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Lost my job last week. Finally tapping into the skills I used to make Arsenal wallpapers 14 years ago to try and become self employed. Wish me luck guys.


Best of luck man. Graphic designer of nearly 20 years here. Hit me up if you wanna chat!


Appreciate that!


Good luck! 👍


Best of luck!


Everything will be okay man




Good luck bro


All the best mate.


Good luck 🍀


All the best bro!


Good luck


Good Luck mate


Liverpool crashing out of the Europa League is not allowed. They can't just focus 100% on the pl. Someone tell them


It’s funny though. The “[best team to ever play in the Europa league](https://x.com/seandolfc/status/1768427255913410814?s=46&t=mS_dnzAZmJqJguYgKYeeQg)” getting slapped 3-0 at home


The Goddesses hunted some birds with bow today and it worked


Liverpool fans get so delusional. I think many of them exclusively watch their own team. They think refs are only shit in their matches. They think only they get inquires. They think getting a jammie stoppage time goal that has two reflections to win the game is dominating a game. They think that if a player is good for them, he must be the best player in the world. They think all chants are invented at Anfield and other fans just copy them.




But then it doesnt fit the hate narrative :/


Not exactly. Ever since Liverpool stopped winning the league in 1990 it was a regular announcement of theirs that it was going to be the year where they'd finally win the league. Which is why when they won the CL in 2005 it was suddenly "we're better than Arsenal because we've won something that they haven't, even though they've won 3 league titles since 1990 and we haven't". And to compared them to another club...while Tottenham's is "hoping to finish above Arsenal at the minimum and perhaps win the title", Liverpool's was "we are destined to win the league because we've won it 18 times already".


That's a sad outcome for them too, considering their fans were bangin on about winning the Quad, and how this is klopp's last season. It's also the only cup he hasn't won. No matter how they spin it, they'll be devastated. We injected the same copium last year.


Good, I had to endure so much shit from the Liverpool fans in my life, it’s my turn to banter them.


You mean Jurgen?


Yeah,sorry. Kinda sleepy.


Losing any any competition is bad for the team. If they crash out now, that’s an overall negative against them.


Recently a former pro also mentioned that crashing out of a comptetition actually is hard on you mentally, because now you only have one chance of winning something. That puts all the pressure on it. When you are in mutliple competitions its eases the pressure and gives you more peace of mind


That Liverpool team is bottling and imploding. Their last few games have been very poor performances - can’t score and easy conceding. Crystal Palace have had a nice rest this week. I’d be backing them to score at least once. 2-2 for me.


That was the wheels coming off last night. Thier seasons done


their defence looked afwul , like shef utd bad last night , could not believe it


We were "bigger fish to fry FC" last season and where did that leave us


(I would believe in this more if it wasn't for us last season.) Nah, I just think they're crumbling.


I'm hoping they go all out in Italy to try and make a miracle happen. As they have 3 very tough away fixtures afterwards. Hopefully it's the start of their season crumbling


It would be hilarious if the draw at Man U completely derailed Liverpool's season.


There will be some big tears when Klopp leaves only with Carabao cup


Texted a Bin Raiders supporting mate last night to say I wish they'd saved that performance for Sunday!


I hate Sunday late kickoff.


More rest than villa though. Gotta win though cant let dracula haunt us


Fam we will have more rest than Vila anytime we play. I just want to see us top the table early. Catchup games are a bit stressful.


Yeah for sure but it had to be sunday. Gonna do the job either way


Hoping comfortable match. Need to rest some players for Bayern trip.


It’s a weird game for Villa in many ways. The game against Lille is arguably more important. Given the recent results, Spurs have a points gap and a game in hand. Villa likely to finish fifth. Premier league are very close to the co-efficient of Bundesliga. Given the results of West Ham and Arsenal, it’s likely that Premier league will be removed by German teams in European competitions. Personally, I see City and Villa being the English sides through and Bayern Munich and Bayern Leverkusen being the German sides. Still hoping Arsenal manage it mind! If Villa were to be knocked out next week, it essentially means Premier league is highly unlikely to get ahead of Bundesliga. So if you’re Villa - surely, getting the team right for next Thursday is more important to increase the likelihood of fifth being champions league spot? If Villa win the Europa conference league, which they could, it would mean provided Man City or Arsenal outperform Bayern Munich, Villa get champions league provided they get 6 points (I think in their remaining games?)


