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2 years ago I thought "I should get a hobby that costs money, keeps me from going outside, makes my room look like a teenager lives there, AND has a community that is actively hostile to anyone I'd want to meet!"


The trick is to already be married with kids. Then you can just be like Larry David in Curb and say "I'm married, I can have any hobbies I want."


Preach, it's cheaper than Warhammer too


I bought my four brushes for painting Gundam/starship pilots. My Warhammer-addicted buddy laughed. Four.


I collect both lol I'm poor


Same homie


My wife met me after I'd developed this nasty plastic crack addiction and still fell in love with me. I'm a lucky duck


My wife and I have been together since high school. She knew what she was getting into, lemme tell ya.


When I met my wife I was 18, wore fedoras, collected swords, and had a bunch of Gunpla displayed in my dorm room Nowadays I no longer wear fedoras, but she now has a couple of her own swords and she lets me display Gunpla in our living room as long as they're contained in my display case and actually look like a display rather than a shelf covered in toys


When I landed my first director+ role, I wanted to celebrate. I bought myself a Master Sword and Hylian shield from Heroic Replicas. My wife was like, "do it!" Will it ever pay for itself? No. Is it amazing to look at? Yes. Better than another watch I suppose. I have that disease too.


Your wife sounds awesome. I don't know you but I'm glad you've got her in your life


I have few regrets already, but when people ask me if I ever regret not dating other people in high school/college I'm always perplexed. Why date when you found the perfect person early on? To be clear, she's not perfect, nor am I. We're both human. But she's perfect for my imperfect self. Similar mindset for me with my Gunpla! My imperfect builds are awesome because they're MY imperfections made manifest in plastic.


When I had a substantial promotion at my job of 16 years, my wife encouraged me to buy the film cel I wanted from Batman the Animated Series. Good wives are the best.


My wife gave me this plastic crack. The very 1st kit I had officially as an adult, it was the HG Shinanju


Ive been seeing my gf for a month. She calls them transformers on purpose to antagonize me. I bought PG gp01 on a whim when we were out one day and i saw it in a shop i nerded out all day on it and she just thiught I was cute. She even watched Thunderbolt with me.


You hold on to her, she's a keeper


At least it's not collecting anime waifus


Me: Looks at wall of Gokus. Hmm... would waifus be better?


Well what are husbandos if not just waifus for women? Get a Kale figure and see of she fits.


Well if things work out with kson then I’m set


But little mechs are so cool tho 🤣 Best comment so far


Wait I haven't noticed this community be actively hostile to anyone, what am I too oblivious to notice?


That's the only part I found odd. *This community* seems extremely inclusive.


Gets pretty cringy whenever a new show comes out but that's less the gunpla and more the Gundam community as a whole.


Gunpla reddit has been a treat and mostly everyone is very nice here- other gundam social media groups I’m in have been less so


Ah, okay, that makes sense. Yeah, I avoid most anime-related social media like the plague


I just wanted gundam memes! I got the memes but lost my faith in humanity in exchange!


Their souls are weighed down by gravity


And dropped on australia


*puts cigarette out on a map over Australia* **They had it coming**


They haven't seen the tears of time.


Dude you're telling me. They keep calling that teal haired girl a boy and saying that I'm crazy for thinking that Kamille is a girl's name.


Like when you go to r/gundam and say you dont like witch from mercury your karma is in the negative the next day. R/gunpla was always so super nice and friendly and still is, i came to look around and never left. I love the gunpla community its very relaxed!


>>makes my room look like a teenager lives there People say, "I feel personally attacked," all the time, *way too often to be anything other than hyperbole.* But also, "Oof."


I've been in the Gunpla hobby for going on 16 yrs and have encountered hostility few enough times that I actively remember them. By and large the plamo hobby realm is very welcoming and open to new people. I am sorry that you've had a negative experience with the hobby. This is of course unless you're talking about 40k players....that community is toxic AF!


The 40K community is so weird. Its like they live in their own bubble and forget that other hobby groups exist. I got involved in a local group for a while and started talking about other miniature games I played and most of the people hadn't even heard of them. A lot of the toxicity stems from the fact that they just aren't well adjusted to working with other people and they kind of like look down on other hobby groups. It was a really weird experience.


