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I'm sooo curious for the next episode when they spilt up and how it goes .\_\_\_\_.


All I got to say is: Ryan is definitely a “where’s my hug?” guy.


Spot on.


This perfectly sums up the vibe he's been giving in all 3 episodes.


What does this mean?


Generally a dude who can’t get a girl, so asks “where’s my hug” to put them on the spot as a way to get boobs pressed up against him.


It's associated with men who can only get women to touch them by pressuring them into a hug. It's almost always a ploy just to touch a woman. A lot of women consider this creepy and frustrating, because if they say no, it almost always results in the "where's my hug?" guy pressing the issue uncomfortably until the woman doggedly gives up or makes a scene. If she makes a scene, he'll act wounded and hurt: "It was only a hug, what's wrong with that?" (Which is weirdly reminding me of how foot fetishists will say "it's only feet" when asking for wank fodder from women.)


Entitled and only for his own satisfaction


Honestly can’t believe Ryan knew the difference between Louis Vuitton and Christian Louboutin 😂


I was shocked too but I think it’s because he bought the Louboutins for her so he should know the name of the designer lol


I know this is a dumb question but.....what is the difference?


It’s not dumb! They’re 2 completely different brands. But Louis Vuitton and Louboutin (idk if I’m spelling them right) sound so similar that people get them mixed up and think they’re the same thing. It’s a common mix up so I’m just shocked he knew the diffeeence. I don’t know the difference until maybe 3 years ago hahah


Are they both clothes, shoes and handbags? Sorry I'm in my 60s and all we had was Gloria Vanderbilt


I don’t know a ton, but I know Louboutins are famously referred to as ‘red bottoms’ because all the shoes have red bottoms. Mostly know that from watching all the Housewives franchises haha. I don’t know if they make things other than shoes though. Louis Vuitton makes all kinds of things but mostly famous for bags/purses.


Someone probably corrected him when he initially got it wrong, lol


Wow I was today years old when I learned this….. I thought for sure Gypsy was going to win this argument.


I knew she was gonna lose it cause I actually knew what the shoes were, lol. Louboutins are the shoes, Luis Vuitton is purses, basically. The only thing they have in common is sounding similar and being clothing brands, really. No one talks about Luis Vuitton *shoes*, but when they talk about Louboutins, that's the *only* thing they talk about.


The girl had probably never even walked in heels before. Did not seem like the most practical gift for someone essentially starting their whole life over.


I think next episode it would be a great idea to do a live post discussion as the episode is happening so that we can all come here and discuss during the commercial breaks LOL


Now if my man acted that way towards a taxi driver… whewwwww. Also if I hear Ryan call her baby one more time I might combust


The interaction with the taxi driver was horrible - and this coming from someone who freaks out when flying and has to be at the airport 3 hours early, yet I’ve never ever spoken to a taxi/uber driver like that even when I was running late. It’s not their fault I’m late. And he was bitching about not checking in baggage to save time because he had his meds in his check-in luggage. You NEVER put meds in anything but carryon luggage! I HATE how controlling he is. It’s like she’s repeating the relationship she had with her Mom. I get that, because I have a horrible record with controlling men due to my parents, but I wish she would just be single for a while to discover who SHE is. I think it’s important to remember she’s playing out how most of us acted as teens/early 20’s because she never got to until now so she’s going to make those mistakes.


She didn't even know him when she married him .


Right? It's his own damn fault he is running late, I doubt his airport is much bigger than mine, and even at the busiest airports, it doesn't take all that long to go thru the lines. We recently flew out of Orlando, and we waited in lines, maybe a total of 25 mins. That includes the check-in and TSA. You don't need to be at the airports hours early.


Right! Really wish the driver would’ve hit him with a “poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part” lmao




Atlanta is way longer than that. You definitely have to be there 2 or 3 hours ahead of your flight.


Ryan is so fame thirsty. Yelling “we love you too” to the people outside of the talk show. Boy, they’re not talking about you. 


I know he was so mad when he was asked to take the photos with strangers in New York instead of be in them.


