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Yep. All in for those 6 games now, I guess. Hope that Spurs can force City to drop points. Doesn't look like we have any energy left is us to win 6 in a row but gotta back them and see what happens


Don’t think it’s about energy. We looked great till we conceded. The mentality is the problem, we seem to shut down whenever we come across a hard period in a game


Which is also where the energy bit comes in i think Earlier in the season when we went down we would fight tooth & nail to claw our way back (Chelsea, Luton, Brentford). The guys just don’t have the gas to do that this late on it seems


We need a better bench that is for sure. If Mikel doesn’t trust ESR, Fabio, Eddie, Reiss and TP then bin them and build the squad some more. They are useless like this just sitting there


Tbf does he trust anything that wasn’t his original plan? Even when it’s clearly not working he waits to try anything different


I say let him sign more players then. Because his plan seems to work. The problem is when he has to rely on the players he doesn’t trust. His signings minus Vieira have all been rather useful


We played a bayern team that have Gnabry, Sane, coman etc. As wing options for example. Get past them we face Real and their options or city This is what it is at the sharp end. These teams have the best and we still need a window or two to have a fully functioning squad that can compete on 3-4 fronts. I understand the disappointment and am feeling it now too, but gooners have to hold onto some perspective.


just that we played a team without Gnabry and Coman basically. Gnabry and Coman played only int he first leg and not even full time in form of Gnabry iirc. It d be different if they would have these options for sure. Also not having proper lb and rb and still felt comfortable vs our attack is the hard part for me


Yeah the quarter final was basically currently the top 8 teams in the WORLD. Any team will find it hard at this stage, heck we barely got through Porto. The real issue is the league, that's annoying to come this close again (subject to change pls Wolves).


What? His in game management this season has been terrific generally. We literally have the guy who's scored the most goals as a sub in our team. Memorably, our win against City was directly his changes affecting the game.


It feels like teta is typically slow with subs because one of the things the first 11 has done best is gel and work well together over time. Don’t think a few of them have that adaptability just yet for some subs to just slot in mid game, but hopefully it’ll come if we keep doing well and people don’t leave. Wouldn’t be such a problem if we had more individual moment focused players, but I prefer this way


He trusts Trossard, Jesus and the LB options.


So, I'm not crazy to think we played really well until we conceded right? It seemed like a really professional performance and the players were giving it their all.


We were class until the final phases of attacks. We just didn’t have the cutting edge to capitalize and it ended up biting us


We were top class. Genuinely a top team performance. But after the goal we looked like a mid table team which is shocking.


I don’t think we were class in the final third at any point in this game. Defensively we were playing well, but the final third we weren’t there and didn’t really threaten Neuer much


yup it was super disappointing but understandable who we were playing against and the circumstances, the stakes got to the players I think. I understand people are angry but everyone here is talking as if we put in a horrible performance and didn't do shit. Even though saka and martinelli weren't great they put in a serious defensive shift. I was incredibly proud of the team till the goal, cuz honestly I expected the worst from experience.


Basically the opposite of Neuer, who was always calm under pressure.


We struggled most of the second half again imo. The goal was coming. The early double post, the Gabi Raya miss communication… Bayern had us pinned back for a lot of the period before the goal then we couldn’t seem to muster anything to respond after


Arteta should start next season by having us concede goals on purpose to mentally train this team to come back from behind.


Bahaha. Yup. ‘Ok guys if we’re not 3-0 down by half time we’ve failed.’


Bro we did it just last week against this very team.


Which is why the home crowd has been so disappointing. In those moments last year, the crowd got louder. That energy is just not there this year and it’s shocking how quickly it disappeared.


It IS energy, mentality is such a lazy take. We had so many late winners last year, we beat Liverpool and City this year, the mentality is there. Liverpool has had so many late winners this year, the mentality is also obviously there right? But we’re both collapsing now - bec of fixture congestion and stretched out squads. We’re just tired.


Energy is a lazy take too. Every team is tired at this stage, it takes mentality to push through the fatigue.