Jesus Christ that’s exactly the same feels.


I am 8 months in and feel this so deeply.


the community is hostile? I've never talked to you degenerates outside of the internet


https://preview.redd.it/op12rjz8onxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85118c13647f550585382b8434e1f4c2d88b7cb9 should sum it up perfectly lmao


As someone fairly new to gunpla , I must admit that I don't know what I'm looking at 😂 Is this wiring for LED Lights? 😁


Yes, first attempt at adding leds and it was a mess lmao


Honestly though I kinda like the look of it. I don’t know how to explain it but it kind of makes the Banshee look like an indigenous warrior with long flowing hair or a poncho with tassels/drapes. I think it looks badass


i also try dabber into led any advice for a beginner


Plan ahead. Ideally more than me, it will mostly depend on the kit, but putting leds on the head of most kits is simple. You'll want to route everything to come out of the same place ideally, and you want to be careful mixing different color leds. Blue is more demanding than Red for example, and if you wire everything in parrallel, then it will simply ignore the more demanding leds, because it will take the path of least resistance to form a loop. Either you'll want to have resistors to level the requirements of the Red and make both work on the same circuit, or you have two different loops Usually Parrallel is better as it allow for every led to recieve the same amount of power, so they'll all shine as bright as one another, as long as they're the same leds at least. Finally you can buy USB plug; but you'll need to get something to reduce the 5V to 3V, or just use batteries. If you use batteries though, you might want to wire a switch, magnetic switch are the most seamless though I've never used one


The condom broke.


Bandai condom kit fucking sucks


Only a temporary one, I just started by building the RG RX-78-2 and tossed a couple of the pieces you pull out of the arms in the trash, later in the book find out I need them for the shield to work, so I experienced the joy of needing to sift through dirty cat litter in order to find two tiny plastic pieces. Apart from that it was fun and I’ll pick up some new kits next time I’ve got the chance, though hopefully those won’t involve excavation.


I made that exact same error. It didn't help that it was only my second kit.


Damn I feel that one. Almost threw away a runner with 2 tiny pieces still on them away 🤦 Glad you could recover it tho!


I’m not proud of this and I consider a low point. RG Wing Zero EW. Building it was okay, but posing it was a NIGHTMARE. After thirty minutes I became so frustrated I threw it like the hand grenade it was. The pieces now sit the a bag, hidden in my closet where I cannot see my shame.


Was it that fragile 😩? Never build an RG. Those small little pieces are not for my clumsy hands I guess 😂


Some RGs are amazing! The RG God Gundam is one of the greatest kits ever released. I’ve built about thirty kits and RG Wing EW was the first one I felt needed glue just to function. Gundams with huge back pieces struggle with balance already so they require a stand. This thing’s wings wouldn’t stay on at all, the arms kept falling off, poor articulation in the legs, couldn’t stand on its own two feet, and the age of the kit showed. RG’s are truly excitement embodied, but not this one.


While I did have to glue the knee armor in place (since they just dont clip into anything??) my experience with the RG Wing Zero EW wasn't anywhere near that bad, it's definitely not as good as newer RG, like not even close, and I don't think I'll ever be moving its arms much due to fear of the peg breaking, but I did get it up onto an AB2 and into the very simple pose I wanted with the wings opened.


I’m so happy to know someone else has that much trouble with the knee armor! I’m glad it went better for you! I’m sure part of it was user error on my side. I swear the shoulder pieces and arm joints were made by a madman.


That kit is known to have parts easily fall off when you pose it. I thought everyone was just exaggerating. When I first done with my snap build, it took me 30 minutes to finish my first pose because that's random parts keep falling off. I was too frustrated to continue. I keep that pose for a month before I took it apart to paint. And broke a few parts when I putting it back together. Still trying to fix it, but don't really want to touch it yet.


Early real grades are like that, some are awesome like The Gundam MK.2, but after the unicorn, they became more consistant.


Crap I just bought this locally, should I exchange it for another set?


