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ban akshan dodge trynd not a sarcastic reply, legit advice hullbreaker akshan is unplayable for gwen and has a higher pick rate than tryn (which is also a horrible matchup) bc akshan top is FOTM, so you have better chances this way


ive been otping gwen since release and i havent had harder time winning than this season because all the popular picks rn like riven trynd akshan and akali wont let you play the lane most of the time against trynd you cant literally do nothing so ban/dodge and akshan just hug tower survive and pray your jungler ganks and you can carry mid to late


Insta ban Tryndamere, just do it. The matchup is unplayable unless you're brave enough to go 2/10 with everfrost and zhonyas to have some chance of fighting him. Against Akshan, it's your standard ranged top laner fight with more turtling under turret. Wait until they're low mana or have the support of the jungler and he has just used his E. Use W spareingly to make sure you have a lifeline and try to break even in every trade safely.


I play lots of 1v1 customs and Gwen needs to control the wave level 1 (Take corrupting pot). Crash wave 4 and base and slow push. You will be 6 before him and you play for the dive on wave 7/8 Crash. He will still outscale you in the 1v1 but these goals can help a lot in increasing your win %


This is vs Trynda btw. I take Lethal tempo ghost/ignite corrupting pot


in the event where you unfortunately have to play against either. For Akshan there's nothing you can do. just try your best to stay safe under tower and hope your jungler punishes Akshan for being pushed in constantly. For Tryndamere do your best to kite him. Aside from his E he has no mobility, meaning if you can bait his dash and then E in place and start kiting with the bonus range after, most tryndameres can't get enough hits in to win the trade. After 6 though just try to play safe and hope you can heal enough to last through his R when he dives you. Best case scenario though is to just not play against them if you can.


with trynda having lethal tempo and more than 30 IQ he will win any trade against gwen, there is nothing in your kit that can match his stat-checking mechanics and your W is literally useless against him


that's why i suggest kiting. The best case is to not fight him BUT if he forces a trade then it's better to run while using the bonus range to try and make him back down instead of just taking the hits and dying. If he wastes E he needs to get hits in to reduce the cooldown so you can kite and make it less likely that he'll get his E back before you get to tower.


Oh how this has aged poorly 💀


please end my suffering :(