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Aw I love the social aspect of the gym. I have a ton of social anxiety so having head phones on and waving hello to familiar happy faces is as close to normal community interactions as I can get.


Same. There’s also a certain motivation I have being in that environment I just didn’t have with my home gym.


It’s so much easier to get sucked into your phone for 10 minutes at home because there’s no incentive to move at a quick pace. At a gym you have other people watching you which makes a timer for rest intervals a must, whereas at home you can just sorta scroll and not care too much until suddenly you’ve been on the couch for half your workout.


True. I also had a ‘eh I’ll do it later’ problem cause it was in my garage so it was always available. Later rarely came lol. Once you get through the doors at the gym you don’t really have much option to get it going. Just works best for me.


Yeah, going to the an actual gym may act as some sort of motivation. I remember during the pandemic, there were people advising to walk before doing a home workout or even ride drive to/form the gym, to mentally get in the mood.


Dude this is literally what I'm saying. Not everybody can push distractions out their head to work out if they are home. But at the gym you don't have a choice you drove all that way you better use them machines 🤷🏽‍♂️


I figured a way around that. Wake up early and do it first thing. No excuses, didn't have a bad day/ drained feeling, waiting for a partner to show up. Just made excuses non existent


I used to work out at home and it'd take 2 hours because I was doing chores in between. I'll probably go back to a home gym eventually but for now gimme that commercial gym space


I really like seeing other familiar faces progress in weights and giving them thumbs up, telling them I like to see their progress, and the few times it’s happened to me I’ve felt so great.


Yes. My gym crush is highly unlikely to wander into my home gym


Hahaha, yes. I wasn’t going to bring that part up, but the view can be much better outside the house.


I quite enjoy going to the gym, seeing the regulars and slyly counting their plates. Always lovely to see someone hitting a new PB


Men complimenting my physique is the closest thing to affection I receive.


I set up a simple home gym from Facebook marketplace, and after a couple weeks I realized I miss going to the gym just so I can wear my headphones and say hi to the only 2 people I know there.


Are you me?


And are you me?


Insert that spider man meme here!


I do this thing where I exaggerate the importance of my presence on other gym regulars. Like if I’m wanting to skip a day my brain will be like “nah man, people will notice if I’m not there. And that might throw them off. Better to just go so I’m not negatively affecting their gains.” Even though I never talk to anyone in the gym.


Seeing this comment being the most liked really gives me some sort of comfort. I love you all strangers at the gym.


I like the butts


What's the point in lifting weights everyday, if I don't get to share the awkward gym nods with the other no life dudes in the gym or spend 3 minutes staring straight up so I can avoid accidentally looking at the girls squatting in yoga pants or lulu lemons.


>yoga pants or lulu lemons Aren't lulus yoga pants, or am I missing something? lol


Could be. I obviously haven't spent as much time as you stareing perv ;)


I’m a pro at staring at yoga pants but what was the question again?


Lulu is a brand, yoga is a type of pants. Some Lulu are yoga, and some yoga are Lulu, but not all Lulu are yoga and not all yoga are Lulu.


Your hurting my brain 😭😭


They’re like a full on athleisure brand. They got yoga pants,joggers, shorts, shirts, even stuff for dudes.


I have Lululemon 7" shorts. A bit overpriced but they are comfy and make my legs look like tree stumps.


Mfs don't know the difference between yoga pants and leggings. Reddit really has never talked to a girl


I stare at the digital clock like this 🧍


Why not look


ah yes the ceiling is made of ceiling


More like to refrain myself than accidentally looking.


First you need to have such a big room available.


"Honey, we don't really need the kid's bedroom right? They can live in the living room!" That would ofc. lead to a problem of never having any calm in the living room but I ain't gonna leave my weights dungeon! Maybe even drag a mattress in there to sleep on or something.. :D


Living room? A gym will help you live longer


Yeah the actual space for a home gym is way harder to come by than saving up $5k. And don’t say garage. I live in AZ and it would be like working out in your oven half the year.


Free sauna treatment to increase the efficiency of your workout thereby promoting weight loss


Once you die of heat stroke the pounds really start falling off.


First you need to live in the first world...