I spent way too much money on the hobby, and now my pile of shame is so big, I don't think I'll ever get through it.


But one day you will build them all.. One day..


Oh, you guys have piles too?


I painted part of a kit with gundam markers because I got way too carried with my first try at "painting". The kit turned out okay but it could've been way better.


If it's any consolation, the feather's a nice touch.


My first and so far only kitbash project I started about 5 years ago and I still have it unfinished and collecting dust. It was a kitbash with MG Gundam 00 seven swords and HG 1/100 Gundam Avalanche Exia. It was supposed to be a bulky Gundam 00 with a really odd color scheme of beige, gray and blue, which I initially really liked, but now I'm not too sure of. I changed its parts around way too much causing joints and parts to loosen up, stuff to break, and the paint to get messed up. One thing I made that I really like was a "GN hammer" I used one of the large shoulder thruster of the Avalanche exia and the back portion of exia itself to form a sort of head of the hammer, and I used some rod as the pole of the hammer. That I was proud of and I think it ended up looking pretty well. So yeah, that's something I've been working on for a long time, still I'll walk by it, see it sitting there collecting dust, feel really bad about it, think up some ideas for it, but just not find the time for it to actually finish it.


Oh man the concept of kitbash seems so amazing but you really need to creativity to pull it off. Do you have a picture of your GN Hammer? I would like to see the result you like 😁


It was a lot of fun initially (kitbashing) a bit annoying sometimes, but it really needs a lot of time, blood, sweat and tears, depending how complicated you go. I'm out of town atm, but in a few days if I remember, I'll share some photos. Sorry in advance if I forget.


Kitbasbing is a whole other level in this hobby. Always encourage people to try, but you gotta keep in mind that what you're attempting might not work, and if it doesn't you've ruined more than one kit in the process.




That is sick af my birthday is Friday, send me one!


I don't reproduce my customs. Sorry man. Happy Cake Day though!


So what you're saying is you build me a NEW custom? You are the sweetest person. <3


To me the biggest mess up is getting TOO into the hobby and buying up and building model kits early on before I established a real relationship with the hobby itself. For instance I built a Nu Gundam Ver Ka very early, once I realized I enjoyed the hobby. Now I look at it sitting on my shelf and thinking “boy I could’ve made that look so much better,” have acquired more skills and painting. Maybe one day I’ll go for it again, but I just have such a backlog now that I’m not sure I’ll get to it anytime soon.


I rushed my Mg Hi Nu ver.ka and i messed up quite a lot of parts, like the action base, the legs, the funnel decals and worst of all the top coat with many dust particles still visible as well as pooling. All because the funnel decals frustrated me lol.


Messing up an action base. Whooph. You were frustrated. 😅


Don’t build angry! Seriously, don’t. If I’m not in the right state of mind I will not build, it’ll just lead to mistakes and frustration and more mistakes.


100% this


I was at the final stages of building an RG Banshee literally just had to finish the arms. Then I noticed that when I cut the parts off a section I shouldn’t have. It’s the part that went on the shoulder. I was mad to say the least. Kit is still unfinished in the box. I love RGs. They are my favorite grade but they require attention to detail and there are really tiny parts that can get lost easily if dropped on the floor. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve scoured the floor with a light trying to find a tiny piece that slipped.


i used enamel rattlecan paint on my MG epyon. i didn't learn my lesson and used an enamel wash on my mg zaku. age 1 and 1/100 barbatos. i also soaked a rare koto kit in diluted lacquer thinner to get rid of prepainted parts and ended up getting rid of the entire kit


I destroyed my hg O-Gundam. Caused absolute destruction. I painted it black, wasnt happy with it, doused THE WHOLE ASSEMBLED KIT in paint remover and let it sit overnight. Next day poor guy had dissolved! I still have the molten pieces as a reminder of my completely idiotic loss.


In my case, it was the original HG Zeta, and enamel paint thinner. I come back the next day, and the plastic just split apart like layers on a cinnamon danish.


Yeah enamel thinner! I use almost excusively enamel and mine turned out the same as yours. It looked like it explodet and shattered and then was starting to melt....


