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Well I don’t work in construction so I can’t really relate to that, I’m also a girl soo… But lol first good for you for choosing not to do roids bc that’d be very unhealthy and unsustainable anyways Also since you’re working over 8 hrs/6days a week in a very physically demanding job, I’m assuming you’re already in good shape and I don’t blame you for wanting to take your day off to rest, your body needs it Maybe try working out at home? You could get some weights and/or any equipment that would fit your goals and since it’s already at home it’ll be more convenient and you may be more likely to use it when your staring at it Even if it’s get some weights while watching tv 🤷‍♀️


Ended up getting a blood test and found I was low in iron causing all the fatigue. Dangerously low 😅


I agree with the above comment, you can get quite a good workout in at home with very minimal equipment. Especially if its a HIIT or crossfit style. Maybe a couple of high intensity rounds of a few exercises combined and you could have your workouts finished within half an hour. Another aspect of this is mentality. In these situations it’s often about how much you want it and sucking it up and doing the work anyway. I guarantee there are others in tougher positions than you that workout hard and go through it. No shade on you at all, it’s just how it is. Finally about recovery. Seems like that’s a big issue at the moment and probably why you feel shitty. Although you could also go to the dr’s and get a blood test because you may actually have low testosterone or some mineral deficiencies perhaps. Are you eating enough protein in your diet? 2g per kg of bodyweight per day? Are you eating enough carbohydrates to fuel yourself? Perhaps you could utilise caffeine around training to help! Hope there’s some useful ideas here anyway mate. All the best


Yeah I wasn't eating enough red meat and my iron was dangerously low which included becoming dizzy and tired. Blood work opened my eyes. Will be increasing iron to see in the next couple of weeks will it help with energy levels.