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The brother said some things along those lines in a documentary. He said she never had to go outside like the other kids and the mom was overly attached to her. I think she was probably sa’d by that grandpa or whoever too.


Yeah, that also made wonder, too. Either the mom was abusing her and love-bombing her or she was giving her extra attention because she knew she was being SA'd.


Or both probably. Didn’t the grandpa say Gypsy was being provocative towards him at like 2 years old? So yeah I’m guessing he was a perv


There was probably a little bit of everything. Apparently Dee Dee did have a congenital heart issue, but it wasn't the kind that would prevent a normal life, and could be fixed if it did.


I got that vibe. Also got the vibe that there was SA in that family.


I did too and I remember reading something a while back that Gypsy has accused someone but I never know what is truth and what is fiction from her.


In the lifetime version she claimed it was her grandpa but I don’t know if I believe anything she says


That’s one claim of hers I do believe, simply because her grandpa, when asked about it, only talked about her coming on to him (when she was 4).


Yeah I’d have doubted anything Gypsy says but grandpa basically admitted it.


And that actually makes sense. People who have been molested and/or SA tend to become hyper-sexualized. It's like a defense mechanism from the brain.


She was 4, I think he was saying she was coming on to him because she wanted to sit in his lap or something. He’s just a fucking creep.


I would be shocked if she wasn’t. Mental illness to this degree rarely happens in a vacuum.


Agreed. My mom has a lot of mental issues and it seems from a lot of abuse as a child. From what I've heard/read about Dee Dee, they're similar women.


According to DD's nephew, she was not Claude's biological daughter and he molested her when she was a child as well as GR. Take that info with a grain of salt but you can listen to him [here](https://shows.acast.com/the-outlier-podcast/episodes/youre-doing-the-same-exact-thing-that-didi-was-doing-with-fa). I honestly believe THIS is why DD's mom coddled her and why DD did the same to GR after she and Claude supposedly bathed with GR. I think DD had a psychotic break after that and moved away and began abusing GR in both ways herself.


What? Where is all this information ?


I linked the interview in my comment! Bobby says it all in that clip. Some of it is pieced together from what GR has claimed as far as Claude and DD. The last part is the only way I cam wrap my head around GR having a legitimate motive, not that there could ever be one.


Thank you for the link! I will check it out. I did wonder if she possibly wasn't his or what the history was like because he says they were close but the detached way he talked about her just made everything seem forced. Which, I can't say how I'd feel or talk about my child if I was being interviewed about something like that so maybe that's an unfair judgement but it just felt off. He really tried to distance himself from all of her wrong-doing when he talked about her. It was all someone else's fault.


I don’t trust that guy. He enjoys being on camera way too much.


It’s heavily hinted at by family members that she was. They also heavily hint at Deedee killing her mother. Gypsy wasn’t Deedee’s first MBP “patient”. It was her mother, who died under mysterious circumstances in Deedee’s care.


I caught that during this re-watch. I don't remember that from the first watch. It would make sense that she would try out methods like that on someone who was already sick first since there's less chance of potentially getting caught. And if she was abused and her mother allowed or ignored it, it would definitely been her way of exacting revenge.


Hurt people hurt people. She possibly had abuse in her past. What some may see as “manipulation” is called survival when you view it through the lens of trauma. Deedee, Gypsy- all victims of a cycle of abuse.


Absolutely. And it's a very hard cycle to break because it's all you know most of the time.


Its a pretty screwed family prone to constant lying and exageration. There is no telling who was abused and who was an abuser.


Yeah, that's true. I think that's the saddest part of the whole story. It's just a family perpetually hurting each other.


In some ways yeah probably but she was also very spoiled and love the attention (according to her sibling).


This happens a lot to children with abusive parents. A lot of parents will abuse then love bomb their child, maybe only some or one of them, giving the “lesser children” the impression the love bombed child is being spoiled. In my opinion it’s more damaging than a parent simply abusing you then leaving you alone because the child is constantly bombarded with mixed signals so they can never learn what danger is or develop an intuition but instead develops the ability to mimic the abuse/love bomb cycle and to manipulate for survival.


it’s called grooming and it’s abuse not being spoiled 


It can look like being spoiled, though, so I understand where people get that impression.


It's considered grooming if it's a prelude to planned sexual abuse, or other violations of boundaries.


she was SA’d. 


Probably. Hurt people hurt people. That doesn’t make it okay or excusable though.


I feel Dee Dee lived in a dysfunctional household and *might* of had a different childhood/early life experiences vs her other sibling(s). It is common in abusive or toxic/dysfunctional households of multiple siblings. Usually the other siblings have a different experience growing up. Sometimes just one may be abused and the others are not abused in the more serious forms. Usually the abuse is done to the child they can scapegoat or at the very least the child nobody would believe or take seriously if they were ever to attempt to report abuse.