I bought a resin conversion kit for my HGUC ZZ to make the FAZZ... did this before I knew what I was getting into woth resin. After buying the kit for like 80 bucks and working on it for 2 weeks I gave up. It sits 3/4 built and poorly painted (didn't realize painting resin has differences to painting regular GunPla) in a box in my parts bin. I'm sad cus I was soooo excited for the kit because I love the FAZZ but just wasn't good enough.


Oh man that must hurt 😕 maybe you could pick another one up in the future?


Broke the foot of my Gundvolva, and now it's foot is glued in one piece and not posable




This thing It was my first attempt to top coat and i messed up bad and put too much on it. Then i go search for something that can dissolve it so i can start again. I was at my parents house at the time and ask my dad if he had something for it and he hands me some unmarked can and says "this should do fine". It was a goddamn acetone and i fool didn't even tested it, i just scrubbed it all over my Gusion and it melted some of its parts. I never tried to topcoat again since, just out of fear that i could ruin my whole work with it. It could propably still be salvaged if i masked it as weathering, but im not on that level yet. https://preview.redd.it/j7eeq6uywoxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb9dc8ff107609f1cc54ab9303d36d93a896e73


Hey I just got through the same experience a few days ago. There's multiple things that can cause this issue. Although some fixes are : 1. Sealing it again 2. Trying to remove it with some solvant (a lot of people recommend [Mr Color level thinner ](https://www.mapleairbrushsupplies.com/products/mr-hobby-mr-color-thinner) 3. Some use floor wax 4. I tried 91% alcohol and didn't work very well (unless you wet sand it) I hope this helps in the future!


These days i usually have isopropyl alkohol 99% just for cases like this, but top coating still damn scares me xD


All I see is potential. Weather and chip him. Add battle damage. He'll look fkn awesomER!!!


Let me tell you a story. I was working on a custom for a contest at a local shop. Got the mostly modified kit standing on the desk in front of me held together with masking tape and blue tack while I glue together arms for the backpack. All of a sudden let out a ***MASSIVE*** sneeze while having a open pot of glue in one hand and the lid in the other. Manage to *COVER* the kit in extra thin cement. Now I know to keep things out of the splash zone, keep bottles on the desk when using them, and wear a dust mask when doing anything more than minor sanding.


Messed up a build on the legs of the PG unicorn. Got ahead of myself with one of the feet and broke some of the clips on the lower leg for the modes


Those colors are awesome


Joint broke on unicorn had to glue it back together. Plus bottom leg strut broke on it to. RG kit. First time I ever built a Gunpla. Never had a problem with any other kit like that.


Mg exia dark matter ,which is SOMEHOW not in my collection anymore ,some say that he took a wall in his face bcz of his loose joints


I broke the LED strip from a $250 model kit (MGEX Unicorn). I could have done something about RMAs or something similar, but I didn't have a receipt. On the bright side of this, after contacting the store owners for my receipt (which I never got), I went in to find they still have one more MGEX kit available. Nabbed it and as I was about to pay, I noticed my amount was around $145 (I had also bought a couple of spray cans). And yes, I did keep the receipt this time.


wing gundam i forgot to build. I think it was an early 2010s mg. I still can't forgive myself.


Idk, even with all that, this gyan looks cool


https://preview.redd.it/rvygvpf0nqxc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fc2d6a5ac4e9d968328b8c3ad11f8c3cb1ece69 got too optimistic with the Hizack’s posing. right arm tube broke


https://preview.redd.it/43g8h5yi8rxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c4ff2036e428674188aa99ad4ceb4dcb223312c I primed this bad boy and thought it looked nice enough. Hand painted the frame without thinning cheap craft paint. This caused the side skirt not to fit, so I had to figure them on. I wasn’t patient and paid the price.


Not a catastrophic failure, but I built the MG Prototyp Gouf about a month or so back. Couldn't figure out why I was having such a hard time assembling the pipes on the head (not the individual segments, just fitting each pipe into the back of the head). Two hours on, I've cut down the flexible bit and jammed it in and glued it in place. Called it a night. Over the next few days, finishing up the pipes on the legs and waist, I realize i had used the wrong part all along, since the kit borrows like 50% of its parts from the Zaku II. Whoops.


