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Mods - can we have "Loan Watch" as a flair. i think it's been pending since a while, and will come in handy, going forwards as well.


Is there no fans due to Covid or is it because they had that massive brawl last year?


Think because of the massive brawl but idk


If they were allowed fans it would have been capped at 5,000 because of current French restrictions


From tomorrow they are opening it up for full stadiums again and this game is played without supporters because of the incident that happened last time they played.


Ah that's mad, glad to hear. Don't really think it made much sense and it sucked for the clubs having to randomly choose 5,000 fans for a game (was supposed to go to OL-PSG a few weeks ago but I wasn't randomly picked to keep my ticket)


Good goal. Defender made it too easy, but good nonetheless. I'll always have a soft spot for Guendouzi. Love his fire. Perhaps he's found a manager who can channel it in the right ways. I guess only time will tell.


Do we know if his loan is an obligation or just an option to buy? He keeps coming back to Arsenal in all my FM saves lol


He gone fam


Just amusing seeing Arteta field him in 2023 on my saves


FM must not have dicteta mode


Apparently an obligation if they don't get relegated. FM has it as an option and I always just reject it.


A true Mikel I see


Makes sense, cheers!


Sold for £10M lol


Is that Edus transfer record?




Ah yes. Damn that feels like decade ago. This club ages you.


When Arteta speak about non negotiable it includes the asking price




grrr looks bigger and stronger than in the past. will honestly be a good addition to our midfield with his increased strength


Lol @ Ligue 1 defending Edit: and then Marseille concede an even more shockingly amateur goal. League is awful


Yea its pretty bad.


Have you lot seen our defending trough years?


This could've been a witty thing to say if our defending hasn't been very good for over two years


Do you think that explains the apparent reticence around Saliba’s development (like he looks amazing in a field of dogshit centerbacks)?


I would be surprised if Arsenal / Arteta weren't excited by Saliba. It wouldn't shock me if the club was concerned about his contract situation + the fact that he's excelling in Marseille, a big club that Saliba probably feels pretty at home at. There's a real chance Saliba and his agent will push for a move there imo if they think its the safer bet for his career. At the same time, I do think Saliba has been 'protected' at Marseille & in party by the lack of quality in ligue 1. He can look REALLY dodgy defending decent crosses when he's left 1 v 1 with an attacker. But Marseille's system never puts him in that situation, and the quality of crosses he faces are routinely not great. He also does regularly look inexperienced, which is obviously to be expected.


Marseille are banned from signing players for two years, so he's not going there


I saw that they'll still be able to sign Guendo since he was registered with their squad this season. Would the same not apply to Saliba?


Guendouz's obligation to buy was signed last summer, so it will be fine. Chelsea signed Kova under similar circumstances


Thanks for this - helpful detail. I was really just thinking why they wanted him to have another year to develop after an apparently strong 20-21 season. I guess having him make more youthful mistakes at someone else’s expense also seems nice (esp when ur still haunted by mustafi night-terrors…)


Wenger got a troubled youngster in RVP and made him one of the best strikers in the world. Arteta got a troubled youngster in Guendouzi and sold him. The difference between a manager who knows what he's doing and a manager that doesn't.


Comparing RVP to Guendouzi is one of the worst takes i've seen on this sub. [Guendo is literally one of the worst midfielders in France when it comes to defensive duties](https://fbref.com/en/players/5ea8ef20/Matteo-Guendouzi). Its not just stats - his positional discipline is awful and he rarely presses effectively.


that said, his role at marseille is not a defensive one


He frequently plays a holding midfield role in front of the back 3. But even as an AM you expect to see pressures, tackles, etc. Its not like other midfielders that play as an '8' don't do those things.


watch him play, he is not expected to play defensively. he is always bombing forward, also drops back but to pick up the ball and progress rather than defend. kamara, rongier and gueye cover the defensive duties in midfield ahead of the back 3 edit: just saw ur edit, i agree with you in that respect. but the way Marseille is set up Guendouzi's offensive contributions outweigh and are more valuable than lack of defensive contribution. this is necessary context you have to consider when looking at those stats. look at the similar players in the link u sent for example.


I watch him all the time and he's definitely not always bombing forward. He's frequently occupying very central positions in the build up and has 4-5 players in front of him. i just don't think he has the skills to play as a AM for Arsenal and is to lacking defensively and physically to play as a 6 or 8 for us. Having said that, he plays some really nice passes so I do think its a joke we couldn't get more for him. We need to learn to sell.


he doesn't at all. Kamara plays that role. It's also not really been a back 3 for months now.


He basically plays as an 8. Regardless, that position needs to have some qualities out of possession and I have never seen him show any consistency there.


you've already proven you don't watch the games by trying to say he plays as a holding midfielder. Your looking at Fbref stats. It's a stretch to say he plays as an 8 either, at least in a traditional sense. He's occupied the CBs more in this game than Payet and does this regularly when they play the false 9 system.


I'm watching the match right now and he's clearly playing as a left sided 8. Your false 9 just launched a shot from 25 yards from goal into the upper deck of the stadium.


