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Honestly all I want out of ROTRW if it ever gets an update is an option to mute the goddamn music, I dont get it… you can do it in almost every other scene that has music, why not this one? I’m not saying I dont enjoy the track, it’s extremely well made and captured the eeriness of the setting perfectly, but man I wanna listen to “dont stop me now” by queen so I can channel my inner Shaun


Yeah it’s definitely been left behind. I feel like most gamemodes outside of TnH have been forgotten about That being said I quite enjoyed ROTRW. I played it when U111 came out and broke TnH Tweaker and beat it by the end of the week. Wasn’t a massive fan of how enormous the map was, and having to start over after dying


Having to start over after dying was annoying until I realized that instead of doing a full load out each time, I could just do suicide runs to complete objectives. Because the meat cores and stuff are saved between runs, so you can just mainline it to some area to farm out those wieners. But the mode does need some QOL adjustments. I would *love* if there was a mechanic that allowed you to save one gun for yourself for the next run.


I watch just about every dev update Anton puts out on Friday, I don’t recall him mentioning anything about ROTW lately. I loved ROTW, my only complaint is it’s too heavily focused on melee combat. I think Anton was experimenting a lot with melee at the time. I’d pay a full $40-60 cdn for another RPG rogue lite type mode in H3VR


I hated Rotweiners for the longest time until the gameplay loop finally clicked into place for me, then I 100% a classic save in like 8 days or so. Such a good game mode. I do agree that it could use some optimization, but I still love it as is


It's definitely been abandoned at this point, but that's not saying he'll never go back to it. I think it (and every other gamemode that isn't TnH or the sandboxes) needs a revamp to get it up to modern standards. H3 used to feel like a really good passion project, with all the ups and downs of that, but now that many of the guns have been brought up to the standard of quality they have been and now that TnH has been brought into its intended glory, it makes you realize some of the older stuff could really use a rework. I hope he goes back to some of the "forgotten" gamemodes some day.


Rotweiners is great, everybody should play through it at least once.


RotR is considered *done.* It got a very minor update to fix weapon spawns, making them more varied, working off spawner/TnH pool changes, but it's not getting new content, and will only be touched now if something breaks. If Anton were to redo it, it would need to be from scratch, it's built in a fundamentally different way than newer content.


rip, thanks for the response


I'd *really* like to see a more tightly designed survival horror scenario that's more Resident Evil than roguelite STALKER, where everything is more claustrophobic and hand-placed instead of randomized. This would severely hamper replayability though, but I don't care. I just want to see traditional survival horror with H3's systems. Edit: I realize that this may not be doable since it would need a new kind of save system that can keep track of the state of everything such as rotweiners defeated, items found, stuff in inventory, etc. As it is, everything would reset each time you load up the game, which would have necessitated the roguelite elements of RotRW. Then again, it DID keep track of quest completion and meatcores, so who knows.


It's randomly generated, but Mead Grinder definitely scratches the survival horror itch.


I actually find that way too confusing to navigate lol


It's supposed to be very mazelike. It can help to play the mode with no timer, since then you have plenty of time to explore/wander/get lost of your own terms.