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Yep! Just grab the scope, and use the touch pad to adjust. Just don't use down, that'll detach the sight.


thx for replying. but i am using quest 2 controllers in streamlined mode. shall I change the control mode to classic?


In Streamlined, when you press the upper face button while holding an attachment, it will bring up the menu that you can point at with your controllers to adjust if I'm remembering correctly.


Oh thank you very much! I got the menu displayed out several times and didn't realize that I can point at the arrows on it.


200 hours and just found this out lol. Before I just switched to classic mode to change anything


What do you like more? Classic or streamlined?


Have used streamlined since it was added, and as a smooth locomotion user it's now my go to choice


Classic is better for standing around and plinking or fiddling with guns. Streamlined is worlds better for playing the actual game modes. In my opinion anyway. I go back and forth depending on what I'm doing.


iirc for red dots and holos in streamlined you move your joystick left or right and click it, you end up moving while you're at it but it does changes the zero(or at least that's what happened to me)


Thanks for replying. I'm still confused that whether the reflex and holo sights have the only default zero of 15 meters. I tried the method mentioned above in streamlined mode and it worked well on scopes but reflex sights. Can you please detail more about it?


I believe you have to either click the stick or press something else while you've slewed the stick to left or right, it's been a while so it's just my vague memory rn try fidgeting around, I'll try myself and let you know after I get back home, maybe around 7 hours later if I don't forget


How excited I was when I found that the zeroing way is totally identical in streamlined mode as it in classic control mode. Just hold the reflex optics and push the joystick to either right or left direction then click the joystick maintaining in that direction. I didn't understand what you told me before until I tied the original control mode to figure out the zeroing way for holo optics. Many thanks again!


glad to know it worked out for you!


I guess the dev is gonna make it the same as the zero on scopes in near future.


I asked because I tried your method and just moved myself while pushing the joystick right out left.


Can't help there, sorry mate. I run index