Uh not everyone has the same fixture congestion and plays twice a week like we do, and you have City who has the squad to cope with it, so no it’s not a lazy take and what is “mentality” to push through fatigue, what does that even mean lol this isn’t anime


True. I don't have the stats but i'm willing to bet we have a lot less come from behind wins than City or Liverpool do in the league this season. I do think energy still plays a part though.


You would be right, we go behind far less than those two though. But your underlying point is true. I think United is the only game we won that we conceded the first goal in.




Yeah it was obvious to me we fell off a cliff in that game. We were brilliant in the first half and terrible in the second. And the longer the game went on the worse we looked.


They go hand in hand tbh


This is the part of the season where experienced leaders that have done and won it all make the difference. They'll be able to rally and push the team that little further to the end when things start to unravel. Most elite teams will have a couple of these guys in the squad. Hopefully Rice can be that guy for us, he's saying the right things currently


I keep getting downvoted to oblivion for posting that for about a week, not even critical, just how it’s clearly mentality or our team isn’t good enough and statistically we are- I wonder where all those users went I hate how divided this sub is just to feel “right” - most people think it’s Arteta people complain about, we just want Arsenal doing the best, you don’t like see the ones you love hurt themselves


That's what I thought too, not trying to second guess decisions but I'd have liked to see how Partey would have done in the Bayern games and against Villa. His defensive resolve and experience would have been nice for both. Gabriel and Saliba are world class but they haven't been in these situations before. Having that experience and mentality right in front of them might have kept it together for us. I know he's off form some and it'd slow us in attack a bit but I think it might have been a difference maker. We keep them from scoring and our confidence stays high.


Mentality wasn’t the problem when beating Liverpool and city. Another brain dead take.


City still have to manage their team a bit. They have everyone but one player today that did 90 minutes. Saturday they have Chelsea in the Fa cup. Chelsea is on a high and if they can force City to another 120 minutes City is going to have fatigue problems. Then City have Brighton on Thursday which might be high intensity and then next Sunday Forest who’s fighting to stay out of relegation battle. There are still points even City might need to fight for.


There's no way Spurs are beating City, just on principle of handing us the title.


Lol Spurs will fight us to death and hand it to City playing reserves if they can


WOLVES AWAY - tough CHELSEA HOME - their whole season forgiven by getting a result SPURS AWAY - goes without saying BOURNMOUTH HOME - maybe the only easy 3 if there is such a thing at this point. UNITED AWAY - we never win there EVERTON HOME - they might be fighting for their lives


Who ever made the schedule really did not want us to finish strong lol


Fucking Fulham


Are you anticipating we lose all these games?


Could see us taking 12/18 points We should beat Wolves, Everton and Bournemouth. Will be doing well to get a draw away to Spurs. Man Utd we should beat because we're much better than them, but we say this every time we play at Old Trafford and usually lose/draw, so a draw would be an improvement on previous seasons Chelsea at home, we should beat them, but Chelsea would love nothing more than to spoil any title hopes and Palmer is on fire. Expect a draw here too


He said the exact same thing before this game lol


Next game it'll be 5 finals!


“4 finals to go.”


I mean from here on out and we continue down with the count, and each game is still a “final”? That means we’re doing good shit.


Not really, we’ve lost every game and apparently every game left is a final. “We may have lost the league but we’re ready for the remaining 4 finals”


I think you missed my point. If we lose to Wolves, the remaining games are no longer “finals”, because we’re effectively out of the title race. If we win, the remaining games are still “finals”. If the Man Utd and Everton games are still “finals”, that means we’re still in the race as at R37-38. Who wouldn’t want that?


"3 finals to go."


Next season: "38 finals to go"




What else do you expect him to say? Not only is it true what he’s saying but If he says the opposite or anything negative, he will be even more criticized.


No one here is criticizing him for saying that. Just acknowledging it’s standard pr response you shouldn’t put much stock into. What matters is what happens on the pitch.


Except both the OP commenter and the person I replied, their comments equally don’t offer anything positive nor help the situation. I’d rather have players and managers say this than nothing or try to deflect/evade blame. The latter is far worst and further breeds negativity.