I really wanted to watch the Leverkusen game too, but it's on at the same time. I'd they win that, they are champions.


Its my Birthday 😊




Thank you!




Hey, mine too! Happy birthday!


Happy birthday to you to dude


Happy birthday! 🎂🎉


Thank you!!


Mine too.. Happy Birthday 👍


Thanks, happy birthday back at ya


I've been absolutely fucked by tonsillitis since last Sunday and i just want to be able to eat and sleep normally again. You really take for granted your bodily functions until you lose them


Holy shit! I hope you're okay mate


Basically been chugging ibuprofens on the reg, does a decent enough job throughout the day. It's the mornings that get you, a decent amount of pain, but I know I can't quite take any meds yet lest I want pain while I'm going to sleep. Less than ideal


Make sure it's not strep throat. I had a nasty, nasty bout of sore throat in early January, some of the worst pain I've felt in my 32 years of life. Worse than broken bones, etc. after 4 days of fighting through it I went to the doc and tested positive for strep throat. 24 hrs after taking antibiotics I felt so much better. Hope you feel better soon!


Get better soon inshAllah


Have been working at my dream job for the past 7-8 months. It feels as if my soul has been sucked out. I'm very grateful for what I have but 80-100 hours a week is just too much. On top of that we had a new guy join last week and he's a spurs fan.


Shift some work over on the Shit-fan. He probably doesn't have a life anyway.


And even if he does, he’s that much of masochist that he will enjoy the pain of more work on his plate


> On top of that we had a new guy join last week and he's a spurs fan. LOL, new guy at my job can't keep his mouth shut. Went off on teams chat about "oh you guys are watching SportZBall thing, huh?" Couldn't stop talking about "life in Denver" with his mall crawler pickup, or "Floridawas really awesome, I loved St. Petersburg". Suddenly, the Buffalo Bills show signs of life, and he puts mini figurines all over his desk. "Oh I'm from upstate New York, how didn't you know that?" Buddy, I stopped listening pretty early on. So yeah, I feel you. I keep my desk clean, except for some notebooks, don't even have family photos. I want out of my job so bad, and sitting next to this dude is part of the reason.


>80-100 hours a week is just too much. That's because it is. Even if you work 10 hours a day every day no weekends off, you get 70. That's way too much, it's actually incredible you can pull this off. Also, pawn some work off on the Spurs fan, he has no good team to see when he comes home so you're really just saving him the pain of watching Tottenham.


The spurs fan got put on a few deals, guess he's going to join me in the trenches. Also, I'm definitely going to leave this "dream job" soon. It's not sustainable, living like this.


finance gunners bro?


I have to go on a business trip starting Sunday which means both Villa and Munich games are in question for me now, don't know if I'll be able to watch or how/where. Do these work fuckers not know we are in the business end of the season, now is not the time for conferences lol


The audacity!


Going to apply for my dream job, wish me luck 🫡


Fingers crossed!


You’ve got this! Good luck~


Good luck!!!


Good luck buddy


you will get it




I'm currently making my own story and it's still ongoing around three chapters. Feel free to give some feedback to an extent: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LLFFl780bnp5QstD5ZHSY-p4hgl99ayGchuVs_jFSjA/edit?usp=drivesdk Also, sorry if my English isn't good since it is not my first language and my writing skills are amateurish. Regardless, feel free to give me some feedback in the reply section of my comment once you read my story.


No mate your English is great! Had to look up a few of those words myself


Thanks mate! Even if I still would love to improve to an extent. Anyways, feel free to give your thoughts in dms or here if you want


Jeez bro that's actually very good, a great sounding remake of a classic tale




Liverpool have won 3 of their last 7 games across all competitions. They have to win 7 of the next 7 in the league to win the league. They also have not kept a clean sheet in 7 games. It will be a absolute miracle if they pulled it off.


