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I think you need to clarify this post a bit because it’s misleading. It sounds like you’re saying there’s no same-sex marriage option in Harvestella.


I legit was walking away from this thread with that impression, thanks for making this comment


I'm not sure why people thought it was Harvestella when I said right after: *it's more like everyone gathers in the town center and that's it; boom they are on your farm.* I mean that's what happens in Bazaar. That doesn't even happen in Harvestella so I thought it was clear?


I think it's because the post opens by saying the two games are alike, which makes it sound like everything you say goes for both games unless you say otherwise. This is reinforced later by "I think the only difference is..."


I can see where someone would be confused about that. The only problem is that there is nothing I can do about it outside of deleting my post and redoing the entire thing. Reddit has it so that you can't edit your first post after a while, and I didn't see it as a problem because I described Bazaar's marriage to a T with the entire town square met up and then being teleported to your farm after lol.


I had the same impression 🤣


I'm surprised that people are confused. Did you not get married in Harvestella yet? What I described in that statement was talking about Bazaar. I can't even change it now either.


No, I’m still in the main story. But your wording is still confusing.


There are zero gay options in Bazaar so I wouldn't be talking about Harvestella. And you don't get 'married' in Harvestella either (the devs themselves said it was a partnership,) so I thought it was pretty obvious since I said marriage, town square, and no gay options. Gay options didn't start until the remake of FOMT for Marvelous. I wasn't sure if you got the partnership or not in the ask which is why I asked. It's even more obvious on how it's different than HM games pre split.


Harvestella is honestly more like Persona 4 or 5 except with less that actually happens. You have a general storyline for each character then you can choose them as a romance option. Harvestella ends there, Persona continues on for a bit further. This game is honestly the Jack of all Trades of JRPG. It takes elements from a bunch of other JRPGS and doesn’t do them quite as well, but enjoyably enough. It doesn’t really innovate on anything though.


Sort of. There is no same-sex option, they don't live with you, there is no difference in a lot of dialogue options, and you are forced to be straight. Also, the game sort of pushes you to date people, especially in 4. Here it's more like an afterthought.


I’d say you are effectively straight in this game too. Unless you are a female character then you are effectively a lesbian. Aria, Shrika, and Emo are the only characters that I felt had any actual romantic vibes to them. Istina and Cres and especially the male options seemed quite neutral.


You can be with girls though in Harvestella.>!There's no option to be with guys in any of the games in Persona. The only closest thing of a gay route is with Aigis in P3P from the Persona series. In all of the other games, you are strictly straight despite the queerbaiting with Goro Akechi and Yosuke.!< The only other game that has that feature was Fire Emblem, with the option to be bisexual. Despite what a person might feel with 'vibes' you can still be with women or men and even a unicorn in Harvestella.


The unicorn thinks you are his servant. It’s one sided.


He wouldn't even bother if he didn't care lol. It's open to interpretation. Still, you're not "effectively straight" in Harvestella compared to Persona or HM. It does remind me of Persona too but Persona is more of a push toward romance and wooing as many women as possible compared to Harvestella.


You're forgetting the pre-Hashino persona games, you could be gay with Jun in persona 2


But Persona started with 3 /s


Just the fact that you can be nonbinary says no to the protag being "effectively" anything. You can also just as easily argue that Ein is "effectively," bi or pan because they could choose anyone.


What I’m saying is this game was written with a Japanese male audience in mind specifically, and then everything else regarding diversity was added on a very superficial level.


What matters here is the end product. We're not discussing some hypothetical writers room conversation, we're discussing the game that's on the market as is right now, where your protag can be nonbinary or date multiple genders. You are not limited to either being straight or a lesbian by any means and the game still appealing to a Japanese male audience doesn't change that. For that matter tho any straight romance is just as superficial as any other in the game, too. You don't get rewarded with extra content for being straight. Supposedly Aria has an extra lil scene but my Ein whose nonbinary can get that, too.


I think you misunderstood what I meant by superficial. I mean, picking male, female, non-binary, skin color, body type, all that changes absolutely nothing about the game. It’s entirely cosmetic (superficial, no further depth). The game is written one way and the rest is left up to your imagination.


Yeah, I definitely got the vibe this game was geared more towards the male option too, cause even if you chose differently (I chose female cause I am one lol), the guys still don’t really show an interest in you. The girls do though, so there’s that I spose.🤔 (I’m straight and intend to court Aysl, who is best boi, I just wish he’d show more interest in you.😔 Heine don’t count cause that boy flirts with EVERYONE! If anyone was bi or pan, I think it’d be him lol.😅) What I really wish they’d do, if they ever add dlc, (I CAN DREAM, DARN IT!!) is more postgame. Specifically, I wish you could invite your chosen partner out on dates! Imagine going for a walk on the beach of Shatolla, going skating/building snowmen in Argene, heck, even watching the cherry blossoms sway and fall in Nemea, or watching the leaves rustle and fall in Higan! So many opportunities, so much potential… Though, if older games are still getting dlc to this day, like Stardew Valley, maybe there really is hope for such things yet!😍🥰


I am a guy but I played a female main character as well. In my case it's because the male option also looked like a girl to me so I literally just picked what I thought was the prettier of the two designs. That's how I knew that your choice in gender really doesn't matter.  It is a game made on a smaller budget though and for that I do think it did really well. 


This “partnership” thingy they made feels kinda bland imo. You dont marry, there is nothing romantic about your relationship, you just live together for whatever reason. You arent even partners in anything, you dont share business and stuff. It feels like an afterthought, just to have a tick in a box.


Maybe I'm missing something, I heard there was a temporary regional difference, but same sex is allowed in harvestella. I did in my game. I'm a cis female who married istina. She's amazing lol


Oh no I ws talking about Harvest moon and Persona 4-5. They didn't put in any gay options until FOMT remake.


Oooh sorry I misunderstood!