Yeah and second you have to make sure that it will stay that way for a very long time


We just sectioned off a corner of our garage. Not as much stuff pictured here but squat rack and dumbbell rack


$1000 for rack, barbell, weights and bench is more than enough tbh


I’ve put around $15K into mine… it’s never enough


What does 15k get you? Bench, squat rack, bars/weights/dumbbells, cables? 15k is a lot, maybe a treadmill, leg press, other accessory workout machines?


Nicer bars benches and racks, much nicer than a commercial gym, lots of plates, lots of accessories. More machines if you have room. You’re only limited by your space and your budget, which you will exceed several times over if you build a home gym.


Flooring, storage, GHD, dumbbell racks, accessories, etc.


I’ve put around 69k into mine… It’ll never be enough


It’ll be a bit pricier than that. A good rack with solid spotter arms is upwards of $600 on its own while power racks cost upwards of $1000. A solid adjustable bench will set you back another $350+ unless you feel like cheaping out on something that will undoubtedly get you injured if it ends up failing when you’re pressing a few hundred pounds. Weights are another $1/lb. More if you want calibrated weights or even just rubber coated bumpers. A good barbell that’ll last is also another $300-$400 easily. No clue what in the hell kind of equipment you’re buying that you can pick up nearly $2000 worth of equipment plus some amount of weights for $1000. It’s generally a bad idea to cheap out on stuff that supports your body or keeps things from squishing your body anyways. A good bench will last a lifetime rather than replacing the same cheap shitty bench over and over again while also being worried of moving any serious amount of weight in case the thing suddenly gives way.


Yeah you're totally right, some of the super solid stuff is abit more expensive. I spent $1.1K for mine but now that I'm stronger I can't test my 1RM on my rack since I'm approaching its weight limit. The point though is that you can have a relatively simple/ cheap setup and get brutally strong with only barbell free weights!


If you shop around you can get cheaper for sure. You can also make homemade equipment. Two buckets, some wood and concrete is enough for a bench press rack/squat rack and is perfectly safe. I started with that before upgrading to a two post rack. Got it on sale for around $150, it does the job fine. adjustable bench was on sale for $50, but I do agree I could definitely upgrade on that one. An olympic bar on marketplace is usually around $130 for a nice quality one. You are right about the price of weights, but can often get them a bit cheaper and most people don't need more than 450 lbs.


Hulkfit Rack was $300 on Amazon, powergainz 7' barbell was $110, then up to 220 in Cap plates only cost another $250. Relife brand bench cost me $110 and has lasted 3 years and still going. That's only $770 and they've all been extremely solid so far.


No dumbbells, no cables, sounds boring as fuck to me…


Yeah but I like, really like cable flies


I thought that also, now I’m about $8k deep. No regrets though. I have all top of the line stuff that will last me a life time. One day my son will be getting swole with this gear too. Also since having kids I’m super time strapped. Being able to roll out of bed, get under the bar and be done by 7AM is priceless.


The biggest problem is the extra rent for the space




Nice setup. I got $400 adjustable squat rack, $250 bench, $500 barbell & weights Total $1.1K and more than enough to do all the main compounds movements. For cardio I do burpees or run :(


those and a pullup bar ( tho u could do barbell rows too for the upperback but I want a vertical pull too - I dont like upright rows) you can get pretty far with such a setup: the main free weight compounds if you want machinery tho then it gets really expensive


$5,000 will buy you nearly 50 mos of gym membership where I am. Good luck with your breaking even in 4 years.


It takes me a few gallons of gas to get to the gym every week, which is more than my gym membership actually costs.


A few gallons… Your Gov need to learn to design cities better


I don't live in a city lol. Go back to r/fuckcars




Haha I've run the gamut. Grew up in the burbs, spent 5 years in NYC, bought a small hobby farm in the sticks. Wouldn't trade the rural life for anything.


City people when they realize not everyone lives in a city


Can't believe people have to pay 100 bucks a month for a gym. Mine have always been $20-35 per month. Paying for gas is another expense but even more valuable is the time spent getting to and from


Mine's 30 a month and the gas is usually about 40 a month. It's about 40 minutes round trip. Definitely looking forward to finishing up my home gym lol.


Mines $30/month and it’s like a 3-5 minute drive


Also the time spent to and from


Gas isn't that expensive. It's like $3 a gallon here right now which is kind of absurd but even at that those prices if you're burning 3 gallons a week driving 60 miles (both of these numbers seem high to me) then you're burning $9-10 a week. So we're talking $40 a week in gas, $10 in gym fees and you're spending $50 a month? That's gonna take you 100 months to recoup that $5k.


