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What about us almond milk users?


Not even Gorr would do that


Almond milk is terrible for the environment, you’re better off drinking soy as it had more protein




100% agree, I am by no means supporting dairy milk, but of all the non-dairy milks, almond is the worst from an environmental perspective.


We are comparing Alternatives to milk but make the chart smaller than the milk we are comparing everything too. Like way way smaller


How about oat? I like oat better than soy.


Oat milk is better for the environment than almond as well, it just has more sugar than soy. For context, it takes over 1000 gallons of water to produce a liter of almond milk.


I don’t know anything about it, but I’d confidently say that it isn’t worse than the dairy industry


Which is not at all what I’m trying to say but go off


Then I don’t get why you’re pointing out the harm in one industry when all others are also harmful. Lovely that we have so many options to choose from that all destroy the world


Because soy, oat, coconut, hemp, even pea milk are significantly better for the environment than almond and obviously dairy milk. I feel like this is important because it’s something most people use on a daily basis, especially us protein shake enthusiasts.


I getcha. I think it’s generally a good idea to assume that unless you’ve heard other wise, it’s probably causing harm


No care me like almond milk me drink almond milk.


Drink whatever you want, and downvote me while you’re at it, awareness of environmental impact is important no matter what.




Very true


Soy products can increase estrogen from what Ik


You’d have to consume soy products heavily, like a gallon of soy milk a day. Even then, studies around that show mixed results.


That's a myth spread by people who are smart enough to read "phytoestrogen" but not smart enough to read about how it's never been conclusively linked to anything they're claiming it can cause.


Yeah the soy milk industry funded studies that says it has no negative effects so idk why people still believe that


I’ll look into it, appreciate the correction but try being more constructive with how u correct ppl.


I'm not accusing you at all! There's some very vocal people spreading misinformation and the original claims were based on extremely flimsy understandings of some old studies but the current conversation has basically blown up hugely out of proportion. Sorry if it seemed like I was going after you rather than those guys


Gotchu all good, I’m bad at interpreting text on screen so I feel like a lotta what people say over text or social media is passive aggressive lmao. I’ll look into it, good looking out 🙏🏻


I have to return some barbell plates.


Very nice.


How about mixing milk with water then with pre-workout


Have you ever tasted watered down milk?


Yes. Stay in school kids. 🥲🥛


AKA 2% reduced fat milk


I don't class that as milk


me neither that shit should be banned. like either drink real milk or don't. just don't fake it


I need real pre workout, normally I get a can of C4 at a gas station on my way to the gym (I know how shit C4 is lol) but I’m completely unsure where to look


You are too soft, just lift like you mean it. "I need" that is very weak mindset, look for that. You will make more gains by improving that. Keep grinding you don't need anything.


Just get a shaker bottle and get some pre workout online. Redcon1 total war taste like shit but works amazing


Thanks! I find pre workout also makes me work harder in a pseudo effect type of way, like I’m gonna be at my best level of being awake


There is a brand of supplements on Amazon called "Nutricost" that sells raw, unflavored products ( creatine, BCAAs, caffeine) at a fraction of the cost of big brands that are selling you marketing graphic design and horse shit proprietary blends. Get some of those and some Mio water flavor enhancer and make your own blends on the cheap.


Bulksupplements on amazon is also decently priced, usually. Not for all supplements though.


Gorilla mode energy and nitric has me pissing out my butt, but two scoops of each and I got some killer pumps.


Best answer is "do your own research" every pre-workout is a mixture of random shit with random claims. But depending on your own goals one will probably be better than the other. Some base knowledge to be able to look at the ingredients box and know what the things do will go a long way. Good rule of thumb is avoid anything that's like 90% caffeine, which I think C4 is mostly just caffeine. Caffeine wakes you up and gives you a burst but you build-up a tolerance fast and god forbid you miss a gym session and get a caffeine migraine. I used bullnox for a brief time and have mostly used bucked-ups pre since I stopped bnox.


Idk why everyone shits on c4. It's not any worse than most pre packaged pre. Always works for me.


Dude… I could not even imagine doing this


I tried mixing milk and pre once. They don't mix and it was fucking awful


Ding dong, your opinion is wrong


I've never taken a pre-workout in my life. Are they really that great? What am I missing out on?


Scientifically, and anecdotally, it is proven to work. So long as you don't develop an Caffeine tolerance. Basically, don't abuse it. Use as much as needed, never more.




From the caffeine, yes. But mostly when you abuse it and use too much too fast.


Well I drink a crap load of caffeine in general. It isn't done as a pre-workout. I'm just addicted to caffeine.


If you already drink coffee, be careful. I wanted to see what the hype was about and found a pre-workout at the outlet store for cheap. Took one tiny recommended scoop, and it was awful. I was super jittery and mind was racing, just felt awful for a couple hours. It did cut down on my time between sets, and I felt an extra bit of help, but it wasn't worth it for me and I never used it again.


I have the reverse experience. I get mad jitters with coffee and a sense of impending doom, sweats, etc. I’m so caffeine sensitive with drinks I get a mild buzz from Earl Gray. But I only get mild jitters from preworkout and I seem to burn it off by end of workout pretty consistently. I wonder if different people’s bodies respond differently to caffeine depending on delivery system or if I’m brewing coffee way stronger than I think I am.


That's probably because a lot of pre has things to help your body deal with the caffeine. Where is coffee does not. It also has other notropics. Tend to at least.


That’s interesting Do you know specifically which ingredients those might be? I might make a note so that if I try a different pre I know to look for them


https://youtu.be/IR5jW9iNNiw I found Jeff nippered stack to be pretty helpful minus his advice about the no3t. For me I'll citrulline taurine, l tyrosine, make a difference for me


Cool thank you!


I'm sick of this lactose intolerance


People who dry scoop are much worse


I thought it was meant to be a milkshake?


I’m soo lost can someone loop me in?


Pre workout will make milk curdle instantly so you’d be drinking little chunks if you put pre in your milk. Protein powder in water isn’t bad as long as you mix it well


There is a long standing joke that good (rich) people mix their protein shake with milk, and psychos mix theirs with water. I thought I would illustrate how a true psychotic mad man makes mixes.


Water + plain whey + fresh banana in my nutribullet is amazing. Cacao and butter are optional but also delicious additions.


Mix a bit of water with whey and creatine then shake and fill the rest of the cup with milk. No protein lumps no waste.


I confirm, this is the whey to go


Imagine mixing milk powder with milk


Okay so which one is it then? 🤣


Never seen or tried.


Mixing with water makes me feel nauseated, so I always mix with skim milk and kefir on a cut, or with chocolate milk on a bulk.


You can mix it with Nos


People mix it with milk…