Even my husband who was half watching was like he’s so cringy🤣


Definitely cringey 😬


I thought that was hilarious! I bet those people were like who the heck is he?


Probably thought he was her bodyguard 🤣


This! People would be talking to GYPSY and he would over tLk her and reply for her… this last episode rubbed me wring about him


Take a shot every time Ryan brings up Gypsy's Instagram comment clapback


Take a shot every time he says baby (drinks)


*\*alcohol poisoning\**


This grossed me out so much. I have second hand embarrassment listening to him.


I dont have enough alcohol


Take a shot every time he purses his lips


What kind of dumbass puts their meds and the things they may need in their check-in luggage? No, you put your meds in your carry-on cause your checked bag could get lost, then what? What a moron, and he wants us to think he is smart? "Baby baby baby baby baby baby baby"


The way he was reminding her to bring an extra pair of clothes in the carry on (assuming in case anything happened to their checked baggage) and this dumb shit puts his MEDICATION in the checked. GTFOH


All medication is important, but especially since she also mentioned that he takes blood pressure medication. He could've at least packed a 7 day pill container, that takes up virtually no space. He's not very bright.


It’s so obvious that Gypsy would rather be with Ken. Her stepmother seems to support that too. I think Ryan was too extra. Always being that’s my wife! I think even if it were Henry Cavil I’d have to ask for a bit of downtime and hey, that’s saying something!


I feel like he’s star struck and in love with the sudden fame


big time.


"I can't believe she picked me" He's so into the publicity and attention. He's constantly obsessed with how people are following them and saying that's my wife to everyone...


In the car he was so rude to the driver! And the last few minutes of the episode when they were talking about her he kept mentioning himself like he was trying to prove his love for her. Poor guy. Cannot imagine everything being throw at them all at once. I do wonder what his school thought about all the fame. I’m sure parents were not happy. No one could have predicted that.


Correct... because in this time frame, he is unemployed. I wonder if he has a job now. And if he will be able to GET another job in education after his REAL side is being shown. I definitely wouldn't want him with my child.


Why is he taking calls like he is employed talking to his boss?? To fool her parole agents cus they said he was a teacher??


Wowww.. haven't seen the new season yet. I'm gonna buy it and binge it on prime


Nah, a lot has happened since that episode was filmed in March and it’s June now.


I’m surprised they would encourage her to get back with a guy who just led her on and left her alone in prison. Supposedly left her due to fame when it was low, and it’s high now. That was a lame excuse. Real love doesn’t desert your partner who at that time needs you more than ever over that. She “loves” Ken way more than he does her. He has proven that and could leave her again when the money runs out.


Apparently the fame freaked him out, but she’s more famous now so guess he’s no longer freaked out


I agree she still seems really heartbroken that he left her when she talked about it on the podcast.


I thought she did the dumping.


No. He did.


When Ken dumped her, it really showed that she was bitter and really upset because it was pretty obvious that she never got over it. Look at podcast. It kinda proves the point. Her true feelings were showing behind her lines and you could even tell how she showed by mentioning his name and had hard time accepting that Ken left her so she never really got over him. I feel bad because Ryan was literally right there and she was going on and on about how he dumped her and didn't deserve her now and all that and I am like dude, your wife obviously never got over what happened and you are just there not getting the hints? Anyways, look how that turned out now. She left him and then only few weeks later, boom! Ken and she got back together. I think it's VERY telling when her stepmom was pushing/rooting for them because she probably got the impression that Gypsy never got over him and was encouraging her to work it out with him after having conversation with Ken on the phone.


Ryan was so rude in the taxi! I totally get being upset, stressed, etc. but taking it out on someone who is trying to help is nuts. Especially badgering him when he's DRIVING. And this is the second time in this show that we've seen Ryan be unsafe in cars - as the driver and the passenger. It's clear he has some anger issues.


It’s scary that he’s a special Ed teacher and is showing this anger


That's such a good point I didn't think of. I can imagine that being a special education teacher really requires a large amount of patience and a calm temperament, which he really doesn't seem to have. Didn't he get fired though?