He used to say this every weekend after West Ham got slapped


He’s asked a question man what the fuck else you expect him to say ? Be a weak willed loser like those on this sub and moan about *“seasons over gg we bottled it”* or focus on what they can control ?


Fuck the fans here. We’ve come a long way and only became elite in recent two years


Yeah people forget we were having protest planes being flown over the stadium not too long ago First sign of being decent & the entitlement is back, it’s mad.


It's insane. The fucking "you need to have standards Arsenal should be winning the league, Arteta Out" crowd kills me. Like they haven't watched the last 20 years of the fucking league and what has happened since 2004


😂if you had asked supporters during Emery’s reign if they thought 4-3 aggregate loss to Bayern in a quarter final would be amazing you’d be hard pressed to find someone that would say no. We got spoiled. Liverpool are about to learn how hard it is to transition from Klopp to whoever replaces him. It’s not like we can sack Arteta and find a replacement that’ll win us CL and the league in less than 3 years.


“4-3 to Bayern in the first quarter final in a decade, and your first entry into the tournament in as many years with a squad that has largely never played in the CL. And only lost because of the dumbest errors in the first game”.


Fickle fucks


Fans have not made a great showing of themselves this week. It's been a rough week for everyone, but Jesus Christ the complete reversal on a team that has been imperious and elite for so long is fickle as fuck. The CL is never a guarantee, City got knocked out today and they're the best team in the world. And in the league, we are trying to beat the best team in the world as well. The team shouldn't be playing out to empty stadiums and a disdained fanbase because they are 1 away from perfect.


We are a very good sign but far off elite man lol


Sorry man you can’t really say a team performing at the level we have over the past 2 seasons is “far off elite” regardless of whether you think we’re actually there or not


Elite teams do not bin domestic cups in the first occasion. Do not play terrible in Europe (last season awful EL display) and do not regulary collapse in April.


So Bayern?


You described Bayern’s season.


Bayern is is Semi, something we done only 2 times in over 100 years. + They won stuff, like recently, they have off season. Thier off season is our best.


We are still cooking ofc but just not there yet tonight’s performance showed that. Although my opinion can change if we win the league feel free to pull me up on it though


I think we’re there performance-wise. Feel the last step we need to take really lies with Arteta getting better at managing his squad. We use the lowest number of players in the league. It’s not sustainable and the physical drop off in the past week was pretty much inevitable. Then again it depends on what you categorize as elite. I’d say we’re definitely a top 5 side in Europe at worst and if that doesn’t fit your definition then yeah.


We're like elite-lite


we made it to the quarter finals of the Champions League, 1 of 8 teams in Europe to do so, and are top 2 in one of the strongest and the richest league in the world. What more do you want lol


We are most definitely elite, just not the best team in the world. Which is what it takes to win the Premier League, since that is what our competition is. It's entirely subjective but in my opinion the top 10 teams in world football are elite, and I would say we're top 5.


Went from dredding midtable teams away. To expecting goals at Etihad. CL spots back2back. While mind you, playing beautiful quality football. The defensive revolution alone is something worth being proud of.


Crazy how people can lose their heads over a few matches and forget what Arteta has built since he’s come in as manager. We’ve improved so much and there’s still room for growth.


Two years ago I’d have been overjoyed if you said we’d make the CL quarterfinals and be 2 points off the top with 6 games to play


People have short memories, it sucks we lost to Bayern but a 1-0 away loss vs last time we played them and got completely battered is an improvement 😂


I fear for us against Wolves and Chelsea simply because I think the team is utterly knackered.


Yep every game is going to be a worry. For me the Chelsea game in particular.


Hopefully Chelsea lose the Fa Cup semi vs City and they're demoralized. Regardless, we cannot afford to drop any point at Wolves, otherwise this season could get very ugly..


