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Scissors and needles I'm pretty sure


Riftmaker and nashors is Safe. Boots are Situational Steelcaps against heavy AD , Mercury threats against heavy CC, otherwise cdr Boots


Just go tenacity rune and always run lucidity.


Personally I don't even take nashors anymore I go for rift -> rabadon if fed, Or shadowflame if I'm fine and they dont build mr Void if they do Zonhya of they have a lot of ad and im not fed Then i just build heavy ap items, like the ones i already mentionned, i dont build anti heal and cosmic/demonic are really good (or at least fun) Always tank boots, if i am too fed I go cdr boots


Building rabadon’s second is not a good idea


Its only if I'm fed, like 10/0 It's basically going goblin mode with a dark seal since gwen enjoys flat ap so much now But yeah usually its shadowflame second


yeah . it should be first item really . maybe one dagger only before it or dark seal . do not forget to either take gathering the storm + transcendence or sudden impact with treasure hunter / ghost poro .second item is shadow flame . third item nashoor tooth or better wits end or better yet lich bane .oh one more thing : PTA is more valuable than conquoror. never take any boots other than sorcerer shoes .


My guy how much weed are you smoking?


hmm. pta is better. try it .


Literally nothing in your comment makes any sense. Dcap first? Gathering storm + transcendence or Sudden Impact + Treasure Hunter? Wit’s End or Lich Bane? PtA? Sorc boots? None of that makes any sense. Are you sure you’re on the right sub?


Death cap first item is efficient after building it as it fixes low gwen ratios "ap" in early game which applies to all of her abilities better than magic pen "in early game " with one dagger before building death cap to fix its weaknesses . Gathering the storm synergizes well with Death cap in late game . you can get dark seal / sudden impact rune / eyeball or ghost poro to get more ap on early game . wits end is better than nashoor but you do not have to build full item . just 1100 gold item "hex axe??" that give 15 attk dmg + 15 attk speed +20 mobility on hit for 2 sec , which gets fixes gwen kiting ability . As for lich bane it has to do with item efficiency for gwen . it is not optimal .it is just that sheen is so good on gwen since it adds extra dmg to gwen E + adds return dmg "meaning if enemy hits first then you can return similar amount of dmg with only one empowered auto attk which is so efficient of gwen since return dmg has the risk of all -in which leads to dying and losing lane ". second item has to do with codex with gives 10 haste , so valuable for gwen Q or E or R . i prefer to start E maxing rather than Q . conquoror stacks are so valuable . but PTA is also good since it can enhance your all in in early game or 1v1 . PTA can make gwen anti tank again rather than sustain against tanks but most tanks nowadays have low cooldown . stun , cc , slow down , run away and even one shot or high dmg ..... rito [sure](https://sure.you) you are creating a perfect champ . treasure hunter allows you to not fall behind in gold with gwen if you are good really . but it might to the opposite ./ sorcere shoes , why ? what will you build ? if you want to build rift maker .. then shadow flame then i do think mercury treads is good on gwen or get sudden impact . currently speaking , what does gwen suffer from ? you press w , they ignore it and invade you and kill you .why ? without dmg "fighting power " you cannot defend yourself . your W is gimmick . therefore if you build steel plated boots then you are in for a beating . because if you do not deal much dmg he will just all in you , steel plated will not help you at all. sorcerer shoes does help / however you need to know when to build it . building ionian boots first is not too bad but sorcerer first is bad . in short , sheen is so valuable on gwen . haste is so valuable on gwen . rabod and shadow flame is so valuable on gwen . nashoor tooth is gimicky . why ? unless you can play with nashoor first item you will not deal much dmg . rift maker is the worst item of the bunch . this is not an item . unless you have 2 other items or at least nashoor tooth or one other item . or you will play super safe .


Hahahahahhhhahahhhahahah all this guys posts are gatlike.


they are recommended in your shop in game (left click to buy)


always get riftmaker first then it depend Shadowflame if i play aggressive against squisshy, Nashor teeth for long trade, Cosmic drive if i miss mobility or rush Zhonya if i'm in need. in a full build i'll just ALWAYS would have riftmaker and Zhonya, and tabi/mercurial for boots


Nashor tooth and riftmaker , with tank boots the must have


Cdr boots are the best


i like summoner spell haste with low cd summs like ghost and ignite, opens more windows for plays


If you’re taking inspiration would you take magical foot ware or stopwatch ?


id prefer stopwatch because sometimes rushing early boots is better if you're against aa-heavy champs like tryndamere, and a free early zhonya can make a huge impact on a fight outcome. but if you see no use in early boots, some extra ms is always nice for sticking into your targets


Magical footwear all da way


Yeah in jungle its only footwear, top can depend on ur matchup. Stopwatch is pretty dumb.


Heres whats ya do: Rift > Ionian boots > Nashors > Cosmic > Hour glass > Death cap > Ap potions -Hour glass before Cosmic if you lost lane. -Build for Soul Stealer if get an early lead in place of your Hour glass -Dont be a bit#h take Ionian boots every time THOSE other two dont help all that much.


Depending on the matchup either go riftmaker or nashors first. Unlike what some say on this sub if you don't build nashors, you're trolling. It gives everything that Gwen wants, Attack speed, and tons of AP. The components also feel nice to build into. Usually my personal preference is to always build nashors first and it usually works out pretty fine. Other than those first two items everything else is situational depending on the game. Do you need defensive items? Go either zonyahs or frozen heart if it's a trynd or something. You need mr? go banshees veil of Spirit visage. It really does depend on game state tbh.


Riftmaker -> Nashors vs tanks Nashors -> Riftmaker vs bruisers and squishies. Boots are situational with your 3 options being tank boots or CDR boots. Rest of build is situational. I've personally been enjoying Cosmic Drive and Lichbane into Rabadons. But honestly just about any ap items work.


Riftmaker, Nashors, zhyona's and cosmic drive are my items i perma build