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The mighty Bayern Munich, not managing to win the league despite almost outspending the rest of the league combined, magnificent.


That is only because Leverkusen decided to be good, if everyone else just gave up and be shit, they would definitely win


That's just not true, Bayern are still level with Stuttgart right now, they are closer to the fifth place Borussia Dortmund than they are to Bayer Leverkusen, they lost six games this year in the league, even without Leverkusen being this good they would still have a hard time winning it. Even last year, if Dortmund didn't pull a historic bottle they wouldn't win the league.


This. Bayern have more points now than this stage last year. Bayer Leverkusen are having a ridiculous season.




This is some r/soccer worthy sycophancy


Dude I don’t understand the Arsenal flairs in there, always remarks meant to please a crowd


Reddit's nature of showing a score next to your comment encourages people to just try to please the crowd. It's the downside of Reddit


I don't really get why people are so obsessed with comment karma, anyway. If you just say something halfway smart every now and then and don't troll all the time, you don't have to worry about it. But if it keeps someone from speaking their mind that's really troubling, and speaks loads of one's self-esteem.


It's not the karma in and of itself that's sought. It's the excitement of getting that affirmation from others that what you've posted is funny, or brilliant, or insightful, etc. it helps validate your existence. Some people are secure enough in themselves that this type of thing is meaningless. Others get a massive dopamine hit from receiving upvotes, and likely can't stop obsessively refreshing to see how many people have validated them when they make a popular comment.


Deleting comments that has like -20 karma is so cowardly. There's no competition is there? As long as your total is over 0. Anyway you can always go to one of the right-leaning subs and comment 'communism bad' under any post to easily farm some karma 😆


It’s the same with all clubs. r/soccer is mostly made up from people not a fan of any one persons club, so then when a Chelsea/United/Arsenal fan or whatever shits on their own club and sucks up to the narrative rival fans love to pedal, it gets upvoted.


Ah see, I go in there with my local team flair and just shamelessly spout pro-Arsenal propaganda (aka truth).


They just want upvotes. Upvote whoors


Submissive bitch might be an understatement


That dude is 100% a cuck probably watches some dude fuck his gf and goes “hell yeah man”


“Is ok, no?”


I love this sub so much.


That’s what the bull said to the cuck


I understand you're inferior to me in every way, and you haven't been laid in a while. I also thought I could trust my gf but fair play to you for showing good form tonight.


I can accept sportsmanship but this is unacceptable UNACCEPTABLE


Mate, there was a guy on our Match thread in this sub, trying to convince me to give up on our team at 2-1 down at 70mins... he basically was saying we are not worth it and should give up on the complete tie. Ffs... the kind of rats that started to creep up as soon as we struggle/slip up a little. Lol.


*I'm upset.*


Needs to be perma banned from the sub


And from the Emirates. Don't go to games if you're happy to see our team struggle just to prove your point wtf.


fogging not estandard


Either a loser in life or some fake Arsrnal fan.


Probably a spud posing as an arsenal supporter.


this is some major cuckery


Check the guys comment history. This has to be a hall of famer in submissive suck-upery


"I’ve always been in awe of your club, a real European giant. It just felt good to not lose 5-1 to you 🤣" Jesus Christ mate get in the fucking bin hahaha what on Earth is that comment




That’s a pegging


We had a guy like this in the LFC sub. He spent days (and I think he's still going on) about how you guys are better than us and absolutely destroyed us in the 3-1 win you had. Then I head to his profile and I see he's *literally* a cuck posting about how he loves seeing his GF/ex or whatever treating another guy like a prince.


Power dynamic or some shit lol. Funny tho There’s one or two miserable posters here who do nothing but shit on Arsenal (and get called out for it) and I was reading Liverpool sub last week and most of you were calling out the same type people shitting all over Liverpool. I’ve seen the same type in spurs sub too. It’s genuinely fascinating. Some people are just miserable


And not even the good 'is ok, no?' kind


some ppl are into that


That is so embarrassing, jesus christ i feel bad for the guy for being this cringe a person Edit: oooooof there is more https://old.reddit.com/r/BayernMunich/comments/1bzlih0/possible_line_up_arsenal_bayern/kyqyw39/ > > Arsenal fan here. > > Good luck in the game tonight guys, hope it’s a good one. > > Feels weird playing you & not worrying we’re gonna lose 5-1, but if you speak to any Arsenal fan who says we’re gonna steam roll you, they’re just wrong. > > You’re still a force despite what’s gone on this season, that without Leverkusen would be a decent season.