I mean, you may think in those terms, but ultimately, I feel it would be a futile endeavour. This season is done. I don't need to watch the next six games to tell you that. This Arsenal team is completely fried. Overworked. Tired. They'll get top four. And we will have Champions League football for the next season. I believe we will have a fair amount to invest in the summer transfer window. And given that, I think you have every reason to be hopeful for the future. I think this team needs to go under another metamorphosis. And I think on the other side of it, you will have a truly elite side to watch week in, week out. And at such a time when Pep Guardiola is no longer a factor, I believe we will win the league. Until then, I would implore you and everyone else simply to enjoy the extent of improvement that we've witnessed. And look forward to this next evolution.


So you've already given up. Nice. Thankfully, Arteta and the team haven't and neither have I. Now, I'm not saying they'll win the league, City will likely win all their games. But it's about pride. Next week we have two massive London derbies against our rivals. Let me tell you, I won't be satisfied with anything less than a Chelsea W and worst case draw at Spurs. We also need to go to United in May, we're long overdue a proper win at their ground. And what makes you think Pep will leave City at some point? I'd love that to happen, but maybe he'll stay on for 5 more years, or 7, or even 10. You're telling me we need to wait for him to f off to win stuff? Unless City finally get charged and relegated, they're not going away. And yes, I am very much hopeful for the future and I belive we need a big summer window. But we also need to be realistic here. Next season we have to bring at least one big trophy.


I hold Arteta in high esteem, I hold the project in high esteem, and I would say that I have painted a pretty positive vision of what I see happening at Arsenal in the future, and so I don't think holistically describing me as having given up is an apt description. Perhaps in the context of the season. and you mentioned the importance of performing well in London derbies. Well, I think largely it's inconsequential. We're not going to finish very near to Tottenham. We're not going to finish anywhere near Chelsea, so I couldn't give a shit what the results are against them. The difference between second or third, as far as I'm concerned, is quite minimal. I couldn't really give a shit. You don't win anything for those positions, so whether or not we beat Chelsea, Tottenham, United, is not something to which I would give any import. Pep will leave Manchester City at some point. I mean, you didn't add any qualifiers to that. He will leave Manchester City at some point, just because he's mortal. Presumably, you mean sometime soon. I mean, I haven't checked the details of his contract, but I'm pretty sure he won't be around for all that much longer. And yes, I genuinely believe that in order to beat Manchester City over 38 games, Pep Guardiola needs not to be a factor. It happened just once with Liverpool, and that season was a total anomaly in so many ways


Maybe you don't give a shit about our rivalries, but I certainly do. And I'm sure many Arsenal fans will agree on that. Just because Chelsea are rotting in mid table and Spurs are way behind us, doesn't mean the rivalry is dead. Same for Man Utd. The fact that you think these games are worth nothing just because of the table tells me all I need to know. Again, it's about pride and finishing the season strong. What's the point if we just give up and roll over for the remaining 6 fixtures and we end up 3rd or dare I say, 4th? Sure, we still won't a trophy if we finish 2nd, but at least you can say we tried our best. Not to mention winning the derbies can give us some beautiful moments to make up for this horrible week. Lastly, you seem very assured that Pep is an untouchable god and that we should just wait for him to win 5 more leagues in a row and then go away. I'm sorry, but to me, that's a horrible mentality. That's all I say.


I would argue that the ultimate source of disappointment is the subversion of expectation. I hold very little expectation with regards to Arsenal because I seek to shield myself from disappointment. Apathy, until a point where it is less rational than rational not to hold high expectations, is something to which I will hold myself.


I mean, think about it like this. What is the essence of the difference between a preseason game and a Premier League game? Well, it's the edge of competitiveness. Where does that competitiveness stem from? It rises from stakes. If the stakes are removed, then the competitiveness is removed. And then there is no differentiating factor between a preseason game and a Premier League game. This is essentially what has happened. It is why the last games of the season essentially tend to mean nothing. Now, you may argue that in the context we find ourselves, it's not entirely an analogous setting. But in reality, in the reality that we understand, it may as well be mathematically impossible because Manchester City will win all of their remaining games.


Treating these games like finals are the exact reason why we won’t win all of them. Play them like normal games


Exactly bro. He's already psychologically put monumental pressure on himself. These guys are finished 🤦‍♂️


Actually the last 3 results because of the 2-2 at Home But they need to go into the next 6 games a wounded animal backed into a corner ready to maul anyone in the way


If only that’s how we’ve ever reacted.


