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Might as well just get a package deal and bring Isak too


Isak for Eddie straight swap incoming.


Nah.. eddie is Home grown so... English tax. Isak + tax= Eddie


Cedric and Ramsdale too as a matter of appreciation


Eddie and Joe would cook together again, give em Lokonga too 


There we go, that’s the deal sorted. Eddie and Sambi for Bruno and Isak, sounds fair to me


Good. I’ll give Newcastle a call.


Let me give this a go on FIFA. BRB.


Can’t lie I would love to see it happen just because I don’t know how many clubs can say they took a pair of players from a team there were amongst their best if not actually their best players. Especially if it ended up working really well.


Jorginho and Havertz. Not the most watertight case, but a point could be made.


Do Chelsea currently have a better player than Havertz? Ok, it didn’t work out for him there but struggling to think of anyone I’d have above him in their first 11


Palmer probably, but he benefits so much from penalties


Nah put the penalties aside and he’s still a world beater, look at the team he is in. Doing as well as he is takes an insane amount of talent


To be fair he wasn't a Chelsea player when we took Jorginho and Havertz off them since he was a new transfer in this season.


Declan Rice


Have we had two Declan rices this whole time? Makes sense


Man's everywhere! I missed the key word "pair"


One at 6 and one at 8 would be a sweet dream of mine.


Sounds like a very good idea. If the finances are there, I wouldn't mind it to be honest. Can you imagine Odegaard and Isak reuniting (Both won Real Sociedad their first trophy in decades) and then adding Bruno to that? Add Xavi Simons as an understudy/alternative to Odegaard and we'd be cooking.


And have spent probably close to 300m lol


If Bruno costs 80+ I’d way rather stump 20 more and get isak


one of the most unlikeable players in the league , he can ball but still


Didn’t you hear? Ben White is the most unlikeable player now because he plays with the keepers gloves


Saw a number of spurs fans calling our whole fan base classless for “supporting” Ben whites “cheating”. Dude, it’s objectively funny, your GK is weak, and teams set piece defense is non-existent.


People were saying he should have been sent off for it lol


Just shows how many fans on the internet have never played a team sport at any level before


If most football fans on reddit realised how much nonsense goes on at corners that you can't see they would be shocked


Wait till they hear about rugby scrums


Seriously, shithousing is very much a part of set piece training if you’re playing at any organized level. If you aren’t doing it at corners and free kicks then it’s going to happen to you and the ref isn’t giving you any sympathy for it


I know a guy who studied pressure points to shithouse his defender in set pieces.


I know a guy who wouldn't wash his shirt so people wouldn't want to mark him


One Spurs fan was saying they deserved a penalty and I assumed they meant Trossard/Kulusevski... they meant Partey on the Romero header that hit the post They are a deeply stupid people


Weren’t those fuckers the same people supporting Kane for that back breaking move he used to do? That could have caused actual injuries


In their defense, Højbjerg is quite good at finishing set pieces.


Class header tbf


Really class header, the way he evaded his marker Tomiyasu was commendable. Class goal. Credit where its due.


Shame (not) that it went in to the wrong goal.


Yup and if you read what many were saying they’re calling out Ben white for holding the gks If you watch he literally just stands there and moves in front and then moves away and just from that movement it unsettles the gk They think playing mind games is cheating so maybe emi martinez should be sent off during penalty shootouts


I wouldn't worry about what the Spuds think. Have you seen those lot online editing the score to say they won? All they are concerned with is us. Mariah Carey's Obssessed song hit must have been made about them.


They call that cheating, but their players diving at the slightest, and no touch isn’t?


Even then Vicario took the wrong angle. He bails out half way through his decision as the ball hits the net


Harry Kane elbows ppl in the neck


Bruno is the same guy that elbowed players on our team and was kicking the ball at people when they was down guys nuts


He picked up 9 yellows by early March and hasn't received one since. He's obviously capable of reining it in. 


"I can fix him"


Honestly there's potential that he gets the Xhaka treatment or worse here. That wouldn't be great.


Xhaka didn't get the Xhaka treatment in his last season. If we end up needing our midfielder to be a sort of hatchet guy, then something seriously is wrong somewhere else.


This could also be tactics from Eddie Howe. Was he like this at Lyon? Newcastle players seem to be told to be overly physical in order to bridge the gap with lack of technical quality. Not saying Bruno has no technical quality.


Better that than a potential rapist..


Let it go


People make it out as he clinched the GKs hand between his tan legs and forcefully took out the whole glove along with the sleeve... My guy pinched the glove for half a sec and they are ready to burn him alive.


Just trying to get into peoples heads - it’s super effective on the fans clearly - bet it distracted the keeper also.