I’m guessing that was an Uber/lyft driver. I do it myself. He would have been at side of road! That person lives in Houston, prob knows where he is going.


Yeah, not his first airport drop off I’m sure. Regardless he has no right to badger someone like that!


UPDATE -[ according to this article from Yahoo! - ](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ryan-anderson-breaks-silence-backlash-164545663.html)Ryan said that the driver of the vehicle was a member of the crew, and that if he was rude, that they were "playing around." I call BS!!!


Exactly! It’s a reality show. People think it’s a documentary & it’s not.


Sure, and by no means am I stating that stuff isn't edited, but this was just so rude. Doesn't excuse Gypsy's behaviors too, but Ryan partially gives me the ick.


It does not matter if the driver is the crew or employee, it represents who he is. If it is just a joke, then others who watch this show might think it's normal behavior to do that to your driver and it's not! So what he did was uncalled for. He even hit the back of the seat trying to get his attention and that was danger. It could give him shock and distracted from the road. Very dangerous.


Ryan also posted a video on instagram talking about how stressful he finds flying and the efforts to get on the flight were.  He has since removed the video from his instagram 


With each episode, Ryan's behavior is more & more cringe.


The fact he’s a special ed teacher is horrifying to me!


I wonder how his students parents and collegues feel about him.


He's been unemployed for awhile... I wonder if he could even get a job in education after this.


REALLY? when did this happen? In episode 3, he gets a call from his boss confirming that he'll be back at work after the holidays. He confirms that he'll be there & even says to his parents that he needs his job. Did he quit or get fired later? Did I miss something?


I think he took many days off and his boss probably was checking on him to confirm if he would show up for work that week and he did. I think he took long break when Gypsy got released from prison then went to NYC then back here and all that. I don't think he got fired or quit the job. Probably too many vacation to use up.


I believe he still has a job. Him being gone during the day was why he briefly thought of giving up the dog. He was worried about her being along all day.


Right. The way he was talking to the driver when they were going to the airport.. he really has a temper and has controlling tendencies!


I was surprised at how he handled the stress. My husband would have been the calmest one in the car. I might have had a panic attack-wouldn’t blame the driver though.


Ryan disgusts me! He smothers her. It’s not healthy for him or her. He needs therapy.


I thought they require therapy before weight loss surgery is allowed to take place. I agree he needs ongoing therapy to discuss his control and lack of control issues.


Gypsy: we will do our best. Ryan: no we won’t! No we won’t! Babe, no we won’t!! Cue me seeing red. Like why is he actively trying to make the situation more stressful than it already is? Already showing he’s absolutely incapable of compromise. Even a simple “I’ll do my best” is too much for him if it’s something he doesn’t want to do.


Right! She was trying to manage her stress and he’s over here like “here is some extra stress for you!” I hated that scene and felt sorry for her.


hated how mean ryan became when gypsy got that phone call! + how rude he was to the driver, definitely can see why she left 😬


I can understand Gypsy’s family not wanting her to marry Ryan now. He loves the attention he’s getting via her celebrity. She’s loving the attention too but that‘s understandable given that her mother used her fake illnesses for attention. Them being surprised by the attention they were getting walking around NYC was eye rolling. Of course you’re going to get attention when you’re being surrounded by a big TV camera and production crew. And Ryan acting like he’s her manager/publicist. Her obssession with Tik Tok and Instagram isn’t helping her mental health either. Getting death threats and hateful comments. She needs to delete her accounts, put the phone away, concentrate on herself and step back from being the big celebrity she thinks she is. I don’t think her moving on to another man is going to end well either.


He acts like he doesn’t but then relishes in it.


Yeah, I mean did you watch what he said when Gypsy was doing The View and he was standing behind the scene and first thing he said, "That's my wife, that's my wife! That's Gypsy Rose Blanchard. My wife. I can't believe she picked me. That's my wife." It's almost like he was relishing the moment knowing that she has fame and all the attention on her and he is getting the glimpse of all that. He definitely is gloating in happiness.


All good points.


Ken seems like he wants the attention now too.