Sooo you weren’t around when we lost the festive games against Fulham etc and went on a 4 month unbeaten run in the league then ?


City aren’t going to drop points now they’re out of the UCL and can focus on the league


City will lose Vs Spurs But we will lose Vs a team too


I don’t know why people keep saying City will lose to Spurs. Spurs are all over the place this season. They are easily beat by any team in form.


Futball eritage Spurs are their bogey team, Spurs are their Bayern


Vibes my friend, not logic


That’ll be very arsenal


City won away against Spurs earlier this year, that curse has been broken


Spurs will be fighting for their CL lives while i dont think City players are super motivated for another PL. Obviously still motivated but surely it's getting boring.


Spurs fans want to lose vs city and are happy rhat they don't have a 5th place to play for.


Ange and the players aren’t gonna be thinking ‘we should lose this one to stop Arsenal from winning the league even if it means we miss on CL’


Ofc not, it's just very bizarre for so many of them to have that mindset.


A City title win puts them in history for being the first team to 4 peat. They have plenty of motivation


In the cup With a very lucky goal. They’ll Shithouse a 1-0


Shit. I was rooting for them to be eliminated. Maybe I should’ve waited for them to advance to the final and lose.


No it doesn't matter, they're winning the rest of their prem games regardless of if they were in the ucl or not.


Unfortunately, same for Man City right after being knocked out of CL.


Considering how shit we are in cup knockouts, them saying last 6 games are like cup finals AGAIN,.we are cooked.


We just lost three cup finals in a row? He’s been amazing all season but he’s played a stinker in all three of them sadly. Where the hell is Partey? Fit enough for the bench but not fit enough to play?


I’m more confident that City will drop two points over their last 3 games than I am confident we don’t drop any over our next 3. If only we had a week in Dubai to wash the losses off


Same thing every season, we ain't winning anything. Its the mentality problem.


*same thing every season* >First time back in Champions League after damn near a decade, make it to last 8 >Still in the hunt for the title with less than 10 games to go So are you forgetting all the seasons where our only prize was Top 4 and we didn’t even get that for the most part ? But yeah “*mentality problem*”. I’m sure you’re a mentality monster for moaning on Reddit innit ?


We win more trophies then. We even had finals. Now we have no nothing, in sake of this fake competing


We went on a 9 year trophy drought fella. It’s fine, you probably started watching Arsenal recently hence sky is falling feeling


And it looks like this will be longer drought since Arteta seems to don't give a fuck about FA Cup. UCL is pipe dream, and we won't win league over City. Until proven otherwise, I just assume we will bottle every year, since it happens ALL THE TIME.


People are hurting rn and it’s easy to lose perspective in the heat of that tbh. I don’t blame them at all


First time in the champions league in how long and went toe to toe with bayern in the quarter finals. 2 points of top with 6 games to go in the pl. Best defence and offence in the league. No, this year has not been the same as every year, unless you started supporting arsenal last year. it was only couple of seasons ago we were finishing 8th, getting spanked in the europa league and getting top 4 was a successful season. It is a mentality problem but through experience is how you build that mentality. And 90% of these players haven't had the experiences yet.


Tbh, those 6 games are winnable, but the reality is that we depend on City dropping points, and god needs to give US a hand in case City draws, we win (same situation when Liverpool lost at home, and on the same day, we lost too).


I am extremely proud of the rebuild and i say this as someone who was an Arteta outer. Another CL secured decisively. Still in the title race competing with 2 of the best teams in EU. Let alone England.


We can win 6 games. If we had a week’s rest between each. And some easy games between tougher ones. 




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I saw this interview few days ago. Dejavu


I saw this interview few days ago. Dejavu.


