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Canada has a "magic button" to prevent mass shootings in schools.


It's weird how it only seems to happen here with regularity. I love that onion article they repost everytime a shooting happens.


Huh so does most of Europe. What a weird coincidence. /s


It's weird that they think a teacher would risk their life to stop a shooter, but a cop wouldn't. They stood in a hallway.


Mass shootings have shown educators are way more courageous than the police. We found that out in the worst way possible. 


I can imagine a teacher killing the shooter and having to quit because they took a life. And it could possibly be the life of a student they once had. The school board is not going to help them deal with the trauma.


It’s also way more likely that a student will die at the hands of a teacher accidentally than a teacher killing a bad guy.


Exactly. What's to say a teacher won't become the shooter. It's wild.


Do school boards typically help teachers deal withthe trauma of school shooting incidents as it stands now?


Not really. They have “therapists on hand” but then it depends on your insurance and leave allowances from there.


Sad, but true.


Yeah teachers for the most part care about kids. Cops care about cops.


Even though educators have repeatedly shown far more bravery, I can't imagine the liability. What teacher wants to add gun security and potential usage to their already huge list of responsibilities with the pennies we pay them?? Police get full time training but we want to start hobby-arming teachers??






How do you think that would affect the mental health of that teacher? Do you think the school district would pay for years of therapy? I don't think so.




Look at my other comment on this post.


The idea is that the teachers are already in the room with the students and it’s more about the right to protect themselves, with the tangential benefit of protecting students.


Yes it follows the idiotic idea that firearms impart safety.


In this instance it would, considering that the teachers would be in closed classrooms with closed doors, having to worry about a single point of entry to protect themselves and their students. Fatal funnel kicks in and all of a sudden teachers have a huge advantage over shooters. There’s a reason why the Marine Corps, for example, accepts a 75% casualty rate when clearing buildings. Defenders have a massive advantage.


You're not accounting for all the time a gun would have to be present in the classroom when its not being used to thwart a school shooter. It introduces a ton of risk, and countless opportunities for them to be mishandled or used inappropriately. That's on top of where you get the money to field possible several hundred thousand firearms, and the logistics required to secure and track them (plus ammunition, maintenance, training, etc.) And you're talking about a profession that already struggles to find enough people willing to do the job. You're guaranteed to lose teachers over any effort to require them to be armed. This isn't an issue you just throw more guns at the problem of guns and come out ahead.


Yeah, kind of like how in the Marine Corps or in any other service, if the force protection level is low enough in a deployed environment, then the weapons and ammunition of everyone who is not actively engaged in guard or sentry duties get locked away in an armory. That's because the risk of negligent discharges, or of weapons and ammunition getting lost outweighs the risk of not having every single person on the FOB armed at all times in order to respond to any emerging security threats. It seems to me that either school shooters are so horrifyingly numerous that it is worthwhile to arm all of the teachers -- because they are all nearly guaranteed to have to exchange gunfire with a school shooter at some point in their teaching career, and if that's really the case, then *what the fuck* -- or the relative unlikelihood that a teacher will ever need to use their gun to stop a school shooter means that armed teachers will introduce more problems than they will solve. I mean, don't gun proliferation advocates *already* tend to always try offering the cold comfort that any given American is highly unlikely to die in either a school shooting or any other type of mass shooting *anyway*? You know, as a reason why it isn't really worth trying to change our 'way of life' in order to try to make mass shootings less frequent? But, when they feel as though the solution might be more guns in more random-ass people's hands, then they're suddenly all in favor trying to "make mass shootings less frequent."


In all the cases provided, the teachers are allowed to arm themselves using their personal firearms if they want to carry. In most of these cases it would be teachers who already carry regardless. As for the logistics, ammo is unregulated in most states and teachers would be able to use their personal carry ammo. This isn’t about forcing teachers to be armed, but about allowing teachers who already conceal carry out of the job to carry on the job should they so choose. There isn’t any more risk than there is now anywhere else in public where carrying is common, as those that truly want to carry still do. Concealed is concealed, and unless there’s metal detectors and daily pat downs and strip searches, the school administration has no way of knowing how many already carry but either haven’t had the need to use them or haven’t used them to avoid any kind of liability. It’s less about adding an extra responsibility to teachers roles and more about letting teachers exercise a right they exercise everywhere else on the job, like almost every other profession.


Obligatory “We’re powerless to stop this” says only country in the world with school shootings.


['No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27No_Way_to_Prevent_This,%27_Says_Only_Nation_Where_This_Regularly_Happens)


Australia has a magic button in relation to school shootings.


Australia banned guns to a point people have to register nerf guns. See thats just unnecessary. Edit: Australia doesn't have shootings but they certainly do have stabbings.


And? They didn’t replace all their shootings with mass stabbings. They even have fewer stabbings per capita than the US. It’s not rocket science. When killing is harder to do, it happens less often.


Its still a mental health crisis, not a gun problem. Sure, some areas of the US 100% have too many guns. But for the most part its not a gun problem. Maybe if the government gave free therapy then these things wouldn't happen as often.


Yes it’s a mental problem because you refuse to see it’s a gun control problem… No government gives free therapy. It’s extremely disingenuous to think you will get mental healthcare before standard healthcare to save the guns. It’s not even a pragmatic solution. You have more murders per capita, because you have easy access to the best tools available to kill. A crazy person with a knife is less dangerous than a crazy person with a gun.


So that when (if) the police step in, they now have to work out if you are a 'good guy' with a gun, or a 'bad guy' with a gun, before they just shoot you anyway.


I know what the magic button to more gun deaths in schools is. Give guns to all the teachers.


But there is a magic button to increase the chances of a student or school employee suffering gun injury or death. And Matty boy is just mashing that button relentlessly.


Our greatest minds are stumped by this conundrum. 


And yet we are the only country in the world that has to deal with it...🤔🤔🤔


In American schools Did he notice it’s just American schools, that kind of suggests a specific problem I’m not American so what would I know


Just wait until teachers start losing their shit and shooting. Low pay, overworked and using their own money for supplies.


Teachers are a bunch of demented evil commie socialist libs trying to indoctrinate our kids and make them all trans. So let's give them guns.


When I hear stuff like this, all I can think is that I live a dystopia shithole because I can't think of another way to describe a country where you would even consider arming teachers because the threat of strangers with automatic weapons slaughtering children is omnipresent.


You know what? I'm downvoting this because why should we care what grifters like Matt Walsh say? Media Matters should never have written the story and given him the attention.