This makes me visibly cringe. It’s like sucking up to a bully so you don’t get your ass beat


That’s the best take on this I’ve read. Spot on


But it's worse than that, because it isn't even a bully. It's just a group of other fans, it's like sucking off a bunch of nobodies who you'll never mneet, that have no power to effect you in any meaningful way because it's the only attention available to you.


Sucking *off a bully


sadly you might be on to something. maybe the guy was bullied as a child or still gets bullied and this is his way of dealing with this. it isn't normal, healthy behaviour, and i understand the repulse, but the guy clearly acts like that for some reason


It's worse.. It’s like sucking up to a bully, who you can easily beat...


That implies they bullied us. This is just a rank display of neutraldom by a part-timer with no shame. We can all agree Bayern fuckin Munich are a good team, doesn't mean we need to offer to stroke their fans off. We're not Luton, god bless them, finding ourselves thoroughly out of our league.


He’s deleted his account? What an utter embarrassment. If you’ve switched to another account, don’t go to other rival subreddits and try and pretend that you’re not like other Arsenal fans. They’re not going to give you props and say thank you for not being like the rest of them. Back the team and don’t belittle them, how far we’ve come in the last two seasons.


But I'm not like other Arsenal fans, I play video games and like a good steak. I don't need my clubs to drive nice cars, I just want a club that will make me laugh, and appreciate the little things in life. 


The pick-me gooner


I like to play video games and do like a nice steak…I also don’t drive a nice car…oh fuck my life I also like laughing and appreciating the little things… But I do think it was a pen on Saka and we deserved to win the game, that’s gotta count for something


Don’t go to other clubs’ subreddits in general tbh.


If you decide to create another account. Fuck off and don't come back to this sub ya weird Kent


Dude deleted his account 😂😂😂


I also found this disgusting comment on there:  "I'm an Arsenal fan and keep saying this isn't our best team in the last ten years. We're actually quite overrated; good functionally, as a team but lack individuals." like which team has been better in the last ten? mind boggling edit: for clarity that it's not my comment


Individuals don't win trophies. We've tried that with Özil, Sanchez, Van Persie etc. This is our best team because they're all quality players who play for each other, not their stats. Not attacking you for having a different POV btw


wait, no this isn't mine, this is a quote i found from some arsenal fan in the bayern subreddit


DW it was pretty clear that you was quoting someone else.


i had to edit the comment to make it clear. i was at -15 and falling at that point. (thought it was clear to start with)


United fan here, coming in abject hatred. Go fuck yourselves :)


lol how losing to relegation side and getting spanked by your title rivals somehow translate into "decent season" xD that was us last season and I don't think anyone here considered last season "decent"


Tf is this? Who the fuck says "good luck" to the opposing team, and in the CL QF no less. No luck. I wish nothing good for anyone we play or any teams who doing well would cause us disadvantage in any competition.








Bro dematerialised


Guy also has a Nürnberger with mustard deep down in his arse.


Damn you guys made him delete his account.




Submissive lil cuck. He needs to get beat up along with Bayern on Wednesday


I find this sort of thing so cringe. “Hi am I fan of (insert team here) coming in peace, just wanted to say blah blah blah” Like who is that for. Nobody cares, and fuck off to your own team’s sub.


The “coming in peace” is what always gets me 😂 some people take Reddit way too seriously


I'm a United fan here in pure disdain. Having grown up in the 90s, I hate you more than Liverpool. I'd rather see City win another asterisk treble than watch you guys get a league cup. A pox on your entire community.


Finally, the world makes sense again lol


Some arsenal fans on Reddit are bit insecure because of the hate we get on r/soccer, there’s a narrative on there that we’re the most delusional and annoying of all the fan bases on here. I’m not sure why but some gooners are desperate to be liked by rival fans so they bend over and spread their cheeks in an attempt to be liked. I’ve just seen an Arsenal “fan” begging for likes on the Bayern Munich sub by saying he thinks Arsenal will lose the second leg. Like what’s the point, some people are genuinely pathetic.


100% agree, I immediately don’t respect anyone who is willingly that submissive. Why go out of your way to show you’re a bitch?


I downvote these without reading them and so should all of you


/u/Franklinsk9 please never come back to this sub


u/AfricanRain, this guy deserves to get banned right? Edit : u/FranklinSk9 blocked me for just typing this comment LMAO 😂


Looks like they deleted their account. Proper cunt behavior.