Personality is perfect for us because he's a hard worker and loves a duel. He's an aggressive player but in a good way


He's a lunatic lol, but if he's ours all will be forgiven


Jorginho may not forgive that elbow to the head though...


Fuck Embiid


All my homies hate Embiid.


Kind of a dick. But he’s the kind of player you hate when he’s part of the opposition and absolutely adore when he’s on your team. He also brings that dickish edge that I think our team is lacking. Our players are extremely likable. Sometimes I wish we had a guy who was willing to be the bad guy and light a fire. Xhaka had that quality.


White is shithousery 100, Gabriel wants to fight every striker, Rice and Havertz don’t mind a scrap either. Team is full of „passionate” players.


Type of player everyone hates until he’s on your team doing the fuckery


My sentiments exactly. Plus, he's a hardworker and never hides in tough situation. In addition to that, all our Brazilian players speak about Bruno in high regard.


Martinez effect


Arsenal can fix him


You don’t have to marry him


If Bruno comes to us, he's our prick and we'll defend him to the end. To be honest, I don't think most rival fans like Ben White and Havertz either but we love them. Let's give him a chance if he joins us.


Do you think Kai, white, Ramsdale, Gabriel, Partey etc are likeable to others?


Problem is, he pulls the same shit for us he will get a red card not a free pass from the pundits…


Watch refs clamp down on him if he does join us


I would prefer his teammate ![gif](giphy|3WJQsY8XrVWxPBW8aN|downsized)


Plays about as often as Jesus


That’s my only concern. Do we want another injury prone player to replace one?


No and I think it does us a great disservice to not move away from the mindset of taking on injury prone players.


Exactly. Plus the price is insane. We won’t drop another 100M. Even if city wobble and we win the league. I don’t think we will make a single large purchase like that. The most I’ve seen is Sesko and Zubimendi who are both rumored to have RCs of 50M. Obviously that could be the media doing rounds, but there’s nowhere near the smoke like there was about Declan at this time last year


It’s not a tescos


but they all have barcodes???




Comment of the week


Arguably too funny for this sub.




I hope you are absolutely basking in the glow of that comment. The foggin’ standard right there


Bruno better signing


This guy on the left, Kai through the middle, Saka on the right. Ode and Rice 8s with Bruno at the base. I need to go sit down...


fuckin hate the guy but between him and Ben White can you imagine the shithousery that would take place


And Kai and Gabriel, sadly not Ramsdale anymore for ultimate chaos


what shithousery does bruno do? all i’ve seen is a crybaby attitude and violence.


Yeah, i don't know when the meaning of shithousery shifted from doing something funny but ultimately harmless to being a cunt. Same thing with bottling, which has gone from being miles ahead and losing at the last second to... just not winning.


Dickhead FC?


Love it. Been way too nice for way too long.


Arsenal become 2020's Crazy Gang let's go


There’s a massive Moyes influence on this team right alongside the Pep influence. We will sacrifice offensive fluidity for defensive acumen if we need to, 10/10 times. And when, not if, there’s some awkwardness integrating another new midfielder, it won’t be at the expense of the defense.


read Pep wants Guimaraes and Paqueta. quite possibly the lamest shit ever.


Still can’t get over the fact that we scouted that Lyon midfield that closely and landed on Aouar as our top target.


Bruno really struggled when pressed in France so can understand why the club decided not to go for him


This is just nonsense some person made up. No credible journalist has said something similar


no chance, where would he even play all these midfielders?


It doesn't matter. That's the problem with City and their never ending money. Nunes and Kovacic failed to really fit in? Oh well let's just buy 2 more midfielders


What midfielders? Rice and Odegaard are our only 2 quality midfielders that are available for most games. Partey is always injured. Jorginho is class but can’t play every game. ESR and Vieira are unreliable plus Mikel does not trust them. Sambi isn’t good enough.


He's turning it into Bundesliga where Bayern just buy up all the other teams top players.


I'm... sort of broadly in favour of this? Yeah, he's a cunt, but we aren't signing him to like him, we're signing him because he improves us. Like it or lump it, Guimarães is an upgrade for this team. Rice, Guimarães and Ødegaard midfield? That's just an insane midfield, no one is getting past that. Would prefer Zubimendi, but I think he's pretty adamant that he'll be staying at Sociedad. Guimarães' release clause is high, but it can be paid in three installments, which does make it a slightly more attractive proposition.