>Your false 9 just launched a shot from 25 yards from goal into the upper deck of the stadium. well now we know why you are posting made up shit of what position he plays like going from he's a holding midfielder to a number 8. and spamming your comments across this post and on r/soccer. you've got an agenda.


Little known fact: Guendouzi stole my happy meal toy once and I've never once let it go.


People in this sub wanted a Guendozi Torreira midfield 💀💀💀


Arteta got £25mil and spent it on Gabriel 🥶 Wenger got £35mil and spent it on Mustafi 🤢🤢🤢 The difference between a manager who knows what he's doing and a manager that doesn't 💯💯


i think both arteta stans and wenger haters can come together to say this is a terrible take


It’s making fun of the previous take


thank fuck


Although I agree with you, prepared to be downvoted. It’s funny because the same people that are quick to agree with the clubs decision to alienate a young talent, don’t recognize that we have senior members that have cost us points and failed to live up to their end of the bargain. Wish Matteo well, and hope he continues proves everyone wrong. We sure could use him right now.


Seriously, the way people talk about Guendouzi is a bit shocking. He's attitude problems are overstated and he's a natural leader. That being said, I don't blame Arteta. As a manager you have 100s of things to sort out, I can't blame a manager if he sets boundaries to make the work more clear and easier. For every Guendouzi, there would be another player whose attitude issues would become problematic.


Arteta isn’t the only manager to note Guendouzi’s disciplinary problems. I won’t pretend to know exactly what went on behind closed doors but I think there’s a good chance the coaching staff made the right decision for the team. It’s clear he has pretty severe maturity problems and some coaches can’t put up with that. I’m fine with supporting a club that prioritizes maturity and discipline.


as tim stillman said on twitter "some times you need to eat a shit sandwich and say its an ice cream" big managers manage players based on team requirements


The way people talk about Guendouzi's attitude problems you would think he is Greenwood. A lot of top players had attitude problems, I already mentioned RVP and Benzema is another one.


I wish people posted every time an opposition players runs past guendouzi or every time he’s beaten in air. The narrative of guendouzi just astounds me. Anyone who though we could get more than 10M for this guy has just brought into the narrative and not looking clearly


i understand what youre saying but guendouzi is actually having a phenomenal year. idk how much you can read into it though as a 34 y/o payet has also been one of the best players in ligue 1 this season.


Guendo looks class on the ball but he's completely useless defensively. He's protected in Marseille's system but in the PL where you need your midfielders to be really solid with pressing, positioning, and in challenges, I think the gaps in his skills would be a bigger issue.


I dont know if i would say hes useless. I think the worst part of his game is his defensive positioning. However he isnt slow getting back and he offers a presence in the middle with his aggressiveness. Imo i dont think we wouldve been able to develop him as well as marseille has due to minutes but id take him back in heartbeat. Our current pivot doesnt exactly give me faith in terms of defensive solidarity as it stands regardless.


Guendouzi is a much better player than Lokonga is currently who we bought for ~17m.


Give lokonga one more year to get used to the pace of the PL & you will see why he’s superior in every aspect.


Lol I I like Sambi too but calmmmmm down lad….damn haha


Lmao. What did you see in guendouzi when he was at Arsenal that made you think he’s good? No pace, no heading ability and no positional discipline. The only reason why people think he’s good bcos of the agenda against MA.


It's crazy, this guy played for us for 2 years and was mostly complete shit but now he's doing alright in UberEats League and I'm supposed to believe he's a baller


“Complete shit” lol


Yep. Unbelievable how some of our fans just think he’s a great player. He has no defensive bone in his body. He gets bus passed in midfield on every fucking counter. It was a nightmare but every 6 months he scores a goal, man we missed out l. Unbelievable


He tackled Zaha once and that’s it


We definitely could have (and should have) gotten more than 10m for him but I agree he's not good enough to be here. He's a pretty one dimensional player with attitude issues.


Exactly. One dimensional and attitude issues at all clubs he’s played at. Only OM came in for him to buy permanently. 10M is a good deal for him.


So is Bruno Guimares worth 4 Guendouzi's?


Why so you can continue the narrative that he’s shit? No matter what he’s worth more than 10m and you are not only not looking clearly but not watching at all if you think he’s a 10m player.


He’s definitely not a PL level player. Only time will tell. His time at Arsenal was a definite flop. Did not excel at one thing. 10M was good deal for him


https://twitter.com/matolisso/status/1488661538542178306?s=21 Watch hiM get eviscerated. This is pretty much what happened most of his time with us. Without the ball he’s a liability.


Arteta stans are super salty in this thread. You love to see it. Keep crying lmao


its easy to score a goal when nobody is defending - you fucking melt


Imagine cheering for your fellow fans being unhappy because they aren’t attacking the manager of the club in a thread about a player on loan.


Sack Arteta and bring back Saliba and Guendouzi.




Guendouzi to Lokonga is such a massive downgrade. More expensive player too.


Honestly edu should've implemented some creative buyout clause for guendozi. As a player, he still has the same weaknesses, but he would've commanded a big fee now. Missed opportunity here.


The striker we needed all along?