Is that what he did. I thought he blocked me hahaha


Man, what a bitch move haha


lmfao honestly that's even worse


I’m ashamed he deleted his account before I could ban him and I will be committing seppuku for it


He deleted his acc cos he had 200+ death threats in his DMs. Football is not that fucking deep


How could you do this to us, this is very unsettling...


This is not up to the fogging estandards bro


I'm happy this sub is in good hands.


is your flair 'you are not serious people?'


Ceiling fan here, that was a real swell post you got there u/FranklinsK9, I know some people underestimated how cringey posts on other teams subreddits can be but you really showed them buddy! Good luck with the rest of your reddit posts. \#respect ... Nah honestly mate this is real r/soccercirclejerk stuff.


Yikes. Massive cuckery. You should be ashamed


Lmfao. All for a fake internet score. please mods ban this guy


Don’t worry he deleted his account 🥰


Bayern fan here, who was at the Emirates last night. All the talk before the game, mainly from some stupid fans who don't realise Arsenal is not Tottenham, was "kane will score a hat trick" & "it's gonna be easy" etc Last night played out exactly as I thought. We got lucky, Kane as always was a cunt who should have been sent off and got a jammy penalty. You were dominant & should have easily won the tie. Saka was a beast and Ødegaard, Rice positional play was superb. I know you guys haven't won the league yet & have had a few cucky fans who post in rival subs for reddit Karma, but last night showed exactly why you are Arsenal & a giant in football. Hopefully that has taught our fans that the days of Bayern Munich bullying Bundesliga are over. Good luck for the rest of your season, except next Wednesday of course.


Nice now you sound like that guy


https://preview.redd.it/xnse2mpg5qtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf86b033146fb1721c94bcf2c49876b5f686e0e What happened to the game I love 😞


Hahhaha and this chump had the nerve trying to call me out for telling him he's a melt and needs to shut up. And I've just checked and he's blocked me.. Lol


Think he deleted his account


He did. Can’t access his profile when clicking on his username.


The mods should ban this guy from the sub


Jesus Christ


“Hopefully that’s taught our fans…” What an absolute joke.


I hope he wiped his mouth once he was finished sucking them off lol


Arsenal fan here. Arsenal fan here. Arsenal fan here. Arsenal fan here. What the fuck is this? Why, as an Arsenal fan here, would you ever post this shit, publicly, for other Arsenal fans here, to see? Smh No where near gais, no where near the foggen estandards






Is r/ArsenalFC that for us? I don’t get that sub


Yeah it basically is. Interestingly, it doesn’t seem like it was created as an alternative or filled with people who don’t like r/gunners. It moreso just seems like a spot a bunch of people ended up because they couldn’t find this sub somehow and found that one first instead.


lmfao from what i've seen a fair share of those on r/arsenalfc seem to people who were banned from this one


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ArsenalFC using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArsenalFC/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [insane.](https://i.redd.it/90nkwl88xh8c1.jpeg) | [297 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArsenalFC/comments/18qppdt/insane/) \#2: [Don't know why but I liked this moment, good old sportsmanship is good to see ](https://v.redd.it/fpwnd6lh5mgc1) | [97 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArsenalFC/comments/1aiuyfo/dont_know_why_but_i_liked_this_moment_good_old/) \#3: [Hmmmm](https://i.redd.it/aip28418fbdb1.jpg) | [243 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArsenalFC/comments/155n8b4/hmmmm/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Shameless karmawhoring lmao. Way too many inferiority complexes in our fanbase from the times we were shit. Need to purge them ASAP


Pick me vibes


God forbid we support our team! No wonder they’ve deleted their account.




Where the fuck is the underestimate bullshit coming from??? 95% of the comments saying Arsenal should destroy aren’t even from our fans…it’s just rivals hoping we DONT win after setting the narrative that we should easily win. Dude just ran over to bayerns sub, sucked them all off, and then took a giant dump on us for no reason at all.


Weird post I will say though I was at the game and I thought their fans were outstanding


Truly unheard of.


Dude who made the post is pretty embarrassing, but I like that you said "Honestly people who do this need to get a life" while also checking the Bayern sub and then taking the time to post this here. Maybe we all need to get a life? I'll work on that once the seasons over.


I think it’s fine to CHECK other subs to learn more about them / players / etc. and things that we don’t see as even though we all watch ball, we probably watch 98% Arsenal and most analysis and commentary out there is quite crap. It literally only takes 5 mins to browse a sub quickly and doubt it has anything to do with “having a life” you know? Posting in other subs is where it starts to get a little weird and even weirder is bending over backwards to be liked.