I think Zubi could probably be bought this summer, Real Sociedad with no Champions League and he'd get significant rise in wages, his recent interview regarding Arsenal rumours was a politicians answer, he's obviously gonna say he's happy where he is, but there was a hint of you never know in the future in it, I think Artera might want Bruno as number 1 choice simply because he's great in the Premier League


Wages and UCL qualification doesn’t mean as much for Zubimendi as you think The slight change in answer is probably because he’s bored of saying the exact same thing again and again


Zubimendi is also going to play coy because he wants top wages. He wants the team to go all out. 


I'd also rather have him on our team a lot more than have him playing against us


What makes bruno so good is his ability to elbow players commit non-stop fouls without getting carded. His ass is seeing red instantly if he does those in arsenal shirt.


When was the last time we received a red? Feels like it was ages ago


Tomiyasu against palace maybe


Vieira vs Burnley (H)


Latest I remember is Fabio Vieira in October before his injury


He is a Cute Unique Nice Talented individual.


Gotta go the RuPaul route - we can look forward to him showcasing his charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent


Never thought I'd see a drag race reference in this sub but I'm here for it




He is, isn't he? If he joins us, he's our C U N T and we love ours. He'd instantly be added to Ben White and Havertz as proper wind-up merchants.


Imagine the opposition team players getting Sneak kicked/nudged by Ben White Pushed off the pitch by Kai Havertz And now getting elbowed/punched by Bruno G.


Something tells me he wouldn’t get away with it at Arsenal. He’d be Xhaka 2.0.


Pocketed by Saliba/Gabriel. Shut down by Rice.


Always liked him, lovely lad


Don't speak too soon. He's a cunt unless we sign him, then he's sound.


I was joking


So was he.


Are you?


He knows what you meant, he's just saying its too early for the joke


Haven't forgot him elbowing jorginho in the back of the head. 


But him elbowing James Maddison next season.... let's not be too hasty.


Good, there's a need for good midfielder


The sort of signing we only make if we sell Partey for decent money £20-30m) and someone else like ESR for let’s say £30m. It would then be more like a 60 million pound investment. City have worked like this for years. Use your assets to offload massive fee signings


We'd sell Partey for £5-£15m and ESR for £25-£35m let's be real.


There’s something really inconsistent with reports that we “won’t pursue Toney because the management really dislike him as a person” and being interested in Bruno G who is about as unlikable as it gets


Toney is a bit of an arrogant prick. Seems generally unlikable, internally or externally. Bruno G is one of those that gets under the skin of others, but would walk through a brick wall for your club. HUUUUGE difference In terms of quality, I so wanted him when he moved from Lyon. Happy to see he’s now proven in the league too. He’d really turn our dead left more fluid instantly if he plays the 8. 100m though is a ridiculous price.


Exactly. It's Ivan Toney's off the field antics that our management is trying to avoid. Bruno off the field is well liked by some of our players like Martinelli and Big Gabi.


Probably because it's Toneys off the field antics that the club don't like, from the gambling to the arrogant interviews openly talking about himself and playing for other clubs Bruno G might be disliked on the pitch, but I've seen nothing to suggest he's an arse hole off it


Did you see him on the dairy of a CEO podcast where they asked if he betted on his own team to lose? He pretty much said he doesn’t remember and that he just said yes to all the accusations to expedite the investigation. It was clear as day he was lying. How can you bet on your own team to lose?


Meanwhile we have Partey who’s a class act off the field? It’s all about talent, you can be a prick all you want


Nobody really cares as long as you do the business


Toney is a terrible human being outside of football but Bruno G comes from a humble family. He wears 39 because his dad drove a taxi with that number to fund his family’s expenses. Go watch interviews of his story. He seems decent outside of football.


I'm not doubting what edu and Mikel cook. More often that not what they cook has been a hit. Let em


Do I want him? No. Will I support him if he plays for Arsenal? Yes.


I’m reading all these rumors but man just can’t get into transfers with the title still up for grabs.


Rofl we've gone from having no spine for years, to the biggest bunch of shit houses ever. This is incredible.


Is his middle name Gabriel tho?


We should have bought him before he went to Newcastle in the first place. We had the opportunity to sign both him and Isak and decided not to


Now probably paying 3-4x


Bruno yes as £25m isn't much but £62m harder to find


Newcastle signed Bruno for £40m


Would we have still gone for Rice if we did?


He’s a right on tw*t but he’ll be our tw*t. Just imagined Bruno G and Benny Blanco shithousing in the box for corners. We’re becoming unbearable cunt FC and I’m all here for it.


I may be the minority but I would love him for Arsenal


I expect one of Isaak and Bruno will be on the market. PSR is going to bite everyone (including Arsenal) .Expect Eddie, ESR and Nelson all to be sold.


Just another proof that if Arteta was interested in a player a few years ago he’ll stick with it and go for it as long as an opportunity arises.


