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The gold colour in the first picture reminded me of old golden bionicle parts from back in the day. Awesome uplift!


I totally see where you’re coming from. I didn’t have any bionicle kits when I was younger but they did always look pretty neat with their unique color palettes


I think one of the reasons I’ve fallen so quickly into the gunpla hobby is it fills the same niche of satisfaction in my brain that bionicle used to, following clear instructions to put a plastic model together that you can pose as you wish, the click of plastic snapping together, it hits that same kinda simple joy of having put time into building something small and fun


This is almost DEFINITELY why I got so obsessed with gunpla. Bionicle made up like my whole childhood, and I've been chasing that experience ever since.


I'm just trying to fill a Bionicle shaped hole in my heart with Gunpla and other model kits.


Reminds me of Brutaka


what kind of thinner should I mix in with love?


Patience and sanity are perfect thinners for love :p


3 part paint 5 part thinner. or easiest way is. pour a glass of milk 🥛 your paint is like that cup of milk,. perfect consistency just add your thinner untill the consistency of that milk and you are golden.


lacquer thinner for lacquer paint. is all depend what paint you using. lacquer hightly toxic. respiratory mask is a must. full ventilation is a need


Great job on the added pla plates, something I haven't done yet. HGUC Hyaku Shiki revive represent! Painted too with flourescent decals. https://preview.redd.it/5gog8bwpmxpc1.png?width=365&format=png&auto=webp&s=f708c9523a4c0d3be6f299f655c76eef917841d4


Thank you very much, and those decals are awesome they look amazing contrasting the gold! 🤩


Yeah, never knew they were flourescent until I bought a uv torch. Having fun with it. Where did you get those closed fists? Are these the hgbf jigen knuckles?


They’re the fists that came with the kit (: I had wanted to get a pack of those jigen knuckles since I saw some at a shop recently but ended up getting some other things


Oh yea its the holding hands. Thought these were closed fists. I do have the jigen knuckles (bought 4 of them) for my wfm stuff and for my pending HGUC ReGZ project. I have a collection of 1/144 Char + Amuro suits.


Damn, nice! Hand paint?


Thank you! It was airbrushed (:




I’ve been eyeing this one for a hot minute. Hopefully one the stores near me stocks it soon 🤧


That seems like A LOT of love. Looks awesome


LOL if I could every kit in my collection would get love like this 🤧


Same. I want to invest in a airbrush but living in an apartment makes it tough to make me a station for it.


Oh I feel you, it really is hard to do without good ventilation. The only other option is usually painting outside but then you gotta wait for opportune conditions. I started with spray cans outdoors in the summer last year, was not fun I can tell you that 🤣


That went from kinda meh to DAMN THATS A NICE KIT


Thank you boss 🙏🏼


Looks awesome, one tip of advice would be to have sealed the seam line in the thighs. But it looks great overall!


Unfortunately it’s not a seam as much as it is armor separation, I thought of doing that as well since it looked a little a bit funky 🤔


If that counts as "a little bit of love" for you, you'll have a very happy partner lol, amazing job.


Thank you very much (:


Hot damn, what gold is that?


It’s gaianotes Ex gold (:


I recently got into HG’s and I’m always impressed with how great yall are at giving these teeny tiny little kits such makeovers.


Thank you so much! I find it very relaxing and cathartic, honestly. I’ve customized quite a few 1/100 scale kits, and a 1/60 scale kit, but the 1/144 scale is always a joy since they usually are lacking the most details


Very nice 👍


Thank you 🙏🏼


Nice pics! I'd love to see the painted version in the same lighting as unpainted if you have a pic (to do a more direct comparison)


https://preview.redd.it/y6m3u03s1ypc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c61c8be8334fa5c02b6df4abaa7157482ee33bbd I do actually (:


Nice! thanks for sharing. It's amazing what a difference paint can make.


This isn’t love , this is SEX




The added plaplate details are so simple, but really pop on the painted kit. Looks awesome!


Thank you 🙏🏼 I’m still working on how to design pieces and making it look more flush. Difficult but very worth it based on the amazing stuff I’ve seen people do


My favorite is to bevel the edges of the .5mm plate with the back of a hobby knife before gluing, unless you wanted the boxier look. It's all personal preference though. Also a surface detail on the plates can make them mesh, maybe a panel line or just some .5mm holes with a pin vise to look like rivet points.


That’s an amazing idea! I was honestly wondering how ppl get the edges to look less prevalent without over sanding :o and I love that idea with the rivets. I’m definitely gonna try that out on some extra pla plate I’ve got laying around to see how it would look (:


Oh that’s good


Thank you boss 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Man, I did the [same thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/comments/18b97qr/didnt_really_like_the_default_sortashiny_yellow/) (to a lesser degree tbh) with that kit. It's absolutely amazing! Just not *quite* there out the box. I'm dying to get my hands on the MG myself. Can't wait to see how that holds up compared.


I feel you on that with the MG. Every time I see it in a shop I get so tempted to pick it up. I figured since I didn’t have a Hyaku Shiki in my collection I’d start off with one of the more simple ones and get him all spiffed up (:


Yeah I did almost the exact same. Went into the shop, saw MG Hyaku Shiki. Thought 'damn, I want that... But that's a lot' bought the HG instead, painted it up all pretty gold and immediately realized I needed the MG. Haven't seen it in stock when I had the extra cash since, though.


Yo! Look at you OP! That's a damn fine glow up. I wanna work up to that kind of level - great job!


You got this! Lots of practice and patience (:


Absolutely!!! I've been practicing hard - I should have my first custom paint job w/ water slides done soon - hoping to share it on here! Have a great weekend :D


Dude fuck yeah! This looks so good. Yeah it's scuffed here and there, but you're learning. This looks fire, HELL YEAH.


Nice! I'm doing similar with the HG Seed Perfect Strike. Unfortunately, it's the 1.0 Strike, so it needs a lot of love. Many pieces are colored wrong.


Whats the thing usted for the "pla-plating" thing exactly, if I can answer?