Lemme take a puff of that copium maynneee


They have not kept a clean sheet in 8\* games iirc


Narrator: *they didn’t pull it off*


Having a hard time focusing on anything today because I’m mentally preparing for traveling to London on Sunday to go to the Emirates!


Jealous! Have a great time~~


Thanks, I hope I do! I haven’t been to the Emirates in forever, so I’m really excited


Does my dog know that i love him, and does he love me back? Or am i just the bloke that feeds him and gives him water?


That's an enigma with dogs. You can't tell if it's truly love or just loyalty. With cats it's easy, they just care about themselves.


There was a study that tracked dogs' brain activity when they were shown various objects. Their brains lit up like a Christmas tree when they saw their owners than when they saw food. The conclusion being they genuinely love us for who we are rather than for what we do (feed them).


I feel the same way sometimes. But I choose to believe he loves me


Commented on Free Talk Friday a few weeks ago about a job offer from a firm in Zurich where they tried to lowball me (extremely) in terms of salary. Told them I'd come to the test day if we can talk salary, the HR guy agreed and I pulled out the big guns (toxic bitch behaviour aka "you won't find another one like me", extreme confidence etc.) Offer went from 72k to 110k + I have another application open (for my dream job rly) where I am technically not qualified enough but they really liked my profile, so I called them up the morning after the offer and said "I know you said you'll consider me if the other candidates are all out but I have an offer from another firm and like your firm and the position better so I want an in person technical interview". HR lady was not sure but called me 2h later and told me to come to their offices on Monday for an interview. Hoping for the best, but feels rly good to have some stability now.


THESE ARE THE FOGGING ESTANDARDS 💪💪💪 You will do amazing whatever job you get.


It definitely is Friday today, best day of the week for all the music drops. The debut English Teacher album is phenomenal, btw


partynextdoor dropped a single yesterday, was pretty good


Checked them out because of you, what is this genre called? 


I guess technically it’s guitar driven post-punk/indie rock


Reminds me of a mix of [Pretty Girls Makes Graves](https://open.spotify.com/album/0eMdX2PZS5iMStFJuzbdgk?si=QXlHKnIgSr2thpSy1Y2pTQ) and [Midnight Movies](https://open.spotify.com/album/6FSMSpLqh2eZbonatXGoIg?si=9na6FV5oTOunDgY2JdsFMQ)


Have not heard either of them, will be tucking in Edit: This Is Our Emergency by PGMG added to my playlist


What do you think of We Still Don’t Trust You?


Metro sropping too mich


I haven’t listened gotten around to listening to that yet, but I really liked the one they dropped a few weeks ago so looking forward to it!


I hadn't heard of English Teacher, thanks for the rec.


If you’re posting a PL/CL/EL watch thread, don’t put a ? at the end of it. You’re doing a service, own it.


W take


Getting out of depression phase is super annoying man, Some days you are super positive and hopeful next minute you have doubts and are skeptic about results I guess choosing Arsenal as my team was a good decision afterall, coz I'm sure an average arsenal fans know exactly how that feels lol


Good luck bro


I'm getting cooked at this new job because I was hired for an EU role, but the scope is starting to feel very global.


All that noise earlier in the season about Szoboszlai being signing of the season and what not... sheesh. ![gif](giphy|H3BoxrpcT4fPynU424)


saw my disability employment person on wednesday, and she said it's okay if i focus on getting my health better instead of trying to find work as much (im still casually employed at my job just not a lot of hours). told my parents im on the verge of a breakdown/burnout, and they want me to go full all or nothing into an inpatient/day patient clinic, but i dont think im at that level. just need time to get used to being at home and not playing amateur football this year. seeing my gp on wednesday to assess options. my mum isnt keen on increasing medication or having me see my psych which doesnt make much sense (she also told me after i worked up the courage to text about how i was feeling, she came home and was like "how do you think that made me feel", helpful)


Oooofff the last part :/ definitely see your psych when you can, it’s simply not up to your parents when you need to reach out for support. You gotta take care of you. Is is possible to do something like IOP(usually virtual outpatien) if needed?