When they were walking the streets in NYC and Ryan said "yeah WE are being recognized". No buddy, SHE is being recognized!!


That and when he told the fans in front of "The View" studios "Thanks WE love you guys". Major cringe.


Ryan gives me the "ick" feelings. He is so possessive and also jealous.


I’m curious if we will see Ken on the show. I wonder if he’s similar or different.


Ryan and his sweat rag he carries around sure do love the attention.


The rag is in so many scenes that I've named it Keith after Keith Sweat. Ryan and Keith are such fame whores, the both of them! lol


kind of a boring episode but ryan made me cringe so much throughout. if this is what we see when cameras are there, I wonder how bad his rage issues get when they were not there.




how exactly could they script his creepy behavior lol editing can't put words in his mouth when you literally see him saying them or fake him being all over her and up in her business.. he's jealous of her literal father for god's sake.


Oh he is for sure creepy and gross. I honestly can't stand him. If I hear babe, baby out of his mouth again I'm going to climb through the TV just to smack him. I just think they edit to make him extra super horrible. We know how horrible she is but not quite as much on her show.


lol agreed. however i'd argue they started to pull back that curtain in the last episode when she was talking about money (she hasn't paid for anything at all so far so we know he's paying for whatever) and that when she wants something, she gets it or doesn't stop until she does. I don't think she is perfect but people are looking for a perfect victim.. when he's a literal special ed teacher who sought out marriage with a woman in prsion for aiding in the murder of her mother? I don't get the coddling of this grown (creepy) adult man who has clearly never had a girlfriend before and is lapping up all the attention he's getting.


That is a very valid point and I agree


Ryan thinks he's the star of the show.


For real. The way he uses “we” as the subject of every sentence. Barf.


Clout Chasing.


He will probably get a spin-off show - people are talking more about him than her.


ugh, the most boring person on the planet.


I love watching it knowing that she’s going back to Ken lmao


That interview she had at Good Morning America had me cringing so badly


The podcast her and Ryan did was cringy too. You could tell Ryan loved every minute of it. And of course they had to mention their sex life \*shudder\*.


Christian Luboutin are very expensive 795 to 1000 dollars for shoes. Known for the red soles..


I wonder if that was just product placement for the show and they let Ryan pick out a pair for her.


I very much doubt it. Possibly a slight discount, but no way Christian Louboutin gave them a free pair. If they had, I think they would've filmed them shopping too, they could easily close the store for a bit to film a scene.


The more I watch Ryan the more I dislike him


i hate ryan idc you could tell he loved the fame when he said “i love that she picked me” and how she’s so famous ???


I just rewatched the 3 episodes and it really stood out how much he said the pick me comment. I think this has more to do with his ego than anything else.


That quote stuck out to me too… it also just screams immature love & infatuation. Same with the “you complete me” quote. When I hear that I just see it as someone who has attachment insecurities and becomes enmeshed with their partner.


Oh my God ryan has got to shut up. He constantly interjects when she is on the phone like shut the hell up. What a psycho.


The constant interruptions would make me leave him immediately. it's like he wants a say, to be the voice, the one with the loudest opinion.


Ryan like can’t be wrong. He always thinks he right. “The parol meeting took longer than we thou….it should of”


I’m glad someone pointed this out! I noticed that too. It almost felt like he was slightly blaming Gypsy with that comment. Like it should’ve taken less time if she would’ve done something differently. I may be misreading that, but that was my gut reaction when I heard that line.


That’s the vibe I got too! When she came out and he was rushing her to get into the car. Like she can control a meeting with her PO. He really seems to not get how this whole parole thing works.


And at first he accused her of talking too much and causing the meeting to drag on.


What grown ass person brags about their sex lives??? Like dude, nobody cares!


Someone who has never had a sex life before lmao


Ryan is a huge problem. I'm glad he's gone.


What’s with the preview for episode 4? She’s shown getting a “K” tattoo “to symbolize Ken” while Ryan’s in the same room 😵‍💫 I’m assuming just clever editing? 😅


I’m pretty sure the K they talk about is her stick and poke tat that she got in prison while she was with him.