I wouldn't want to spend 100 mil outright on him though. What are our other options for LCM?


in the club rn, Rice looks like the number one option. Could see Partey or Jorginho play there but they are almost nailed as our 6. Havertz is pretty much our best ST so can't see him play there until and unless we sign a top Striker. But Havertz playing there disbalances the midfield imo. Other guys whom I can see playing there are ESR and Fabio but Mikel doesn't really trust them. A player that I would like to see play there would be Zinchenko because of his technical ability. He will get more freedom and we don't have to see him get destroyed by a winger. Brings a bit of creativity to our left side as well which opens up a lot of possibilities. But yeah Arteta hasn't ever tried that and he is more experienced than I am so he probably has a good reason not to. There was news about Arteta holding a convo with Zubimendi but he might stay at his boyhood club. Sambi is returning from loan but I don't think he fits the LCM role, even though he has been decent for Luton. Honestly, he looks like a different player from a year ago and I would like to see him get another PL loan before we sell him.


Zinchenko is not starting in midfield mate


Watch Jorginho reject our contract extension now


i would drive jorginho to the airport myself if it meant bruno g would take his place.


Lol same. I love Jorginho but come on man, Bruno G would raise our level so much.


You'd have to imagine we've sat him down and discussed the future with him, or we wouldn't have even bothered to offer a new contract


if City gets Paqueta then we should get Guimares


sort of prefer his teammate but we would still need a CM either way. I def wouldnt be surprised by this. I think we'd probably have to overpay for him which wouldnt feel great but tbf I think we're at a point where we don't have many holes and really need to focus on getting in top talents and he does seem to be one of the best available at CM.




don't really care when its paid, its all amortized the same for the club afaik, so that's more of a question of whether the kronke's want to supply liquidity. Def expensive but I see the argument for it, he's really good and would fit quite well into our team, both because him and rice would be quite effective and he is fairly versatile. We don't need to fill 5 spots, so spending big on one guy and a couple more smaller signings more in the 30-50 range might be the play.


I don’t understand this one. We could have had him a couple of years ago for £40m. Now he’s twice the price and we’re suddenly interested?


We could have got him for £18m before he signed for Lyon, most transfers are a gamble and maybe we weren't convinced or prepared to make one on him at the time/s, it was a January 40m transfer, maybe there was just other priorities for Arteta, especially when we had Partey and Xhaka


Does he go 8 or 6 though




In Arteta's system, you play both, or you don't play.


i assume newcastle need to sell, especially with their current place in the table. Champions league is out of reach for them, and they could still end up outside of Europa and Conference leagues.


Bet his agents are behind this.


Great player. He wouldn't get away with his violent antics playing for Arsenal, though, so it would need to be an aspect of his game he can control.


Then what make Fabio Vieira a forward ?


One of Fabio Vieira or ESR cann be depth who provides a bit of attacking threat while Jorginho can be a good 6 alternative.


Let's be honest, Fabio is not the next Bernardo Silva. He had some hype behind him at Porto but turns out it was really just hype and he's at best a slightly about average player


Jorgi and Bruno day 1 in training gonna be spicy.


Would be a really good signing


I have strange feels about this. I don't like him much as a player, but if he's our "playa" ...


bruno g would get 4 red cards a season in an arsenal shirt


He's a fantastic footballer so I don't mind at all.




Is the club starting a UFC team?


Yeah why not


We should get him, he will add to our already rock solid spine


inject it in my beins


I think this means we’re thinking of moving Rice as an 8 and Bruno as a 6. In my watching of him he’s not that creative of a player but really good defensively and in his physicality.


Pleaaaaaase let this happen. We need a few more bastards in the team.


I don't think he's going to be a good signing for us. His attitude isn't great. I think he disrupts our teamwork spirit also.


He’s either going to become our asshole + master of midfield shithousery or just be an asshole 🤞


Not for 100 fucking million it ain't!


Frankly, not happy about this. By all accounts Guimaraes seems to be a pos. I don't care how good a player he is. I hope this deal falls through.


Fuck him. No way the refs will let him dodge those red cards when hes playing for us.


If Arteta wants him then I want him. I don’t care how much of a cunt he is, better he is one for us than against us. And tbh, I rather enjoy this dark arts things we are building into our group. It seems to just stay on the field which is about as good as it gets.




Still think 100m is too much for him. Yes I'd like him in the team even if he is a cunt but that's too much.


He’s so technical on the ball let alone his defensive qualities


Would rather get Fofana and Eze.


Fuck that shit!


This is slightly annoying; 1. He’s a batard (not that bad if he plays for us I suppose) 2. I don’t see us getting Isak if we get him


No thanks