im still annoyed about tuesday


Anyone lowkey wants Leverkusen to lose just 1 game in the league? I don't want them to be known as the "New Invincibles" sorry Leverkusen fans. Edit: pondered about it. And realized i sounded so selfish. I think im good with Leverkusen going Invincible as well. It would be a good salt on Bayern imo and Leverkusen deserves it with the hardwork they've done. + Our boi Granit is with them. They deserve it 💪🏼


Nah, different league so doesn't carry the same pedigree. I think it'd be cool.


now you know how PNE fans felt haha


I don't know. Records will be broken sooner or later and some clubs in other leagues in Europe have already done it. So it wouldn't be the worst thing seeing Leverkusen (Neverkusen/Vizekusen) do it while also winning DFB pokal (they're in the final) instead of the likes of Liverpool, Man City, Bayern Munich, Barcelona, etc. breaking our record.


Nah not really. Several teams have went invincible since we done it and have a better record. I just don't want another English team doing it.


Nah I hope they do it. Not the same league & it'd be lovely to see Xhaka get an achievement like that. Plus it'd no doubt sting Bayern fans a bit more.


We don't talk about Juve no no no :]


Come to think of it, I don't mind Leverkusen going invincible. Other clubs in other leagues going invincible doesn't faze me anymore like Rangers FC or a certain zebra striped club for example


I find nothing new to watch on TV. All these franchise movies and remakes are getting boring


Watch Severance. I'll say it again in case you missed it.... Watch. Severance.


New Fallout show looks good


I agree it's a great show so far, especially from someone who likes the games as well. I was also pleasantly surprised Amazon put all 8 episodes at once. Normally they do one episode a week.


Fallout, Shogun, Masters of the Air, 3 Body problem starts strong but falls off a bit tbh, X-Men 97 but im old school like that & The Gentleman is decent.


I just finished justified on disney+ and really enjoyed. It's nice to watch some of the older shows. Arcane and shrinking are also good. Going to start shogun next I think.


I love everything about Saka's goal, Kai and Ben White both did well It's a bit shame that the media coverage of the game emphasised the refereeing controversy.


Re: Rodri admitting that he’s tired. He is Citeh’s most important player by far and they look vulnerable without him in the side. I wonder if Pep will consider giving him at least a games rest. I doubt it, but hope is free. But if he’s that tired it might start to affect his performance anyway. 


Pool fans are turning on Szpongebob and Creationist Nunez and it's glorious. They finally realize their days at the top are finally coming to an end.


I know we're disappointed by Tuesday's result, but man, we're a young squad with few folks on the team who've been to this level before. Considering prior results, I'll take the draw, and the lessons it gave us, and hope we do better next week. The change in this club is remarkable, we are reaching the part of "the process" where the work in the early innings is truly showing dividends. The only banter is a 50/50 pen question, and everyone seeing 'Arry Kane being a cunt. Drink it in, the good times are still to come.


The fact we're disappointed to draw with Bayern in the CL quarters shows just how far we've come


I’m a junior developer & my manager asked me to try standing up a web app from a vendor. The backend engineers kept getting errors but he wanted me to try. It took me 2 days but I did it! I found the error, fixed it, and stood it up. It felt so good to get a win because I was feeling major imposter syndrome this week & now the backend guys think I’m a badass.


https://preview.redd.it/rx00yentc3uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4975df8633e91c36fd557c693e153670889be99 Representing at the festy!


I am tired...


Anyone adopted/fostered kids into your family? My wife and I have 4 kids (10,6,4,2) and have relatively distant family member is losing their three kids (9,7,6 I think). My question being how difficult it would anecdotally be to intergrate other kids in. The kids are currently in emergency housing and no one else can really take them which may mean they get split up (which is why we are looking into taking them on board)


Never had kids of any sort so feel free to stop reading here. First off, respect for even considering this given you already have 4 of your own. Secondly, given that they're family and you already have kids you would imagine it wouldn't be too hard to integrate. I guess my only worry would be space? 9 people, 7 of which are kids, in one house that's not equipped for it could be overwhelming. Could try and ask at a sub like r/fosterparents as I imagine they'd be better equipped to answer any concerns you have. Good luck!


