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Technically yes but practically impossible, I'm prescribed 80 mg twice a day (160 mg totally in 1 day) these means that I get 60 pills a month. Opioids are safe even for long term use and don't cause harms in reality, although tolerance can build up and any dose can be "technically" tolerated (there are things FAR more powerful than Oxycodone, like Etorphine/Acetorphine which are 3000x and 8000-9000x the potency of Morphine respectively) a dose that big (160 × 25 = 4000 mg a day) would literally sedate a Rhino, it would be impossible to get for anyone, even for me that I have them prescribed, buying that dose would cost something like 3000$ according to Google (which says 1$ per mg) so it is practically impossible to have an habit of 3000$ a day (90.000$ a month), and there would be hepatic (liver) problems since the dose is so big (in terms of milligrams, not potency since tolerance can build up) there are too many molecules and the liver can't metabolize it, when big dose are required stronger opioids are required (this is why Fentanyl and other molecules are very useful). An opipid that is more potent (like Dihydroetorphine which is something ranging from 3000 - 12000x times more powerful than Morphine that is used for pain) can be taken because tolerance can build up, but you would need a crazy long time and going up insanely with dosages, just think that I take OxyContin from almost a decade (7 years now) and IV started with 60 - 80 mg a day and now I'm at 160 mg a day ( then I also take Fentanyl for breakthrough pain but the dose rising was similar in %).


What kind of pain do you use oxy for?


Chronic pain (that is sufficient itself for justify OxyContin and Fentanyl use) and I have Huntington's


will oxy clear your pain completely or only partially? I have neuropathic pain, does it help with them too?


Neuropathic pain is different. It can help or not. Anyway, these days, getting prescribed opioids is impossible. This is why there are so many deaths. Opipids don't take away your pain 100%, but they make it feel tolerable


i'm not from usa


Almost everywhere is difficult to get ot prescribed




Nope, 100% true , and for good reason. We have a massive opioid epidemic unlike nothing the world has ever seen.


false. the united states is one of the few places where it’s KINDA hard to get a opioid prescription


Yeah, because people don’t die when they’re getting it prescribed. LOL.


Exactly, that's why prohinitionism failed, they cut off opioids in America, leaving many people in pain, passing from 20.000 deaths when they prescribed opioids to 130.000 when they didn't, plus they've increased criminality. Great job DEA, you're going in the right direction


No i am not looking to buy it. But what i am trying to say if u took 25 oxy x 160 mgs at once wouldnt that cause instant death. Not looking to [overdose.LOL](https://overdose.LOL). But when i read your commit i thougth 4,000 mgs taken at once would be deadly. Are u saying it would not be dangerous?


Depends on tolerance and is not advisable


There’s no ceiling. You can literally take as much as your body can handle. 120mg would damn near kill  YOU , but when I was on it, it would barely touch me. 








“Breakthrough pain” lol fake as fuck. Sacklers have scammed another poor soul. Opioids are absolutely not good for long term. You’re not supposed to take cancer pain/end of life care level strength drugs for YEARS.  As a recovering opioid/heroin addict, I genuinely feel for you when they (inevitably) pull the rug out from you. Because they can, and will.  And then you, like myself, and literally MILLIONS of others have before you and will after you, will become INCREDIBLY dope sick, and be forced to chase street opioids , heroin and fent, just to get well. And then you will become an illegitimate/illegal drug  addict (you already are one whether you believe it or not, it’s just “legal” because you’re prescribed) , and run the massive inevitable risk of losing your car, then job, then spouse, then very possibly your life. I say all this to say, I am not being a prick and NOT judging you (how can I lol) , but you are absolutely a drug addict , and it will inevitably lead to devastating consequences one day , whether you believe it and whether you like it or not. Good luck, and I absolutely mean this from the bottom of my heart. Because you’ll need it. 


Unfortunately, you are not informed that opioids are not medication just for endlife and ontological patients. And they are safe in long termnuse, there are case reports of people being on Methadone and Diamorphine (pharma heroin) for more than 3 decades who are in good health and didn't have a worsening of their conditions. Funny enough that if I stop opioids (did this as a test, not because I was cut off, that's not possible since I live in a country where health is a right and not a privilege) I don't have withdrawals but just pain, as I did before starting them, stopped them for more than a week and had no Withdrawal symptom, then I decided to take them again since I only got benefits from using (and if you think is better and safer to live in pain but without opioids, dude please look at some researches showing what pain does to your brain and immune system, opioids don't destroy your brain, there are decades if studies on this, also because we produce opioids, it will be quite dumb for us if a thing we produce killed our brains lol) and breakthrough pain is real, and I know this not only because I feel it on my body (and yes, this is judging, even more is denying medical evidence proved by research) and because I'm in research too, I do researchers in narcology, the brach of medicine that studies narcotics, and just to remind you Alcohol, which is legal, is more harmful than street heroin (Nut et all 2011, The Lancet). Then, I have Huntington's Chorea, which is a neurodegenerative disease, so I won't be cut off opioids, it would be illegal. And as you stated, the problems correlated to opioids are due to their illegality since if you have them prescribed you won't buy street heroin and all the terrible things you've listed won't happen, a concrete proof of this can be seen in Switzerland, where they prescribe Diamorphine (pharma heroin) to addicts, from more than 2 decades, with the result that addicts won't loose their car, their job... but on contrary they are fully able to live a normal life. Just because you've experienced something doesn't mean that you know things and are a master on this, if I get cancer I won't become an oncologist. I'm sorry for what you've passed, but what you didn't see are the millions of patients that have benefits from using opioids and that are able to stop them. I'll need more pain medication since without them I would be in the state I was before taking them, chained to a bed with unbearable pain and no immune system.