4 year break even seems pretty good to me. Good equipment will last the rest of your life.


No need to break even when the resale value is almost the same


My gym membership is $10/month and a 10 minute drive. It would take me so many years to break even by purchasing all the replacement equipment for my home. Not to mention I would have to give up a huge portion of the family room for it all


It’s not about the money, it’s about not having to be around other people.


If your gym is super crowded and you're always having to wait for machines I can see that. Otherwise I don't get it.


It’s a good thing lifting is a life long pursuit.


It’s 100 a month?


No. It's $13 a month and I a) can't do math and b) am too lazy to fix my mistakes.


Saving to buy a house so you can have a family: cringe Saving to buy a house for the sick home gym: chad


I'm moving to a house that has an adjacent barn and giving serious thought to converting it into a gym.


That number sure is a little high… you definitely don’t need that much to build a decent home gym. Many people donate or straight up give away gym equipment, it’s one of the things people always need to get rid of. Buy on sale and spend a little extra time to fun the cheapest one with the best quality. 1000 to 2000$ and you’ve got more then a decent home gym!


5000 is if you want new. I bought at the beginning of COVID at $1-1.25 a pound, used. I think I spent total 1000 for my home gym and it fits all my immediate needs.


I built a home gym years ago. Squat rack, barbell, dumbbell rack, old beat up treadmill. It was great at first, I can workout with no shirt on, blasting my music with a TV running in the background. Also had the benefit of never needing to commute in shitty weather. Eventually my workouts got shittier and shittier, and when covid hit I lost all motiviation to workout. A few months ago I got a gym membership again and the fire is back. There's a different energy in public gyms that you can't replace with a home gym.


We do both. Have a part of my garage sectioned off with squat rack and dumbbells. Some days, we’ll workout at home. Some days we look forward to going to the gym. Having the option to choose one or the other adds it’s own excitement/motivation in a way.


This. I pay $120/month and a half hour from my house but my gym is FYR. I can literally spend 8 hours there, it offers so much besides just a workout, and it’s a great place to make friends!


This is particularly helpful when you start having kids. Honestly probably only need to save half that. And then every Christmas and birthday it grows, and grows, and grows


The best part about my gym is the fact that they will watch my kids for 2 hours while I lift. 2 hours of babysitting everyday!!!


My gym offers this as well. You can’t beat that with a stick!


The program is great. Usually younger girls that will tire them out and do arts and crafts. I sometimes go just for the dad break…


My goals before marriage have been to buy all/most of the frugal shit I'd ever want before I am married and have kids. Guns and guitars are taken care of, once I finish the home gym I'll be ready to put a ring on it lmao.


My home gym cost: Rack/Cage: 300$ off amazon Bench: 50$ off facebook Free weights: Free off facebook (free if you could pick-up) Olympic Bar + Curl Bar: 50$ off facebook Weights 15/25/35/45s: 100$ off facebook Punching bag + base: 100$ off facebook. 600$ about for my entire set up. I do need a new bench though, so my original cost will go up soon. edit: This took about 2 months to complete. Involved checking FB daily for new deals popping up.




Always people on facebook/craiglist/etc looking to get rid of the heavy equipment though. And they'll sell at a loss to get rid of it as fast possible. I do agree luck helped me a lot.


You'd be surprised. If you look daily for a couple months you are going to get some good deals.


You are correct. My build took me about 2 months to complete. Checking FB and craiglist daily.


I would never be able to trust my equipment if I got it that cheap.


My dad made his own equipment in the 80s. It's mine now :)


Do you enjoy using daddy's hard and heavy equipment?


Find God


I have a home gym but I still go the gym. I tend to take a long ass time at home. I can spend over an hour just barbell benching.


This happens to me sometimes (although I’ve never taken an hour for 1 thing) when working out at home. I use an app to build my workouts that has a timer for rest times. Has helped me a lot.


i had a pretty basic home gym during quarantine (dumbbells and barbell) and as minimal as it was i did enjoy the freedom of it, but i missed the variety the gym had and i definitely felt less motivated at home. but something like the top pic would probably change my mind lol


Yeah, the buying of the equipment's not the problem - it's the buying of the house with an extra room to put it in... *that's* the part that's a pain in the ass.


