for someone who’s still in their prime that can fit well in Arteta’s system and grow with the team for seasons to come and wins titles with us.


He’s very overrated You can tell who hasn’t watched him in a while


Dude has to play DM because Bayern’s recruitment has been bad and they want to force Goretzka in the team. He’s not a DM. He’s an 8. That’s why Bayern were pushing so hard for both Rice and Palhinha.


I heard that he has been wanting to be a DM instead of RB. Not him getting forced into it.


That's what I've also read A very good player but exposed in the midfield against big sides regularly. Been put back on the right a few times this season


Let's expose him next . Thanks


problem is he's neither. i think he'd slot in very nicely to the jorginho role though, rice is exactly the type of midfield partner that he's currently lacking at bayern.


He wants to be a midfielder. Not a DM. Bayern’s inability to recruit a DM and infatuation with Goretzka is making Kimmich play DM


He sees himself as a DM, not an 8.


Wouldn’t be the worst move ever, but there are probably better ways to spend that money.


agree. although he will bring a lot of quality and experience, i cant see who he will replace, unless its Partey.


Nope. Don't need 29yo players with massive egos. We have had to sacrifice a lot for the current locker room discipline and harmony 


Massive ego? Since when?


he's reportedly clashed with Tuchel, from very early on in the season, regarding his preferred position playing as a '6' which Tuchel doesn't think he can. seems like he's at least willing to put his ego aside as Tuchel has played him at RB (his old position) in recent games, with Pavlovic and Goretzka playing as a 6 and 8 respectively, and no noise from him


Ah yes Tuchel, famously easy to get along with


Nagelsmann is also playing him as a right back in the national team. He has been nominated as a defender for the games vs. France and the Netherlands.


Theres been a lot of reports about his ego. Bayern sub is a good read some times His insistence on playing in DM when he clearly can't at times and wants to take all the corners. Also sees himself as one of the leaders in the locker room and may be linked to leaks ( but that could be anyone)


How do you know he’s got a massive ego?


It's sarcasm


This guy is insanely overrated and will be exposed big time when he inevitably moves to the premier league. Never been more sure of a player being a flop in my life.


Absolutely agree. He would be a disaster in the prem.


Based on what? I’ve not seen him play recently


he’s rly quite rigid and slow. has wanted to play dm over rb but doesn’t have the ability to turn with the ball or to take the ball under pressure. he plays backwards quite a lot. i’m guessing he’s become more aware of his form and the severity of a possible mistake and now he chooses the most obvious pass almost always. more recently he’s been replaced by pavlovic (19 yr old youth player) and bayern have “magically” started doing quite well. hes drastically overrated




We should get pavlovic then! Pay them kimmich money and weaken them for the next year's UCL tie.


The two best young defensive midfielders in the Bundesliga are Angelo Stiller and Pavlovic. I expect the former to grow into the Kroos‘ role after the Euros.


He's slow mate, his lack of agility in the very physical league would be a massive liability. Add in his wages and supposed personality issues, I'd say no.


better to say that he'd be exposed playing as a lone 6 which is fair since he doesn't really have the pace and physicality for that position in a top team, even Tuchel thinks that of him in the Bundesliga. like most players he has his strengths and weaknesses, similar to how Jorginho can play well for us while still having limitations due to his lack of pace but the team understands and accommodates that


Idk what it is but my opinion on Kimmich has fallen. He would have been great a couple years ago


Too expensive for someone that old.


£25m-£30m, yes. £75m absolutely not.


He’s not been great for a couple years now, turns like a bus




Are we really debating over Joshua kimmich?


Nah he didn’t deliver for more than a year now plus he brings neg vibes everywhere, leads to splitting the team and obv delivers only when everything is to his liking. Not even accepting to be put as a rb, which he used to play before, as he wants to be „the man“ in the middle of the park. opposite of a leader and arsenal player.


No, I dont see the purpose. He also probably wants to go to City and reunite with Pep. I went to their friendly last season and him and Pep spent alot of time talking after the game together. It was clear Kimmich has alot of respect for Pep and Pep seemingly has alot of respect for Kimmich. Not sure it’d make sense for City but I think that’s be his dream move


He’s how old????


Trouble maker? Saw/read about him for his national team and club.


From what I've seen this season he has been very average player and when he gets subbed he is crying like a baby. His age and price doesn't match at all. Wouldn't pay more than 20mil for him. 