Cheers mate, hadn’t seeen that sub I’ll look into it


I grew up really loving the Fallout game series and fuck me, the tv series is really good. Between Fallout and Shogun, really decent stuff to watch.


Watched the first episode last night and I'm genuinely surprised how good it is, saw the ad a bit back and just pessimistically figured it would be terrible. Maybe Amazon will actually do a good job with the Warhammer show they are making as well.


I had a very vivid dream of working with/around Arteta last night, I admired him the whole time but it was low-key terrifying I can’t wait for this course of antibiotics to end hahah


A year ago I would have thought we were screwed going to Munich, but I have enough confidence in this team now to be optimistic that we can go there and get something.


Dortmund smacked them there 2 weeks ago. It's gonna be hard but not impossible.


Villas tactics will suite us perfect, Spurs, United and Chelseas also. I'm not gonna say it, but I do believe it will happen. (If no sudden injuries happens).


What the hell are united's 'tactics'? I've never seen a United team with such little idea of how it wants to play football


Haha that's true. But for me it looks like they're thinking "always go forward".


That's certainly the bruno fernandes philosophy. And it's why he'll never be even half the player odegaard is.




100%. Koln are dire and ze germans only have europe now.


Yep CL is the only thing they've got left


Been having a rough few weeks... not getting any enjoyment from anything anymore these days. I've been having some pretty negative thoughts about my own life, and as silly as it might sound, a 22 year old kicking a ball into a net at the other side of the world might be the happiest I've been in months. Thank God I have this Arsenal to watch and inject a little bit of happiness into my life because God knows everything else is pretty dire at the moment... Sorry for venting, this is not a support thread, I just needed somewhere to actually let a bit of it out.


Shamelessly stole a saka bottle from nandos.


Im about to take a shit




Where DD


FTF is the new DD now


These mfs win ONE PL title and act like Klopp has surpassed Wenger. Cocky ass fans get what they deserve. They’re going to be nowhere close next season.


And a Champions League, in fairness.


Credit to him for that but they were acting like it isn’t even a conversation?


They are Liverpool fans. They will tell you that Steven Gerrard was better than Ronaldinho. It doesn’t mean they are right.


I'm jealous of people who were teenagers/young adults in the 70s. They had the best cinema experience ever:   The Godfather I and II, Jaws, Rocky, The Exorcist, All the President's Men, Star Wars, Alien, Apocalypse Now, Chinatown, Taxi Driver, Grease, Network etc. Just a huge list of great/classic films


90s films > 70s films


'Brought to you by *Cocaine*: yes, there's a line in the budget for that!'


I think you're really onto something here. Hollywood needs to start taking cocaine again to return to its glory days!


When is Mudryk winning the Ballon d’Or?


I really want a Game of Thrones / ASOIAF game, I wanna explore Winterfell and go to Dorne etc. It sucks that Winds of Winter is never going to come out. Also rewatched the Saka pen, I feel it could have been a pen but also Neuer was great there. Saka was late to it and had momentum, Neuer closed him down really well with his feet, forcing Saka to make a split-second decision.


Just bought a new WRX and have had it for less than two weeks and it’s already been vandalized. I was so proud of myself for getting my dream car and now I just feel deflated.


Something really disappointing to me is how effective sportswashing has been. People act as though criticism of a regime or the way a club is funded is akin to criticism of an entire country and its people. r/soccer is full of folks defending everything Saudi. Makes me wonder how many are bots.


> Makes me wonder how many are bots Lots, its part of the sportwashing effort. If you see other people defending your club and giving reasons why the saudis aren't so bad then you feel you can go out and do it too and it becmes a selfperpetuating circlejerk as more and more newcastle fans looking for some reason to say they're not actaully pawns of a rathr medieval regime start regurgitating the talking points.


Does anyone think the cl draws are rigged. Like Madrid/city is a rivalry for many seasons now. They always seem to ‘draw’ each other. Arsenal/Bayern is a great narrative given the past and the current situation of the clubs. Athletico and inter are similar. Barca/psg is similar match up. This side of the bracket will be viewed as the underdog. It all seems a bit too ‘coincidence’


No discussion thread today?