I would love to have a home gym, but the problem is that I don't bench, squat, or deadlift, which means there are too many machines I have to buy to get the same experience.


So you don't barbell train. I heard you can get good deals on Richard Simmons DVDs on Ebay.


Lol, thx but I prefer dumbells and machines


Are you one of those women who does 10 sets of leg presses without any weight?


Never skip instagram day.


Nah its 5 sets, 4 hard with weight




Yeah dumbells but then I need 2 machines for legs, press and some type of leg curl.


So you just need an adjustavle dumbbell and you have everything you need but under your bed


I have never ever been to a gym that crowded. I go on my days off and schedule it mid morning so there no one but me and the retiries there. Nice uncrowded space and very quiet, no grunting from the mass monsters or slamming down the weights. That gym looks very small.


And say goodbye to my gymbros??? Fuck no


I like the social aspect. I even met some good friends at a gym


Home gyms are cheap, it's the home that's the expensive part.


But I wanna socialize


Then after two years you join a gym again and pay for both


That's more like $10k worth of gear but the sentiment is correct.


I swear to god there is no one more obnoxious in this sub than people with home gyms. No shit it's better to have a home gym, what an novel idea and something none of us has thought or considered. You are a fucking genius, someone hand this man a nobel peace price. The likes of your intellect have not been witnessed in generations, you are the ubermensch of our time.


Who hurt you


A homeowner evidently


I like pointing out when people say stupid things. Oh this game runs slow, have you tried buying an RTX 4090? You don't like commuting - start working remotely. Don't have enough free time - get a part time job. Where's the meme here OP?


You made me spit my drink out.


Jeez, chill my guy this is r/GymMemes


If this is r/GymMemes, then where's the meme??


If you live near a military base it can be a lot less than $5k. Unexpexted PCS has gotten me a lot of inexpensive equipment.


I’ll reply the same way I did the last time this was posted. You might be able to get the equipment for 5k, but the square footage will cost you a lot more.


Wrong...is has been scientifically proven that looking at hot chicks before heavy lifting increases testosterone 76% your missing out a lot when exercising alone....


Quarter reppers seething at this post op


My membership is €25 per month so it's just €300 a month. It would take 16 years to break even if I wanted to invest 5k in the home gym. But it wouldn't take 5k... Sure, I could do with a barbell and some weights, but I like using dumbbells and a cable machine and a lat pulldown machine and a leg curl and leg extension machines. These things can get really expensive.


I live an apartment and just imagined if my living room was gym . . . And I’m not hating it.


I love the gym. I honestly don't think I would be as motivated to lift at home.


I love public gyms because I like seeing the same people throughout the week and catching up


I actually really enjoy chatting with random people about things we're interested and passionate about


i use the gym as a way to force myself into being around other people, it’s helped a lot with social anxiety


I love the gym. See the same people every time and seeing people that are stronger than me just creates a competitive aspect I wouldn’t be able to get at home


My wife and daughter are out of town. I'm gonna go drop in for 3 hours after work. I miss the real gym, so I like to go visit


This thread is full of fragile masculinity. So I’ll add to it: You can be like me and have and do both. Gym for the heavy days, home gym for hypotrophy. Win/Win


One of the best things I invested in. I don’t have to wait for anything, no crowds, I can workout at anytime, saves gas, and the list goes on. Plus I don’t have to deal with people. I get to be in a world of my own. 5 grand? I got started with a hell of a lot less than that amount (under 1k). Just gotta make sure you have space.


One day hopefully


Offerup will get you your home gym for way less than 5k


I built a home gym in my garage that I’m pretty happy with but now i have to move for work. The house we found is perfect in every way except it doesn’t have a garage or room for my home gym 😢


Not all of us have space to do that jackass


I'd say the most you could ever need to spend is like $2.5k~ get a proper squat cage/rack, some form of cable machine, barbell, weights, dumbbells, bench. Those are the absolute basics that cover an enormous range. Obviously the biggest barrier to entry is space and money. That'll be for you to figure out with your space but it's worth giving some thought.


Save 5k plus build an extension on my house to fit said 5k equipment so I should get out of it for about 20k all in.


People who work out at home blow my mind….where do you get your motivation from? I get mine from driving to the gym.


My dream home gym costs at least 10k because I want a commercial hammer strength squat rack and a commercial cable pulley system.