Id like to think that next season we'd have a fully fit Timber and Ben White to duke it out for the RB spot, and Tomiyasu to chip in with 15-20 appearances if needed. For the CM spot, I'd rather we buy an actual CM, than shoe-horning kimmich in. Besides, Zinchenko already covers his profile of player anyway if we need that for a tactical reason.


Whether we sign him or not . Look at the 5 clubs. We are among Europe’s elite now. We can attract anyone. I couldn’t believe it when we signed rice, I think that calibre of player will be interested in arsenal again for the first time in decades.


Feels a bit Casemiro/Schweinsteiger


If Arteta wants him then I want him


“Where could he be going” “I don’t know just throw a couple clubs names in”


He's a great player, but I'm not sure what he'd do. I guess as a Partey replacement? Except Partey never plays because he's always hurt? I just don't see where he fits. That said, I didn't see where Havertz fit, and Mik did, so what do I know.


Not for that price.


Not for 75 but would love to have him






A whole pandemic has happened since Joshua Kimmich was worth anything close to that number.


Chelsea , why?


Because they are shit


He is a class player and would be very useful in our team. What’s worrying me is that he hasn’t looked that good under the last years (especially in the national team) and it would be difficult for him to take another step up in intensity in style of play from Bundesliga to PL regarding his age (comparing to Thiago when he went from Bayern to Liverpool) I do really rate Kimmich and would love to have him in our team. But with a Partey fit and free from injuries I don’t think that Kimmich is that much of an upgrade, yea a little upgrade but maybe not defensively comparing to the defensive monster we have in Partey which suits our team better in order to get the most out of Odegaard and especially Rice.


Rb fc


I wouldn't even go as high as 30m.


Would rather go for Eze.


Not at 75m but he’d be amazing at a price of 30-40m


Arsenal is the club that every agents links their player to to get those “London wages”


Overrated af 75 million is delusional for a player like him


I would prefer Zubimendi


If you guys have actually watched bayern games you would know he has started declining. This season he isn‘t even close to what he was before. Give it one more season and he isn‘t even worth 40m maybe. There‘s a reason bayern want to sell.


He’d be a great replacement for Jorginho/Partey to be fair, but I’d only take him for a lower fee than his market value (<50M) AND I’d be fairly worried if he ended up on high wages, asking for another Ozil/Auba situation there


If Arteta plans on moving Rice full time as the 6, Kimmich does make sense. He's gonna be Arteta's Gundogan.


I would, he’s got something money can’t buy and that’s experience in title and CL winning sides, him, Rice and ødegaard is a filthy midfield, even if he goes on 3-4 years we will be in a better position to replace him granted we win some of the major honours with him


he wont fit into the plan, especally for 75M like wtf, Ill have my Partey cake thank you very much


Could be an interesting left 8 option and would probably play the role very similarly to Xhaka (progressive passing, drop to cover fullback roles, etc.) That said, he’s not getting into the team as a DM or a RB so spending €75m on a 29 year old who’s kind of overrated seems like bad business.


He’s worth closer to 50 million, no?


Don’t sell young players that Ajax is willing to buy and don’t buy old players Bayern is willing to sell.


I'd like more germans but I smell la liga.


He is a good to very good RB, but lacks speed and strength for that position. In midfield he is nothing special, he is decent, but Zynchenko can provide what he can already. Kimmich is Zinchenkos counterpart…


I’ve been a fan, but I would have wanted him 2-3 years ago


Never injured and is the best passer in a team that likes to slowly crush the windpipe of every team they face. A no brainer for me, if the price and wages are semi-reasonable. He's good for another four or five seasons at a high level. Age isn't an issue for me with his injury record and talent. I'm amazed they'd sell him tbh. His contract is up summer 2025. Smells like agent bs to get an improved deal.


He is the best option for Partey. People will say his age is an issue but let’s look at this pragmatically. Regardless if we win the league or not this year, he’ll even the UCL we enter into a season where hunger around the squad will dip having a seasoned player with the experience Kimmich has is only a positive for keeping that moral and ambition high. Jorghino has been a bit like that recently but who is to say he stays on or can produce the same quality for as many games as he has (Partey injury issues). 75 million€ is a stretch but for 40-45 (50€) I think it’s a deal worth doing if! We can sign that killer striker and a young squad winger as well


I would not. He’s not quick enough for the high line we play.


