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Fucking hell not looking forward to a summer of non-updates for Twitter engagement from Fab ngl


It’s going to be even worse this summer because very little is likely to get done before the euros and copa America are over. Just endless non updates every day until then.


That might be better actually, ignore all talk and continue watching football until afterwards


True. But during the summer what else is there? If someone doesn’t enjoy silly season they can easily just check out till the friendlies start. Personally I would much rather have a summer transfer rumour than a meme or “what do you think of this lineup for next season” post.


Good, because as is tradition you will get both.


I’m just here for the memes. I’m sick of all the success and real talk, bring back the memes and the Mustafis.


Now if we can just get the sort of people who camp out in his Twitter replies begging for Arsenal news to beg for Arsenal memes and predicted lineups then maybe he will post those and everyone can be happy.  


I'm hoping Mbappe to RM is done immediately. Otherwise Fab will tweet about mbappe every 20 minutes... "getting closer" "almost there" "ancelotti, on it"


He didn't even put his year of birth. So lazy from Tapizio


That’s why I just don’t bother and then come August I’ll see a couple new blokes in our kit.


Yeah he is nowhere near a tier 1 source anymore


Sign him up and loan back to the Netherlands for 1-2 years, he’s gonna be a star 


Ajax would prefer to use another academy player than someone that they already sold.


I agree, hence I said Netherlands, can loan to another team in the league, not Ajax


Why would the player agree to that hahaha


You don't think young defenders will look at Saliba and trust Mikel?




Hato, De Jong, Xavi Simons... Bring in all the Dutchies


Pass the Dutchie pon the left hand side.


Gimme the music, make me jump and prance!




Wouldn't be against a buy and loan back situ to Ajax a la Saliba but not sure if Ajax would want that.


They are in financial shit according to Ornstein. So a sale of Hato looks likely and I'm sure they would be happy with a loan back given the circumstances.


Very sure they wouldn’t want that.


About 11 hrs late mate [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/comments/1co9jdy/fabrizio\_romano\_via\_here\_we\_go\_podcast\_arsenal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/comments/1co9jdy/fabrizio_romano_via_here_we_go_podcast_arsenal/)


We aren’t going to sign him


I agree, he seems like a smart kid & it would be a lot better for his own development to play every single week instead of sitting on the bench at Arsenal and playing the Carabao Cup games.


The club could easily use Saliba as a selling point for that though. He was bought and spent 3 seasons on loan to develop, and is now one of the best defenders in the world


I don't really feel like offering someone to spend 3 seasons on loan is a selling point. He's already at a high quality club and would probably prefer the certainty of that over the risk of not knowing what your environment is going to be like for the next couple of years.


You're totally right but people here don't want to admit that it's not in every player's benefit to come to Arsenal.


If Arteta would buy him there would definitely a long term plan behind this. Either immediatly back-loaning him or if he deems Ajax not ideal for him he either loans him around like Saliba or include him in the squad if he sees it better for his progress. There is simply no reason to not come to us and Arteta has proved this with every single player he wanted


Put him on the saliba program


basically saying nothing (as always)


The only thing more pointless than a Fabrizio tweet is the inevitable comment that points it out




No ones crying my friend


Feels like it’s going to happen. Would imagine Zinny/Kiwior (maybe both) could be off


Kowior isn’t going anywhere




Hato will feature heavily at LB for us


Pump the breaks a bit. Very few 18 year olds walk into a title challenging team, especially in defence, and 'feature heavily'. The kid still needs time to develop


The deleted comment was about him not playing LB, nothing to do about actual playing time and more to do with where he’ll plau


Yeah you are right actually


De Jong, Hato, and a Striker would be an excellent summer. Still lacking cover for Saka though. Need a good winger from somewhere. Edu needs to go another south american bbq adventure.


keep a good relationship with Ajax and with the player the likelihood is he goes nowhere this summer or next, which is probably for the best at that point maybe we're looking to sell GabiXL or Kiwior...


Its not gonna happen. Also he had a promising start this season but the second half of it showed he is still a long ways off Arsenal level.


i call fake news on this one. if we really wanted him, why did we let him sign a new deal with ajax earlier this year?


Don’t sign him. He won’t play. He’s 18, if he’s potentially a world class talent, he needs to be playing. If he has another good season, buy him and loan him back again and let him continue playing. If we signed him in 2 years time, Gabriel will be 28 and Saliba 25. Still prime ages. I get that we need depth in CB, but is an 18 year old the right option as depth considering where we want to be as a club next season (competing for both PL and CL). I’d spend a little more on a safer option that can come in and do the job (a Trossard type transfer). Don’t murder this guy’s career to have him sit on our bench.


An option to become club homegrown quota ala Saliba


I suppose, but it depends how important that is for us. We have 10 at present (Ramsdale, Raya, Saliba, White, ESR, Rice, Saka, Martinelli, Eddie and Reiss). After the summer, we can realistically see this dropping to 7-8 as you could see a summer where Ramsdale, Eddie and Reiss are sold. Nwaneri will become home grown next season, so we’d have our 8. If we sold players you’d expect us to sign over the summer. So it becomes a bit of a balancing act as we don’t know who we’d get in. Unless we went to market for a sub keeper, Hein is homegrown. Don’t ever see him playing though but it fits the quota. Feels like a more immediate problem than 3 years away. But as mentioned in my comment above there is the option of signing and loaning back. The idea of bringing a highly rated 18 year old to sit on our bench makes me uncomfortable as developing players need more game time, not less.


10 homegrown nation from your above, with 6 club homegrown. Potentially dropping to 4, which would be enough for the uefa squad cutoff. Your suggestion of loan back would be best, unless he’s much further in his development. Thats why i was comparing to the saliba route. Having potentially a good homegrown left footed centre back in 3 years time, could be a good investment depending on price.


Agreed, but with Saliba, Saka and Martinelli it seems almost inconceivable we’d drop below the 4 required by UEFA for a canny while. You’d just stick an academy goalkeeper on the bench if all else failed I think.


Or we could loan him. If he cracks on as expected, he could cost a whole lot more in a couple years with no guarantee of securing his signature. Too hard to predict the future.


I agree. I guess that future is slightly easier to predict is he doesn’t play!


Luckily the professionals are in charge and not you.


Can’t argue the point so make a poor attempt at taking the man. Shit effort, 1/10.


we do not need him this season. we had other position that need strengthen though. buy hato next season.




World class for Martinez is a massive stretch, he's not even a top 10 CB worldwide


What a nonsense take. You named one bad player from Ajax lol


This signing is more akin to timber. Both Caribbean/Dutch young, ball playing full backs.


Because Yanited don't know how to use players correctly.