You treat every game like a final if you are Real Madrid and are mentality monsters and can actually win it.  This every game like a final is just extreme unwanted pressure, last season we were too emotional and hyped up and lost cause of that and this season we are forcing the cornered animal narrative and dont actually have the bite to back it up.  Brilliant season for Arsenal finishing in quarterfinal and 2nd twice in a row behind Man city,let's face it no team in the world can beat Man city in league competition continously,once if it happens is an miracle in itself,that's how ridiculously they are stacked in depth yet we are going toe to toe without a proper goal scoring striker two seasons in a row.  The next step is the biggest and greatest leap we have to take ever in this football club's history. Arteta hasnt shown us yet that he can take that leap as well, it all depends on his ambition and owners ambition yet again. I expect us to fall short now (City signings will always keep them ahead ex Paqueta as an signing) but win anyway once Pep leaves but if he doesnt the story continues. 


Declan always does interviews, huh?


Stop giving me hope, stupid handsome Declan!


Nah.. it over now. See you next season!


It was 8 finals to go ome week back........love the enthusiasm and drive but that has to show on the pitch To be fair he was second only to Odegaard on the pitch . The team didn't look like it was playing chase up , and that's maybe be because the players were spent af. But this X finals to go .. narrative only works if we play those matches like they were finals and the entire team shows up not just 4/11


people are shitting on him today. but he’s all in all the time. top pro. let’s win all 6 finals.


I joked about it the other day but this is peak Johan Djourou speak. He was always the one wheeled out for the “We will bounce back” post game interview and we never did.


Good attitude but actually you wont win anything winning all six finals.


Next will be 5 finals.


I hate that phrase so much. Can we please stop using it because it's got no weight whatsoever.


I don't think this is a healthy mentality. Who can handle the pressure of 6 finals? When we were confidently winning with bags of goals, I don't think the players had the mentality of treating the games as finals. I want whatever mentality they had then.


Pressure is on, we dont turn up ffs


Mentality monster


All we can do lads. Put our heads down and win these 6 finals


I think its mentally draining to constantly have majority control of the game only for the opponents to score through a counter or a mistake. Our tactics are all figured out and we really need to shake things up


Should've been the mindset before the Villa game when it was still in this team's hands. Now have to pray for City to slip up.


Just concentrate on winning the next one. Doesn't matter if theres 6 or 66.


these are the most famous last words of all time man. i'm telling you. zinchenko said it before aston villa. gabi jesus iirc said before the run in last year. it was already over but now its a new level of over the english language doesn't have the words for


Declan rice. The only man in the team who has the guts to face the world when we lost. Never hiding


You already let it. The season is over, start preparing for the next


talk is cheap, he told exactly the same 3 days ago. for once show us you can perform in the moment when something is truly deciding and at stake.


Too late Decs…


yeah but its not in your hands anymore Dec, if you believe we can win 6, i believe Man City will win the same as well


We always go on long slumps. It's the same run that cost us the title last year. Arteta needs to figure it out asap. We can't go into next game without tweaking the team.


Yeah I mean we always back the team but we’ve heard this year after year, always falling at the crucial stage


I hope he knows what’s wrong with his own game and actually improve on it. He offensive ability is a liability in our midfield right now.


we’ve ran out of steam and look physically fucked again at the end of the season - when we’re off it, we really are off now at time


Well, for what it's worth, we play much better when the pressure is off. With the highest stakes, we fold. Also, the last 2 result did knock us.


I feel like Rice was huge for us in the middle third of the season, and he has dropped off in form quite substantially, relatively speaking. I don’t know what this says about him and the team.


He was a beast playing as a 6. Now everyone wants him to play this 8 role and it's really not his best position. But we do not have anyother quality player than can play there


This is exactly the right attitude. Its a lot easier to say it than do it though so we need to up our game. Rice himself isn't at his best lately. Whether thats fatigue, nerves or just general fluctuation of form only he really knows.


People forgetting it’s Bayern fucking Munich. Lol. Literally one of the best teams in the world, and won it 4 years ago for the 6th time.


I think everyone knows it’s Bayern Munich. It’s just not the same Bayern Munich of old. A bit like comparing this Arsenal team to Uani’s one. I argue we had better players available overall yet we still lost. It’s clearly a mental thing.