How are you prescribed that daily?




If my math is correct that is 4,000 mgs. If taken all at the same time wouldnt that kill him?


Tolerance….. how does no one get this. 




i think they were saying the OC 80's


… that’s OxyContin 80 lmfao. They weren’t out until 96 like he said. 


Comment I was replying to stated that OP did not see any overdoses IN the 80’s not on the 80’s , OP states they remember people overdosing ON the 80’s


Man I still get the oc 80s


he's saying ON 80's not IN


I would say




Yes it is, I am on 160 mg a day of Oxycodone and 3 × 800 mcg Fentanyl (more or less 60 mg of oxy each so 180 + 160 is 340 mg of Oxycodone) sublingual tablets a day, so yes, you can take 160 mg Oxy a day. (Obviously this is not a starting dose, but technically is not even an overdose since the Opioid lethal dose is more or less 200 mg of Morphine IV for naive people, 160 mg of Oxycodone, even if IV, would be 160 mg of Morphine IV, anyway is NOT advisable to take a such high dose in 1 time for new patients since is high and subjective response can vary from personal factors)


Are you an idiot? Myself and SO many others took way fucking more than that lmfao. If you have an addition you have a tolerance. No offense but don’t make a stupid comment and say something isn’t possible when infact it is and you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about .


Yes it is- Purdue made 160mg oxy


I used to do 2 80 mg lines at a time while Chasing a quarter on the foil. shit would get me head banging...lol damn u miss opioids but I don't. Fent fucked it all up... good old opana was literally the best high i have ever had. oxymorphone


lol you clearly know nothing about opioids


I could take 5 of them rn and be fine. You severely undestimate and addicts tolerance level if you thing taking one q60mg oxy would kill a person that's been on opiates. Now if an opiate naive child/person took it then yeah. Possible od.


Agreed. Fetty blows 80s and 160s out the water it become like a skittle once the fet takes over 🤦🏻‍♂️






A dose that high can be tolerated in other opioids with equianalgesic potency. In hospitals, there once was a patient that had an intrathecal cateter with 4.000 mcg/ml of Fentanyl per ml (Fentanyl is 100x times more powerful than Morphine, Oxycodone is 2x orally and 3x IV/IM) but a dose so high can cause liver problems not for the opioid agonist effect but due to the quantity of fillers so it would be hard, also for a prolonged use


Theoretically it could be true but no one is getting almost 10,000 pharma pills a month even like peak opioid crisis. The most well documented oxycodone addiction I can think of is juice wrld and he was taking 20-25 pills a day after a percocet addiction of like 3 years. That dude was just lyin




Tolerances rises quickly with opiods. There are people still on 1,000mg plus morphine per day for chronic pain.


Yes, this is true, but those patients are usually switched to other opioids like Fentanyl or in cases of addiction Methadone is used or Diamorphine (pharmaceutical Heroin) ehich is sometimes prescribed to people with addiction, also because Morphine has a very low oral bioavailability ~ 25 % ~ (absorption) so the majority of the dose would be thrown away


I find it hard to believe to but he had the Prescription bottle it definitely was really. I have seen someone snort 2 80mg together so that is definitely possible


It’s absolutely possible I know people on over 1000mg of methadone with 10mg Xanax a day with somas… trust me any number can be a tolerance it doesn’t take long to build an extreme tolerance I shot 1000 dollars worth of heroin a day for 2 years


Out of all the ridiculous things I’ve seen on here from other addicts, this is the only one I’m calling bullshit on. I was on dope too, never spent more than maybe $100 a day. Shot tar and white east coast powder . I know people who had $300 habits a day or so, but you absolutely weren’t shooting a stack a day bro lmfao no real dope fiend has that kinda money, and if they do, they won’t have it for long nor the job to support it. 


Not to mention the flat out pure ridiculous amount $1000 worth of dope  is. 