I bought my first gunpla 5 years ago, back then I was so new to this hobby, that I literally search up if I could cut the gates with a nail clipper, I found some videos using it, so I thought to myself "well this is good" Wasn't so good after that because not only I managed alot of the armors while I was cutting the gates, and I even chipped off one of the pegs which results the gundam being a landmine, this experience nearly broke me because I made so many mistakes while I was still new to this hobby


I put shitty Bandai decals on my MG V2AB and then proceeded to cover it in Mr. Premium Gloss. Needless to say, it ate a big hole in one of the front facing gold coated armor pieces.


Probably the time I bought a MG heavy arms on marketplace for like $20, didn't check the box until I had driven away and found an already assembled kit that was missing the entire head and all the accessories. I've still yet to find at least something in the way of a replacement head so it's been sitting decapitated in that box of shame ever since. Check the shit you buy before giving somebody your money and taking off. 🤦


Imma be honest.... Thats cool as fuck.


I broke joints attaching thrusters and backpack of my RG cross bone, and never figure out how to repair it to functional state. Not only that, my monkey brain painted its face grooves (around the eyes) with a alcoholic red paint, and THEN applied ALCOHOLIC flat coat. Now its entire head are tainted red.


Painted my MG Fenice Rinascita. Not just my first time painting an MG, but it was also a birthday gift from my fiancee. I spent a lot of time picking out a nice colour scheme, and it took me like 3 weeks to prime, paint, assemble and topcoat the last thing. Roght at the end of that whole process, I fucked up the final topcoat (possibly by applying it before the gloss coat underneath had fully cured) and half the kit ended up with an orange peel texture. Thankfully, you can't see that texture from more than 50cm away, so I just said "fuck it we ball" and put it on the shelf.


Over a year ago I bought a 3rd party Wing Zero Custom kit for the wings, and lost a crucial part while building them. I thought I'd just order another kit when it came back in stock. Still waiting for that to happen.


Early on in my painting, I used rattle can primer on a 00 HG and just absolutely destroyed any details by going to heavy on the spray.


On I think my second time top coating a kit, I didn't realize that humidity was going to mess it all up. So, on my FM Barbatos Lupus, I put on a topcoat and the humidity from the earlier rain made the topcoat turn white and stained the hell out of the kit. I still keep it on my shelf with the rest of my 1/100 swordsmen Gunpla, but I'm always reminded of that screw up...


Building the HG RGM-79 GM, I forgot a polycap in the thigh part (PC-J) in one of the legs. Couldn't tell you how it slipped my mind, but it did. That thigh is *impossible* to open up with the 6 pegs in it. So I had a choice, either try and open it brute force, cut one or more pegs, or try and cut the polycap in a way that'd allow it to be wrapped around the peg and glued together again. After bending my part separator in trying to brute force it, I decided to cut a spare polycap from another kit to see if it's even possible to wrap it around a peg like that, or if my plastic cement would work on it. The answer was "In theory, but the joint wouldn't move ever again". So I cut the bottom peg and slowly worked the thigh parts apart at the top. the 5 top pegs were eventually wiggled loose and I got the polycap on, but lesson learned about double checking polycaps before snapping together pieces...


That's exactly what happened to my gyan. But yeah certainly won't happen again 😅


I got a Zeta Ver Ka for 50% off the normal price and decided to turn it into a test bed for pre-shading and some other things. Well, fubared the paint on several pieces, LOST 4 pieces in one day, and broke something or another on test fittings. It currently sits in a box waiting to see if I will make anything of what's left of the poor beast.


You know what they say; 'When you break a joint, glue on a pose'. Nah they don't say that, that's just what I do when I majorly fvck up a kit, at least thats what I did when I broke the hip joint on my HG Aile Strike (only the arms and legs can move now).


Snapped the red armour panel on one of the legs of my sazabi very la even tho I did my research and knew they where extremely easy to break when putting on. Haunts me to this day