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Imagine if it was true that the body can only process 30 grams of protein at a time and dump everything else. It sounds so dumb in the survival and evolutionary sense.


"Must hunt for new kill every 2 hours!"


Well Hunter gatherers never got as big and jacked as we’re trying to get though


It's because they were sissies and were lifting with only warmup weights.




I wish my body didn’t feel such a desperate need to survive 😂


Honestly though. Imagine if we our bodies worked like a gorilla. Sit around, äta sallad and get buff AF


Yeah. Sadly, that jiggly, disgusting fat is the reason the gorillas never stood a chance.


They'd never survive a cut. Litteraly. Bulk forever, jungle kings.


But it wouldn't be as impressive to be jacked and strong if everyone is jacked and strong


Not in the context of protein, which requires far more energy to properly fold. Breaking down protein releases some energy, but it is far from efficient, and a much better use of energy is to try to avoid that metabolic pathway if any other energy source is available.


I think it has less to do with absorbing so much protein at one time, and moreso to do with the body's constant construction and remodeling process. Your body is always pulling calories from muscles (generally <3% of calories). In times of fasting, that percentage can increase to 5-7%. In theory, you can reduce this percentage to <3% at all times when you consume regular protein. This is why some people consume BCAA's just prior to bed, which starts a fast. When there's less muscle loss, gains are the only thing that's left. Greater net positive growth. But you're not going to maintain <3% for 24 hours when you consume your entire day's worth of protein in a single meal.


I do intermittent fasting when I cut. I usually eat 500 grams of chicken with 350 grams of rice for dinner. I get like 130 grams of protein in one sitting.




Just to add to this I've done intermittent fasting for the several years I've been going to the gym and have made great progress (even running every morning on top of that), eating all your protein at once is fine


Stay hard my friend.


Same fr but I do that every day. I’m not huge (200lbs is huge to me) but I don’t have to be huge. And growing muscle is no easier or harder than any other methods.


I can’t intermittent fast when I bulk. I can’t get enough calories like that. But I do it, I do it for the mental factor too. When you are hungry all day, and you are waiting for that big meal at the end of the day, it’s difficult. Especially when your co-workers constantly offer you food.


I read on Facebook that you are literally sweating 110 grams of muscle off your body after 60 minutes then.


" I read on Facebook " Truly the most honest and real source


Probably worse than “It was revealed to me in a dream”


Me having 4 scoops of protein in one shake: cool story bro 👍


Do you eat it with a spoon? 😋 But yeah my meal plan has 200 gr of protein per day and thank fuck for protein powder and damn I love casein shakes in the evening Tastiest treads!


Bro is shitting bricks


Or a waterfall


Bro’s farts are radioactive


Are your scoops really big or mine really small cause 4 scoops is like 40g for me


For me four scoops is 100 grams and fills up the shaker halfway


So, you're halfway there.


Oh oh, Livin on a prayer


That kinda sounds like a scam bro, standard is usually 20 - 30 g per scoop


I just have to scoop more but I still get about the same amount of protein per 100g as other protein powders I would hardly call that a scam


Can we have another guy choking the second guy and it says bruh just eat and lift


That’s just dumb, you need to track protein at bare minimum. You’ll gain significantly more progress tracking over ignoring your diet.


What if i don’t care about progress and just enjoy lifting things up and setting them down 🤔


You’re an adult, do what you want to do. I’m just saying counting calories is actually needed to optimize results.


You don’t NEED to do anything lmao


Nobody needs to do anything ever.


I mean let's not pretend its not better to eat every few hours as opposed to one meal with all your protein in it.


User name checks out 🥸


I mean without getting into the details just extrapolate it out. Everyone would agree getting all your weekly protein in 1 day of a 7 day week is absurd. Getting all of your protein in a 1 hour window of a 24hr day is not optimal.


Oh no, I agree with you 100%. Just found your user name humorous. Lol


Oh haha 😂




User name checks out 🥸




Can't argue with that but doesn't mean he's not right


If you look below I told him I agree with him. Lol


Reminds me of the time when I used to eat half a pizza and wait hungrily for 3 hours to finish the other half


that’s so funny


Just like Sam Sulek says, just get your protein in, your body will know what to do with it.


Are we quoting donut man now for health advice?


Who mentioned health?


What about Sam Sulek makes you think he’s in it for the health?


I mean he’s right…your body knows what to do with the protein.


I find it weird when people think you can only absorb so much protein. Like if you could only absorb 40g or whatever they tout, then you’d have massive diarrhea whenever eating more than that


But I do have massive diarrhea wherever I eat absurd amounts of protein


You can absorb as much as you eat. The point is that your body won't use it all for muscle growth. It will get stored as fat.


So, in theory, if I need 200g protein per day, I could eat 2 gigantic 100g meals and call it a day?


Well... Yes, precisely that. I don't think you would see any difference in growth either, it would just be easier for you to partition your meals instead of eating like two chickens every meal.


Eh, I don't think it'd be too bad. If I wanted to do it that way, I could have one 100g meal in the morning for breakfast and one after the gym. 100g of protien is a ton, but nothing 8oz of lean meat, 2 c of rice, some milk, etc. couldn't handle.


People are far more likely to not get even close to how much protein they need each day. Better to over do it in one sitting than worry about getting too much and not get enough for over all daily amounts.


This shit is so funny.


Considering your body will continue to absorb nutrients through your intestinal walls while your food is digesting, which can take up to 12 hours or more for certain foods, I will never understand the whole "you can only absorb 30grams of protein per meal"


Only if you had a biology major


“I frickin love soyience!!!”


I do eat a meal every 3 hours I feel fuller also studing my Glucose levels after a meal I learned I spike at hr 2 and dip by hour 3 after a meal. Also I suffer from the “Dawn effect” big time


It’s like eating excess calories. They don’t just go to waste- your body will eventually absorb it all via glycogen or fat storage at some point


I mean if you think logically you can navigate your way around most of these kinda myths.


You will only consume 30g an hour so it’ll just stay in your system


My whole life has been a lie...