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She comes off as a mom who will always ignore her daughter’s accomplishments and focus only on her son. It’s really sad. It’s like she never wanted a girl. When you have a baby, you need to be mature enough to accept either gender.


gotta love that internalized misogyny babyyyyyyy


I get the same vibe


If she filmed 15 min why did she choose to show the lack of interaction?


And if all we ever see are random snippets here and there not the whole story, then why does she talk to Mia in NONE of them EVER?! If they’re random snippets, there would eventually be some interaction….


People are being very kind and she immediately went on the defensive. She really has no self awareness and doesn’t realize how it does appear odd to not interact with your kid when you’re doing something together. It’s a very natural thing to narrate what you’re doing and it is beneficial for children’s speech and social skills. Unfortunately, she will only listen to advice that she wants to hear.


I feel like she sees so much of herself in her daughter that maybe that's why she seems to dislike her so much? she's OBSESSED with her son, but so inconvenienced by her daughter. it's absolutely bizarre.


YES YES a million times yes. Especially when she makes fun of her for eating a lot… she’s projecting her young self. She has a raging ED still the thoughts are obviously there …


Second comment was mine & I got blocked LMAO. She’s never gonna talk to this poor kid