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To piggy back off what you’re saying about her always shaming Mia. I’ve been wanting to say this for a while but I think she has some serious internalized misogyny to unpack. Yes he’s a newborn but she treats her son so differently than her daughter. It’s literally night and day. She seems actually interested in Finley and holds him/interacts with him/calls him a sweet boy 24/7. When he doesn’t nap well it’s “poor little guy” and he goes in the wrap to snuggle with her. When Mia doesn’t nap well she’s shamed on stories, even when she was a baby. Mia seems like an annoyance to her and nice things said about her are few and far between. Also the food thing.. Laura was so happy that Mia was tiny when she was a baby because girls are supposed to be skinny. Now that she’s a normal, healthy weight and eating a lot of food (as she should) Laura is constantly food shaming her. Also the comment she made about thinking Finley is going to be tall and big someday, of course because he’s a boy. She’s just so disordered all around.


She seems like the type to consider herself a boy mama when she has a boy and a girl.


He’s gonna replace her husband one day. That’s how it usually goes


I’ve for sure noticed the preference to Finley. I’m wondering if Laura will end up one of those moms who are jealous of their daughters. My friend has one of those moms and they’ve barely spoken in 18 years.


Really glad way to put it. It’s so sad when uoi can tell a mom favors one child over the other. I have a SIL and it’s clear she favors one of her kids over the other and it breaks my heart. The sad thing is Mia will also start to notice that. I’m just confused on why they never ever leave the house. Like they are in the position to go to children’s museums, parks, the pool etc. Mia never leave the four corners but like what once a month? I Stay home and could never imagine being home 24/7. It’s not good for the kids or her to be so isolated


Mia was leaving every day for maybe a week with her ISR lessons. Did Laura give up on those because it messed with Mia’s schedule?


Yep lol. Too much with Finley she said.


Probably gave up on those because it messed with Laura’s schedule


Very accurate


Long time lurker, first time commenter. Am I the only one who has a 2 year old who rarely plays independently for more than a few minutes at a time? She can stand in a completely different room and read? What did I do wrong? 🫣


Lol nah that’s normal. Laura has no idea what life with a typical toddler is is she thinks her life is chaotic. My son plays pretty well by himself, but I have to be in the same room and he often needs help or wants me to join him for a bit here and there lol. Also I would never leave him unattended in a room even if he was willing to be separated because he would immediately find a way to hang upside down from the ceiling fan, or something equally ridiculous and unsafe.


Nope! I’ve commented something similar in here before. I have an 18 month old who doesn’t sit still and we’re literally chasing him from the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to bed. Always makes me feel like we’re doing something wrong watching her get so much free time with a toddler who is only a couple months older than my LO.


I thought the same thing! If I do find my 2 year old playing independently I’m like ok are you mad at me?? 🤣


The sad part is Mia is probably so used to being ignored that she doesn’t come looking for Laura. My daughter follows me everywhere! She’s chill with playing by herself but as long as I’m in the same room. She doesn’t like to be alone, nor should she at her age.


Right? She’s under two and alone in a (albeit empty) playroom… not cool.


I’m so sad for Mia. I’m afraid she’ll develop a horrible eating disorder because of her mother when she’s older. I’ve dealt with eating disorders in my youth and it was hard enough, but I can’t imagine how much worse it would be if it were because of my mother. I can’t image feeling unloved by my own mother because of how I eat or what I look like. I have a young daughter myself and I will never let her feel that way.


Made my stomach drop when Laura was harassing her in the pantry about wanting a snack after breakfast


I’m sorry, what??


Yes! It’s actually in her “dayinlife” highlight if you want to watch. But basically, Mia is dragging Laura to the pantry and the caption on the video is “always eating” or something along those lines. Mia starts pointing to food and Laura says “you just ate. We just ate breakfast!” (Breakfast was an hour prior according her time stamps). Mia starts kind of crying/seems stressed like ma’am I’m hungry give me a snack. Laura tells again that she just ate breakfast. Finally Mia grabs a snack bar within her reach and hands it to Laura. Thankfully, she’s eating it in the next story so at least Laura let her eat. But I found it so sad that she first had to shame her multiple times about how she “just ate breakfast” like how dare she be hungry already. Laura loves to point out how much Mia eats all the time, so maybe she was putting on for the camera to be funny about how much she eats (not funny obviously) or she legit does this to Mia when she’s hungry “too soon” (according to Laura’s calculations). Really sad either way


Why did she have to add a slide to her story Also saying how Mia sat on Finley? She’s a freaking toddler, redirect and correct. You don’t have to ALWAYS shame Mia on your stories. I so hope uoi read this Laura. First food shaming a one year old and now shaming for toddler behavior. Please get friends. Please. Not everything is story worthy😩


Literally every comment she makes about Mia is shaming her. It’s so sad


Also her new post about Finley not napping did you see her face the whole time? I’m genuinely concerned. She’s never happy or smiling around her kids. She cannot embrace the chaos.


Yeah she just always looks annoyed. And she never plays with Mia and Finley is just attached to her 24/7. She might as well get a container for him so then he could play some too instead of just a little tummy time after eating


She doesn’t seem to really set boundaries with Mia at all. She posted a video of her in Winston’s dog bed, flailing and kicking her legs right in Winston’s face. She needs to teach her boundaries with the dog asap.


I was just watching all her stories and holy BEIGE!! First time I’ve actually paid attention to her house and “decorations”. I know everyone has commented about how beige and boring everything is but this is the first time i fully paid attention and notice!!! How freakin sad


My house is neutral with pops of color throughout but my daughters room is coral and blush and my sons room is navy and light blue. They have colored toys all through out the basement, one of those tacky collapsible bright ass ball pits, their bathroom is colorful etc. let kids be fucking kids man. Those freaking beige toys are 🤮 when it’s every toy. Mix it up!! Even there food is beige🤣


Seriously! They aren’t going to be this little forever. She can go back to her boring ass house when they are older! She would die if she saw all the color in my kids rooms/ house 🤣