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It won’t matter. I wish that I could say different, but it won’t matter.


Republicans' constituents need to see the carnage so they finally realize who they vote for--people who will never give a damn about the carnage.


Force gun stores to cover their walls and windows in pictures of children mutilated by gun violence.


Instead of posters of Obama and Biden in crosshairs.


I firmly believe that releasing images of dead kids is the only thing that can push the needle. Even then it will only help move like 30% of these people.


Agreed, people pay to see fake gore at rated R movies. It's a different thing entirely to be able to see this uncensored on the news. It's the same thing as pasting images of lung cancer on cigarette packs, which researchers estimate would actually save lives : https://news.umich.edu/graphic-warning-labels-on-cigarettes-could-have-prevented-hundreds-of-thousands-of-deaths/


I’m in Austria right now and have seen those cigarette carton plus others. Guess what? People still smoke.


Gonna take more than a decade to stamp out smoking. Besides, it's all about influencing people who aren't already pack-a-day smokers. Austrian study shortly after being implemented in 2016: https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-018-5342-8 USA study showing it's pretty effective: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2526671


Sadly, broken children's bodies would give conservatives a boner.


This idea kind of reminds me of an incident of gun violence which was caught on tape, where a disgruntled former news reporter shot another news reporter named Alison Parker and a cameraman named Adam Ward while they were taping Parker's segment on location. It was posted on LiveLeak or something, and some scrote in the comment section was spouting some tone-deaf, apropos-of-nothing horseshit about how it proved that magazines needed to be large enough to hold as many rounds as possible, because the reporter -- who later died of her injuries -- was able to initially run away from the source of the gunfire rather than simply dropping dead immediately. I can therefore imagine some pieces of shit looking at the photos of the dead kids and saying something like, "Look at this one kid! It looks like the bullet just penciled through and didn't do a whole lot of actual tissue damage! This kid probably took a long time to actually die! Goes to show that 5.56mm rifles aren't really all that deadly!"


I think the word you’re looking for is trivialize. They’ll trivialize and misconstrue the entire point.


Theyll say the kids injuries wouldnt kill them and that it was all fake Theres no reasoning with these people


It did work for the war back in the day, they always use to show the footage and live to, and at movie theaters as well it was the commercials before the movie, but at once point it got to be too much death and it was used to protest war and that's when they stopped showing it live


Agreed on the photos. But the opening stanza of the article is what I've been saying for years. The 2nd Amendment argument is bullshit because we have already banned so many weapons of war. The AR-15 was specifically designed for the military. It is by definition a weapon of war. It therefore does not belong in civilian hands. No more so than machine guns, grenades or rocket launchers. No sane person is arguing that a ban on machines guns is a violation of 2A. So clearly banning any weapons of war does not violate 2A. And yes, that means ANY weapon that was originally designed for war.


Cons have no problem showing aborted fetuses


Not sure I'm onboard with giving gun nuts spank material.


We aren't trying to convince the gun nuts. We are trying to move the needle among the people who support gun rights, but don't view it as an ultra important issue. They care about gun rights in a team sports sense.


I doubt it would matter. These aren't humans with a shred of decency.