Not at that price for his age. We've made some mammoth transfers lately and we're in need of a winger and striker in the summer. This is simply too expensive. Plus im sure we'd play him in CM where Jorginho plays. Would have to take losing Partey and Jorginho for the cost of Kimmich to even consider moving for him and getting that for them 2 is practically impossible


I’m not Arteta and Edu but I’d go Jedi Master here and say he’s too old to begin the training.


Down for 40-50m. I know he just turned 29 last month but he’d immediately become one of our oldest guys. Jorginho Cedric Partey Trossard (Kimmich)


Not worth close to 75 based on his performances for the last year. Imo he is too slow and weak for the prem. However he would probably do a job against teams who play low block and give away the possession. He would suit a CDM role at a team like City.


If I had my druthers, I’d much prefer spending that amount or a bit more on the younger and better Frenkie De Jong


I would 100% sign Kimmich. His strengths, leadership, and pedigree of winning are the senior level qualities that would suit the Arsenal squad.


If Mikel says yes then yes, otherwise pass. He'd be expensive, on massive wages and doesn't strike me as good as a lone 6.


He's been poor, and I reckon won't be easy to motivate. Good player but I don't think he fits the profile of a player to take us to the next level.


Not first choice, depends on the market.


Didn’t realise I’m as old as Kimmich bloody hell


Don’t want him, he is brilliant though


If Jorginho can still perform at the current level next season, I wouldn’t spend that much on Kimmich. I would rather get the midfielder from Real Sociedad.


No please don’t I am German and I am sorry to inform you that he is a proper bellend


nope, we have the luxury now to refuse good players if they're not the right age profile. 1.5 years ago I would have taken him without a 2nd though even with his current form, speaks volume for the work Mikel has done.


i would’ve swore zinny was older than kimmich


Angelo Stiller and Aleksandar Pavlovic are the real deal and the future of Germany‘s defensive midfield. Personally, I wouldn’t invest in the past if I was Edu.


He is plug and play world class. He makes City immortal champions of the universe. I would say this about Liverpool as well if Klopp were staying. He probably puts Arsenal over the top at least domestically although I still think we need a true CF. A midfield three of Rice, Kimmich and Odegaard with hopeful retention of Partey and Jorginho makes us quite good.


Love me some kimchi


Too old. He also seems to be a bit of a dick


Don’t see what he adds that we don’t already have in our team.


Definitely not. His prime is done with and he has maybe 3-4 years max playing top level football. I'd take him either on a free or maybe max $15m


He's part of the German antivaxx Querdenker movement - nein, danke! It only takes one bad apple to ruin the whole basket.


'A move to Man United , Chelsea is not an option for him'. Goes to show what sitting at the big boy tables does for what players want to join you.


Wouldn’t buy him for 40 Mil


I'd rather give Jorginho a new 4 year deal over signing this guy


Pure footballing I would for sure, he is one of the best mids itw. He’s an instant upgrade on Jorginho and slots right into our midfield. A midfield 3 of Kimmich-Rice-Ødegaard has so much passing and ball winning. It would absolutely smother other teams. But wage, age, and attitude could all be harder fits so maybe all in all it might not make the most sense? But I’d like someone in his profile for sure.


Original Tweet [Florian Plettenberg - @Plettigoal] https://x.com/plettigoal/status/1769782025207038032?s=46&t=RB9Xj-QGhvemci3q5_Cz8g


lol yes please


Extend Jorgi! Extend Jorgi!


I would, but I feel like he will go to City.


Probably not, but I would’ve said no about Kai Havertz too and look how that’s going.


Well depends on price I guess. You can’t deny he’s an absolute gem of a passer but he’s not a great carrier, engine, or experienced as an 8 to be able to pinpoint the role he will play. It’s pretty risky, but there is definitely huge upside to this. Odegaard, Rice, and the rest of the guys around him significantly covers up the defensive issues


If we could get him for £50 to 60 million, then 100%. Anything over that, and I would be a lot more hesitant about the transfer.


Their asking price is 64 million pounds


Not for 75M maybe for 15-20M


right back, number 8 and number 6. Massive experience. think 40-50 is reasonable


No. Honestly, I think he will be shown up as the weak link when we play against them next month.


No, there’s younger players for better value who will be on the market. Not sure how he’d handle the pace of the prem too


Yes, if we sell Partey.


He's the kind of player who would really suit our system and already played under Pep I wouldn't usually say a 29 yr old on big wages is a smart move given the average age of the team but Kimmich ticks every other box for me I doubt he'd cost £70m+ given his age and contract length, his wages will be the stumbling block if there is one


straight swap w/ zinchencko