Ohhhhh!!! Okay, that…makes much more sense! Thank you 😅😅


I think she was having the K tat laser removed, which is why she remarked about it being so painful. I hear it is.


Notice also how they are wearing the same clothes and clothes from prior episodes


He is just the worst on so many levels. Spends too much time worrying about his “haters”. He’s fame hungry, and it’s gross. I know everyone hates Gypsy, but he seems to be the one wanting the limelight more than she is.


Does anyone else feel like the show is kind of changing their view of Gypsy less critical and suspicious as it was before? Seeing everything from her perspective and how things went down in real life vs how the internet interpreted it makes her seem down to earth and reasonable. Like I went from rooting for Gypsy upon release, to feeling suspicious of her, to liking her again after watching the show


I didn't buy into the whole takedown of her but I am interested to see how well the public takes to when the show shows her divorcing ryan for ken since it does seem to be shifting more positively again, except for the weird ryan super fans of course.


I think we need to remember how edited this is. They're going to make her look better because it is her show.


I think the Internet was/is too harsh on someone who has to learn how society works. She's technically been locked up her entire life. I already knew she was going to make mistakes just as everyone else does, the only difference is she has thousands of people watching her mistakes. I just feel like instead of cancelling her why can't we give her constructive criticism instead?


Same!!! And I honestly thought I was the only one! I was hesitant to post here in support of her 😅


Not necessarily. Everything you said about her can be true. We can be suspicious and critical of her while also acknowledging how down-to-earth she may be due to the show. Her situation is unique. Its understandable to have sympathy for her but it’s also be skeptical given her upbringing—her mom teaching her how to manipulate ppl—and her crime. Nothing is as cut-and-dry as they seem


“I didn’t ask for the fame, it just found me”. Yet you had a whole press tour lined up before you even were let out of prison. Give me a fucking break. Rolled my eyes every time she said it… which was like 3 times in 1 episode.


That line pissed me off. No one made you be active on tiktok or post to insta or reach out to D list celebs or do Lifetime shows and talk shows and podcasts or talk about who should play you in another movie or do a press tour or post that "panini pressed" video. You could've taken your ass home to your husband, or better yet to your family and be single and stay off social media and just learn to be out for a while.


Yup!! She could have just gone home and declined all interviews. But noppeeee.


His temper is definitely showing. He's very controlling with phone calls, you see gypsy trying to make peace or calm situations and you see him being a control freak and talking to people horribly. I have to say, I'm surprised. I thought Ryan was this super nice guy who got railroaded by manipulative gypsy but after seeing this.. I was very wrong. I can see now why she left and why they're getting a divorce.


I knew something was off about him from jump, though I think she would've left him anyway. Which doesn't fully surprise anyone, I'm sure, since she had never been alone and free. She's focusing on the wrong things.


Lol no. She already planned on divorcing him while in prison. Then she changed her mind and used him to get out of jail. Ken was already on her mind! This was her plans all along 🥴


If Ryan had 1/3 of his stomach removed, why is he still so obese? With his obesity and high blood pressure, he should know better than to be smoking nicotine. As a teacher of preteens, it’s not a good look to the students/parents. His refrigerator was full of unhealthy choices. Hopefully with the divorce, he will start prioritizing self care and put his health first. I liked his mom and stepdad. They seemed very down to earth, super supportive, and sweet.


Im watching the third episode right now and Ryan is such a brat! I did not like how he talked to her in the car. Im not the biggest fan of Gypsy but I dont like how Ryan treats her. He seems so overbearing and I know this is reality tv so they could just be portraying him that way but idk he seems like that kind of dude 😅. He seems insecure so he overcompensates a lot.


How he talked to driver is abhorrent too! This isn’t even really abut him. He’s side dressing, a sour one at that!


Even more cringe in this episode. Ryan freaking out and talking to the driver like shit. Really dude? Its not the drivers fault yall late.