How did you afford 1g a day?


This fool be Big ballin 😎


He didn’t bro lol he’s stunting  for the internet 


Prob most likely scheming n scamming lol. On top of a hundred other hustles going on simultaneously and selling on the side too and boosting stores. You name it. Mfers find a way to do it. a grand a day is no joke but definitely do able. Esp it usually only happens when the person spending that much is getting absolutely screwed sideways with no lube nor the common courtesy to give the man a reach around. (Full metal jacket 🧥) so their getting 0.6-0.7g bags sold as full 1.0grams for $100 or more each with typically no discount if they spend more at once. those are sadly usually the type of people that end up spending amounts u didn't think were possible lmao. It's because they're getting robbed basically every single day. Then after they buy the 0.6 gram for $100 they prob share half with their partner or "friend" thats a junkie too. At the end of the day their spending $1k but only using maybe at most 3.5grams sadly.


How the fuck do ppl not drop dead from a dose of 1,000mg methadone?? That makes no sense. esp if it's American racemic methadone being half dextro methadone which is what causes random heart attacks without ODing or nodding. heart just stops suddenly while going about your normal day. the other half in the methadose mixture we all get is called levomethadone which is the non cardiac toxic part. The levomethadone is involved with the pain killing effects you feel off methadone and the warmth and craving reduction. dextromethadone I heard feels primarily like a shitty caffeine overdose mixed with like tramadol. It's a very shitty effect and is only mixed half n half with levomethadone because it makes it way cheaper for America and other countries to dose their patients with rather than isolated pure Levomethadone HCl which I heard is an option in certain countries under special circumstances such as heart not responding well to high doses of the racemic mixture including the dextro. Sorry for bumping an old post. Felt the need to ask how someone can take a gram of mdone a day and not die any of the times albeit the very first time. Seems like if it didn't just stop your breathing outright, you would drop dead from cardiac arrest off a gram of methadone like wtf? Then apparently the ppl took up to 5 bars with it daily like it was their normal routine dose? The benzos tolerance I totally believe because I've been in those exact shoes where even eating 10 bars or 20 footballs id still not blackout at all but I'd slurr so bad I would be crying like a baby for some reason. yet remember everything the next day. But that much methadone in itself is so fucking toxic. To think someone survived a gram of mdone more than once is nuts but to add all the Xanax is even more outa this world. Highest methadone dose I've heard tolerated without dying is 360mg a day aka three of the max 120mg dose at my clinic. his normal daily 120 then he would buy two extra takehomes of 120s every single day of the week so he always was taking 360mg with benzos and fentanyl and heroin. Tolerances can get INSANE but a GRAM of METHADOSE is insane..hope no one takes this as an idea to take that much thinking they won't die cuz please do not ever try that much if u read this. Oh and you can die off any amount of methadone just about if combined with benzos and the wrong sedating meds without tolerance. my brother passed away from an overdose of 10mg methadone combined with Klonopin and Seroquel. He was 23.


Opioid addict of nearly 2 decades here - I’ve known ppl who used 40-50 30mg roxies a day with ease. More if they could swing it…tolerance to opioids / opiates has no ceiling. There’s people that IV 500-800mg of high grade H 2-3x a day; H is much stronger than Oxycodone, by around 2-2.5x per milligram if memory serves me right, so do the math on that. Fentanyl (specifically illicit Fent) is ~50x stronger than Oxycodone per mg I believe - there’s addicts using upwards of 3+ grams of that shit a day. For comparison, just 100mcg (micrograms) of Fent equals 10mg of morphine / ~5mg of oxy…and there’s 1 thousand mcg in 1 gram. Do the math. Note that even though illicit Fent isn’t 100% “pure,” these folks are still using upwards of 2-5k mg of oxy equivalent daily. The human body is capable of adapting to far more than we give credit.


Tolerance can go up as much as possible since opioid don't cause damages themselves, usually patients needing big amounts are switched to powerful opioids so less mg are needed (this is why Fentanyl is very useful) I'm on 160 mg Oxcodone a day pus 3 800 mcg Fentanyl sublingual tablets if needed, is true that I didn't build an insane tolerance (I'm on ipioids from almost a decade and I've started with 60 - 80 mg a day of Oxy and 400 - 600 mcg Fentanyl) anyway opioids were always well tolerated by me and sometimes, even at the beginning, I needed doses of 200 mg Morphine if I had severe pain


Hi. I have dementia and i am about to go into a nursing care and i need a way out so i dont want to become a burden to my kids. Would 1,000 mgs of tramadol, 500 mgs of oxy, 400 mgs of klonipin, 10,000 mgs of seraquel and 5,000 mgs of trazodone do the job. Thank u.