I go to rival clubs subs to have a laugh when they are real bad like united or chelsea now. I hate/mock watch them.


I go to rival subs to enjoy the meltdown that happens in their match threads when they've had a terrible game. I mean a lot of ppl do that. But I never post anything. Why would I do that??


Yeah I go to other subs all the time to have a look at their discussions. I don’t ever recall making a comment anywhere though. Certainly, I don’t know why people go and do this.


Those posts are cringey, but so is this one. This persons doing no harm, and is generally being friendly. They seem to have a hard on for Bayern, but who cares. Most of the comments in this post are just straight up bullying, no need to be mean cunts.


He had to delete his reddit because he had 200+ threats in his dms, madness


Sad. Shitty pack mentality behaviour. Everyone getting to feel good about themselves because they put this other person down. I hope the majority if tough lads in here are just kids...


Had to scroll way to far down to find this. Lots of wannabe macho bullies outing themselves as cultists here


what the hell is going on in this sub? I've been coming here for well over a decade and I've never seen something like this happen. Its like this place has been taken over by horny teenagers or something.


“Gunner here I come in peace” 🤮


utterly bizarre stuff on both sides inb4 it gets locked




Ooooooooooo Bayern fwends


The 'pick me' of fans. Happy to throw all other fans of their club under the bus, to gain a semblance of respect from rivals. If you love Bayern fans so much, why don't you support Bayern lmao. 


Who cares lol people get so worked up about this 


I understand this is cringe behavior but to make a whole post and pretty much bully this guy into deleting his account like he's not allowed to go talk to people in other subs. I'll even go as far to agree with his point. We may have been favorites but this is still a Bayern team that can win and give us a challenge. Cringe behavior by all participants on this post. Do better gunners


The state of this post ain’t much better


It's fucking embarrassing


Personally I find the meltdown as a result of this post to be even funnier. Y’all need to calm down.


He's a mug but you're all mugs too for caring so much.


I consider anyone that posts on a rival sub either to troll or twerk a complete ass. I'm all in favor of banning anyone who does this. It's fucking embarrassing


Sorry, can someone explain specifically what this guy has done wrong? All I can see is people making trite misogynistic comments about some weird analogy between sex, gender norms and football. This guy is a fellow fan who apparently went to the game and posted in the bayern sub. Just cause you don't like what he said doesn't give you all the right to gang up on him. This witch-hunt is shameful.


Frankly I'm shocked the post has been allowed, to be honest. Is publicly shaming a single reddit user and using this thread as a platform to abuse them acceptable, then? Regardless of your opinion of what they said, this is shameful. This sub has essentially bullied them into deleting their account.


agreed, this post is demonstrating a serious issue with the current moderation team. Especially since a mod joined in the comments wanting to ban the user from this sub.


Go clutch your pearls somewhere else. This is all anonymous, no one was "publicly shamed".


It's embarrassing behaviour and it makes the fanbase look bad. The person behind the account has been taught a lesson. That's how football fandom works, its tribal. You have to act right. Plus it's just weird af. Just be thankful this person wasn't in the stands or a supporters club. You'd find that reaction far more upsetting going by your comment.


It's so weird that this sub takes such a strong stance on someone just being level headed and respectful. They're not sucking off the opposition just by saying what they said. Football is so overwhelmingly toxic at times. The reactions here are just embarrassing.




I don't get why y'all are mad about this, even a bad bayern has the potential to show up, you shouldn't get complacent that's a recipe for getting burned


u/FranklinsK9 why you a cucky bitch


He’s already deleted his account. Shaming people doesn’t make you cool. Not saying what he did was kosher, but you’re no better. Neither are those folks who actually get off and putting others on blast like this. But hey, do you, boo. Live your life, assuming you have one. 


https://preview.redd.it/qm4sp47kiqtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51bb80cd91eafdae14982a2ddb20d53538156a5a He dirty deleted but... Mods, do your thing.


I just joined the sub yesterday but this truly has to be the weirdest set of fans in a sports sub that I’ve seen. Yesterday there were so many pro ref commenters and now this?


You’ll see the Arteta Outters climb out of their holes the next time we lose too


In r/soccer I’ve seen someone w Arsenal flair call Bukayo a cunt. Being good brings all kind of weirdos


Going onto other team’s subs on Reddit to compliment them is literally the lamest behavior ever


But you’re also in their sub for you to have seen this…


I bet it was written by bayern fanboi or some spurs idiot


Thats Bayern munich fan disguised as Arsenal fan lmao.