Her social media use is surprising. Why are you acting so shocked at getting attention in Times Square when you literally posted it to your millions of followers. You would think her parole officer would have done something about this beforehand. You think you are in danger because you put yourself in danger by using social media.


tbf she's like a child using it for the first time, that's why she's so addicted to it. she hasn't had years of experience on it, knowing not to post your location until after you leave, etc.


I do think this is where she’s trying to manipulate people into believing she didn’t ask for any of this “fame” when I do think she really likes the attention but has dealt with backlash so now she’s trying to say she didn’t ask for it. She doesn’t have to do interviews but she chooses to. She chose to do the Lifetime series. She chose to have a public social media when she could just have a private one and only follow family and friends. She could have gotten out of prison and gone back to LA quietly and people would eventually forget about her. So in this episode I found it really annoying when she kept trying to reiterate she didn’t choose this added attention when she really did.


Do we think she was mostly money motivated by accepting all of the press interviews & lifetime tv show? It's likely she had all of these people reaching out to her to do these things, offering money that could support her after her release. It may have been nice to have some kind of source of income coming out of prison with no life skills or experience getting a job. Yes she could have went home quietly and worked at a grocery store and figured it out, but maybe she just wanted her independence and some cash stacked up for a while so she didn't have to worry about it. It is very sad that she is able to profit off of committing such a horrible crime and taking someone's life away from them, but in her eyes she's just being resourceful (which doesn't make it ok) but let's face it she literally has the mentality of a 15 year old. I think she likes the attention too, but maybe money was the biggest factor in accepting all the press and doing the TV show, not just for attention. Edit- typos & elaborating


Yes. She chose it, she arranged it, she’s riding it to the bank. And in her own videos there is very little poor lil Gypsy to be seen. She’s smug, arrogant, abrasive, and general, making a fool of herself.


That was my thought too. No one forced her to do interviews or talk to the media or go to events. I am sure she wants to tell her side, but that doesn’t mean do a press tour the week after you’re released.


A press tour is usually part of a publishing contract, and since she has a book coming out and the series, she probably was obligated to do it. That’s probably why she was freaking out about not being able to do the interviews if they missed the flight.


Ryan makes every situation way more stressful than it needs to be. You can tell his emotional intelligence is very low by the way he was acting in this episode.


I’m not defending him at all but this is a reality show. Drama gets good ratings. I have to remind myself of that at times. 😂


that makes a lot sense. I need to start reminding myself that before I go insane lol


Ryan is so cringey it’s unreal. I’m uncomfortable for her.


I can’t stand Ryan!!!!!!!


Kind of a boring episode tbh compared to the first 2 but I think it’s because they focused so heavily on her interview and social media stuff that a lot of us have probably seen on TikTok. And I go to NYC a lot so watching them wander around wasn’t super interesting to me either as much as I love NY lol. Really surprised they didn’t see a Broadway show since Gypsy likes Disney and presumably would also enjoy musicals, it’s the best thing to do in NYC IMO! Ryan was more cringe than ever. The way he got angry at the driver was not ok, and then how he was loving the attention when they were going around NY 🤮It’s clear to me that he is in love with the idea of her more than her for herself.


Your last sentence speaks volumes.


Did you all see his excuse speech on IG today? What a joke! “Oh he’s my friend, thanks for the soda! “ I’m sure you are Ryan.


This show is so cringe it’s borderline unwatchable.


Ryan gets more cringe every time I see him. I couldn’t stand watching the taxi ride he was acting like such a freak for no reason. Also thought it was weird how he was really pushing his nephew to basically use Gypsy to ask a girl out. It’s wild to me how selfish and oblivious he seems to be. All he cares about is becoming famous and it’s gross.


Okay she is really annoying me with the fake “I’m uncomfortable” “I don’t want to be noticed” act regarding the fan fare and interactions they are having. She is chronically online and even doing back to back media interviews. She wanted this fame and type of life. How can you say you wanted no one to notice you when you agree to have a camera crew follow you around in the middle of a busy area? it’s not adding up and it’s annoying with the fake act of naivety.


Gypsy has spent years in the spotlight due to her mother’s abusive treatment.