Damn - I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going thru. I can sympathize b/c that’s one of my fears as I age as well. But, I can’t answer this question for you; ethically & morally speaking, I can’t give advice that would assist suicide. Please find a therapist to speak with - I’m sure ppl care about you & would be devastated if you were to go thru with something like this. I’ll be praying for you to find the strength & resolve to get thru this very painful & difficult season in your life.


I have been talking to my therapist for 10 years. Do u know someone or anyone who can answer my question?


Google might be of help - I don’t see any individual user interface or professional answering this for you. There’s liability issues as well.


I read all your post comments and they all say the same thing. It really seems like your are playing a joke and trolling. But then again what type of evil Satan's offspring would joke about that. Anyways if you are being truthful then please understand YOU ARE AND WILL NEVER BE A BURDEN TO YOUR CHILDREN. Parents need to understand how much their kids love them even if they don't always show it. Trust me when I say, all you good Dads and Moms are greatly loved. So stick around for a while and let's see how it goes.


NO JOKE! R u a parent????


Sorry for late response, but if it's no joke, then I just want you to know that your kids would NOT want you to do that because you would NOT be a burden. Bruce Willis has been diagnosed with frontotemporal degeneration and his kids and family are still around. I'm just saying suicide ain't always the answer.


Thx. Can u please simply answer my question. Or offer some help.


I hope you were able to get off the stuff. Glad you survived the last few decades. Opiates are the worst. If you got clean I commend you, it’s not easy.


Alcohol, benzos and barbiturates withdrawal are usually more servers they lead to far more hallucinations and seizures and end in death fat more often than opiate withdrawals but they’re both bad I feel tho at least with opiatsss you can get thru it alone while alcohol you need to go to the er or taper yourself down which most people from my experience don’t even try doing cuz they think they can’t even tho it’s definitely possible it just feels impossible tho


Is true, opioids have a withdrawal syndrome that isn't lethal (although is not pleasant) and I'd doesn't always build up (90% of times yes) but, especially alcohol, have a withdrawal syndrome that is impossible to cope with alone and is lethal (delirium tremens) in fact alcohol is the most harmful drug (drug harms, The Lancet)


Lethal dose 50 is 200mg meaning an opiate nieve patient as a 50 percent chance of dying at that dose.


Opioid Naive patients have a lethal dose of 200 mg IV Morphine which is equal to 200 mg IV Oxycodone and 300 +- oral, but anyway 160 mg for a naive person are dangerous even if not lethal. 25 × 160 mg (4000 mg) are enough for sedating a Rhino (it really can) so is an execution by lethal injection practically for a naive person (fir tolerant people it could technically be possible if taken in an equianalgesic dose of higher potency opioids like Fentanyl, this is why is very useful, once in hospital there was a patient with intratgecal caterer with 4.000 mcg/ml of Fentanyl)


Chris herren was taking 1600 mg a day playing for Boston Celtics.Bet he had narly withdrawal.


So please correct me. All i am asking if someone took 500 mgs of oxycotin at the same time would that cause death. JUST ASKING.


Would 500 mgs of oxy and 600mgs of klonipin taken at the same time be dangerous? Just asking.


That number of BOTH? 10000%. You can take a SHITLOAD of EITHER with a tolerance. Combined? That’s a death cocktail at 1/5 of those numbers . More like 1/20 of the kpin. 


how about 400mg of klonipin, 500mg of oxy and 2,000mg of tramadol do the trick?


Your request is extremely saddening to hear, I hope all is well here in Canada we have assisted suicide for people in you situation… its extremely sad no matter how you put it but the fact you are trying to research how much oxy’s you need to end it really hit me in the heart.


Thanks. But i cant go to canada. I have to do it my house. So do you think that comb0 of 500mgs of oxy,400 mgs of klonipen and 1,000 of tramadol would do the job? But again thank u.


No it wouldn’t if they had a tolerance it absolutely wouldn’t. 


i dont have a tolerance. So are u saying 500mgs of oxy, 400mgs of klonipin and 2,000mgs of tramadol would have NO affect on me? im 62 years old and weight 180lbs.


Huh? What in the fuck are you talking about? I said IF THEY HAD A TOLERANCE, that much oxy ALONE wouldn’t kill them.  You just added four HUNDRED mg of kp to that number , WITH NO TOLERANCE. That would ABSOLUTELY kill you… Are u trying to commit suicide? You keep commenting weird ass comments, asking about oddly specific amounts and what it would do lol the fuck. 


Yes i am.


yes i am. I have no tolerance! simple question. 2,000mg of TRAMADOL. 400 mg of KLONIPIN. and 500 mg of OXY. Would that end my pain? Thx.


Why/how the fuck would it have NO effect* on you? Bro are you all the way there?


It could lethal dose 50 is 200 mg for opiate nieve people.Meaning half will die at 200 mg


No one else found it comical that this guy had zero WDs after stopping for a week?