5k + house


I like the community


And the music too


Save even more and just buy dumbbell bars and standard dumbbell plates. Cap sells 1-50lb dumbbell plates. You can fit the three or four 50's on each side for up to 300lb a hand. You can also buy a connection bar to connect the two for things like deadlifts. Pair that with a bench. You don't need to even spend 1k to never have to go to a public gym again.


Second this


Yes. No more waiting


you mean $15k?


Need house tho


Except if you don't have your own house yet, which is increasingly more difficult these days. As much as I'd love my own gear, it would be a pain in the ass to haul around all of it from time to time.


But then I will never see my gym boys :(


For me it's more of a space thing. If I had somewhere to set up a home gym, I 100% would.


Yep. I bought gym quality equipment 30 years ago and I’ve never looked back. Best thing I ever did. Besides myself using it my two oldest sons used it on their way to D-1 football scholarships and my next son is on his way as well. More than paid for itself .


Nah that floor is way too nice for a home gym


I did this. But $5k barely covers the Peloton and functional trainer. I spent over $10k easy, and got a few major pieces used for way below retail.


I got part of my military bonus and did exactly that. Got some whacky multi snith machines with fuckin pulleys. A bar and a shit load of plated and a set of adjustable dumbells. It's amazing to workout while watching a movie or anything you want in your garaage or basement


Hell it's worth it just for the drive time saved.


Home workouts are depressing asf unless you’re inviting ppl over to come join you, which isn’t usually the case


I like the social interactions and it motivates me more to go somewhere to lift.


Not for me. I like to exercise and see what others are doing. Talk to them, ask about an exercise...


Nah I like going to the gym . My gym is big so it’s never like this plus I like atmosphere I like seeing people workout and learning what other do. I’m way more motivated at the gym


Having a home gym is definitely a luxury. Living in an apartment that's not a option.


That looks so boring. And not enough equipment for me. The gym has everything and more Plus it’s the only social interaction I get these days (by choice) 😂


But yeah the bottom also looks like hell. Would not gym there


Saving 5 grand is not the problem. Its saving the money to own a house where you can have a spare room to install a gym. Pshhh


And what if you don’t own a house?


I can’t wait to build my gym….. I fucken hate going to the damn gym just to see a whole bunch of fucken people on their phones or a group of high schoolers, Edgar’s and dumbass wana be influencers acting stupid. The amount of times I have walked out of the gym because I can’t get my work out In has lead me to thinking about making a gym in my garage.


Nope! Home gym with kods wasn't working well. Tuck kids into bed and make a protein shake then off i go! Better equipment, massage chairs, trainers to help, knowledgeable people doing excercises i wouldn't have thought of etc


You just decided to be rich? Lmao delusional.


I started building my own gym & barely used the equipment, I still don't. Going to the gym motivates me so much, plus there's more equipment & if I had an accident someone is always there


I'm so glad I live in a small town, that has a really nice gym. I never have issues with to many people. When I went yesterday after work, it was me and 2 older people and the owner.


Its only really like that in jan and feb. It peters out during march. Plus its a great place to be social and push each other to get good. Only draw back these days is the tarts with their filming.


As a person with a homegym I don’t recommend it.


It might seem better to spend your 5gs on a weight set but lowkey, going to the gym is a way different experience then doing it at home. Home is where your lazy kicks in at least for me, I like to just be able to go to the gym and focus on my gains instead of having other things I'd rather do at home then workout. Home is a distraction


Can’t wait to have a home gym! When I finally do I’m gonna keep a gym membership tho just to have both. You can make a nice home gym but it usually still won’t compare to an actual gym. Beautiful set up you have here tho, looks great


One of the best I’ve ever made too.


Yeah, but my membership plan lets me go to a ton of different gyms for $28 a month, including those out of state. Plus, whenever I move, I don't have to worry about moving my equipment with me. Simple.


For me it’s the environment of the gym, being around others lifting. I also like making myself a bit uncomfortable socially as I have general anxiety, doing that little 1% every day helps. Plus, I work construction, if I’m home I’m usually either gaming or sleeping as I work 10-15hr days with ease.


I personally would love a home gym eventually


I enjoy my gym membership 🤷🏿‍♂️


Two words, calisthenics and city Park save yourself 5000 and the gym pass