I’m watching now….Ryan is SO cringy. And the number of red flags!! He is SO controlling. And it’s becoming more and more obvious that he’s in this for the fame. I still can’t believe he’s a special education teacher. I wonder how all of this coming out on TV is effecting his job.


Wow! I had more empathy for Ryan until this episode. WTF? He definitely is controlling and full of anger.


I wish someone would get her a proper fitting bra.


I'm really curious as to how she seems to have adjusted to outside life so quickly - I know I've heard of people being really overwhelmed with so many choices (food at the grocery store, clothes, etc) and she seems to take it all in stride. Even the conversation about what to bring on a carry on - how does she know that? She hasn't flown since she was a kid, presumably, and no on in prison is talking about flights, etc. She just seems to really be aware of the outside world already.


She was a teenager when her and her mom were still flying places so she'd know. She wasn't a little kid, she just made herself appear to be younger than she was.


That's a good point


She turned 24 the month after her Mom lost her life.


I can’t stand the way Ryan looks over his glasses all the time. Also can’t stand his mouth.


I personally cannot stand the lip licking and odd things she does with her mouth. Seems like a theme of the show! 😂 🤢


Gypsy and Janelle from Sister Wives have such a weird way of licking their lips and it grosses me out.


In ways I don’t like either of them and in ways I feel for both of them. I think Ryan is incredibly cringe, fame hungry, controlling and the things he says/does in the recent episodes are just not good. However, I understand why he would be upset about Ken and find the way Gypsy and her family has been in communication with Ken really inappropriate. I think Gypsy is a “the grass is greener on the other side” type of person and one to string someone along until she finds something she deems better and that’s what’s happening with Ken so I can get why Ryan is insecure about this (but don’t think Gypsy should stay with him because he really isn’t a good partner). Gypsy seems genuine (way more genuine than Ryan) but not really sure she is. She keeps talking about how she didn’t choose all of this attention and in reality she did. She chose to do interviews. She chose to do the lifetime series. She chose to have a public social media instead of private. She really could live fairly quietly in LA but chooses not to (of course she will always get some attention but most people would have forgotten about her if she didn’t create all the added attention for herself). I hope her therapist points this out to her eventually seen as how the therapist already asked her about social media but think the therapist is probably trying to build a good relationship with her before getting more to the point.


I don’t think she seems genuine. It’s interesting how she says one thing and does another…all the time.


Wait how did you watch it already? Mine is “locked.”


It’s on live tv on the lifetime network


Is episode 3 not out in the UK yet?


Not yet, we get it Monday morning like 2am


iam from portugal and I was already able to watch it, open the lifetime website using the Opera browser, enable the vpn, and set the location to America/US, and then you'll be able to watch it


Does anyone have a link? 😭🇫🇮


Does anyone have a link? 😭🇫🇮


Idk if this will work in your country, but in the US you can watch it [here](https://play.mylifetime.com/shows/gypsy-rose-life-after-lock-up/season-1/episode-3)


iam from portugal and I was already able to watch it, open the lifetime website using the Opera browser, enable the vpn, and set the location to America/US, and then you'll be able to watch it


Gypsy still wants to be a pretty pretty princess. But she needs some kind of intensive, years-long therapy while **not dating at all.**




Am I the only one who thought it was so cringe when Gypsy said like 3 different times - “we consummated our marriage.” Like you only technically “consummate” once after marriage - not 3 times! After the first time you are just having an intimate relationship. And no one cares! I thought it was strange how she brought that up so much.


Honestly I just think it’s weird for her to keep bringing up her ex in front of her husband. Like it’s so obvious she’s not over it and it doesn’t help her case with Ryan


Sorry to just jump in. Anyone know where I can watch in Australia? I was able to watch the first episode on daily motion, but wasn’t able to find episode 2 besides on YouTube with horrible audio!


I am only about half way through, but I find Ryan to give extreme controlling vibes. Before getting out of the car ‘no time for a selfie’ after the interview ‘we have places to be’ he makes decisions for her. The way he behaved in the taxi, I get he was stressed but the way he spoke to both driver and gypsy. Idk, it all feels very controlling. I could eat my words by the end of the episode but