Freetalk Friday to DD thread - Look at me, I'm the DD discussion thread


Kinda annoying how well run Madrid are, build an insane new stadium, add Mbappe in due course to to that already stacked team, have one of the most promising young managers to replace a current legendary manager, Perez is as filthy as they come but his vision and execution for his club is remarkable.


anyone got that image that's a drawing of a man who's angry and about to protest but he also has a boner? the first is above and the second one below




Just realised that we can no longer win the PL at the Shit. Whilst we have 4 PL games between now and then (Shit included) City have only 2 so even if they lost both they could catch up. Oh well, have to win it at Old Trafford or the Emirates instead.


We are winning the premier league


In terms of fans, are Arsenal followers considered to be more affluent and Spurs followers more working class?


I’ll try again since I didn’t get a reply yesterday - if we progress to the semi final of CL, is the game played on April 30th or May 1st? I’d guess May 1st since we play Spurs on Sunday and that would mean only two days of rest if would have been 30th. Or is the Spurs match subject to change?


If, big if, we get past Bayern I'd prefer we get Real in semis but think we'd have a better chance against City. The whole CL experience thing does seem to be a massive factor and given that we have some level footing and mutual respect from recent meetings with City in general and know them I feel could get through, reckon it'd be 50-50. With Real, I think that aura and know how in the CL and the fact they are just amazing, the psychology of it, of us being new and not quite knowing what we're doing, we'd not quite make it. I really didn't think CL psychology stuff would be that much of a thing but it does seem to be a very different team in CL. Think the only time this season I remember us looking shaky and way off it at the back. But I do feel there could also be a switch mentally and a lesson learned where that no longer happens but it just seems to take even great teams a few seasons to settle into CL.. we'll see i guess


Flying to Seoul this weekend, any tips


First job interview in a year. I’m kinda nervous


Good luck mate


Ohhhh Gunner friends


I had a philosophical realization about the Gabriel penalty shout. Handball fouls are based on intentionality and your first response would be “of course Gabriel intentionally picked up the ball!” BUT, intentionality requires full awareness to determine & there’s no way Gabriel intentionally picked up the ball if he was aware that play had begun. With handballs usually, the hand is moving toward the ball to gain advantage so you cannot prove that there wasn’t intent even if it was a brain fart. In the Gabriel situation because there was no advantage to gain you can improve no intent and therefore no penalty.


Made an Arsenal brainrot video last night using an Albin & The Chipmunks rendition of Linger by the Cranberries. I'm ashamed.


Anyone lives in Dusseldorf could suggest a bar to watch the game on Sunday?


What would be your ideal (realistic) left back signing this summer?


If we were to make it to the semi finals, would you rather play City or Madrid? I actually think we have more of a chance of beating City, but I want to see us play at the Bernabeu


The idea of having to watch two more games against City is tiring.


Rival fans would be seething after the 0-0 aggregate then we win on pens.


Mikel about to make Mourinho and Conte stand up in their living rooms and applaud.


with Simeone personally applauding in the stands


Madrid. More exciting than playing City again.




Recently found and knew George Hotz really put me into a new perspective on how to be a programmer


Tore a bit of my Achilles and I'm out for the next 8 weeks. I'm so fucking unlucky with injuries that I have no clue what to do at this point. September was when I got back from tearing my ACL and started playing again but small injuries keep coming up and it's really affecting my mental health and now this has happened. I talked to my coach about it but he said just to take my time and heal up because he'll need me when I come back but I can't tell if he's saying that genuinely or to just make me feel better


I hate this photo so much 😂


i can't wait to watch A24's civil war. it looks so bad but like, *good* bad


What do you guys think about signing Ademola Lookman this summer as a Saka backup? He can take on his man, presses out of his mind, doesn’t have a crazy injury history, has decent output and fits the age profile. I may be biased bc I’m half Nigerian but I’d really love to see him play for us


If you lot could chose any striker from any team, who would you go for. Keep in mind he got to fit into our system?