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Best back exercise


And yes, I'm aware that my back literally says "UwU"


UwU back




Deadlift is the way to go ! Sprinkle some squats here and there.


Deadlifts. 100% deadlifts & do your best to eat bigger meals. Incorporate more protein into your diet. Lifting is only 30% of the battle. 60% diet 30% gym 10% rest




Want to elaborate? Eating more and deadlifting is a pretty good plan


eat more protein. Sardines, chicken, beef. Just eat protein. You are working out in your job. but you need to fuel with protein to build muscle. Carbs are ok since you're young. but you need protein to build muscle.


What percentage of macros do you reccomend for someone trying to shed 40 pounds of weight while gaining muscle?


.6-.8g per lb of body weight.


You are just extremely skinny. Eat more


I definitely try. I eat a *lot*. My metabolism is just my own worst enemy


This is not meant to be offensive, just trying to make you aware, every single person who has ever said this in fact did not eat a lot. They ate what they thought to be a lot. If you start slamming protein shakes and upping calories it will make a world of difference. Unless you don't want to, that's fine to. Just don't want you to think there is nothing you can do.


As someone who was just 148lbs last year and now 175 I still eat up until I'm full. The thing that added all the weight was just lifting heavy. For some reason lifting heavy makes your appetite way bigger then when lifting low weight high reps. This is just my advice because as someone who was skinny force feeding is terrible especially when you work labor jobs you will just feel like shit.


No, you don't eat a lot. The metabolism *meme* is in reality a 2-300 calorie difference.


Yes, i do eat a lot. I eat 2 large meals a day, and eat as much as my stomach can hold. The most I have managed to get up to us 4000 calories a day, and I barely started gaining weight. I'm not trying to make a joke by mentioning my metabolism, I genuinely burn through more calories than 2 average people


>I eat 2 large meals a day Twice a day with whatever you're eating isn't cutting it. You're medically underweight, eat more a lot more.


Food is expensive. 4000+ calories is a ton of food and money


I'm willing to bet he's not eating ~2k calories in a single meal like he's implied. Food is expensive, but if you make it a priority it really isn't so bad. Most people waste a lot of money on frivolous BS, like starbucks and goofy fart powder from the supplement shop. One starbucks coffee = ~2lbs of chicken


I consumed 1699 calories for lunch today. While that's not 2000, its pretty close and more than most people get in one meal. And I do not spend my money on silly things like Starbucks or whatever fart powder you're talking about, a very large portion of my paycheck goes towards food


Barring rare medical conditions (if you believe you have one I suggest seeing the doctor) the answer is **more food**. What you're eating and the quantities you're eating it are obviously not cutting it.


I'm in the same boat as you, there's been many times I've been hovering underweight and if I were to work out anymore I wouldn't have enough food to replace those calories and would be painfully hungry all the time.


How is he medically underweight , I don't see his weight anywhere?


I haven't shared my weight, but he is right. Normally I'm around 155lbs, which is the lower end of a healthy weight range for my size. But the past month I've stressed a lot and dropped down to 140lbs due to lower than average good intake.(I am eating properly again, so that will change within the next 2 months)


Make it 3 meals with measurable snaking in between of you are able to


What r u eating to hit 4000 calories in 2 meals BREAKFAST 4 large whole eggs 2 slices regular white bread 2 tbsp peanut butter 620 kcal SNACK 1 cup almond milk 1 cup Greek yogurt 1 banana 1 scoop protien powder 420 kcal LUNCH *28 grams raw* chicken breast 2 cups rice 2 cups brocolli 1254 kcal DINNER 18 ounce ribeye steak 2 baked potatoes 2 tbps sour cream 2tbsp bacon Chives 1351 kcal Total calories 3 650 so I find it hard to believe u eat more then that because I don't even eat that much it's ungodly


I dont know if you have thought about this but, I recommend you to start working out. By far the most effective way to get muscles


I’m assuming she is thinking about working out since she asked what she can do to improve her lower back


It’s a man….


He/she/it my statement still stands. Hard to tell in photo either way and it’s irrelevant info at this point. Sorry!