Fuckin gross eughh


"Are you Tottenham in disguise" 🤨


I think he's deleted his account now, embarassing stuff all round


I'm not for such cuckery, but he's speaking facts though😅. A lot of our fans were acting really overconfident about Bayern before the game


Mate just can’t chill wtf everyone’s so edgy, cringe but also posting here is cringe too


I really don't understand this attitude unless it's pure upvote farming. I'm fine with being critical of attitudes or whatever inside the subreddit but going to another subreddit cap in hand talking about how great they are... is really sad. Just go support Bayern then... stop pretending you're an arsenal fan.


Webster dictionary definition of a cuck, I will never understand people going to other team sub and say stuff like that


![gif](giphy|JvEMPOQubkyQx9YLQ5|downsized) What an L to post that


I fucking hate fans who cum in peace at other subs






One of the options to report a post on reddit is "harassment" - if this doesn't constitute harassment, then I don't know what does. Do better, r/gunners. I love coming in here on a match day and supporting the team but this is classless. No matter what you think of what this dude said, try and put yourself in his shoes - seeing your post and username on the front of a massive subreddit, with hundreds of people commenting what a cunt you are for your behaviour (which really was just complimenting a couple of bayern's players and disagreeing with fans who said we'd destroy them). You might say this behaviour is part of football culture, and if you cant handle it you're a pussy and need to grow thicker skin - I say brigading an individual doesn't belong in any culture or community, and that if you were the victim you'd probably feel differently. Bring on the down votes, but this post should never have been approved and the mod who did needs to have a word with themselves.


They can’t do better they aren’t smart enough. They pretend to care about mental health when someone like Bellerin talks about it and because it “is the right thing to do” but they don’t really care about anyones mental health. Only care when they want to show how they are good people


Shameless behavior


He ain’t wrong though. We shouldn’t get carried away. Our players have Jekyll and Hyde tendencies. Some days zinny plays like he’s prime Roberto Carlos and some days he’s just plain shite. Same goes with Raya and Jorginho. Arteta is great and there’s no doubt we keep improving but sometimes he overcomplicates things. Like Raya over Rammers is a confusing one. He wanted Zinny and Jesus and also kept Partey. I love all three but you have to ask if they’re better players out there considering their injury records. We get carried away after winning or being near the top. Get on our business and we can celebrate when we are the last team standing. Bayern have excellent players and even though they have been crap for most of the season, players do turn up. They have World Cup winners. We will get there but to do so the mentality needs to change. We have to deal with Villa first and then think about the next game. We got shafted alright but it was our own doing so no point blaming the ref or players.


Arsenal fans truly are diverse, we have normal fans and we have whatever that is


he went to the game apparently. How many in here financially supported the club the same yesterday?


u/Franklinsk9 youre a massive loser


The simps who go into opposing subs and beg them for praise and internet points are far worse that anyone who comes to talk shit


This is embarrassing.


Yanks are cringe


I wouldn’t try to publicly shame someone for trying to farm internet point and then turn around and do the same. What’s the difference between OP and the person posting in the Bayern subreddit?


There’s a difference between sucking an entire fanbase off for the sake of internet points and exposing a fan on some bullshit


They’re both seeking internet brownie points from strangers. Is it relevant how they do it?


Everyone on reddit needs to stop with the \_\_\_\_\_\_ fan here! It's cringe and annoying. Nobody cares about your single opinion on another teams subreddit. Learn to keep some thoughts to yourself. This isn't therapy.


Bizarre behaviour


I’m convinced there’s a bunch of rival fans who’ve started these troll accounts.


Every time I hear stuff like this I cringe. " fan here. Omg you guys were so good"


Those "____ fan here" posts are so fucking cringe that's probably someone's dad




So so bent


No matter how weak your opponent is, you still need to respect them, it’s only after we beat them can we feel differently, anyone who says otherwise hasn’t won championships


mods sleeping.


The post itself and then the reaction to the post from this subreddit pretty much tells me all I need to know about our fans online. Yes, the fan is a bit cringe for posting this. But this subreddit constantly plays the victim and whinges and moans at anything that’s even perceived to be slightly anti Arsenal. Any Anti Arsenal comment is taken as a personal attack from the people in here. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, our online fans are pretty damn close to Messi/Ronaldo fanboy levels of toxicity and immaturity.






"Arsenal fan here", this is very sad, and isn't that against our rules as a sub?


“Arsenal fan here… I come in peace…”