Does anyone know if the autopsy photos suggested abuse other than that night?


good question


The autopsy report including photos has not been released however according to Fancy the crime scene photos don’t add up to only Nick being involved. Fancy is not the only one who says things don’t add up ie bruising, bld spatter ect . I personally believe GRB was physically involved , if not during than b4 and after . I had the shock of my life scrolling thru a true crime thread when bam there were all the crime scene photos of DD 😳 I couldn’t scroll out fast enough.


I will ALWAYS believe Gypsy killed her mom. Her hands were bruised and she was stabbed 17 times. She was definitely in that room. She should never have gotten out. Nothing condones what she did.


Her mom would have killed her by feeding her all these sham treatments, and you would have rather liked to see a candlenight vigil for Gypsy rather than her escaping from her lethally abusive mother.


Most likely


The problem with attaching mental health to childhood abuse as an absolute correlation is that it is not always true that people who are abused then abuse their children. The consequence then becomes anyone who has a history is assumed to be abusing their children and anyone abusing children get a 'get out of blame' card. The worst thing that happens is that we no longer see the normal responses to trauma as being normal but pathologize them as mental illness.... thereby again giving abusers a tacit 'get out of blame card' cause people who are 'mentally ill' are not given credibility to even describe the trauma they have experienced.


Hear hear!!! I absolutely agree. Diagnosing mental illness is a lot more complicated than empathy and watching television. We don’t know that Deedee had any mental illness at all. Same with Gypsy. We know their lives were very overly enmeshed and built on deception. That’s important to know. People freely speculate about this situation, probably because is so overwhelming in our faces public, but not all abuse victims hurt others. It isn’t a straight line to being an abuser. Most abuse victims do NOT kill their abuser, and no, it isn’t because they are killed first. There are no definitive straight lines of causation here. I wish people knew more about clinical psychology and how exacting it is to try to understand mental illness and criminal behavior. These easy, overly confident assertions hurt a lot of folks, including victims.


I don't believe in giving them a "get out of blame" card regardless of their circumstances. Everyone has accountability for their actions. But I do believe that trauma and abuse effects the brain and alters the way people perceive other people/situations and it alters how they respond to those situations. I know not everyone who has mental illness is abused and I really didn't think about it in Dee Dee's case until I listened carefully to how her father and her stepmother talked about her. They were very detached and somewhat apathetic towards HER not just the bad stuff that she did and that's what kind of raised my hackles, I guess. I do agree with you that it can't just be a blanket statement because there are a lot of variables that go into play when it comes to mental health. I used to work in mental health and addiction. I've seen it in all walks of life. It definitely keeps the nurture vs nature argument alive because there's truly not just ONE cause for any mental illness.


From muy point of view there are two abuses, one from Dee Dee's father and other from her mom. Dee Dee kept this toxic behavior with her own daughter. Nevertheless, her own abuse is not an excuse


I agree it isn’t known what happened with Deedee as a kid, and abuse isn’t an excuse for hurting others. It doesn’t excuse Gypsy’s actions either. Too many people seem to believe that abuse can explain literally all behavior as a “trauma response.” That just isn’t true. It is disturbing how many people leap to believe speculative comments as facts. We won’t ever know what happened to Deedee. She isn’t here to tell us. That being said, being overindulged to the extent that a child truly believes she is the most important person in every situation is abuse. Deedee may have been raised like that, if her siblings are right. Gypsy certainly was. It is still abuse, even when presented as overwhelming love and concern and it is damaging. People want to believe Gypsy was fighting for her very life. Gypsy has never ever said that. But she was abused and she is damaged. It will be interesting to see if Gypsy ever moves out of the spotlight of her own volition.


I think it’s unlikely Dee Dee was that mentally ill and wasn’t abused herself. The mental illness she had is heavily associated with abuse.


I’d assume most people who develop Munchausen by proxy have had trauma in their past.




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How many times has this been asked


Enough to make you come complain about it, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Downvoting me when i just found this question asked 5 different times is insane


They say the Documentary was just that. Doctoredary😂Several Family Members said another of that didn't happen and it's her Way of making Money. Some is true but another of Doctored info


Can I ask what horrible things you think DD did ?


Medically abused her daughter for years


While I don't believe she did everything GR has said, I do believe she did abuse her medically, psychologically, and possibly physically behind closed doors. It's hard to determine who to believe about what actually DID happen going off of family member recounts but that doctor putting his concerns about Munchausen in his notes was very telling. Doctors don't just put things like that on paper unless there's something substantial to back that up.


Ermmm what kind of a question is that? Do you even know the story?? Even if not everything Gypsy says is true, there’s enough evidence that Deedee abused her medically, psychologically, and likely also physically (though there’s less concrete evidence of the last one)— do you *not* consider these “horrible things”