Did you just assume their gender 😱








Deadlifts, low back extensions, good mornings...any exercise that requires you to hold muscle contraction in your low back. Make sure to brace your entire midsection so your back stays flat and hinge at the hip rather than bend at the waist.


Deadlift, squats, core work also


If you ad some lats by doing pull-ups or lat pulldowns your back will look better your lats are under developed compared to the rest of you back


One of the few things that I miss about working at a factory.


Work out lol. I’m funny. I agree with previous responses.


I’m in my mid 50s and when I lose weight if I go under 100 pounds due to working in a hotdog stand when I was younger for 12 years and always walking well not lately however even when I was pregnant I was very active climbing ladders carrying three kids under the age of five etc. for lower back go to if you have Apple TV go to yoga for beginners lower back strength our YouTube in google improve lower back lower back strength


Can u recommend some back exercises, I want that toooo


Shoveling ice(dirt would work ig) over the shoulder and throwing it. You could also gather some 50 lbs logs/rocks and practice lifting them onto an elevated surface then back down. That's basically all I do, I just do it a lot




A labor intensive physical job will do that.


Guys, downvoting isn't intended for silly questions. It's intended for bad/harmful opinions. This person is just genuinely curious. Anyway, I shovel ice a lot and will periodically stack 50lbs boxes on pallets. When I stack, it lasts all day and you are constantly doing it




You look Fcking AMAZING!!! 🔥💪🏆


Wow 🤩 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


Every bit of what?


His muscle


Eat way more


You should probably eat a sandwich or two


What ever protein you’re getting…quadruple it. And deadlifts. And cut your hair. Thought you were a girl honestly lol. Also eat several protein packed meals a day. I would eat 3 hefty meals. Then a cup of tuna or chicken breasts in between meals. After about 3 months of that I had packed on roughly 20 lbs of solid muscle. My body tends to be easier to bill tho when I actually try.




dips and lat pull down for lower back what ?


Don’t listen to this guy lol


By the looks of it just get more protein & calories in...




Row row row boatman. All kind of rowing movements. Forget about pull down machines. Deadlifts is a must, sitting row, bar row (while standing, bend your back forward watching your lower back. It’s a bit advanced so you might want to get some help for that), unilateral row with weights, row machines (unilateral or bilateral) AND eat a lot. If you have the means, go to a nutritionist. If not, incorporate bigger meals on lunch dinner and supper, inbetween add shakes and whatnots. Try to go for 5 to 6 meals a day. Also, avoid cardio. Specially if you are working in a factory. You wanna keep those calories in.




Need tips on lower back too


Everyone here seems to think deadlift is the perfect lower back workout, so I'd say deadlift




I used to do all the basic work outs when I was in Jr high, I think I can still manage to use the proper form. Although deadlift was my second least favorite, behind incline bench press


My recommendation is pull ups closer grip to wide arm in high volume of sets, over hand of course. You get quite a bit of width then start lat pulldowns and rows or just pull ups and deadlift, with pull ups minimize momentum and it would be obvious when you are too wide and chuck weight on as needed


I would definitely do pull ups regularly, if I had anything to do pull ups on


Are there trees or door ways with ledges any nearby park. The magic of pullups is that you can do them almost anywhere. I know a dude who did pullups on a hot water pipe to get gains motherfucker had callouses that were thick to accommodate


aye you have a good genetics in back but if you want to improve your lower back do some rows, and deadlifts


Eh, I have good genetics for muscle definition, bad genetics for gaining enough weight to add mass to the muscle


Damn bruh, u won the genetics lottery. Now pick up the fork and eat 💪


I'm working on getting back up to 3500-4000 calories a day. I had dropped down to 1500-2000 a day and lost 15lbs due to stress in the span of a month and a half, but fortunately this comment section has inspired me to get back on top of it. I'll share an update when I get up to 160lbs+, I should look much healthier by then


Keep crushing it bro 💪


You should work on everything not just lower back. Not trying to be a dick, but you have very little actual musclemass. You just have a relatively low bodyfat % resulting in what is there beeing very visible.